Am I the only one who has done this?

My baby fell off of a couch when she was 4 days old thank God we had very soft carpet. Don’t bear yourself up too much.

I meant. Don’t beat yourself up.

My daughter rolled off my bed once onto hardwood floor. She was roughly 7 months. She’s now two and perfectly fine. Accidents happen mama, it doesn’t make you a bad mother at all.

Most babies roll, scoot, slide or bounce off something. It happens and it’s hard to prevent.

Welcome to motherhood!!! It happens to the best of us!!! My ex laid our daughter in the bed with me when she was about 7 months old and never woke me to tell me. He left the room to shower and she rolled right off the bed on the hard wood floor! She screamed her little head off and I cried right along with her! But it happens!!! Youre a good mom because you care and feel bad :orange_heart:


My son jumped on the bed when I went to the bathroom and got tangled in the blanket then hit his face on the headboard. Black eye for the win. Results= constant stares and evil glares. It happens.

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Oh no!! Don’t beat yourself up! It happens! And it happens often! Your not a bad mother. Its okay to feel very upset when my son fell when he was younger, I cried to hard and felt guilty for days! It’s perfectly okay to feel guilty. But it is in NO WAY your fault! It happens to all mothers!!! :heart: keep your head up, it’ll be okay :heart:

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The fact that you feel awful is a sign that you are a good mom so cut yourself some slack. 2 out of 3 of my kids have rolled/slithered off of something and they are now 30, 14, and 13 and pretty ok people :grin: Make sure you keep an eye out for a lump or odd behaviour, check on baby through the night. If you have any doubts of baby’s wellness go ahead and have the paramedics come out and give an assessment; better than going to e.r. with all the germs. Most of all, cut yourself some slack.


It happens, do not beat yourself up, over it.

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:raising_hand_woman: my youngest rolled right off my bed into the laundry basket sitting on the floor next to it… she was fine and the look on her face when i picked her up…:sweat_smile:lol

Both of mine did it and they are just fine! It’s just part of it, I think all kids do it and all parents feel awful but no worries :slightly_smiling_face:

I did it too with all 3 of mine. It happens. Don’t beat yourself up. :slightly_smiling_face:

When my daughter was 9 months old I co slept with her and while I was sleeping she climbed over top of me and flipped off the bed onto the hard floor. I felt so guilty. She’s a happy healthy 4 year old now. Don’t sweat it mama!

Is it even a real baby until they’ve fallen off a bed/sofa? They’re bouncy. It takes a split second. It’s like a baby’s right of passage.

It sucks and we feel awful, but it happens. Go easy on yourself, mama. x


Girl, please do NOT let anyone let you feel bad. As long as she is ok, that’s all that matters. This has happened to every single person I have ever known that has kids (and that’s a lot). ALL BABIES AND KIDS FALL.

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Nope. They are quick.

My baby has rolled off the bed. . .a lot. She’s 2 now and flips off the bed🤦‍♀️

It happens to all of us

Anyone who hasn’t made mistakes like that are only in denial. Lol. Its okay mama bear.

It happens to everybody I was 15 when I got pregnant and married and we were working at a chicken house and they were letting us stay in the barn for the bathroom and a bed to be in and that concrete floor my son was 6 months old I think somewhere in there he rolled off of the bed and when I got up and grabbed him he had a big red circle on his forehead he got better and was just fine it just happens to everybody nobody can be perfect with their child

Babies right of passage. But mine fell out of the swing oldest sister 1 yr older unbuckled her. Baby was completely fine.


No you’re not the only one. I did that with my second baby and me and my poor older son both cried longer than the baby cried from the fall. :sob: I was crying bc I felt guilty about the baby and about my older one crying bc he felt so bad like it was his fault bc it was his bed and it was a high bed at that :weary: he is 3 now and totally normal little smarty pants toddler.

Won’t be the first and definitely not the last mama

My first fell off the bed when he started to learn to roll over. And crawl. And things like that. It happens. He was fine. A lot of babies fall off the bed. Trip. Etc. It’s a stage were they are experiencing. But at the end they are fine. He’s 4 now.
Now my nephew who is 1. Falls. Etc. I try not to laugh. I know it’s bad. But hey. What can I say. They memories that you will one day tell them. And will laugh with you.

All 5 of mine have at one point fallen off the bed

It happened with both of mine. Don’t feel bad. I promise other things will happen along the way too no matter how careful you are. You’re doing a great job momma! :heart:

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Don’t beat yourself up to bad. It happens soooo much more than people realize.

