Am I wrong for hoping a 2nd grader gets expelled?

You’re not wrong. Protect your baby, that comes before all


They won’t. A boy showed his genitals to my daughter in kindergarten and the principal had the nerve to suggest that my daughter was at fault bc a week earlier a different boy had dropped his pants and showed his underwear to her. Like she went around asking little boys to show their peepees or something. They wouldn’t do anything and blamed my kid so I pulled her. :woman_shrugging:


Sorry if I offended anyone. I never pussyfoot around a subject. A question was asked I answered.It seems pretty easy in the year to judge.

This little boy needs a lot of help. However he can’t be that disruptive to everyone else’s learning while they get it for him. Try again once they figure out where the behavior is coming from and fix it. That’s not wrong at all.

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This is sad. That child probably didn’t even mean it to be sexually, but leave it up to people to make it that way. Maybe try some compassion instead of “i hope the school expells this 7 year old child” like :flushed:


Completely wrong he needs help not to be moved


I can’t with this post or comments :sweat_smile:

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It’s normal to want that for your child, however, can be illegal to have him removed. Many IEPS require that kids be integrated in the regular classroom setting. We don’t know the kids issues and many school districts do not have the capability to have a separate classroom.

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The exposure of his private parts will start a child services investigation. My son and his friends were playing like boys do and he got caught smacking a boy on the butt (it’s their joke I don’t get it but there were like 5 boys all messing around and goofing off like this) and DCF was at my house that day. With my son’s IEP and behavioral health therapy my son was allowed to return to school. It is however a completely different situation than yours but my point is that even something as simple as that gets investigated so it may get the boy the help he needs

The feelings you have are very valid I think I wouldn’t want that kid near my daughter either and at first thought expulsion will do just that,as far as what happens to this child, he clearly needs help and taking a step back from the emotional aspect of it all, expulsion will not provide the help that is needed for that child.


I went to school with a boy in 3rd grade that behaved this way…turned out he was being severely mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually abused (like his dad was raping him nightly) his mom had left a couple years before. So sad. Maybe he’s acting out cause he needs help and doesn’t know what else to do to help himself.


as a mom you should have more brains than that … the poor kid could of been sexually abused or have a chemical unbalance. whatever the case, he needs help and support, not name calling, shaming or any other weapons of choice the illiterate such as you choose to use … I think your daughter will get over seeing a 1/2 inch penis …

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He needs to be understood. Not judged. Have you spoken to his parents offered to give any help or advice. Just jump right to let’s expell ??? I’m sorry but if my child was in a class with this other child I’d be trying to help him and his parents get the resources needed.


Yes that boy needs separate help

Everyone has a right to a public education. The boy may be autistic. His medical diagnoses does not need to be revealed to you. It’s unfortunate your daughter saw his genitals. Perhaps you can talk to her about how boys and girls are different. You could even talk to her about those who are mentally disabled.


Yes. You’re wrong for hoping a 2CD grader gets expelled.
Sounds like hes having troubles, troubles usually start at home. Instead of hoping he gets the worst of a situation, maybe consider he already may be and see what you can do, with the help of the school to see Change. Smh.


By the sounds of the ways he’s acting out, he has been sexually abused and possibly even raped. He needs help. Maybe it’s you who is the one that should bring this to everyone’s attention to get this boy the help he needs.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting that and feeling that way, it’s sad he’s like that, but everyone else shouldnt have their education suffer bc of him, there are places more equipped to deal with that, hopefully the school or someone can investigate why he’s doing this.

Be a strong advocate for your child. Be that pain in the ass mom. Do not let the school push it under the rug. The school gets paid extra for these kids with “behaviors”. Threaten to file charges. The school will not fix it unless you make them. Good luck.

He could have odd my son did that hes on meds now but i wouldnt want him to be expelled what world are we in he was 7 the school needs to do better or not be a school plus its more common in boys than girls

Sounds like the school district is really letting this boy down.


