Am I weird to think that my husbands cousin wants him?

Her actions regardless of motive are inappropriate and it’s high time to cut communication with her. You and your husband need to discuss blocking her on social media and when she calls I would propose that I answer and whatever her request tell her you will call her back, then discuss her request with your husband, if appropriate and timely both of you participate so as not to give her the luxury of your husband answering and heading to her “beck and call.” Warn family not to give her any details about your plans and keep intimate details of certain plans between you and your husband. She is a cousin therefore not immediate family such as a sibling or parent so less said to her is best. I wouldn’t answer the phone when she calls and I wouldn’t reply back to her every-time. Stay physically away from her for a good long while and strongly limit to little or no communication at all for a while until you both can agree that y’all feel she has got the “idea” of a cousins place.

My husbands relative just left his wife and family to be with his cousin that is 30 years younger than him. It happens. Trust your gut.


Your husband should tell her stop or does he like the attention he should be for you if he loves you he will if not you need to do some thinking

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Yeah that’s crossing boundaries. And it seems like your husband is feeding into it. I would y’all to him first and explain how serious you are about this and then go to the cousin and put your foot down.

Yuck. I would defiantly be staying away from that.

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My exes cousin wanted him BAD. He defended her, so I ended up letting her have him.

It’s called women’s intuition you probably 100% right I don’t know what’s wrong with your husband that he can’t see that men are blinded by women and their stupidity

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That’s really weird… just make sure she doesn’t have any information about your life. She shouldn’t know the babies name until after it’s on the birth certificate, she shouldn’t know anything about the wedding until she gets there, she doesn’t need to see the inside of your house, your husband should ignore most of her text (especially private ones like that :woozy_face:) and calls so she’s not dependent on him, make sure she can’t see your post and Pinterest pins ect… make sure he doesn’t tell her about your personal life like miscarriages,. Make sure she gets invites only a week or few days before so she can’t plan a party (you can just send her a text honestly a few days before save the money) close to yours ect…
This just reminds me of those lifetime movies where something crazy happens because she has mental issues so I would stay away from that. Get some cameras, alarms, guns and all that :sweat_smile:
Your husband needs to be the one to set the boundaries though. If it makes you uncomfortable that should be the end of the conversation :woman_shrugging:t4:


You are not weird for seeing a pattern of behavior and your husband needs to create appropriate distance between himself and his cousin. An appropriate boundary to set would be, no discussions about sex between family members. Tell your husband that she’s old enough to figure that stuff out on her own and doesn’t need to come running to him for that kind of help. Also tell him it’s important to you to keep certain things like parties and planned events hush hush til all the details are worked out and invites are sent. If your husband thinks that these boundaries are stupid or if he doesn’t respect how you feel about “little things” that seem inconsequential, then you need to have a serious discussion. You absolutely need his support when it comes to these things and if he’s unwilling then there’s going to be bigger problems later. (Also don’t ever, ever agree to let her stay or live with you guys. If that kind of situation ever arises don’t give in, give a firm no.)


She definitely sounds jealous! I wouldn’t let her effect your wedding. Name your baby whatever you want even if it’s the same. Have your husband set boundaries for her and he needs to be stern about those boundaries. I know how this is I’ve been through stuff like this with in-laws. If your husband won’t set strict boundaries for her/them then there is a problem.


She sounds like she obsessed with your life and your husband. Stay far away or if not ALWAYS have your eyes opened. Be very careful. Sounds like something you see on a lifetime movie :pray:t5:


Wow! And your husband doesnt think this is weird.I would not let her be so involved in your lives


This is Life movie material , I’d keep far away from her , she sounds nuts and I’d make it clear to your husband to cut ties .


This honestly sounds like the movie the roommate I would cut her out asap because ya no that’s way to creepy and she can’t even try n say it was all a coincidence


Skip talking to her boyfriend, confront her in front of your husband with his knowledge. There is definitely an underlining reason for her behavior.

You are not weird. Stay away from her. Sounds like she wants your life. When something doesn’t feel right it’s usually not right. I’m.

