Am I weird to think that my husbands cousin wants him?

Not crazy. She just thinks you won’t check her.

Are you sure that’s his blood cousin? Lol sheesh that girl sounds like she badly wants to be you. It’s a little too much.


I don’t think she necessarily wants your man but I do know for sure that she idolises your life. I think you should just have a talk with your hubby and set some boundaries.

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She sounds like a bitter baby mama. Are you sure the baby she named after your husband isn’t his?


Or maybe that’s just family and she doesn’t see the need to go thru you??

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Honestly there’s a chance. I mean in utah it’s common for it to stay in the family. Straight up wouldn’t be fuckin surprised if this cousin was from there😂

Thats weird unless they have always been really really close like that

Cut her off block all contact


She probably like youu Lmaoo


Not sure that she wants him but there is definitely jealousy issues going on. For the people saying it’s just family I would say definitely not all families. That’s beyond being close. It’s super creepy.


Eek. That’s creepy. Definitely sounds like jealousy to me


Be very aware of what’s going on with your husband and his cousin don’t sound too healthy just don’t let her know that you are not as dumb as she thinks you are because something is not right and you have every reason to be suspicious hope I am wrong good luck. X


Just talk to the cousin. You will know by her reactions what’s up Sounds like she wants your life. Good luck.

To me sounds like she wants to be u. Like she’s jealous of something. I don’t like she wants him but I think she trying to be one better then u. I would watch my back around her. I dont trust her !


Kill her with kindness. Best way forward and then no one can say your where the horrible one.

Stop having contact. Tell your husband you dont like what is going on, it creeps you out to no ends… maybe even move away. Gotta have distance in this case. Dont tell her where youre moving or any other thing. If she asks give her false info since she does everytjing yall do. Idk this is weird. Good luck


I would ask him to just stop contact with her. I’m super weirded about the naming her son after your husband. She sounds unstable. I feel like I’ve seen this exact scenario many times on the ID channel :joy:


She might want you :rofl:


Nope you’re not crazy and I’ve felt the same way

It is weird. Her wanting him or has possibly had him in the past. Do not be so quick to dismiss that idea. That kinda stuff does happen.
:woman_shrugging: Just saying.
Trust your gut.


Sounds like a mental problem. Lol when I was younger an in law was in a weird baby making/lifestyle competition with me. After they divorced I asked my family member if my suspicion was true: he was like ya it was really weird. Lol.
If I were you I’d just keep my distance and ignore her.

Why don’t you just talk to her about all the thing you seen to be jealous of or that are annoying you directly to her? Sounds like you like similar things try being a friend she’s his family and family generally call family when they are in need of help

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Maybe the cousin has developed some kind of wierd “crush” on your husband but regardless, this behavior is not normal in any way be very dangerous if she suffers a trigger of somekind. Stay far away from her and Glad i am not in your shoes!! Good luck !!


Is she his real blood cousin :thinking:


Confront the cousin. You might shock her and see how she reacts. She might not want him like that but she sounds like she’s jealous and needs to step. Tell your husband about this and cut off contact. How does he not see it weird as she named her son after him? Unless he’s named after someone else but still she sounds weird af.

… Don’t eat or drink ANYTHING around her… especially if she gives to you…
A boxing class wouldn’t be a bad idea… you don’t ever want to underestimate anyone… she sounds psycho. :100:


I know someone who dated his cousin for at least 3 years so it’s very possible !

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She might not want to actually be with him but I can see why you’d think that. For sure she’s jealous of you. Maybe she’s so jealous it comes off as she wants your man. IDK I think if she’s normal it wouldn’t be about her wanting her cousin. Because that’s just not normal. Maybe she’s just one of those people that copies everything you do and steals all your ideas. & She has so much jealously about you it rubs off that way. Either way I wouldn’t want her around my family very much, or at all really.


I don’t know if she wants him per se, or wants to be you. It sounds like she literally wants to take over your life. I would keep a very healthy distance away and ask him to stay away from her. Its very unhealthy


I think it’s safe to say the best thing to do is to just stay away from her. If he can’t understand that, then maybe have a conversation with him.


