Am I wrong for hoping a 2nd grader gets expelled?

This little boy needs help!! There is underlying circumstances that need to be investigated. He may be special needs!!


My son had this exact same thing happen to him with another boy at this age. Unfortunately the kid only was sent home a few times. He was kicked out of the after school program and sent to a special class everyday. But he never got expelled.

Expelled is ridiculous. Yes your super wrong. Thereā€™s plenty of intervention that should happen. How about the child being put in an emotional support class. Nope you want a 7 year old banished. Thereā€™s almost definitely something going on at home. Instead of worrying about this you want them taken out of the school where there wonā€™t be anyone overseeing the child or their behavior or possible signs of abuse. Schools are usually the only defense or safe place a child has but yes lets take it away because of acting out. How about you homeschool your child since thatā€™s your only concern. I have 8 kids i have definitely been through much worse. Instead of hoping the children were thrown out we tried to get the other children help. Pretty mind-boggling looking out for children that arenā€™t mine. I know itā€™s a super hard concept to understand.


If we look at most serial killers and rapists, they have endured mental, physical, sexual and verbal abuse as they were growing up and they too were giving problems at school or in the play grounds and did inappropriate things. This is a 7 year old child and this child most likely needs help and not to be pushed further into inappropriate behavior. The school needs to contact his parents and talk about what is happening with this child and treatment is needed for this kid. It could become very dangerous at a later stage if this is not taken care of right now. But expelling him is not the right thing to do. In this ur little girl has been negatively affected by his actions, so she too needs to get some help to make her understand that something is wrong with this kid

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I cant believe how many people are saying that shes wrong and that shes terrible and that its none of her business. It is her business when her child is being exposed to that sort of stuff, shes not terrible, she just wants to protect her child. Yes no one should want a kid to get expelled but she did say that itā€™s sad and that she wants the kid to get help. She wasnt saying anything malicious or out of anger. She wants the other kid to get the proper help he needs and protect her child at the same time.


What right do you have to know anything that the school does with a child that is not yours? Thatā€™s right you donā€™t and they cannot give you information on anyrhing they do with that other child either. There are laws they have to abide by. They can move your child to another class if you feel your child is unsafe.
This child probably has an IEP and is protected and has a right to an education just like your child. If you dont know about special needs kids and what can happen with them like yelling etc because they are uncomfortable at a particular moment then sit down. For those saying ā€œthere is definitely something going on at homeā€ well not always the case. My suggestion for the person who posted is move your child to another classroom.


We have a similar kid in my sonā€™s year - year 5. He is an absolute nightmare and needs to go to a school that can help him. We wish he would be removed from this school so that he can get to a school which offers the right support. He punched and kicked a little girl in my sons year and the school wouldnt tell her mum what punishments had been dealt. In the policing world, the victim knows what punishment has been dealt, so we canā€™t understand why the school wonā€™t discuss it.

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Are you wrong no but keep in mind he is in second grade and they are now just grasping the concept of right and wrong based on your post it sounds like thereā€™s something more going in weather itā€™s home environment or behavioral he needs help either way and a smaller classroom might be better so he can get more one on one time and it might help him Iā€™m sorry your going threw this and I hope at the very least they move him into a smaller room with less kids so he can get more attention should he need it good luck momma

I completely understand why you would be concerned. The boy needs help obviously but you still have the right to know whats happening to protect your own child.
Its hard to get kids the help/school environment they need and complaints from other parents can bring pressure on the school to find an appropriate placing for himā€¦therefore helping his cause.
Iā€™m sure his parents are embarrassed that heā€™s exposed himself in the class and im sure they are desperate to get him into a proper safe school that meets his needsā€¦keep up the pressureā€¦keep your own child safe and help the boy and his family ensure action is taken to get the boy help.

He needs to be placed in a containment classroom. A first grader boy was hitting my daughter the principal was constantly making excuses for him, I went to the board of education and superintendent took me 4 months he was then placed in a containment classroom where he belonged. I wanted my daughter to hit him back, but she just wouldnā€™t. So I went to the school and told every single parent in the classroom that max is beating on my daughter and then other moms came forward that max was hitting their kids.

