Am I wrong for feeling upset my boyfriends kids forgot my birthday?

They have lots going on in their little world. They are consumed in “their world/schedule/routine”

In all honesty they probably don’t even remember their mother’s birthday :joy::100::smirk:

As long as the boyfriend didn’t forget then, hey, you’re doing great👍🏾

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My fiancé hardly remembers mine. He works a lot, is autistic and adhd. I dont get mad when he forgets because he struggles to remember the kids birthdays too. My 17 year old always remembers my birthday. My 15 year old doesn’t. My 10 and 8 year olds don’t remember either. They are kids and their minds are elsewhere. They love you and that’s enough. Just casually say something about your birthday and they will be like “oh happy birthday mommy”


I’m lucky if my biological children remember my birthday. :rofl:

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My own 9 year old doesn’t remember my birthday or even necessarily the current date.

Please don’t blame the kids, they are not that old. They each have a different mother& how knows how many other women they met thru their dad. And the same with their moms ,!! They are probably happy just to spend a little time with their dad !!

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Lol they are literally children


Get you a good man that raises thier kids to do those kinds of things. Odds are, your guy doesn’t do alot of the things you would hope for either.


:broken_heart: that’s sad. And he’s no better

Did your boyfriend remember your birthday? They are young I wouldn’t be upset at the kids. And you don’t take care of children to get something in return…that’s just ridiculous. Now if BF forgot your birthday that’s a different story but arguing with your BF over something silly sounds petty to me. Just my opinion

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It’s a birthday chill. They are children they’ve only known you a short time they aren’t going to remember your birthday automatically once you start dating their dad. Dad didn’t make them tell you, oh well. You are making it into something bigger than it is

He failed to make sure they were respectful to you.


My own biological children don’t remember my birthday. The only reason they say happy birthday to their dad is because I take them out to pick out gifts and a card and remind them the day of it is his birthday. I also get them involved in making a cake for him or picking one out for him. Their dad doesn’t even remember my birthday half the time. He also doesn’t remember their birthdays. I have to remind him of everyone’s except mine because I prefer it be forgotten.


Yes, you are wrong… they are kids…


Don’t be blaming the kids there young your overreacting


I forgot my own moms birthday even siblings until I was in my late 20s. lol I only remembered mine. Heck my own kids don’t remember mine until the day before when it’s mentioned. Lol this is not that big of a deal from kids. Now from a significant other or parent then yeah I can see the possible issue.

It’s your boyfriends job to get the kids involved. Your boyfriend honestly didn’t care.


Yes. You are wrong.

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If it is important to you that they remember your birthday, remind them when it’s coming up and tell them how important it is to you that they help you celebrate. Don’t create covert contracts with people. If you want something, you gotta communicate that or don’t expect that they’ll share your values and know that those things are important to you.

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His job to remind them but they’re 8 &12… dude

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They are 8 and 12, I’d be more upset with your boyfriend than the kids! Dude needs to step up his game…. Big time!


I’d pack up and go. I’d never help them or even cook them and meal again. It’s not about the gifts. It’s about the Love and appreciation. A hand color card. Flow from the yard. Anything is better than nothing. And for his remarks he’s trash too. Bye bye to the lot of ya. Your not appreciates in that family for one second.

My own kids dont remember my bday at 8 and 10 :joy:. So when I was a stepparent… the dad would take her to pick a card or gift for me. Totally not the kids fault. Was his job to set something cute up with the kids if they wanted to. Birthdays arent entitlements though so if nothing happens from bf note and act accordingly.

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I would be more upset the bf could careless and his response was very rude. No he can’t control them but he could encourage them. He could have taken initiative and involved them in making a card or cake or balloons or flowers? They’re kids zero expectation on them.
But look who their example is? Might want to rethink your choice of bf…


they are kids. they won’t remember it. shit my 11 year old forgets mine my 14 year old reminded her. also with thier father as we aren’t together I remind them of his birthday

They’re kids, plus as you stated you’ve guys have only been together for a year and a half. Which isn’t a long time. And kids that age don’t have the greatest memory about stuff like that

It’s up to the adults to teach them.

