Am I wrong for being mad that my husband dropped me on our car insurance?

My husband and I separated last weekend. He moved out. He told me to get my own auto insurance, phone plan, internet etc. Well he literally dropped my vehicle off the insurance that day and did not tell me. I drove for a week with no insurance. I found out and blew up on him. His response was “I told you to get your own insurance” and he doesn’t think he needed to tell me…am I wrong for being furious?


He did tell you. You just said he did :sweat_smile:
Would it have been nice for him to tell you when he actually called and took you off? Yes. But he did tell you. He could have given you more time as a courtesy but doesn’t have to.

I have had my own, phone okan,ins,carpayment,and che king/savings from my husband,thank God,married 3.5 years,now getting divorced.

Yes. He literally told you to get your own insurance.


It’s only the beginning. You now have to look after you.


My ex husband dropped our son off his health insurance the minute he turned 18. Make that make sense. He was still paying for family insurance for his wife and step children and it did not cost extra to keep his own son on insurance. He also did not tell his son or myself he did it

He’s not wrong for doing it. But he definitely should have given you time. If it was me I’d give you a limit and like 3 days for example. And notify you when it was officially done.


Look up if it’s legal to do in your state :woman_shrugging:t2: if it’s not then bring it up in your court proceedings. But I’d also be getting your own coverage because you obviously dont need to be driving around with no coverage.

He did tell you. You guys separated he said get your own this and that. You should have listened to him.

Get a diary and start writing everything down. He sounds like the kinda guy who would merrily wipe the floor with you!

Yes I’d be mad he did it that quickly, probably out of spite, but he can legally do that (here in the UK anyway)


No you’re not wrong to be mad. He should have at least gave you a month to figure that stuff out. I’m not sure how any reasonable person would have been able to get all that overnight. Now if you did something to cause the marriage to fall apart overnight then yeah you don’t have a reason to be mad.


Y’all split. You should have got your own insurance and all that anyway.

He did tell you, he isn’t required to keep you on just because you want him to.


Were you the one that told him to get out? Were you kind to him or a jerk? I don’t know what the laws are but feel like there is more to the story.
If he felt threatened by you and you mad comments about doing something to him then you maybe made him feel like if you were doing something to him that he was done being hurt or taken advantage of you!
I have seen it happen both ways and there is always 3 sides to the story: your story, his story and the right story! Good luck ! Divorce usually sucks

Technically he did tell you. When you separate, you should immediately remove yourself and get your own separate plans for everything, not only to prevent the other person from being able to drop you without warning but also to protect yourself. It’s not his job to do these things for you. It would have been kinder if he had told you he was doing it on x day or something, but he did all he really needed to do by telling you to get your own.


He did tell you. I would be mad if he didn’t say anything…but he did so you should have gotten insurance as soon as he told you.


If I separated from someone I’d have all my stuff moved over asap just in case of something like this. I mean he could’ve told you he was removing you literally that day, but he did tell you to get your own insurance, phone etc… so yes in my opinion you’re in the wrong for blowing up on him when he already told you

What the move out and seeeation sudden? If that’s the case then he was wrong! If you knew it was coming then ya you should have planned

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You have to right to feel your own feelings and that’s not wrong as they are your own but Yes your wrong for being furious. You separated and he told you to get your own but you didn’t listen and act accordingly to make sure you were covered. I would have went that very day for my own bank account separated our pays and started the process of being self sufficient. This obviously should at the minimum show you with 100% clarity that it is time to fully move on.


He told you. Not his responsibility anymore.


Oh he us done done with you. He told you. I would just your own insurance. Idk how legal it is bc my ex didnt even have me on his insurance anyway when we divorced.

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He did tell you maybe he didn’t remind you. if you guys are getting divorced, you’re gonna have to do all these things

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I’d be pissed, tooo. The honourable thing to do was give you a month’s notice. (You are still his wife)
He could have copied you in on his correspondence to the insurance company, cancelling your insurance.

But I guess only a person of honour would do the honorable thing😏

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He told you !!!
You have the right to feel however you want but he doesn’t care so move on and get your own

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Yeah you wrong. He told you. Why didn’t you take care of it then & there? You did this to yourself

Sad you were dating a little boy be glad he is gone .

He’s not wrong. You aren’t together anymore. He should’ve told you. He did warn you though.


Yes. You’re wrong.
You both separated a relationship but you still wanted to be on an account together? After he clearly stated to get your own? Sounds like you are mad that you weren’t being accountable for your own bills and want to blame him. I can see a glimmer of reason for the separation. Put your big girl pants on and accept the responsibility of your own bills.


I’d be livid, he sounds very petty and bitter, I do agree you have to get ur own but he should have gave u time to sort it all


Just get your own insurance and move on.