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I would stay away from her n your husband should stay away


Borderline personality disorder is what she has.

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Run, get out I experienced this very same thing to my first ex husband it got to the point where he would let this other woman try to be a mother to our child because he believed everything she said, nothing good will come of this


Sounds like one messed up person…She definitely has something going on.Both you & your husband need to break ties to her.

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Show him the comments hopefully that will wake him up to her crazy obsession with your life. The sex talk is a open invitation to him. He sees it as gross but obviously she doesn’t. When a person talks down about their relationship a lot with one person. They are opening a door for cheating for the person they want. She needs to be cut off and someone has to tell her to seek therapy.

Invite her over and have him ignore her forcing conversation with you. There is no reason for her not to get to know you. If there is a disturbing desire, it will surface.

There are definitely red flags … Your husbands first responsibly is his family which is you and your children … This is just my opinion that if you truly love your spouse then you will never want to put them in positions to make them feel uncomfortable or awkward … The two of you should sit down and talk , set boundaries and stick to them … If he’s not willing to do that then maybe you should reevaluate what the real problem is …


Sounds like she jealous of YOU. YOU have the things in life she wants, so she copies you. I don’t think she wants your man, she wants to be you!


Sounds like he was giving her extra attention before you got together. Just downright disturbing. Why would a female cousin talk to their male cousin about their sex life unless they were that close before he got married to another woman. Whose not to say her son isn’t his. That maybe the reason why she named him after her cousin.


I would say she is jealous of your life I would tell your husband he needs to back away from her she’s does have some issues


She needs to be cut off from you and your family. She is toxic. Get rid of her. Period.

Soooooo weird all the way around. Cut ties and stay away for your and baby’s safety.


Have you confronted her about her behavior? I think she is extremely jealous and will continue this behavior unless it is confronted.

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Trust your gut.
Something is weird, for sure


Some ppl really be in to their own family. And honestly he should’ve put his for down a long time ago. I would tell him either distance her from us or leave him because its got to be since weird family childhood history u don’t know about or something . I never seen nothing like this or to this extinct ever.

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I would have to say she wants the life you have. Her constantly communicating with your husband, especially about her “lack of sex” life, would come to an abrupt stop. I’d tell your husband to tell her she’s being inappropriate and crossing the line. I think it has to come from him as she treats you like you don’t exist. She’s definitely got issues.


I don’t know if she wants him in a romantic way, but she is definitely crossing too many boundaries and he needs to make it very clear to her. She is probably jealous that she doesn’t get to have her cousin time like they use to and sees you as the one who did that. But what she is doing is not healthy at will and your husband needs to tell her she is being inappropriate.


Go with your gut- something is off your probably right-


What about talking to her husband (boyfriend) whatever he is

Sounds like she’s a. Lot. If. Drama

Scary shit right there. Nope. Boundaries need to be set.

some b***hes are like…if you have 5 dollars they have 50 they think their shit dont stink

YOU do nothing. HE needs to put a stop to it. If he doesn’t…

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Trust your gut feeling.

Please give us an update

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Trust your instincts

Take her to the woodshed

That’s pretty freaking weird. Smh

Amber Bryant. This sound familiar to you?? :flushed: SM!

She has major issues

No it’s not weird and my perverted uncle kept hitting on me that I never felt comfortable around him and I was never around him alone.

It might be wise to slow down the amount of info this cousin gets to know about your life.


She’s 20. She may have a crush but I’m thinking that more likely, she’s just mimicking the closest thing to her because she’s so young and trying to figure it all out.

Talking, setting boundaries can be good!

Either she’s jealous of you for being with him or jealous of you in general. It sounds to me like she has way too big of an obsession with her MALE cousin. I’d never do this kind of stuff with any male in my family - it’s weird. Or maybe she’s trying to be a lot like you. Either way it’s weird and she needs to stay in her lane. I would stop giving her so much information. Let her be the last to find out anything, or don’t tell her anything at all.

It’s also kinda a thing sometimes(and disgusting!!) For cousins to date :woozy_face: especially distant related cousins. It’s very possible she wants him in that way. The mentioning her sex life to him was a big red flag to me. That’s just weird.