They are 8 and 12 and you have only been in their lives a year AND their moms aren’t “great.” Maybe cut them some slack! Teach by example. Tell them what holidays you want to be celebrating and do it together. Come on, they’re 8 and 12.

30 year old here :raised_hands:t2:
I still forget the birth dates of my brother and sisters in law, their spouses, my nieces and nephews on their side. As well as my MIL and FILs birthdays, my grandmas birthday, my best friends kids birthdays. Been with my husband 6 years and I still have to ask :grimacing: I know the months but can never remember the dates or get them mixed up.
Doesn’t mean I don’t love them, I’m just REALLY bad with dates.
Children are worse! Lol. My 11 year old doesn’t remember anyone’s birth date but her own and mine. And her sisters birthday is less than two weeks from her own.

Grow up. They’re kids and they don’t have a good role model.

Different moms stares blankly

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I didn’t remember my mom’s birthday until like 10th or 11th grade xD

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Your boyfriend should have taken them to buy you a card and gift . He is the one that doesn’t appear to care not his children. They are to young to think of getting you anything x


They are kids not like they remember so yes your wrong. It’s his jib to do something. Sounds like maybe u should rethink the mom role.


You need to grow up! My own kids forget about my bday and I have been with them all the time!

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This is on your boyfriend. It’s his job to make sure they are involved in celebrating you.


Understandably your feelings were hurt but they are just eight and 12.


Kids don’t remember birthday dates unless you remind them​:rofl::joy:


They are just kids, but the dad should have made a point to remind them and encourage them to say happy birthday. My stepdaughter is 11 and she never remembers.

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They are kids…
They only birthdays they’ll remember is theirs.


They probably did not know unless their daddy told them which he probably did not see if they remember his birthday when it comes time and don’t remind them see how he feels

They are kids and tend not to remember. My own children sometimes don’t remember mine or sometimes forgets mine and their dads anniversary lol but I don’t take it personal as long as my husband remembers that’s all that matters. If ur boyfriend remembers then thats all that matters the kids have probably been through alot with their parents dating different people. As they get older and are able to keep track of dates and events im sure they will remember if u guys are still together. Don’t take it personal.

They’re children… if they were like 16 then sure, I’d get feeling a little hurt. But come on

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Your bf should have reminded them and planned dinner or something to celebrate. It doesn’t take much to remind kids to acknowledge someone. They are kids and rely on a responsible adult for things.

And I don’t know why people are being hard on you. What you’re feeling is normal and valid. Everyone wants and deserves acknowledgement. Don’t be too hard on them (including bf) but it’s totally fair to express your feelings on it.


You’re in the wrong 100%. They are 8 and 12. I’m almost 30 and don’t even know my own parents’ birthdays. I know the month but not the day. Kids shouldn’t be responsible for knowing anyone’s birthday but their own.


My own birthed kids barely tell me happy bday. Let alone pay enough attention for when their own bdays are

Your expecting kids to make you feel special? Seems like there is an underlying issue going on and not that the kids forgot your bday

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My own kids don’t always remember my birthday. I think you’re being a little over sensitive. Kids remember THEIR birthday but rarely anyone else’s.

I’d be more upset with your boyfriend than the kids. It was up to him to make the day special with everyone involved


You’re upset that an 8 and a 12 year old forgot your birthday?

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They’re small. They’re not thinking about it. My children doesn’t always tell me when someone tells them it’s my birthday and that’s children I birthed. Don’t worry about it.

This falls on the bf. He should have told them, and yes he can control them. He’s a parent.



My kids wouldn’t remember THEIR OWN birthday without me telling them! They are 9 & 11! Lol I wouldn’t be to hurt!


My biological kids don’t know when it’s my birthday :woman_shrugging:
Do they listen and mind, are they respectful and responsible, then you’re doing a fantastic job :clap:
Mom’s don’t get personal feelings, or days off, that’s pert of the job :two_hearts:

Moms have had their birthdays forgotten for eons. Welcome to motherhood.


My kids don’t even remember my birthday :roll_eyes: get a grip

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Maybe be mad at your bf that he didn’t do anything or take the kids to get you a gift or have them make you a card. They’re children. It’s not their job to remember your birthday.


