Am I weird to think that my husbands cousin wants him?

Definitely unusual behavior… kinda sounds like a stalker or something of that sort. I’d cut her off. From you hour husband and your kids… and when you do cut her off KEEP ALL YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS LOCKED🔒 and probably buy a home security system if you don’t already have one. One with live time that goes right to your & your husbands phone. This sounds creepy… best of luck!!!


I’d watch Your Back!!! Also trust Your Gut Instincts!! Stay :muscle:!!! Good :+1:Luck!! Don’t talk to Her. Keep Your Phone with You @ ALL times

She probably does want your bf’s attention. It’s not a sexual thing. Women like to own the men in their lives. They can get jealous of girls who take that attention away. Did they grow up together? Has he always been there for her. Were they super close before you came into the picture. Cousins, sisters, even mothers can feel jealous and threatened by gf’s especially if they aren’t encouraging him to maintain a close relationship with his family.

My ex brothers gf was exactly the same!! Started wearing same clothes as me and was buying same stuff I had in my house bloody weirdo!! :neutral_face:

Definitely not weird at all!!! My boyfriend’s cousin has been that way for 5 and a half years. She’s literally obsessed,like sickeningly.

Sounds like you have a problem and it’s not your Husband cousin you can’t tell him to cut ties with family.

She’s a nut case and he does not discourage her antics.

This will be like a movie on hallmark…wow

Creepy. She’s definitely jealous of your lifestyle. Often, young women who have had poor father figures cling to a strong role model. She may jusy be craving some stability in her life and likes your life.

What is it with these female cousins lol. We got one over here too

I had a crush on a cousin growing up but we only saw each other once a year or two. As an adult I was hot on by another cousin who is the one I had a crush on’s brother. It was so gross and inappropriate. I’m adopted so we aren’t blood related but it’s still disgusting.

Girl that’s not just wanting to be with him that’s psycho obsessed and how can he not see that. I mean me and my cousins are close and me and my siblings are close but that’s not being close thats frickin weird and frankly it is super weird that he allows it.

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Definitely obsessed with you guys. I’d definitely be putting some distance there. And make sure your man is on bored or it won’t work.

Confront her in front of your man . tell her like it is let her know your on to her. Back up cuz

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I have someone who copies my life too… like down to my purses and shoes… it’s ridiculous…