I thought they all had to roll off the couch, bed, or whatever before they turned one or it was bad luck. All 3 of mine rolled off something and they’re grown now

Certainly happened to me, I felt horrible as long as the baby is alive and everything is normal, don’t stress! Take your baby to the doctors if you feel really stressed

My kids fell off at least once. Give yourself a break, accidents happen.

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I was a perfect mom with my first two they never fell off the bed… my last is only 7 months and has fallen off twice… guess I’m not so perfect lol :rofl::woman_shrugging:
She’s alright and that’s what matters

Its almost a parenting rite of passage for this to happen so dont feel bad :slightly_smiling_face: you just leveled up in the game of parenting is all!

According to the responses, this is normal. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

My son was looking after his sister when he was about 12 and she rolled off the bed! No permanent damage. I do however pay him out about it when I can :rofl::rofl:

There is an old Indian saying that if your baby does not fall off the bed by one you will have bad luck. Lol I think it’s an old wives tale so moms wouldn’t feel bad that there babies fell off the bed :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

Happens. My big sis Muna Sheekh Maxamud always tells me not to leave baby on the big bed.

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Mine bounced his way off the bed!

Happened to the best of us. :purple_heart:

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No hun,accidents happen.Dont be hard on yourself xx


Unfortunately, both my babies took tumbles at one point or another. She’s fine, momma. Don’t be so hard on yourself, and don’t let anyone ever make you feel like less of a mother because of mistakes. Lessons are learned throughout parenthood and that’s okay.

Your only human both of my kids have fallen off a bed at some point :shushing_face:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: not a bad mum at all… it’s a rite of passage for mum & bubs​:grin:

No ma’am. My daughter rolled off the couch and whacked her head on the coffee table. It swelled up around the actual spot that took the hit. Like a donut! I thought her head was caved in.

Years ago, I was taking pics of my 4-month-old on the picnic table with his 7-year-old cousin standing behind and holding him. At the end of the “photo session,” not realizing he shouldn’t, our young cousin stepped away. Yelling, in slow motion, we all watched my baby roll off the table and land on his big noggin on the pebbled patio. Today, my son is a doctor, and his cousin is still taking the credit!


Accidents happen. Babies fall. Moms feel guilty . Its world wide and happens every minute of the day.
Babies bounce ive found over the years. Pick them up, give them a quick hug , move on :woman_shrugging:
Dont ever let anyone make you feel guilty because you can bet the same thing happened to them in the past

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I the only one who has done this? - Mamas Uncut

My oldest rolled off the best at 2 months. My youngest crawled off the bed at 6 months. Both are fine and perfectly healthy. And both those times were a complete accident like I’m sure it was for you and that’s all you need to remind yourself, that it was an accident and accidents happen.

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No…happened to me…fell asleep …daughter rolled off me…
Single mom exhaustion…
I beat myself up …took.her to the doctor, etc etc…you’re not a terrible mother…relax.

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If you’re a parent or caregiver and say you’ve NEVER had a baby roll or fall off a bed or couch, you’re straight up lying.


Omg mine had fallen off the bed when she was a baby. She fell on a printer that was next to the bed. These things happen.

Babies roll off things sometimes, it happens. Your not a bad mom!!!

Everybody who is truthful has let a kid roll off of something.

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My oldest fell off the change table and I had literally just turned my back for 2 secs. It makes you feel like crap in the moment but trust me we’ve all been there at least once. It’s one of the perks of parenting lol

Nope! My son fell off the couch when I reached for something. He’s now in gifted classes! Forgive yourself mama! She’ll be fine!

I think all of mine rolled of a couch or bed at least once.

Actually, quite common! Majority of parents have at least one incident in one way or another. Does not make you stupid or a bad mom, it makes you human!

Every kid rolls of the bed at least once.

Can’t change what already happened so no reason to beat yourself up over it. All that matters is that she’s ok and the fact that you’re feeling all the guilt says that you’re a good mother.

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No, you are not. Hugs for you.

It happens to every mama and every kid :heart::heart:

We’ve all been there. Don’t feel guilty


It happens to everyone ! No worries

yep found out floor or play pen best.

It happens…. Do not burden yourself with guilt, move on. Be grateful for the good things.:kissing_heart:

You are definitely not alone! Don’t beat yourself up about it. If it makes you feel any better my oldest toppled a dresser onto herself when she was 9 months old. Landed right on her head, she’s crawling around afterwards like nothing happened while I’m dying. Trip in a helicopter and a CT scan at the hospital. She was perfectly fine thank goodness!!! I felt like crap for a long time after that. She’s 21 now and a supervisor at her job…….exceptionally smart and kind hearted woman. Just breathe Momma, you’ll both be just fine.