Maybe she wants your life not your man :woman_shrugging:


Simply depends on what your husband wants or does with this. You know what she’s doing. Check out what your husband is doing. Take it from there. She wants him. Does he want her? Be good to yourself. If he wants her / simply leave him. Not complicated. 3 people in a marriage can be crowding. Sniff him out!


I be doing some crazy things so she will copy me :rofl::rofl: if you know she doing all this why give her or let her knoe your plans do the opposit and sit back n watch the show idk iam just crazy but thats me


Does she have a dad? Maybe it’s some daddy issues type shit

Honestly I wouldn’t put it passed anyone. I know people who’ve dated their cousins. I’d tell her she needs to keep her sexual life private and not speak to your husband about those things. That’s extremely inappropriate. There isn’t one single guy in my family that I’d speak to about my sex life… I wouldn’t be interacting with her. I’d tell my husband that boundaries need to be set immediately because she makes you extremely uncomfortable… and honestly a bunch of strangers agree with it. Lol.


That’s weird and I would say something to her about it she’s got major issues


It sounds weird, but maybe she idolise you so she copies your ideas.


Smells like a Lifetime movie to me! I’m sorry for what you’ve been going through :pensive:


I think she envys and admires you and wants your life. Its very possible that she does love your man in an inappropriate way, but she is young and sounds very immature. I would be saying to your SO that she is not welcome in both of your lives if she continues to exclude you on family and other occasions. You are a package deal and enough is enough. What she is doing is unhealthy and extremely irritating. He needs to say if you want me to come than you need to come too, and see how madam reacts to this…

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She sounds obsessed with him, stop telling her what you are doing, and stay away as much as you can, your husband needs to tell her in a way that he not interested in her and your the love of his life


Both of you cut ties with her tell her too much drama and you guys do not need it make sure hubby on same page


CONFRONT HER! Sounds like a in law I had n I cut her outta our life everything was a competition to her. I told her off n haven’t talked to husband r me n 3 years

I think it’s you and your life more than your actual husband. She probably wants the things in your life and a relationship that you have so she is trying to get that attention from your husband. That being said most women like that won’t ever see themselves as envious or jealous so I would steer clear of her and ask that your husband do the same until her life balances out


She’s looking to do incest. Ew.


You should not compete for attention from anyone mamas. I’d talk to him see if he’s comfortable blocking her out and not talking to her if she continues

It sounds like she wants him but he might not see it that way he might be thinking he’s helping out a family member I would ask her what’s going on it might be nothing.And I would keep an eye on her


Cousin sounds like a crazy woman …feel sorry for you…

We grew up with our cousins next door to us. We all do everything together, talk to each other like siblings, call each other over minor inconveniences, to chat, about whatever. My cousin recently got some new decor, a huge clock that I LOVED, couple days later I went and found one similar. She went with me to pick it out. While these things might seem super weird from someone who isn’t used to this kind of thing, for others it’s just normal life. Is it because it’s a male and female dynamic? Would you feel the same way if it was a male cousin calling him or hanging around? Probably not. I think it’s a personal issue really.


I think she wants your life and what you have not your husband but the idea of him. The problem with society now is everything is thought to be sexual. Everything is turned into sex, it’s in our face every where.
Stop sharing so much of your life with her and create space.


Stay away from her and your husband to. This woman sounds like an obsessed person. Cut ties with her and family husband to

imitation is the sincerist form of flattery


Dose she possibley have a personality disorder and has chose her cousin as her fave person? Sometimes when people copy us it’s not coz they want your man but because they see your life as a happy one and want to be happy too … maybe chat to her … if she’s loving your decorating ideas maybe that can be your thing to chat about and bounce ideas around … if after that she’s a cow … don’t be mad at her just start chucking bad ideas out to her like… Hay I’m gonna paint the living room green and red … omg girl I used deep heat as lube … best sex ever … that kinda thing


I would just ask her straight out, youll tell by the reaction on her face or the story she gives!


Sounds like you both need therapy. Her trying to copy everything and you getting butthurt off her ‘‘copying’’ everything.


That sounds a bit creepy and I wouldn’t even associate with her. My family don’t need that drama lol

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She sounds jealous of you and always making everything a competition. Sounds like she wants the spotlight!