They can help without moving him. Sounds like teachers are aware and he may have been evaluated already and probably in counseling. No he shouldn’t be removed from the same education everyone else is getting. They don’t have alternative school usually at that age, there’s probably not anywhere to remove him to where he would get the same education.

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Sounds like he has a mental health problem and his parents are probably struggling to have him diagnosed and get him the proper help. Think before you judge. That could be your kid struggling to regulate their emotions to no fault of their own.


No you are not wrong.

Every child deserves an education. If their behavior impedes their learning, the educational staff is working on it. There will be incidences along the way. I am not saying it is ok, but also saying suspension will do nothing. Also, if it is a disability issue, he cannot be expelled (that is like refusing this child an education), due to his disabilities. If you are so concerned, have your daughter moved. Simple solution.


Sounds like he is being abused maybe even sexually. Get him help before it gets worse and he hurts someone.


Due to data privacy, the school will most likely not be able to tell you much about the boy. It takes a while to do an assessment on a child. Teachers have to try at least 3 interventions before a child can be tested for problems. Often a medical exam is also required. It can often take 6 months for all of this to be done. And then, the parents have to agree to the recommendations. Believe me, the teachers are also frustrated that it takes so long to get a child help. That is why it is so sad that schools have so few councilors to work with children. I have seem children who do a 180 when they finally get the help they need.


It drives me nuts when a child acts inappropriately and people say “maybe he has austim.” Since when does being on the spectrum automatically mean your child acts out and exposes himself to little girl?! This child is 7 and needs guidance.


Although finding out another child’s cry for help is. My first responsibility is to my child. I now homeschool…sucess

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Good opportunity to teach your child about compassion and empathy.


You are so wrong and judgmental. That boy is probably being abused or has a mental condition that hasn’t been diagnosed yet or maybe has been, but the parents need more support. You are an incredibly selfish person for even wanting him removed. He’s entitled to the same education as your precious flower.


He is either getting molested at home or has mental health issues. I would want him to but at the same time I’d be worried about the boy and hoping he gets the proper help.


Monkey see, monkey do. This is learned behavior. Need to find out where, who gave him this knowledge. Mu money is on the male person. Can not call it a parent.

I can relate to the bristling of wishes on someone when it comes to my child. I am far enough away from grands to not be informed. I have no answer but I hope it resolve for the greater good all.

He needs a lot of help, and therapy.


No you are not wrong at all. Protect your baby.

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This situation is not best for your daughter OR the little boy. He needs to get help. I’m sorry this happened to your daughter!

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Put yourself and your daughter in the same position. Would u want other parents saying she should be expelled or removed. 2. Would u want your child to get help from a specialist. 3. Would u want other parents talking about your child. Take a step back and put yourself in that moms shoes.


Idc ur calmer than I’d be I’d be so upset if that happened to my daughter yes he deserves an education but ur daughter deserves one with out being violated as well. It sound like the school is not providing what is needed for him if he already had problems he should have a helper with him at all times that’s what ia normal in most cases with kids who need extra help

The situation needs to be addressed 100%.You cannot have the child behave this way and just shrug your shoulder as if it will pass.Yes there could be something going on at home and the child is acting out( hopefully that’s not the case) so hopefully the proper people can figure this out.No you can’t have him there doing what he’s doing whether it’s his fault or not.I totally understand the child being taken out of class but to expell him no.Time for answers .

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I really hope the school takes this seriously. Talks to his parents and has him see a school psychologist. Expelling kid won’t help his problem. Tell your daughter to stay away and for her to report inappropriate behavior to teacher and you. God bless this disturbed boy


That’s a great idea (not) Ok, to appease you, we’ll send him to another school & shove the problem on them! You’re way outta line Mommy Karen!!


This child must have been molested and that is his anger coming out and expressed inappropriately. He needs counseling.