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No your not wrong but also your not right. I have 8 children out of the 8 I have 1 son who seems to just not give a fuk about how he makes other people feel or has no recognition for consequence. I understand completely that other parents and kids would find it alot better for their child not to be around him. Or have him removed from the school. I take all of what he does face on. I donā€™t let him or myself hide from it. I was a behavior teacher aid myself so I donā€™t know where Iā€™ve gone wrong. I literally stay up at night picking my parenting apart over his behavior not understanding where Iā€™ve gone wrong.

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The excuses Iā€™m seeing here for shity kids/parenting is ridiculous donā€™t let your kids do things that make you not like them.


Hes probably autistic or really has something wrong going on and your kind of an asshole I hope he gets the help he needs not expelled

Ok you need to think about underlining issues that may be causing the child to act out like thatā€¦and lack of socializing plays a part in thatā€¦my son is one of those kids it is not because of lack of parenting he has global development delayā€¦and he can not express his emotions and explain how he is feeling expecally when heā€™s madā€¦so no haveing him separated from other kids will not help this child at all and the fact you would rather seen him get expelled rather then get help speaks volumes and also you donā€™t want your daughter around him you could also take her out of school


Yes youā€™re wrong
I get itā€™s affecting your child but heā€™s 7!
He needs support not judgement and maybe issue is at home I donā€™t see how expulsion solves HIS issues


Not sure what country youā€™re in but here in Australia if said child has a diagnosis (such as ASD) he cannot be expelled as much as other parents may want them to. If not, maybe the boyā€™s parents should look into having him assessed before being labeled as crap parents. Not every wild child was raised that way, some are wired that way and need to learn control that not even their parents can help with alone. Thereā€™s a boy like this in my youngest sonā€™s class, drives me crazy but thereā€™s sweet fa I can do about it :woman_shrugging:t3:

Yā€™all weirdos saying sheā€™s overreacting or itā€™s not her business are so fucking weird. Imagine your kid comes home yelling you all about little Johnnyā€™s penis. Yā€™all would be LOSING IT and calling every news station you could. Gtfoh.

The child creating the disruption may need a one on one PARA.
It is truly a difficult challenge for all involvedā€¦ The safety of children in the classroom is a first priority. If we,as parents, educators and community are not willing to support and educate our children with life challengesā€¦we reap what we sowā€¦I would work with my own child and try to support the others involved as best possibleā€¦a lot of prayers for all of you! Godspeed!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I wrong for hoping a 2nd grader gets expelled?

Iā€™m in no way defending the little boyā€™s behavior but I just wanted to add after reading a few comments that our son had behaviors like this (minus the genital stuff) before he was properly diagnosed, treated, & medicated. He acted this way because of his mental illnesses. It WAS NOT learned behavior. People seem to always jump to that scenario and Iā€™ve never really understood it. Just because a child acts a certain way doesnā€™t always mean itā€™s because itā€™s what he/she is being subjected to in their at home life.


This child possibly has a disability and needs proper intervention to help him.


It sounds like he needs a behavioral aid person so there is more support for him and his classroom as a whole.


Yeah, expulsion is a tad extremeā€”especially if you know anything about the school to prison pipeline. Thatā€™s probably the last thing he needs.
Accountability and getting to the root? Absolutely.
Kicking him out of school and furthering the issues he clearly already has? Punitive at best.
If it were your child, would you wish the worst or try to get him help?
Thatā€™s your answer.


Mmm in my opinion I wouldnā€™t exactly say your wrong but i do think it is abit mean of you , this boy could have a reason as to why he is like this -could be special etc I donā€™t think him getting removed will help him at all like the above person said maybe aid etc? And also if he is autistic or something else why shouldnā€™t he be aloud to go to a normal school? Just because he needs abit of extra attention and care doesnā€™t mean he should be removed in my opinion


That boy needs proper help, removing him wonā€™t allow him that opportunity. I do agree he should have an aid and therapist.