Welp, she sounds mental


I don’t blame ya for wondering. Eeek.


All. The. Awkwardness.

Girl, run. And don’t watch the Hand That Rocks the Cradle.


She wants your life and everything in it! I feel bad for you.


Cut her out of your life. Of your husband doesn’t agree??!! Move on. Short story

she dont like u and u just cant take it so now ur saying she wants ur husband bcz of it… get a life girl


Hmmmmmm. Have you investigated this with any family members?

Always trust your gut, especially if it’s been 4 years of the same feeling.


I would think she is more jealous of your life than she wants your man.


Ummm he needs to put her in her place and she needs help.

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There certainly are creepy inbreeds out there.

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I’d say your right to be freaked out. I would ask him to distance himself


It happens, trust your gut, but he won’t admit it…it is wierd and not his fault


She wants all the focus on her. Focus on your own family. Don’t fan the fire. It’s what she likes


Are they Alabama residents?


This is very single white female-ish. How uncomfortable.

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Oh girl…you just have to play her game…don’t let it upset you. She likes that. Beat her at her own game!! Next time you send invitations, call her up and be sweet as sugar…ask her when her party is, theme, etc…give her your date, theme, etc…false ones…let her jump on it…then you do yours with all different…decor for your home…discuss all the changes you are planning…let her jump on it and redecorate…I’d be one step ahead of the heffer…but then again…I can be Petty Betty all day long with asshats!!


Sounds like a narcissist. My sister in law is similar with her father and she’s jealous of her brother( not sexual) . She apparently thinks is the only women in their lives :roll_eyes: I’ve been dealing with it gradually for 10 years. If I went into a list of issues we have encountered it would be a good 10 minute read :laughing: she’s currently disowned from our lives temporarily for a while do to some unforgivable actions. I know how you feel… I find it’s best to send her a private message with husbands knowledge so hes on the same page stating that there are boundaries and if you want my husband in your life I come with it… if she can’t accept that then it’s an eye for an eye…I’d do it back to her fiance and say we are super close and he’s like my best friend :laughing:


In a world where fathers marry daughters nothing is abnormal to think.

Girl it sounds like my boyfriends family. They all have a thing for him. I got him outta there. His sister was the worst. I would casually dye my hair and everything. She tried to copy it. Play the game. You’ll catch her in the act and then simply make it know how she is


I used to have a friend like this it was kind of creepy. I don’t think she wanted my man but it did seem like she was trying to steal my life in a way. I cut her out shortly after I realized but considering your husband thinks you’re being crazy about it, you’ll have to play the game. Don’t tell her any of your plans and if you think your husband is going to tell her, get to her with fake ones beforehand and let him know you already told her. Hopefully he won’t say anything since you already told her and nothing gets messed up


Trust the feeling. I dealt with a similar situation and when I finally brought it up to my bf he admitted I wasn’t wrong. He would just ignore her over the years, as she is dating family. We noticed it got worse once he and I started dating officially and got into fish breeding (which she did copy but wasn’t into it…her fish died and she didn’t care so we knew she did it to try to bond with my man) He did what he had to do to get her to back off as he can’t stand her anymore…Its mostly stopped now tho, especially since we’re trying to move out (so we only have to deal with her at holidays) and have been very open about moving instead of hiding it like before. Your man should at least hear you out and consider keeping some distance.

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She may actually have a mental disorder.
I personally have emotional attachment disorder, which goes one of two ways–overtly distant and detached, or overtly attached and clingy (I’m overtly clingy to people who get to know me, but I’m overly detached with anyone I’m not close to)
I have been accused of trying to steal the show, steal attention, etc. One of my friends was actually a mental health specialist, and when she saw my behavior, she suggested I go in for an evaluation. I went in for an evaluation and to sit down and talk with a behavioral specialist, and I was diagnosed with emotional attachment disorder (on top of autism, borderline personality disorder and PTSD)
I certainly never meant to be creepy or overly clingy to my friends. In all my life, I’ve only had a couple of friends anyway.
She might not want him in a relationship way but could have grown up with their parents close and she could just have a mental disorder like mine.
I’d certainly tell her that you aren’t comfortable with her behavior and you think she needs to seriously, calmly, nicely, go get a mental health evaluation. You never know.