Fyi they can not tell u what is being done to the other child. It’s illegal. I’ve been through something similar it’s against the law for them to provide any info regarding another student. They’ll tell u what they will do for ur child but that’s it. Sounds like something may be going on at home. Wishing he get expulsion is a little extreme. If something is going on at home the worst thing for that child is to keep him at home and not go to school. Alot of abuse and neglect r discovered at school. I really hate that that happened to her . I hope it gets fixed. If they don’t move him out the class u can request for her to moved. I know that’s not right but that’s the way it works. I’ve worked at many different schools and that is just the way it is. The child’s age is going to be another big factor.its up to his parents wether or not the get outside help . The school can not make them. They can offer but they have every right to refuse. I understand what he did was wrong but he did not touch or hurt her in anyway. They will not remove him from school I guarantee it.


Not at all. This child needs help. As a parent you’re supposed to protect your child even if the consequences aren’t in the other child’s favor! I’ve been in the position before. You are human. Natural instinct is to feel for the other child. But your child comes first and foremost. I even had to take legal action against the other child. Yes, I felt awful. But at the end of the day if something happened to my son that I could have prevented and didn’t and he ended up injured or worse. I would feel even worse. Shame on this child’s parents for not helping their child during this time.

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This is very judgemental,
He may have problems,
Maybe his parents are doing everything for him as well as the school but never should a kid be put down by another parent just because their kid has never acted in that way…

Also schools do not have enough funding for every child that has a problem just to have an aide with them once child is diagnosed you can pay for one with NDIS


Yes! You are 100% wrong. Maybe instead of judging the child you could use this as teaching moment. Are you really going to tell me your child has never ever seen a penis? It’s just a body part, I highly doubt he did it specifically for YOUR child.

My son has severe ADHD among other things going on and has removed his clothing due to it being wet(its a sensory thing) while around other students. Was he purposely trying to show everyone his penis? NO, but it happened. He has also acted out in anger or frustration during a meltdown and hit his teacher. Guess what!? She didn’t judge him because she understood that it wasnt in his control. She has actually used those moments as teaching moments and with MY permission spoke with the kids about why sometimes those things happen.
It’s parents like you, blowing everything out of proportion that make kids who are different feel like less of a human being.
Rather than judging this child or his parents try having a little compassion.


I understand your concern and frustration with this child but he is obviously very troubled and needs help. It is unfortunate your daughter had to witness this, sounds like since it was in class a lot of others witnessed this as well. I’d also be upset and concerned but would take this opportunity to have a discussion with my child about this situation, ensure they’re okay and try to explain that some kids need more guidance than others. I hope the school is able to work with his parents and or doctor in order to help him, try to keep in mind that if he is not removed or you’re not being told what is going on, (they wouldn’t do anyway due to legal reasons) doesn’t mean the situation is not being addressed.

My godson is autistic and acts out in those ways. You are wrong in hoping that. He needs an education too. If you continue to have problems you can always change schools. I do however think that something needs to be done.

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If the principal is reaching out, they are concerned. Hope, and blessings for you he little boy. Something has happened in his life and he can’t deal right now. He needs a friend or at least someone he can trust

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Sounds like the boy has some issues for sure!!! I wouldn’t want him in a class with my kids!!! No way…

From someone who was the problem child at school no I don’t agree he should be expelled. There is a bigger picture than just what happens in the classroom. Had I been handled differently my trauma could have ended a lot sooner than it adulthood!! There isn’t a separate school or program outside of schools really. Kids who have trauma are usually safer at school unfortunately.

This child needs help

He should be remove. kids are remove for biting other children

Gee I hope you never have to experience raising a difficult child. Because I know for a fact his mother probably cries most days and feels like she’s failing as a parent. So yes, you are wrong! That child obviously needs deeper help; however expelling him is only going to set up him up for failure in life and being an unproductive member in society. As for you, I hope you never have to work through something so difficult and if you do, it’s a well earned karma

At his age, he’s not fully to blame. That boy is showing behaviour he has already been exposed too. Hope his parents wake tf up and sort it before it’s too late

Good Lord. If there’d been this kind of an uproar every time a child saw another kid’s pee-pee when I was a kid, we’d have all been riding the short bus to some special-needs program. Quit sexualizing everything a child does.