This child who has been alive an entire seven years most likely has a disability, may possibly be abused and you have no idea what his home life is like. The child slipped through the cracks( like many last year due to Covid).

Should you be upset ABSOLUTELY! Maybe show a little more compassion. Take it as a learning opportunity for your daughter. How LUCKY you have a child not suffering through this. Teach them to look the other way and let the school deal with it. We donā€™t know if the parents are at a loss and seeking help as well. The school system doesnā€™t help and solve problems overnight. Use it as a learning experience for your child.

As for finding out what happens, itā€™s confidential. My guess is if your child suddenly was going through something very obvious to other children ( and anything can change in a moment) youā€™d want that confidentiality and support.

Would I talk to the principal, absolutely. How is my daughter being taking care of while this situation is being figured out? What is the protocol for behavior like this. Is there a timeline?

Compassion and teaching it goes a long way!!!


No you ainā€™t wrong, your a momma bear and we protect our kids from bad dreams, germs and other lil crazy kidsšŸ’ā€ā™€ļø if anything pray that kid gots a mama bear thatā€™ll help him get the help he needs


Itā€™s perfectly ok to be upset and empathise with this other child ā€¦ wishing him expelled is only seeking a better alternative for everyone involvedā€¦ itā€™s also a great opportunity for a ā€œteaching moment ā€œ with regard to your own daughter and how she is taught to handle lifeā€™s challenges and ability to accept others even if there not like usšŸ’œ good luck
Oh and I donā€™t believe hiding behind the ā€œmamma bearā€ tag is ever good :flushed: yes we should all advocate and be our childā€™s cheer squad but not if it means ripping the heart out of another child or mother who may be doing the best they can. My stance is always ā€œkindness firstā€ :purple_heart:


Iā€™m not sure expelling him would be the best course of action for this little boy.
The little boy could be acting out for reasons like abuse at home, sexual abuse or a learning disability. Give the school a chance to handle it. His poor mum must be mortified right now & could do with less judgement.


Can you imagine how the mum of the boy feel right now? She is probably mortified that her son behaved like that whilst already being stressed out trying to get her son the help and support he needs. Would expelling her son help anyone? It certainly wouldnā€™t help the boyā€™s mum in an already difficult situation. I understand that you are upset and his behaviour is not acceptable but ask the school what assistance they can provide to ensure it doesnā€™t happen again. Count yourself lucky that you donā€™t have to handle this behaviour on a daily basis because Iā€™ve no doubt if you look at his mum, she will be worn out and could actually use a friendly approach rather than treating her child like a naughty kid.


No your not. Thatā€™s not appropriate behavior and he obviously needs different forms of helpā€¦.sadly it might be something heā€™s subjected to at home or he has a learning disability. But at the same time you have to protect your daughter. I donā€™t know if your religious but I would pray for that little boyā€¦ sounds like learned behavior. Your handling it well very well momma! Hang in thereā™„ļø


Heck no Iā€™d be down at the school every damn day till something was doneā€¦ call the news channel and tell them what the school is allowing to happenā€¦my blood is boiling


Iā€™m on both sides with this.
I agree, what he is doing is not at all ok.
I think maybe someone. Like a guidance counselor should speak with the boy before extremities like that are taken.
He is so young to be expelled.


It sounds to me like this kid needs help. I hope his parents get him the help he needs.


I would keep thoughts like that to myself because itā€™s really nasty and negative. Itā€™s ok to think it but donā€™t say it.


I think you should get your facts straight before shaming a little boy and his mother. I think everyone should take a course in special education to make them aware. You can repeat yourself a million times with rights and wrongs to a special needs child and they still wonā€™t get it. I think you should count your blessings and hope that you never have to deal with this yourself.
Iā€™m sure all parties are trying your best to deal with this circumstance.
I pray for youšŸ™


Ever think of him having a disability or maybe heā€™s being abusedā€¦even sexually abused at home.
Wishing him expelled would be wishing for more abuse for him because heā€™d be with his abusers more.
Sounds like a cry for help.