I have a female cousin who has always made it clear she is attracted to one of my male cousins. Its disgusting. So no you are not crazy.

Shes being weird and either wants him for relationship or because she misses him either way it’s too much

Cut her out of your life

Men always say you’re crazy. Follow your gut feelings, Intuition comes from your gut. It always comes out. He may have no romantic interest in his cousin, but he might like the attention. You need to set boundaries with her. Way up in your business too much.


I wouldn’t say she wants him romantically, but she is jealous. They probably had a close relationship and she either 1) is too attached to him or 2) envious of the family you have eith him. Probably a little bit of both.

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Maybe she just doesn’t like you??


Girl trust your gut as a woman to woman instinct. She’s most likely jealous and who knows probably does want him in that way. Or is just doesn’t like you :woman_shrugging:t2: which you can’t control it. But it’s been 4 years… Raise your concerns with your husband. Set your boundaries. And I think you personally need to have to have a CIVILIZED conversation and tell her absolutely everything you’ve noticed and to cut the shit out. :woman_shrugging:t2:


It sounds like she definitely has some sort of attachment and attraction beyond that of a “normal” cousin relationship. On the flip side, unless she’s extremely unstable or doesn’t read social cues… my assumption would be your husband has fed into this behavior and made her feel that he likes and accepts it and/or it may have even gone the other way at times. Girls don’t continually do the things you’re detailing for YEARS if they didn’t get some kind of clue that it’s appreciated. Follow your gut on this one… something isn’t right.

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Does she have any brothers or sisters if not then she might be taken him like one And for copying you they say imitating is the best form of flattery

No you are not weird…always always listen to your gut…

It definitely sounds like she struggles with some type of mental disorder. Maybe have your husband mention getting help to her. She might actually listen to him and then hopefully a professional can take it from there.

Or mention that you’ve been seeing one and can’t believe how great it is, and that seeking this type of help is the new “thing”.

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Your gut is usually right! My ex cheated on me with his cousin and people told me all the time I was crazy for even thinking they were a thing but I was right!


whether she has sexual feelings for the husband or not, her behavior is inappropriate and crosses a line. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, OP has every right to draw boundaries and quite frankly needs to talk to her husband about drawing reasonable boundaries

I’m with a partner that helps everybody. He is the go-to. If it’s the middle of the night and you have an emergency, you know you can call him and he’s going to be there. He would literally give you the shirt off of his back

But there are boundaries

It is long past time to go no contact with this cousin. Delete and block her from social media. Block her phone number. Tell family members that she is not to have anything to do with your lives


Trust your gut she’s definitely jealous and trying to piss you off

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Time to put her in her place

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She’s 20 years old. Practically a child still. Her behavior is out of line and showing in plain view her immaturity. She’s crossed SO many boundaries and it’s unacceptable. I would speak with your husband about the issue and also talk to his cousin about it as well. She will keep crossing until you lay down the appropriate boundaries. Once in place, if she continues- speak to her husband and delete/block her on all social media.


Always trust ur gut but it may just be that’s shes jealous of u. Have a talk with her and set boundaries. Tell her how u feel and if she doesnt back off then it definatly sends out red flags. He may not want her but it may not be reciprocated on her end. It’s even more so possible if they are not blood related. As 4 the birthday thing it doesnt matter who the invites name is in I would think the whole family could come and I think ur just being petty about the date. Atleast she didnt do it the same day. But if ur kids have birthdays around the same time maybe next time do a combined birthday. I have 4 birthdays literally a week apart over a span of 3 weeks. My twins are march 23rd, moms boyfriend is april 4th, and my oldest is april 8th so we celebrate all 4 in the middle. Some battles are just not worth fighting.

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Attention seeking and jealous.

Sounds like she wants him to me, that’s not normal


Definitely sounds strange omg :astonished:

Why don’t you get that cousin or friend you like and are friend with to record her and ask her that your husband is into her and see her reaction then show it to the family including your husband and her fiancé