Am I wrong for being upset that my husband has female friends?

Def not an insecurity thing. Facts are facts. And men cheat.


If he’s aware that she has a crush and continues to hang out with her then he’s kinds on the wrong. If they are friends but she has a thing for him then the “friendship” isnt real on her end. He should understand that being friends with someone who likes him isnt ok for younor for her. If he’s completely aware of her feelings then as her “friend” he needs to distance himself. If she knows HE knows how she feels yet he had stayed in constant contact with her then that will give her the idea that he’s interested too.

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NOPE. cut that shit off. I’m sorry but if you so much as have a incling or a gut feeling that you dont trust HER, dont allow himself in a situation where his integrity can be compromised. I mean it’s not about not trusting him, it’s about her not respecting your marriage. Period

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Same old story. He never cheat or she. Bullshit either cheat as long as they get away with it. But sooner or later everything fall apart. Meaning trust

Oh helllllll nooooooo!

I have this issue also. A lot of times I end up leaving it alone until it blows up in my face. Usually because my husband doesn’t return the feelings and then the chick gets all angry and tries to start shit in our relationship. No I do not feel that men can be friends with women after marriage. It usually causing problems you guys don’t need.

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Wow !!! I have the same problem !!!

I’ve been through this too. I admit I was jealous but for good reason. He began putting her before me, if she needed help he was there everytime. For the sake of our relationship, i even tried to make friends with her. That didnt last long! Lol. I guess she told him once that she felt like I was trying to take him from her. Wtf! I shouldn’t have to take what is already mine. I trust and believe nothing sexual ever happened but I almost wish it would have rather than the emotional bond they created. She was using him, he couldn’t see it. She has been out of the picture for almost a year now and our relationship is still struggling and most likely will never be what it once was. I wish I would have just let him go because trying to work past the hurt and sadness of all of it is only causing me to grow bitter towards him and life. Maybe had I let go of him I could have let go of all of it and moved on with my life more positively.