He told you. Yoir fault for not taking him at face value.


No! He told you. He’s also not your husband any more if you’re not together. You may not be divorced yet, but this should read “should I be mad at my ex?” :rofl:

If his name is on the car he was also doing that to himself though. :joy::joy::joy:

Yes, you are wrong- he literally told you and now you are mad at him for doing what he said he was going to do?
Just be glad you didn’t have a wreck and take better care to have personal responsibility in your life going forward.
It seems petty to blame him and get mad at him over this- ladies, you can’t get mad at a man for doing what they say they’ll do same as you can’t get mad at them for not doing something when they’ve never been asked!


Do you have an attorney? Mine told him he has to keep insurance on my vehicle until after our divorce is final. It’s technically his car too until division of assets. I live in a community property state.


Wait you said he told
You. So why didn’t you think of looking into it when he told you.


He told you, you didn’t listen. Now you’re mad? It’s a good thing you’re separating.


It’s her responsibility to make sure all her ducks are in a row. He should have given more time but in the end its on her.


Wow tho, What bitter people y’all are. Hes still her husband! He’s still obligated to help, did i say finance no, but he definitely didn’t have the right to do her dirty like that. My ex cut my phone off once, a phone I paid for! . :joy: I went right down there and turned it back on, pays to have your name somewhere on the contract. :wink: Get your own insurance, phone and all and legally separate, that’s the best thing you can do.


I understand why it’s upsetting but now you know what kind of man he will be during this separation-don’t underestimate him and make sure you hold your own & have your own sh*t from here on out. Chalk it up to a lesson learned about his character.


Umm he did tell you. Atleast twice. I heard Costco has a good deal on hear aids

You can be mad. However what’s it going to get you

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…him saying to get your own insurance IS him telling you. Get over yourself

He told you.
He moved out.
It was pretty obvious he was going to jump on doing that straight away.

Should have been the 1st thing you did when he told you… but sounds like you waited a week to even make that move🥱

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It’s petty and childish and I would definitely keep record of it for court because depending on the state he can absolutely be in trouble for it. Just remember you don’t divorce the same person you marry and now you see exactly how hes going to be from now on.

He did tell you and you didn’t take him serious; how is that his fault? You are angry with the situation and that’s understandable. No one wants to be in a position where they are driving without insurance; that could end up being a costly mistake and you were unaware of the situation so trust when I say, I get that you are upset but at the end of the day, you need to take a little bit of responsibility and should have listened when he told you to get your own phone plan, insurance, internet, etc.

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Yes because he did in fact tell you but you chose not to listen


Actually if you spilt up you should of removed yourself that day anyways weather he told you to or not same with all the other bills its simple things you do when you leave someone you take your name off bills etc its called cutting ties he should have to tell you to do these things you should of known just to do them why would you want to be om there and why would he want to on there


He litterally DID tell you though, not his fault you can’t follow simple instructions. Honestly he shouldn’t have had to tell you. As soon as you split you should have been paying for your OWN stuff.


I’m surprised they didn’t tell him to get his own policy, leave you covered, and direct the premiums to you in your name,or at least the insurance company should have notified you! I’d be livid as well. :tired_face:

He did tell you. He said and I quote “get your own car insurance.” That means he’s dropping you. That’s your own fault, you decided to ignore him, and drive for a week with no insurance.

Yta because he told you to get your own stuff and you chose not to listen. You should’ve done it the same or next day so you driving for a week with no insurance is your fault. He left…it’s not his job to make sure you did it.


I’ve learned that being mad doesn’t fix anything. I would just go get some insurance and move on. At this point, he doesn’t care that you’re mad because he sounds quite selfish.

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Ummmmm… kinda. He did tell you. Maybe he should waited a little but you can’t expect him to cover you forever

You’re not wrong for being upset but legally he’s allowed to do that

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I dropped my ex on EVERYTHING the day I kicked him out… You can’t seriously think we’ll still pay your bills do ya?!? Snap out of it

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Is there more to the story? Why is he being so petty? Was this a long time coming?

Count your blessings. (You weren’t in an accident) Now show how independent you can become!

If you had joint banking accounts I would suggest you check your bank.Just saying


Honestly, he told you. You should have took it up on yourself to call and get insurance.
But you’re not gonna get into better trouble. If you drive without it and get caught just be careful

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I don’t think he’s wrong for taking you off but he should have said he’d done it


Yall are still married, if it was a joint policy he shouldn’t have been able to change it without your knowledge. Get a lawyer, it’s about to get messy! :grimacing::woman_shrugging:

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I mean, has the insurance been being paid out of a joint account/joint funds? It sounds like everyone is assuming it was “his” insurance that she’s on but if it’s all joint that she’s been paying on why should she be the one who has to go start all over?