Sounds like you should be hurt and mad at your boyfriend not the children your boyfriend should have taken the initiative and got the children involved in something for you


Lol that’s so immature,my kids sometimes forget my birthday and it’s fine


My kids don’t know my birthday right off , 11&7 they know the month ! They are not invested as to when my mans birthday is either

What makes you think their mothers ‘aren’t great’? Because he told you so so you’ll do everything so he doesn’t have to? If he didn’t care enough to remind them to say a happy birthday he doesn’t care much


I only read the question. But yes. I forget my own birthday sometimes. I definitely don’t know my step mom’s. I remember my husband’s, my kids, and my sister’s. That’s it. I remember others when I get invited to their parties or see it on FB.

My own kids forgot, so I certainly wouldn’t expect someone else’s to remember. The world doesn’t revolve around you :roll_eyes:


Coming from someone who has a child that’s almost 15 he still doesn’t know my birthday till it’s my birthday they are kids. I don’t hold it against him either. I always just say guess who’s birthday it is today :woman_shrugging:t3: don’t let it bother you so much as a grown up I would of wanted to do something but who says you couldn’t of planned it​:smirk:

He should’ve taken them to get you a gift. Wtf is wrong with him


I’d be hurt for sure. Gifts not necessary but a handmade card or verbal greeting would have been nice and yes, he should have made them wish you happy birthday. That said, I always had a hard time with my mom’s birthday until she passed :pensive:because her birthday and anniversary were “side by side” 6/30/17 <3

Lmfao 8 & 12 and you’re mad they “forgot” your birthday? You’re lucky they remember to put on clean underwear.

You are definitely not in the right on this one. It’s a parents job go remember a child’s birthday, not a child’s job to remember a parents. I can guarantee you that my 10&11yr old have no idea when my birthday is. It’s not a big deal and we don’t make a huge thing. They both know theirs though!


Idk why everyone is tripping. Don’t be mad at the kids. Be mad at the dad. That shows his lack of attention to detail. He should have told them, and had them atleast say happy birthday. This is an insight to your future. Did your bf make a big deal about your birthday?


They…are…kids… my own kids dont even remember my birthday. Over reacting just a bit much. Now if your boyfriend didn’t even bother to say happy birthday, then I’d be upset. Other then that, carry on.

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At the end of the day they are kids. If it wasn’t vocalized that it was your birthday they might not have remembered. It sucks and hurts but I would try not to read too much into it.

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At that age it was dad’s responsibility to help them remember in my eyes . Don’t be upset with the kids .


That’s on him . My husband always took kids out to get me a gift . That’s how they learn . They wouldn’t remember at that age .

Your problem here is the boyfriend!

I gave birth to my 8 year old and 12 year old, and if it wasn’t for their older sisters and my husband, they would have no clue when my birthday is.

The 8 and 12 year old don’t have jobs. Their concerns are most likely toys, TV, video games and themselves. It was your boyfriends responsibility to make sure they wished you happy birthday and had something to give you. Even if it was something homemade.

Your boyfriend saying he “can’t control them” when directed at his own children, is a whole other issue for you!


Lmfao lady my OWN kids forget my birthday until I tell them. Your expectations are too high grow up


They’re kids. :joy: get over it. It’s not even that serious. Your bf should’ve had them tell you.


As the father of these heathens….and I say that because he should want them to do better……he should have taken charge of the situation. If you dedicate your time and effort, to children that are not tech yours….then you deserve some blessed respect from all of them. Period.

It’s up to the bf to remind them honey they are kids . Heck my so reminds his kids to call me an they are adults

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Your boyfriend should have made that day special for you and made them a part of that. It’s never a child’s responsibility to make an adult feel anything.

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I don’t even know my bio parents birthday. Just the month. Like come on it happens

Point blank, you aren’t owed a Happy Birthday from children. They don’t remember anyone’s but their own at those ages. Secondly why even throw in that their moms aren’t “great” and what you do for the kids? They’re kids, they didn’t do it to intentionally hurt you, and their mothers and what you do for the kids is completely irrelevant backstory. It’s completely ridiculous to get in a huge fight with your boyfriend over children not saying happy birthday to you. Honestly, get over yourself.