You both need to set boundaries together with her. And never let her over step. I would also with hold any and all details of anything going on in your lives. To be honest, I’d just quietly shut her out and only interact at family events etc. I wouldn’t have any outside interaction, and I’d expect my husband to have eyes open, and shut down any outside conversations. It is weird. Cousin or not, she will cause more problems and continue to interfere.


It sounds like your gut feeling might be right set your husband down and ask him to set boundaries for Her if not ask him for reason

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i’d want to assume she doesn’t want him (because… gross) but maybe she’s just extremely jealous in what he does for you? she sees how you get treated and what family you have and maybe she’s not happy with what her spouse does for her. that would be my best guess!


Sounds like jealousy and/or envy! It does also sound like she has a weird interest in the husband (her cousin). There needs to be a big conversation between this family.

I think its more like, the cousin envies you and the life you’ve created and wants to copy it. Maybe they were really close before yall got together and so she feels like you stole him from her. But I wouldn’t go as far to say she wants HIM in a sexual way. At the same time, she is toxic to you and you AND the husband should set up boundaries.


Theres a term,its a personality Disorder I think
Where someone copies your life.My brothers ex did that to me. Strange.


yes stop letting her know what you are doing or planning to do, call her up the say of any event to invite her, andlet your husband know that he is not to conversate with her about what you are doing.

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Nah your not weird my kids father had a younger female cuz that I swear was in love with him and their other cousin that was a male

It happens…long time family friend married her cousin cuz she was in love with him and copying things was to show she was “mature” enough for him.

Trust your gut; but do not argue with him about,it, you wouldnt want your relationship with him to suffer.
Move or set boundaries…


:thinking: She may want you. :woozy_face: Either way it’s weird as hell. And your husband should set boundaries for her.

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Always go w/ur gut. Your absolutely right. Really need to get him to listen 2 u


Maybe they are sleeping together :woman_shrugging:t5: it takes some kind of communication for females to get on that crazy level. Just open your eyes and pay attention.

Honestly sounds like a line or miscommunication somewhere was crossed- and I don’t mean sexually or anything but there are boundaries that are suppose to be put in place between anyone or codependency can become an issue. This is definitely something your husband needs to enforce, like the next time she texts or needs something, he needs to respond with something like “sorry I am not available for this- try contacting so and so instead.” And if she comes to him after he keeps diverting then he needs to be honest that it isn’t appropriate for him to be involved in those aspects of her life anymore.

After being with my husband for 3yrs I straight up asked if anything inappropriate happened with him and his sister because of the same sort of things you are describing were happening and it turned out to be that she relied on him a lot when their parents were constantly working. So their relationship wasn’t a healthy “normal” one and she wasn’t able to cope when he moved out. He went over one night and talked with her with their mother present because she still lives at home about boundaries and what needed to stop and I haven’t had an issue moving forward.


Always trust gut feelings. If my husband told me I was gross for thinking what you just expressed, I would FOR SURE think he likes his cousin in that way. That is not normal behavior. She claims she doesn’t know you like that but is copying everything you do? Are you sure they’re actually cousins? :sweat_smile:


She sounds crazy jealous

100% an overall disgusting situation.
If your husband isn’t backing you up, telling his “cousin” to quit her creepy shit, I’d 100% question “are you in love with your cousin romantically?”

Boundaries need to happen.

He needs to set boundaries with her. It is inappropriate for her to be talking to him about her sex life. He has a wife and she needs to respect that.


I think you should keep her at a distance from your family and her. Seems to me like you have the right idea, she seems jealous and very strange to me.

Reminds of this lifetime movie. I wouldn’t trust her sounds like a scary situation


She may not necessarily want HIM but she may want what you have. Was he someone who stuck up for her growing up? Have they always been close. I’ve seen siblings go through something similar and it was just one feeling like the other had left them behind as life moved on. She’s young and just coming into adulthood. If he’s been there for her growing up, it may be hard for her to realize that yall are adults and have families separate from the one they grew up in


Although it does sound gross it sounds like you might be right? SET BOUNDARIES.