Maybe hoping he gets help is the better thing.

That being said, where I can feel for other kids, mine are mine, and they come first, always.

Nope not wrong in your feelings. I went thru an issue with my daughter in kindergarten, and I was at the school every day att lunch, seen the behavior of another child, the ONE day I coudnt make it she was drinking out of the fountain, and the other chikd smashed her face into drinking fountain, lost 4 teeth needeed 36 stitchesā€¦ I demanded a solution by end of school next day or attorneys woukd be involved, she was removed from the school.
On the flip side, its a learned behavior, she was in her great granpatents care, parents lost custody, unfortunately, I felt bad fir her situatuon, I hope she got the help she neededā€¦ Child was just in wring environmentā€¦ So sad when they do noy have structure.

When my child was in kindergarten he did this EXCEPT for exposing himself. I believe he has PANDAS but have yet to find a doctor that is able to diagnosis him. It is very rare and insurance doesnā€™t cover the doctors that deal with it. Plus it can takes years of studying ur child to get a diagnosis. Kindergarten was awful for everybody. Please donā€™t judge this child. I understand ur concern about everything. I have spent so much time trying to find the answer on the other end of the situation. My son didnā€™t have an IEP cause they had to wait to get one even though ik he needed one. Without that IEP they canā€™t do anything really. So it may be everybody has their hands tied until the school gets him an IEP which takes time to do cause it is a like diagnosis and it is custom for the child. I am so sorry that ur daughter was exposed (definitely not ok) but just remember donā€™t label him bad or that he has shitty parents. He obviously needs help with something and I would pray for that baby boy.

At seven, the parents should know my his behavior and prepared the teacher and school. They should have an aide with him at all times.

:wave: Iā€™m the mum of the kid who disrupts the class and hits his teachers. Not in this story however from my perspective hereā€™s what Iā€™ve done.

Iā€™ve removed my son from mainstream to special education. Only to have them bounce him back to mainstream.
Iā€™ve done reduced hours. Still doing that.
Iā€™ve done trips back to the school to collect him 10 minutes after dropping him off.
Iā€™ve been to specialists. Who donā€™t listen to me.
Iā€™ve been to meetings with the school. Begging for help.
Iā€™ve been to therapists. Iā€™ve been ignored there too.
I sit here every day and wait for the expulsion call. I dread and expect it. If he gets expelled I am screwed. I can kiss goodbye to the career Iā€™m building myself. I can kiss goodbye to moving forward in life.

I understand your distress but wishing expulsion on this child whoā€™s mum and or dad is trying everything to better the situation for everyone is horrible.


Kids are not the same these days. Back in the day no kid would do that kind of thing. Thatā€™s unheard of. What a shame!!!

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I am reminded of an incident that my (now 22 year old daughter) was involved in when she was in pre-school. She attended a private school as did her brother; the school had a zero tolerance policy regarding any type of weapon (real, fake, imitating). While waiting, on school property to pick up my son, a boy from her class ran up to her with a realistic but toy gun, pointed it her & pretended to shoot herā€¦saying ā€œyouā€™re dead.ā€ My daughter suffers from selective mutism & couldnā€™t say anything so completely shut-down. She had nightmares for months.

I contacted the school immediately to report the incident to the principalā€¦after all, zero tolerance is zero toleranceā€¦no, zero tolerance didnā€™t apply to us bc the other family were church benefactors & I was a single mom. I was told that kids will be kids & pretend ā€œall the time.ā€ I asked the question that if my son or daughter did the same thing to this child, what would happen. Without missing a beat, the nun told me ā€œthat every situation is different & requires a different punishment.ā€

Now, the point of my rambleā€¦this little boy traumatized my daughter EVERY SINGLE DAY & knew he wouldnā€™t get in troubleā€¦I wanted him out of the school (or at least her class) & honestly wished someone would torment & traumatize him.

Fast-forward to his teenage yearsā€¦absolute troublemaker with no regard for authority.

Where is he now? In & out of jail for weapon offenses. Maybe, just maybe, if zero meant zero, his life could have been different.

