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"Question- my bf and I have been together for a year and a half- I spend all my time, energy, and effort into making his kids feel loved, important, and appreciated (they are 8 and 12). They both have mothers that aren’t “great” so I step up and do what’s necessary. My birthday was yesterday and neither child made a point to say anything to me. I told my bf that this really bothered me and he didn’t seem to care and told me “he can’t control them”. Am I wrong for feeling hurt and disrespected? Any advice would be helpful as we got into quite the heated argument last night."
RELATED: Molly Ringwald Admits Her Mother Was ‘A Little Mortified’ When She Realized She Forgot Her Daughter’s Birthday
The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"My own kids would forget my birthday if my husband didn’t tell them… people forget birthdays…especially kids. Absolutely don’t be upset about it."
"The 2 children I birthed cant remember mine lmao and they are 8 and 11"
"Did they hear your bf or anyone else say happy birthday to you so that they could follow ?? They are kids"
"they’re literally 8 & 12…. i’m 35 and can barely remember my own bday"
"Maybe they didn’t know and normally the other parents sorts out cards and gifts so thinking dad couldn’t be bothered. Don’t blame the children."
"I’m 28 and I forget everyone’s birthday lol I think I was like 16 before I remembered when my stepmoms birthday was"
"Thats on the father, not the children. Your boyfriend shouldve hyped them up to celebrate you and had a little celebration for your birthday, told them to make you a card… had cake and dinner… something. Thats on him. If that was me, I would be questioning how much this man truly loves you."
"At those ages the kids don’t think about things like this. They are more concerned with themselves and their world. Don’t take it personally!"
"They are young and you only been together a little over a year. Could it be possible they just forgot or didn’t know"
"I think you’re taking this too personally. Kids forget, simple as that. My own kids wouldn’t remember my birthday if someone didn’t say something. But then again, I don’t care about my birthday. It’s just another day to me."
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