Defiently back away a bit from this person so they dont know everything

I mean… imitation is the highest form of flattery; I guess. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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ALWAYS trust your gut feeling! All of that behavior you’ve described is very strange and screams “Red Flag!”

This question was on another FB page I’m on. :thinking:

This is not normal at all

Listen, not saying she wants him. But if she’s openly talking about her sex life with her own cousin, male cousin at that! Then I’d trust your gut feeling.
I would not feel comfortable talking about my sex life with my male cousin.
My MALE cousin tried to send me vids of his shlong (on SC), basically trying to get me to want him. Which fuck that shit. He also had a pregnant gf at the time too, sooo😭 people are disgusting.

Thats creepy AF.
I dont know how he could be oblivious to all that? I would tell him she is not welcome in your home period. If that pisses him off I would say you are just going to clear the air so yall can move on and call her out on her BS. You shouldn’t have to second guess yourself, especially with a family member. We all know when another women wants to pounce…


You’re not wrong for thinking this because I caught my ex, sleeping with her cousin. It happens a lot more often than people realize, she could have another mental disorder issue but if she seems physically attracted to him, chances are it’s true.


If they really are cousins…it’s a very good possibility she has a crush on him it happens alot especially if he always took up for her growing up, always hung out together etc.Some cousins actually do end up doing stuff sexually,I’d just continue what your doing and not letting him around her

My mother in law does the same thing to me about my husband. Cut her out of your life ASAP.

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I think this is very weird he needs to talk with her about this behavior. It’s stale dish and inappropriate.

It may be considered weird to some, but my whole family talks about their sex lives. Nothing in depth or nitty gritty, but definitely mental stuff surrounding it, problems and the very forward stuff. I hated it growing up, but I’ve realized that sex isn’t some taboo thing. If my brother comes to me about a problem he is having with his gf in his sex life, seeking a advice from a woman he trusts in a nonjudgemenal space, I 100% would not assume he wanted to fuck me.

I think this girl probably doesn’t know what she wants in life and she sees the model of your relationship. People get attention because of pregnancies, marriages, etc. My friends youngest sister (out of 4 girls) did the same stuff. Any time one of her sisters came out and said they were pregnant, she would fake a pregnancy. If someone was getting married, she would find a new bf and get engaged. She was the baby for all of her life, and it just became a competition for attention because she was no longer the one getting most of it. Once she actually had her own child and settled down, she quit with her BS.

She sounds like a stalker

I say trust your gut

She’s definitely jealous of you and she probably does want him I seen so many stories where cousins get together uncles with niece so yea it happens as disgusting as it sound but yup.


Sounds like the makings of a movie.


Your husband needs to set her straight and if that fails drop her from your family circle


That husband of yours needs to wake up cause she wants him. I would seriously FORBID my husband from communicating with any woman who acted like this. Watch your back cause she out to stab it. Be safe.


Move away. Far away. That sounds very creepy to me. Don’t share your ideas and don’t let her in your house or life anymore. Keep her as far from your family as much as u possibly can. Stay strong. He’s your husband and as long as he finds it gross then there should be no problem. If she ever makes a move he’ll remember what u said and he’ll set her straight. Good luck.


She definitely wants what you got…


I see possible mental illness here. I’d make sure I stay a step ahead of her.


We have all seen this movie before and it’s called Single White Female. :scream:

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She has an obsession. She needs some help before it gets worse. This is a mental illness. Sorry you are going through this. Maybe you can delicately discuss this with your husband and family members


I’m sorry but they’ve fooled around before or may still be doing it. I can’t believe this has been going on for 4years. Something in the milk ain’t clean.


Disown her.
Block her from all social media.
Block her number from all cells.
Do NOT attend things she is invited to.
This is some crazy cousin crap.
She’s either obsessed with you or him.
You gotta cut ties.
You don’t want to become a movie on Lifetime or Oxygen.


She needs to be put in her place. And its kinda weird your husband wont do it…