I hope you & your daughterā€™s feelings are taken into serious consideration & the child receives the appropriate punishment.

Pull her out and homeschool her. Also, you need to make sure someone reports this action to child protective services to investigate. That child could be being abused. But your job is your child. Do what you have to do.

Not at allā€¦ But sounds like the parents and school has alot to answer for. A child in my sonā€™s school beat him up in the toilets, and the playground, always puts him down about his culture (Both are the same culture) puts pencils down the back of students pants when theyā€™re sitting down, has also revealed his genitals to girls students, Even asked what sexual things the year 1 girls have done, Peeā€™d on another stupid and told him if he tells he would bash him, swear at teachers, walks outta class and hits other students and staff members. This child has had many chances. (Since Kindy) and nothing has been done. Teachers just walk with him and make sure he doesnā€™t leave the school grounds when he walks outta class swearing at everyone. Words Iā€™ve never heard adults say.

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Honestly this kid may come from a split family and he could be acting up because of the stress, different schedule, picking sides, feeling overwhelmed etc
Or maybe there is a new baby at home taking up attention an he is trying to get it in all the wrong ways
I say this because my stepson started acting out, split family, lots of drama and strain he had to go through, along with now having a brother who needs a lot of time and attention due to disabilities. He started acting up in ways that we couldnā€™t even recognize him anymore. Complete 180. Started hurting people, saying awful things,damagung thing, being rebellion, disrespectful, any thing negative he was going to be. And we have worked on a lot of it an get him what he needs but it takes time Nd all parties involved to get it sorted out. He has some mishaps here and there. But I have been the worried one of him being expelled and itā€™s not a good feeling

Usually kids like this are acting this way as a cry for help. I would push the principle to research this further

Expelled to is not the answer the boy needs help he comes back days thanks for the vacation and acts the same

This sounds like sexual harassment to me. If this child is special needs then this problem needs to be taken care of ASAP before he sexually assaults someone.

Iā€™m gonna say my daughter is seven an she hits an pulled her pants down undies an all at lunch. But in her defense she has Autism with Severe ADHD an she was told by the other kids to do it so she wanted to be accepted. 100% has something going on either at home or has a disability. I feel the protection for your baby but you never know what that child is going through

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Some of these responses are intense.


He has EVERY RIGHT to be there!! BEHAVIOS OR NOT

You are absolutely not wrong you can feel for the other child but your child comes first. Heā€™s hit a teacher and has been disruptive the teacher should have already been alerting his parents and the principal Iā€™m sorry I feel this child needs help and Heā€™s not going to get it in that classroom

Yeah I think you are wrong for hoping he gets expelled.


What should happen is the boy gets sent to a smaller school specifically with smaller class room sizes and teachers who are hired specifically for children who act out. I think in my town there are two small schools in the public school system that cater to this need. Mention that to the principal when they call to get the ball rolling.

Maybe not expelled but def this needs to be investigated.

I understand your anger but it sounds like he needs some help, not expulsion

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You should pray for him lady.

Give him a ass whipping before class

Sheā€™s not wrong. Itā€™s affecting all the children in the class an something needs to be done by the school

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As a mom of ā€œthat boyā€, expulsion seems extreme. My son is exactly like that boy, no self control, no filter etcā€¦ not all children who act out are abused. ā€œThat boyā€ needs intervention at school, not expulsion.


As an autistic parent, not sure what is wrong with this little boy in class but clearly something
You as a parent should br upset but how dare you want the extreme! You have no clue what that little boy is going through
Our kid acts out and i pray no one gets hurt from his behavior but unfotuntely it happens. But EVERY KID DESERVES A CHANCE AT AN EDUCATION CUPCAKE
we dont know home lives for these kids, yes something to needs to be done but the school will handle you just need to make caring phones calls no aggressive ones
I can say so much more but highly unlikely you get where I am going


Iā€™d definitely be complaining, a child shouldnā€™t be exposing themselves to anyone.


