Am I weird to think that my husbands cousin wants him?

My husband/children’s father (27) has this female cousin(20). she named her baby after my husband instead of the baby’s dad? she stole my wedding ideas, so we ended up eloping. She stole my house decor ideas and copied them. She texts my husband over a minor inconvenience in her life and has even texted him about her (lack) of sex from her fiancé. one time, her fiancé got in a fight with her and her son, but she called my husband and asked that I not come to help her because she didn’t know me like that? So my husband ended up not going at all because it weirded me out. When I went through 2 miscarriages, she lied and said she was pregnant, causing me to be very upset. She got a big breed dog like what we have (she couldn’t afford our actual breed) and named him similar to our dogs name. she tried to steal our baby’s name. I just planned our son’s birthday party and sent my invites out a week later. She sends hers out for her son; she made his party a day before ours but only sent the invite to my husband? This has been ongoing for four years now. When I told my husband I think she wants to be w him or she’s jealous; he told me I was gross for thinking that. but man, I just have this gut feeling….am I weird, or does she want my men? Like why is it always a competition for his attention? What do I even do?


A little odd…but I have heard of it

This is a lot to unpack :flushed: Based on what you say, I think it’s possible. She could just want the attention.
Are she and your husband close? Like they grew up close together? Is it more of a sibling bond? Is she actual blood?


You stop feeding into it?
Names are names so I wouldn’t even think twice about that. 600999 people have the same name.
Have you talked to your husband?

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Stop giving her ideas, focus on your life


Nah that shit real… you’re absolutely right :woman_shrugging:t2:, I been with my bd 4 years and when we first got together his female cousin DID THE FUCKIN MOST TO BREAK US UP LMAOOO. Like she was really jealous and I was like does she really wanna fuck you bro :rofl::rofl:. We literally had to cut ties cause the bitch was WEIRD.

I don’t know if it’s so much them wanting your husband as it is, she’s jealous of you and him. What you have together, maybe this is what she wants her life to be like so she’s copying everything!


Why don’t YOU talk to HER?
Thats his cousin, it’s weird you’re jealous and assume that to resolution.
She just might be jealous of your life, and jealous she can’t have a man like you cousin?
That could be her bff, and she’s jealous, so she makes the inconvenience significant.
You’re taking the wrong approach. She sounds like a narcissist, not a weird pervert.
I dunno, I used to be close to my cousin like he was my best friend and brother.
Never like anything about family, I helped him find the woman he wants marry, which is my ex best friend.
She didn’t like how close we were and now we never talk.
We went through everything together, and 2 years apart.
How fucking weird is it I cannot talk to my cousin, cause his girlfriend doesn’t like it.

Doesn’t that not make sense?
Thats what you’re portraying.
Just be flattered and move on if you’re not going to comfort her and build false stories in your head.

I think the situation is odd. If it wasn’t all of that and talking about sex it wouldn’t be so weird if theyre were just close but thats too much. I would definitely talk to your husband and tell him how you feel and tell him to talk to her about boundaries even if its just jealousy you shouldn’t have to keep dealing with feeling that way


This gives me Single White Female vibes. Holy god… stay clear of her, stop sharing your ideas. Don’t allow her in your home or your personal space. Sounds like she is jealous of your life you have created. Set boundaries with her and express your fears with your husband


I mean I usually trust my gut feelings because at least 95% of the time I’m right. And then I feel dumb when I dont follow my gut because I could’ve and chose to give the benefit of the doubt and it ended up being what I thought it was. So idk girl. Do what you gotta do. Say what you need to say. :woman_shrugging:


My hubbys cousin was lilw this to. I packed our house up amd we moved 30ish miles away and cut all contact with his family. I thought i was crazy hubby thought I waa crazy until he actually opened his eyes and paid attention to how she was with him compared to everyone else. ,it does happens. I would talk to him more. I understand some cousins are closebim close to 1 of mine but not like this.


Here’s what you do: next time you’re around her talk about getting a really ugly haircut (show pictures) and say something along the lines of “my husband saw it in a magazine or whatever and he really liked it and has been begging me to get it. I’m unsure about it but I’ll probably get it. I have a hair appointment next week.” Then if she gets that haircut then number 1: you know. And number 2: now she has a really ugly haircut that you never intended to get in the first place.