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You’re not. My baby rolled off my arms when I was breast feeding him because I was so tired. It happens momma :heart:

Babies roll long as she’s ok just learn from the experience

Babies always roll when we are not looking .you are not a bad mom
It’s happened to all of us .

I’m pretty sure so many wont admit it but it’s happened ur not a bad mother …we learn thru process of becoming a Momma…ur not the 1st n not the last


I think just about every child has rolled off of a bed, sofa, what ever. As perfect as you try, no one is prefect… do not beat yourself up any more than you have.


Nope happens to most of us!

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My son jumped out of his bassinet when he was younger. I felt horrible too, but he’s completely fine. Don’t beat yourself up

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My baby rolled off at like 8 months while I was folding laundry. I felt like a pos mother. It happens Momma! You’re amazing-don’t let this get to you! :star_struck:

My son rolled off the couch at 5 months. It happens. He had a bloody nose and needed X-rays. I felt awful and of course, someone always knows how to raise your kids better than you. :roll_eyes: He’s 20 now. And happy. And healthy. And a computer genius. You’re doing great. Tell them to go to heck. :heart:

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My son turns 12 in February. He used the comforter as a slide when he was under 1…he’s just fine and is smart as can be. Don’t stress.

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It happened to me too. Don’t feel bad. Your daughter is ok that’s all that matters.

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Definitely not the only one it’s happened to.

My baby did that a few times, even when I was watching her, she’d be too quick sometimes and roll off within a second, nothing to feel bad over! I’ve yet to meet someone who hasn’t had that happen to them!

Nope. Happened to me with both kids.

My daughter rolled off the couch once. It’s happened to most of us sweetie…it’s okay!

Definitely not, happens more than I’d like to admit

It definitely happens to everyone you are not alone or a horrible mom

My son flipped over the arm of the couch hitting his face on the end table then falling head first onto the floor. I cried way harder than him. Took him to ER and he was completely fine except swollen nose. God looks out for our Littles, he knows they are going to fall. :heart: Give yourself grace and just rest in knowing she is ok. You got this mama. :wink:


Mine was a premie. I dumped a laundry basket on my couch . My baby was swaddled and sleeping on the other end. The phone rang so I walked 3 foot to grab it and in my rush to never leave my baby alone I accidentally sat on him! ( not full weight sat on him but enough to count) ill never forget how bad I felt. Your doing fine, good parents aren’t cookie cutters. Everyone is different


My son who is 11 months just did this and I was sitting right next to him it happened so fast it doesn’t make u a bad mother stuff happens

Tell the guilt trippers to shove it.
If Baby’s Fine,then BABY IS FINE.

If everyone was honest there are probably very few babies who have NEVER made that trip :roll_eyes:


Of course you’re not the only one. I’m positive that it’s happened millions of times, over centuries. I assume baby is fine, so chalk it up to a good learning experience. Bet it never happens again to you. Ps, I’ve been careless for a second and yes, it happened to me, too.

Lord no…Its happen to all of us at one time or another…don’t feel guilty it happens…


My kids always rolled off the bed :woman_facepalming:t2:
My last daughter used to be a horrible sleeper and if I didn’t keep my legs underneath her and move her back up she would roll off the foot of the bed :woman_facepalming:t2:

Nope. It happened to me too,

You’d be surprised how many newborns fall out of mom’s hospital bed when they’re born!

Shake it off momma. It happens! :purple_heart:

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Nobody can count the TIMES that has happened you don’t WANT IT TO HAPPEN But it does happen. Accidents happen
Don’t let anyone GUILT you INTO believing their STUPIDITY is right. I’ve RAISED 5 great CHILDREN.


Nope I’ve done it pretty sure it happens to everyone at least once

Nope.every Mother has accident. I let my two month old on the bed ,went to get her bottle and my two year old tried to pick her up but she landed on the floor

Happened to me he was eight months old just fine no injury he’s a grown man now

Women in days gone by said “ If your baby doesn’t fall off the bed before they’re a year old, you won’t raise them .” Of course it isn’t the truth it’s just a common issue.

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Girl my personal record was clean with my 1st until I had twins. My oldest was with a sitter and my husband when she fell off the bed and off the couches. My twins have jumped out of my arms landing straight on top of their heads, fallen off couches and so fourth. It happens. Ur not a bad mom u can’t prevent everything.

I’m pretty sure it has happened to most of us for people that judge they lying happened to them too no one is perfect…

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First time I rolled over, I fell off the bed. My infant rolled off the bed and hit his tooth. It happens fast and I think there aren’t many babies or toddlers that hasn’t rolled off furniture or fell down the steps. Hard not to feel guilty. But that’s okay