I made excuses for a child in my daughters class a few years ago. I felt for him and knew his home situation was bad. He ended up really hurting my daughter and she required counseling over it. I will never make excuses for another child- I will always protect my children first! Thatā€™s your job! Anyone giving you guilt hasnā€™t had something happen to their kid.


I feel for you but it seems to me ā€œboys will be boysā€ ! This happened when my girl was at school too. The child responsible got a severe talking to and detention. Enuff? I donā€™t know but he is a well adjusted man now of 28- no serial killer or anything!


If your child saw genitals itā€™s still sexual and you can press charges on the child I saw it happen in va school systems lil 9yr did this to two girls once you start that process be warned


My heart goes out to any child whoā€™s facing problems that cause this type of behavior, but the well beimg and education of my child will always be my priority. A little boy hit my daughter a couple of years ago. It was random and just something that happened in the classroom. The school was quick to take care of the situation. Otherwise, there would have been serious consequences, and thatā€™s just that.

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Youā€™re entitled to your feelings if thatā€™s what you are asking.

Wow some of these comments break my heart , I have a boy who has done similar things :cry: he hasnā€™t gone as extreme as this boy. But reading all these comments makes me wanna hug him tigher. You guys are acting like this boy a monster or something terrible.


My daughter was stabbed with a pencil by a kid who had underlying issues in high school. Couldnā€™t do a damn thing about it. She said he did random acts of violence daily, and the teacher told them to ignore itā€¦ She was more upset that her learning was perpetually disrupted, because she was well on her way to scholarships and graduating with college credits, which she did. I felt bad for the kid, but I felt worse for the ones who sat there in fear, waiting for him to snack them across the face with a clipboard or stab them with a pencil, or whatever he felt the need to doā€¦ it was an abusive situation.

I hate that this happened to your daughter. I honestly think that this little boy needs some serious help. He may be experiencing some type of abuse at home.


Summer Derouard look at Karen here

So much for it takes a village to raise a childā€¦as soon a child gets into trouble the 1st thing a parent say ā€œdonā€™t hang out with that kidā€ instead of inviting that child and getting to know him or herā€¦letā€™s I feel like this child is point fingers and say everybody know heā€™s different put them in a different classroom


Early intervention for childrenā€™s behavior is the best for them. Unfortunately, the State has many hoops to jump through to make sure that a child is placed correctly. This can take years and meanwhile the child goes through much frustration and failure. It is wrong .
You should express your concerns to the school . It may help speed things along for this child and your child deserves a safe classroom .


I would demand the school, have a serious talk with his parents and get to the bottom of why he is being this way. Yes he may have an intellectual disability, but he does NOT get to make other students life a living hell. All students have a right to education, not just him.


Not an expulsion but I do think the school needs to provide better resources for this young little. Maybe there is something that has been misdiagnosed/underdiagnosed?


I think you could be wrong. Mine are suddenly being thrown public schools after home schooling. We do not know story. I had teacher that tiecd a person to chair at Eastside and slapped the crap out of him.I know all of children inthat class remember. Put the teacher somewhere put the child somewhere. Your grandchildren will have to through and deal with scruff. We all did. Yes. As a mom and gma we donā€™t want to see hurt in away. I think you labeling this child from. Oneā€¦one incident.

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Per haps throw him in concentration camp.


Yes. You are.

As the adult, you should be able to see that a child so young behaving in such a way probably has difficulties. Be it with his home life or medically. And hun getti expelled isnā€™t going to help him. Itā€™s either going to put him at home. (Where there are potential difficulties) or take him out of a setting where the ā€œprofessionalsā€ need to see his behaviours in order to refer him to other avenues to get either diagnosisā€™s or therapies.


Yes. You are wrong. This child likely has some much deeper issues and instead of hoping for solutions that could help him, you WANT a SEVEN year old to be expelled from school.

This child could be abused at home and thatā€™s where you want to send him. He could have an undiagnosed (or diagnosed that you donā€™t know about because itā€™s not your business) disorder but you want to just get rid of him.