I feel like this happens too much with any and everyone, family, friends even strangers sometimes… I think maybe she doesn’t like you so she is doing her best to piss you off maybe? Sounds like she don’t like you cause she’s jealous of you for some reason or has a reason to not like you ? Either way I’d stop fucking with her, I honestly would stop inviting her to stuff and stop letting her in on your life​:woman_shrugging:t2: tell your husband how you feel and see what he says, he doesn’t have to be as distant as you with her but he also doesn’t have to be overly involved with her either especially if she’s causing issues with y’all or you. People are so weird now and days, and can’t think for themselves so they usually tend to follow behind others trying to do the same thing for some odd reason​:woman_facepalming:t2::joy: also can look at it as a compliment cause it sounds like your livin the life shes like to be!:joy:

Never know. I know of a man who slept with his cousin while they were drunk. She tried to make his current wife and his life a nightmare, and then the truth came out about what really happened. I think you should always trust your gut. Personally I would have your husband and you cut her out of your lives completely, because either something happened between them and they’re not going to admit it, or that girl is jealous of you both… and having a jealous woman around your marriage will cause problems one way or another for sure.


It’s you. Something you have; your aura. I’d have agreed with wanting your man, but she’s done stuff directly to you in addition to ‘flirting’ with your man. Could be jealousy or SWF psychosis. Either way, steer clear.


Cut all ties. There is something more to it they aren’t saying. Blood cousins? Stay clear and don’t speak to get about anything you do. She is seeing attention and jealous of what you guys have or there was something there before


She sounds like a creep. I think I would have to remove her from my life, and stop inviting her to anything.


The obsession may actually be over you and not him. She may be trying to imitate you and your life. You and your husband should stay clear of her. She sounds like she’s got a few screws missing and there’s no telling what those type of people are capable of.


She sounds creepy. Your husband need to take his role immediately and stop the whole thing NOW

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Eliminate her from your life and tell him it’s happening. He can block her…just saying

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Put her on watch list your husband is smart he seems to keep his distance at all times for his own safety!


Get away from female far far away stop entertaining her by telling her anything.


They having an affair. She has too much power in his life just for a cousin :flushed::flushed::flushed:


That’s a bit much. I’d be pissed


I’m not trying to make things worse for you but what if something happened between her and your husband? I’ve read many stories of cousins sleeping with each other. Maybe it happened when they were younger or recently. If she’s just obsessed with him and nothing has happened then I still think you need to have your hubby cut her off from himself and your family.


Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it’s a duck. Make her go away.


Pack up and run. This is not okay. Stay away from her

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Um yeah. I’ve dealt with a similar situation like this before. And I see it all the time. Siblings and cousins, even parents wish they weren’t related because they’re so madly in love with each other.


She could be jealous of your marriage.


Tell him that and that she makes you uncomfortable doing that. Ask him to put more distance there and don’t tell her anything or involve her in anything that isn’t a big family related event. She sounds like she’s obsessed with him and also you and him.


From what you’ve said, it sounds like you should definitely NOT ignore your gut feeling…sounds as though she has a mental health problem…


You should not have to do a damn thing… your husband needs to man up.

Sure sounds like it… believe your gut feeling s!


Sounds almost like Borderline Personality Disorder and she’s “mirroring”. It’s far from “normal” behavior. I’d slowly start getting your family away from her just to be safe. Creepy and scary


Sounds more like she doesn’t really like you


Oh ya she creepy…he has blinders on…she definitely jealous of u


My husband has a cousin that is obsessed with him too, we cut her out of our lives however your case is more severe than ours, sounds like they may have been “kissing cousins” at one point.
My sister is dating our much older cousin (we never knew him growing up) they live together and even have a child together. If it doesn’t feel right, go with your gut instinct.


Yeah something’s definitely off. I think she’s jealous of you and your life. Ya’ll need to stay away from her and live your best life😁


She’s 20. She sounds like she emulates you and really needs a role model.

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She has issues but your husband doesn’t see it


Tell him to choose. You or his cousin!


I think it’s a competition with you not that she wants your husband

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I think she’s jealous


That is kinda weird that she would act like that I’d be upset too


Are you sure they are “cousins”??? Like blood lol


Have u thought about having a talk with her?!..u would have a better idea about what’s going on…:thinking:

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Your gut feeling is absolutely correct.dont argue about this topic wid ur husband instead when ur husband meets the cousin always be with him and make her feel u r his wife n she is just only a cousin.otherway ignore her n make other plans wherever ur husband is going to see her.Say her directly mind her own business n talk to her face to face dont make ur husband involve.Just be happy with ur family n that will kill her.


She sounds really strange :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but i think shes just jealous of you too and wants to compete. I have a friend who is the same shes lied about being pregnant when im pregnant, decorates house within days of me doing mine copying colours, etc even copies statuses etc that i put up its strange but i just let her get on with it lol.