He’s not wrong. He did tell you, you just assumed he would keep paying or reminding you. Him saying get your own car insurance the notification.


Actually depending on the state he can’t legally drop her. She can file in court. A lot of states… yes he has every right, others are strict as hell and have to wait until they are divorced OR 90 days without living at the shared residence

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He legally can’t do this. He can’t drop you on anything, period. Get a lawyer asap. During divorce you can’t buy, sale, cancel, etc

He should not have let youdrive with out ins


Are you legally married, whose name is the car in, that is the only person who can insure it. Both names, either can be responsible. Your still married. So what’s his is yours, and what’s yours is his.

I mean…you guys are separated…why should he be responsible for your insurance? He told he you was doing it, just not when. Grow up and deal with the consequences of not listening when you were told something.

Damn. When my husband and I split they wouldn’t let me drop him, it was my policy first for years before I added him. They said he had to call and remove himself. So I removed myself from the policy and got a new one with someone else’s

I mean yea it sucks but at the same time, it’s an adult issue. You can be mad but he did tell you.


For all you people telling her it’s her fault. You are wrong. He legally cannot do that. Hire an attorney and document everything.

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To be fair, he did tell you,
But on the other hand! Its an ass move to make! He could have given you the chance to get your stuff in order

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He literally told you…if you didn’t take him seriously that’s on you… yall separated. He doesn’t need to keep you afloat any longer.

My ex and I split up a few months ago after 7 years. We were not married but he added me on his policy as his spouse. He tried to remove me from the policy right away but they wouldn’t allow him to without me calling to okay it. We went through progressive.

I mean, if he told you, you should definitely have done that. And if you couldn’t have afforded it ASAP, then you should have communicated this with him and arranged something 

I’m so confused lol you admitted in the post that he told you. What didn’t he tell you? Lol

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I think hes wrong for not telling you he had dropped it, but at the same time he did tell you you had to get your own.

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When I left my husband I got my own policy. Its not that hard to figure out. What makes u think he would keep u on the ins if u two aren’t together! Lol

How long did you go without a phone and internet before you realized you had no car insurance as well?

Wow he sure did all that too fast. He did tell you to get your own insurance but damn he didn’t say that fast he could have told you that he did drop you so that way you knew and could do what you needed to do

He did tellyou. You didn’t listen. Yall are separated. He’s no longer responsible for you or your car. And he’s within his rights to cut the purse strings until/unless a judge orders otherwise.
You’re grown, right?


Well, I’m not saying it’s right, but he DID tell you… I’m kinda confused because you said he told you but then say he thinks he didn’t have to tell me.

Ye yoir are, he told you :joy::joy:

Uhhhhh he did tell you. You expected to stay on his stuff after being seperated?:rofl::rofl:

Don’t blame him, if it was me I would of done the same thing, I’m not paying for someone’s stuff if we are not together lol


Against the law for him to do


You are entitled to your feelings, but he is not in the wrong here. He told you to get your own. Should he have given you more time OR told you once he did it, yes. Everyone is entitled to feel the way they do - but blowing up on him like he did something wrong was a little much. He told you what you needed to get in your own name and you should have. It is also our responsibility as the people in charge of OUR OWN LIVES, to make sure we are doing what we are supposed to do. You should have gotten things changed into your name. If he is the one footing the insurance bill, then he had every right to take you off, since he is the one paying. That is also vice versa if he is on things you are paying for. Divorces/separations are never easy and sometimes they are never simple and there is a lot of anger and animosity. You just have to make the best of it and move forward. Be mad. Have your feels. But lashing out helps no one. (and yes, I am speaking from experience.)

It isnt going to help you whether you get mad or not and there isnt anything can do about it. So just add it to the list of the reasons you cant stand him.

I don’t think legally he can do that….I know on Medical you can’t until divorce is final in Missouri, if you do you are responsible for any medical debt incurred, auto maybe different.

That is why if you separate temp orders are a must. I’m going through the process right now if you have questions

Most insurances require all vehicles in the policy to be parked at the same address.

You’re furious because he told you to get your own and you thought he was playing. Be mad at yourself.

you can be as furious as you want, the only person its affecting is you, your husband wont care and it certainly wont change anything

I think a few are confused. Until there is a divorce decree in place, you can’t just start removing your spouse from anything…


It’s morally wrong in my state the judge did not like it because in my state they dropped my insurance judge made him pay my fine to get my license back

Yeah, she’s in the wrong. He told her, did she think he didn’t mean it?

I actually think its illegal to do that until fully divorced. They forced me to keep my ex husband on until we were fully divorced

He warned you? It’s your responsibility to sort it. Why should he keep paying for it

Well if y’all aren’t together then he’s not paying for any of your expenses and he told u that

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