How about use this as an opportunity to teach YOUR child that boys and girls have different genitalia and there is nothing wrong with that. That, if she is exposed to another childā€™s privates, to turn and give them privacy because they may not know better or could have something wrong with them. Teach her compassion towards those who are acting out while also teaching that it still doesnā€™t mean she canā€™t have boundaries. Is it ok for this behavior to not be addressed and repeated a lot? No. But kicked out of school? No. Is it ok for anyone to touch her genitalia? No. Is it EVER ok for her to see an ADULTS genitalia? No.

Thank The Lord that you donā€™t have to experience YOUR child having behavioral/psychological problems issues. Be grateful that you are not in the shoes of those parents. Have compassion and remember that hurt people, hurt people a lot of the time. Children arenā€™t inherently bad. This comes from somewhere and what he needs is adults to care enough to teach him
Better rather than treating him like garbage that needs to be thrown out.

Be a better example for
Your child.


Iā€™d hope that he gets the much needed help that he clearly needs. At such a young age there could be undiagnosed behavioral/learning disorders. Also, something may even be going on at home (abuse, neglect, etc). I know we all want the best for our own children and want to shield/protect them but you HAVE to remember this other child is just thatā€¦a CHILD. They are an innocent kid who didnā€™t ask to be here and no matter whatā€™s going on they deserve education, inclusion, a ā€œsafe spaceā€ (especially at school), and everything else just like your own child does.


No, youā€™re not wrong. Look at it this way: Youā€™re not hoping he gets expelled, youā€™re hoping your daughter is protected. Thatā€™s just being a good momma.


You have the right to feel the way you feel.
Donā€™t let people make you feel bad about your feelings.
Talk to the school, his behavior is out of line, and he sounds like he needs counseling, and a
Possibly a visit to his doctor to find out whatā€™s going on.
You might want to talk to the school about having him around your daughter, and possibly change her out of that class if they wonā€™t change him.
Good luck

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Maybe that child is treated that way at home, maybe thatā€™s the only way that child knows how to express himself and he obviously has seen someone expose themselves. Maybe you should move your child to another classroom to assure her safety. I donā€™t say much very often your entitled to your thoughts and feelings but what a shit post this is a child that obviously needs help!

Yes, you are wrong for hoping a little kid gets removed from school. :woman_facepalming:t2:
It sounds like he has a disability and at 7, they likely are still working to get everything under control. If the school called you, they clearly are aware & addressing the situation. If heā€™s hitting your daughter, I could see making demands for change but disruption isnā€™t enough for a kid to lose education at that age.


The principal canā€™t tell you shit in regards to what actions are being taken against another child. Your best bet is changing your childā€™s teacher rather than hoping the kid gets expelled.

Yeah I canā€™t vibe with this AT ALL. My son is in kindergarten and has the same issues (although he hasnā€™t exposed himself), but he freaks out and tries to run away, hits teachers, kids, etc. I as his mother have tried EVERYTHING. He has had workers, heā€™s had counseling, hes been in therapy, heā€™s been suspended, we have had meetings, and even doctors appointments. It has been this way since he was about 3. Sometimes it takes A LOT to figure out what is wrong with a child and to get it under control. Iā€™m sure his parents are dealing with enough and donā€™t need him expelled because that will literally solve NOTHING. Smh


The lack of parenting on this thread is beyond ignorant. Mental disabilities or not this mother has every right to know what her child is being exposed to. How dare she want her child safe. How dare she not want her 7yr old daughter NOT be exposed to others sexual organs. Regardless of the nature being the boys actions the children exposed have rights too. The boy needs help thatā€™s obvious- but you guys are shaming a mother for wanting her child to be in a safe environment. Sad to see what some of you are willing to force your child to go through. You can teach tolerance about different children while keeping them safe from this behavior.


This hurts my heartā€¦ My son is having some of the same issues, only hes in kindergarten. Hes throw his shoes and pencil box, hes ripped his one page up. I feel as if my son has undiagnosed psych disorders and that i am not being heard. Yes you want your thoughts and feelings validated but also try to take a step back and ask yourself questions as well. Does thia little boy have any diagnosis that you do not know? Does this little boy have undiagnosed psych disorders? Has this little one been thru anything traumatic? I am so sorry that this little boy exposed himself and your daughter seen it.