Just wanted to bring some humor to this…bc it sure sounds like she thinks there might be something there. Maybe you need to have a talk with her and tell her they are blood related and it is gross?

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They make shows about that stuff

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Your institution is definitely what you think it is. My sister has dealt with the same crap from her husband’s cousin.

Sounds like she’s jealous, but I’d be creeped out and disturbed! It’s definitely gross, your gut feeling seems to right though because why else would she go to that extent to do everything u do and why does she keeps contacting your husband and telling him about her lack of sex seriously???


My ex’s cousin legit wanted him. She would sit in his lap and do the same thing about texting. He even told me that she made out with him in his sleep once and told him about it the next day. It’s out there but not impossible lol


Stop telling her what your doing so she can’t copy, try and put a barrier, your husband should tell her your a family and come as one or not at all


Creepy! Sorry you have to deal w this psycho broad

Follow your gut! Be prepared…get rid of her and sooner the better

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Sounds like your husband needs to cut her off. Even if she is not romantically interest, she definitely has some weird attachment issues with him.


I don’t think she wants him but she may be trying to copy you because she wants to have what you have sometimes people tend to copy the ones they look up to or envy give it no attention and it will die out she’s the one having to keep up with you guys not you


I’m willing to admit back in the day I had a crush on one of my cousins but I was like 9-11 lol. At and age that it really didn’t matter bc (too young) but I believe this woman is jealous and envy’s what you guys have. I do however still have feeling for a different cousin but my uncle and his mom never married. We’ve spread through life going separate ways and yet when I see him I still have those feelings but if he’s with someone I don’t believe I could ever take it that far bc that wouldn’t be crazy that would be down right insane. Okay

Sounds familiar to my situation, but it was his sister!! She was so jealous of me.

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It sounds like your husband might like the attention. If he didn’t he’d say something to.her and wouldn’t allow conversations like that with her. Nor would he go over to her house without you. Sounds creepy to me.


Girl, there has been something in the past for them!! and she is Not letting go of it!!!

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Go with your gut . Some people are weird and don’t care about being related :face_vomiting:
If u are uncomfortable with their relationship tell him to distance himself from her or set boundaries. Good luck :heart:


This is a lot weird… I say you find the baby’s brush and send it to get a dna just in case.


This has some The Hand That Rocks The Cradle vibes…I would definitely limit contact or sharing of information with her and if it kept going I would confront her about it

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This is just funny. Always 3 sides to a story, and I tend not to believe what every female writes about another one…


I feel less like she wants your husband, and more like she wants your life. Like I sense less sexual attraction to him and more like she wants the life he seems to provide. Very creepy, and super inappropriate on lots of levels.


Sounds like a lifetime movie.


Dude I’m in something similar situation right now. If you need to talk you can PM me. And yes my guy says I’m weird and gross for saying she might want him(everytime she wants to drink she calls him(knowing he is with me and is trying to quit drinking so much) or if she is with her sex buddy(who is also a friend of mine and my guys) she will call him cause she needs him to keep them company. She will tell him not to eat the food I cook and then turn around and try to cook for him(I am american and they are mexican) she has even interpreted our adult time cause she decided to down a fifth of JD after she seen we went to bed and she started a yelling match with her brother and called him down to take care of it.

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Not knowing any parties involved, and basing off my own experiences, could go either way. I talk to my cousin daily. Most times, multiple times a day, through text or phone call. Our relationship is unique and awesome. Shes my little sister. Im 30, shes 21. The age gap would make you a natural role model to her, his view, respect, and admiration of you would only strengthen her desire to emulate you, especially if there is a lack of female role models in her life. If he has been like a brother to her, and main stay in her support system, his attraction to you could make her feel like your what the best kind of man is looking for in a woman. Similar to how someones child watches the people their parents associate with. I send out 1 invite to my family members for occasions as well, with the unspoken bring your families unless stated other wise. My cousin and I talk about EVERYTHING. Kids, marriage, video games, reptiles, weddings, sex a couple times (nothing detailed but more of Im not getting what I want, how can I change this or communicate my needs) really just what evers relevant in our lives because we know its a safe place for us to do that and we support each other with real feed back. My wife sees my cousin as a vital part of my life and supports our relationship. My wife and cousin interact but they arent like best buds. They get along great and respect each other on most fronts. My cousins fiance loves me. He emulates alot of what I do. I find it flattering and my cousin thinks its cute lol. We’re all secure in our respective relationships and we all get along great.
I know in a previous relationship, Ive dealt with an over jealous spouse that looked way too deep into my relationships with my Mom, sister, cousins, aunts, friends and alot of these things your describing sound eerily similar to things she implied/got angry about. Every minor detail and conversation between myself and females in general, was duly noted over time and had to mean they wanted my bones or were obsessed/controlling with me. To say it was stressful and frustrating would be an understatement. Im not implying this is you, just an example of my own experience.
There are plenty of events and topics that family members request my presence with out my wife and vice versa. Were individuals with seperate family matters that dont always need concern the other. That doesn’t mean we dont communicate about it later, but in the moment, its not hers or mine to be apart of respectively. My family was mine before my marriage came to be, as was my wifes, and Its our place to be supportive of each others relationships and vice versa. That goes for our family as well. They support our marriage and a mutual respect exists. If that gets lost, than it is addressed asap. Compromise takes place in certain instances but we knew who was who prior to our getting married and we offer support/input as needed.
Some of what you describe sounds weird but it also sounds like you’ve built up quite the insecurity about it and could be looking too much into every detail. It could also be merrited. Im interested to hear your husbands side of the story and what his feelings are. Hard to judge a situation off 1 persons perspective. I hope you and your husband are able to find a way to make each other comfortable in this situation. Best of luck!!