That poor baby needs lots of love and guidance. God bless him.

The boy may need help but that doesn’t mean he should get expelled. Yes you are wrong. I am sorry that your daughter witnessed that but the boy still deserves to be in school and have a chance to succeed. The child probably suffered some sort of trauma and is acting out.

Go to the school board…ask for their help. If they do not respond, immediately, get an attorney! No child, your daughter or anyone else should be subjected to this type of behavior. More importantly, the little boy needs help!! Call in an abuse report on school for not doing their job and seeking professional help for him…that is their duty!!!

Maybe not wish him expelled rather pray that the school and his parents seek the help that he needs and can find a solution to this problem. Meanwhile explain to your daughter to just look the other way. And answer any questions or concerns she has best you can.

I’d be down at the school talking with the principal, superintendent, and the parents. It could be an undiagnosed disability or it could be the kid acting out. It’s not wrong to want the kid gone. Just make sure it’s not that he needs help and that you teach your daughter that sometimes kids have disabilities and that can cause these behaviors as well. But also don’t let her feel she needs to tolerate it and can leave/excuse herself if she’s uncomfortable.

He is probably already placed in the program that is the least restrictive. That is the law. If he has an iep in place, it will be very hard to suspend him. Instead teach your child tolerance and compassion.

To the mom life question where a woman was running around w another man. Relationships are a test of character, and w these test comes KARMA!! You spoke nothing about them but to say you hav 2, well as parents were responsible for them all through life till were dead, a lot of women told you divorce, OKAY leave the good guy, and nobody said what I’ll say, BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE!! And this other man who was running around on his wife wants to bring another human being into the mix, will run around on you or you’ll get tired of him and my advice look in the mirror and ask yourself can you be aggressive enough w your husband for sex as you were to find someone else? And GOOD KARMA BRINGS GOOD THINGS!! And BAD KARMA BRINGS NEGATIVITY EVERY TIME. GOOD LUCK PASS THIS ON PLEASE!!! And you spoke of God but we’re being ungodly so to HELL w that view, or any other views you may hav acquired along your path of as other women stated it’s all about you you you and sex GO BUY SOME TOYS AND GET IT FROM YOUR MAN WHEN YOU CAN, AND BE HAPPY WITH WHAT GAVE YOU. :v::heart::thinking::pray:This is Karen’s husband we share a phone.

He definitely needs good attention and a lot of love.
Probably being abused in some way…:sob::sob::sob::sob::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

The school needs to start an evaluation

Honestly this kid may come from a split family and he could be acting up because of the stress, different schedule, picking sides, feeling overwhelmed etc
Or maybe there is a new baby at home taking up attention an he is trying to get it in all the wrong ways
I say this because my stepson started acting out, split family, lots of drama and strain he had to go through, along with now having a brother who needs a lot of time and attention due to disabilities. He started acting up in ways that we couldn’t even recognize him anymore. Complete 180. Started hurting people, saying awful things,damagung thing, being rebellion, disrespectful, any thing negative he was going to be. And we have worked on a lot of it an get him what he needs but it takes time Nd all parties involved to get it sorted out. He has some mishaps here and there. But I have been the worried one of him being expelled and it’s not a good feeling

My daughter had the same experience with a boy and told them to MAKE HIM STOP OR SHES GOING TO STOP TELLING THEM. He showed her his junk AGAIN, so she threw a little metal trash can at him. A week later touched her butt, she punched him. Both times they called me and both times I told them YOU BETTER GET HIM. I want to add this started in 2nd with a lot of girls and ended in 6th with mine. That’s how long they let it go on with “dont do that” or “leave them alone” 10293 times a day.

Have you ever saw theHand that rocks the cradle? That’s the type of mother I’d be if some child whippped out his dck an revealed it to my daughter. I’d make sure he never returned back to the school.