Sounds like he has a disability. I would contact the school to see if your child can be moved to a different classroom and be in a better learning environment for her. Wishing you and your little the best of luck.


My son has an IEP for behavior and autism. They are REQUIRED to integrate him in a regular classroom part of the day, whether parents like YOU, like it or not. Maybe you need to put your daughter in a private school, where IEPs arenā€™t honored. This isnā€™t regarding mine because he doesnā€™t have girls in any of classes. Just food for thought.


You have every right to want this child removed from her room.He needs more help than a regular classroom can give him and you also want an enviroment that your daughter can learn in nothing wrong with that, itā€™s normal!


Exposing himself if definitely no tolerance. Sounds like he has mental issues.


This mentality of if a child has extra needs they donā€™t deserve the same opportunities as a ā€œnormal childā€ because I donā€™t understand the behavior and instead of saying out loud to the school that the child may need extra support is EXACTLY WHY our schools treat OUR KIDS the way that they do. Shame on you.


Stop sexualizing children! I bet her daughter barely thought anything of it until mom made a big deal of it. Doing far more damage making a big deal than the event itself. If she is that worried ask to have her child moved to a different class or different school. Nudity is not that big a deal except in the USA were prudes abound.


The comments here are absolutely disgusting and shows me that we havenā€™t come as far as we should have by now when referencing to a special needs child. He doesnā€™t have ā€œmental problemsā€ and he isnā€™t intentionally doing anything to upset anybody else. This child is the one whose struggling not yours. Be greatful for that and watch how you speak about these topics in front of your children. Going to school alongside other children on varying levels of thr spectrum taught me a lot about compassion, empathy and kindness. Iā€™ve carried that with me throughout my adulthood and motherhood as I now am a mother of my Autistic son. Youā€™re wrong for wanting something bad to happen to a special needs kid period.


By that age they shouldnā€™t be doing that! Even if he does have a problem there are schools that can help him. Hopefully they do remove him before he does something even worse!


No you are not wrong. If that school system isnā€™t working for him they are other schools that will accommodate him. Itā€™s not fair to the other children and the teacher have to deal with behavior like that. Yes he may have behavior issues but the teacher wasnā€™t trained for that behavior other schools where children have behavior issues, the teachers are trained on to work with those children


I support your hope.
When my oldest was in kindergarten he was being severely bullied. He was coming home cut and bruised. I wrote it off at first as kids playing too rough but it kept happening. He wouldnā€™t talk for the longest time but would cry every morning while getting ready for school until heā€™d throw up because he was so upset. Finally he told me what was happening. His teacher wouldnā€™t respond to me when I explained what my son told me and that I wished to speak with her to see about more information or to inform her in case she didnā€™t know. She wasnā€™t responding so I tried the office. They were completely unwilling to speak with me too. Finally I spoke with the bus driver because my son said a new black eye happened on the bus while playing with a girl and it was an accident. I asked if he knew and explained the bully issue in class and how the teacher and office was unwilling to speak with me so I just want to make sure it wasnā€™t an issue there again. He told me that he noticed the bruises and cuts and was thinking about reporting us to have our son checked. The next thing I knew the teacher now wanted to speak with me so Iā€™m thinking he made that happen. I told her any day any time Iā€™d make sure Iā€™m available. Then she refused to contact again. The injuries stopped and I asked my son about it. It turned out the kindergartner was expelled because he was attacking and terrorizing the class every day. Iā€™m happy he was expelled. I was talking to my boyfriend about trying to get the school to switch him to another class if they wouldnā€™t deal with the bully issue. Or potentially switch schools. I also since explained to my son that of someone is hurting him. (Hitting or kicking to be mean.) That he needs to fight back with all his might and I will stand with him and defend him if the school tries to punish him. We donā€™t take kindly to bullies.