I dated this guy who had a female cousin that tried to seduce him so girl its a thing :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, there’s something up there. Go with your gut.

I would keep communication with her at a minimum

Really weird, especially texting him about her lack of sex, that’s just a bit much.

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Stalker vibes for sure!

Your husband is right, it is gross. His cousin has a BIG problem in that she has inappropriate feelings towards him and she wants you completely and absolutely out of the picture. When my friends husband went thru this with his aunt who was just a couple years older than him, it was pure hell. They (my friend and husband) actually were on the verge of divorce because she was sick of it. The therapist told them the only way to stop the problem is to nip it in the bud. All her calls to my friends husband went to voice mail. If she truly had a.problem he called one of his older uncles (who was on to her) who would drive over to help solve the problem. If she sent my friend a call or text, it was 10o% ignored. She wrote them a letter, they marked to return to sender without opening took a couple of months but the chick finally caught on. Strange thing the rest of the family thought she was out of.control but didnt say anything to my friend and her husband because they did not want to start anything with the family. Go figure!

You’re not weird. She is acting weird and inappropriate.

She is unstable id talk to her parents regardless how old maybe you can show them the messages and get some back ground cause this sounds like a lifetime movie

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Always go with your gut. Imitation is the biggest form of flattery. She wants your life. Or to be you. Tell her to back off.

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I saw this same question on another FB page.

You’re paying her a lot of attention… just saying :thinking:


I mean go with your instincts I did when I found out my (now) ex husband was texting his cousins for nudes because in his mind they weren’t really related because they are second cousins


Better be careful- she’s gonna boil your bunny next :laughing:

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Find out if it’s his actual cousin.
Many dudes use that excuse to talk to someone saying it’s their cousin


I also think that she is jealous of you!!! And wants to be like you. And wants what you have, including your and your husband needs to stop her. She well not admit to this. And don’t be letting her know anything about your plans. Tell her the opposite of how, when, and where,and who.

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Maybe try being direct w/ her and ask her what TF her problem is?! But in front of your husband so she doesn’t try to twist anything around. Set some boundaries!


Perhaps she jealous of you

Definitely don’t give her any responsibilities and make sure your ideas stay secret! If your husband can’t keep these things a secret, don’t tell him. But if he can’t do that and can’t create boundaries with her, maybe you need to evaluate the relationship. She’s still another woman. And this is hella weird.


This is a weird question and I’m not trying to be offensive at all, but do you think something went on between them before? She sounds jealous of you.


She sounds jealous of you. I am not sure of hers or your situation. And I don’t know if she “wants” him but maybe she wants a man like him. If he provides for his family is a great dad and husband. Maybe she wants what you have and it trying to manifest it herself by stealing your ideas/attention?

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It could be that she idolise him and thinks highly of him in every way his opinion and input matter to her,I don’t think she wants him


That is weird af!!!

This is exactly how a episode of “SNAPPED” begins…


I’ve seen this on a tv show and it did not end well first for the wife than the cousin…
Actually your husband is letting this "thing " happen .he is not putting a stop to any of it so why should she .

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Y’all need to ghost her, that’s all over the top of all boundaries!


Sounds very wierd to me!! :thinking::thinking:


Sounds like a lifetime movie :joy:

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She’s jealous of you.

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Thats creepy AF.
I dont know how he could be oblivious to all that? I would tell him she is not welcome in your home period. If that pisses him off I would say you are just going to clear the air so yall can move on and call her out on her BS. You shouldn’t have to second guess yourself, especially with a family member. We all know when another women wants to pounce…