They’re kids don’t think anything of it. My husband has to make my birth children remember

They’re kids! Your bf should do something nice for you, but I wouldn’t take it to heart that his kids forgot. Kids are preoccupied with themselves girl thats just how kids are. No point 8n getting upset, that’s just childish.

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I have to remind my kids that it’s my birthday. Don’t get all butthurt

I feel like it was the boyfriend’s responsibility to tell the children it was your birthday and for the 3 of them to do something special for you.


He definitely could’ve taken the initiative to take them to get you something and make it special. That L is his, not the kids.

They r kids… seriously? It’s only been a year and a half and u expect them to know.? Your boyfriend should have said happy birthday and pointed it out to them or made plans to celebrate. My 9 yr old barely remembers what day of the week it is let alone something like that. I would blame the man who didn’t like get u a cake for everyone to sing or have them sign a card or something… but all in all it’s been only a year and half and they aren’t even your kids, and that’s what they are, kids. My 16 year old didn’t say happy birthday to me last year. Oh well. That’s a petty thing to stress over

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I could see if yall had been together for a really long time, maybe I could see being bothered by that. But I wouldn’t. Heck my own kids (14, 8, 7) don’t even know when my birthday is. I have to tell them the day before lol. So I don’t expect my bonus son (12) to know when my birthday is. Even my husband, of 4 years this year, asks me when my birthday is :joy::joy:

You should leave this dude lollllllll

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Not on the kids…on their parent.

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My OWN child is 22 and STILL forgets my birthday. Get over yourself!

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How many relationships has he been in between their moms and you? A year and a half really isn’t that long. If the kids have dealt with a revolving door of girlfriends they might be guarded. Celebrating your birthday is a level of bonding they are afraid to dive into. Be the adult and have patience with establishing a relationship with them strong enough to have them want to celebrate you.

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Your BF should help them with that! They are kids the don’t remember


My husband and I have been together for 39 years, I always bought cards for his parents when they were alive and both of his brothers who are still with us. We live in Ohio both of his brothers live in Washington. He has not seen his brothers since their father’s funeral 10 years ago. They have never acknowledged my birthday or our anniversary. But they will call him on his birthday.

I don’t think they meant to hurt you, at that age an adult should remind them or even offer to go with them to buy a small gift.

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Hmm at that age my girls didn’t remember birthdays either. They are kids.

My bf barely remembers anyone’s birthday let alone mine my kids also don’t know unless I tell them or they see it on the calander there will never be a time I expect my bonus kids to know my bday lol most of the time im working on my bday and don’t do anything anyways. If I want to celebrate my bday ill buy my own cake and my own gifts and then tell them what they got me :woman_shrugging:t2:

While they’re definitely kids and it shouldn’t be their responsibility, your man should have stepped up and involved them in making your day special. Especially if the relationship isn’t new and you’re not just some lady, you do a lot for them and make sure they don’t go without.

His response is a cop out, and it sounds like you deserve someone who respects you and treats you like you matter and that they appreciate you and your efforts to be not only with them, but loving towards their kids.

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They aren’t that old and that didn’t mean they don’t care, shoot they probably didnt realize it. They’ve Celebrated what, 1 before? I get being hurt by to get mad and feel disrespected is a bit much I feel.

I get a calendar at the beginning of each year and write all special occasions on it. Then I hand it in their rooms. I wouldn’t be mad. Your boyfriend should be reminding his kids. It’s not their fault.

I think you are making too much of it as they are 8 & 12. Birthday after we are adults, to me, is just another day. It’s about the kids. Of course, that being said, my husband always took me to dinner which was enough to me. You said you have only been together a year or so, give it time. You teach them about the importance of remembering, sharing, respecting, etc. you have stepped into the role so play it well.


The problem is with your BF not the kids. You can’t expect them to know or remember, HE should have made the effort though, took them out got you a card, reminded them. My own kids wouldn’t know it was my birthday if I didn’t remind them :joy::joy:


they are kids, my own kids don’t remember my bday. get out of your feelings mama