Am I wrong for not letting my boyfriends side of the family see our baby?

Thats what my husbands family said about my son . That if he was too dark he was probably not my husbands .

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You can only rid racism by shoving it in their face.

overreaction. let them meet the baby then decide

idk I know someone who’s family wasn’t keen on black people and they were half ball and they still were not keen on the whole thing when he got here :woman_shrugging:t4: but address the racism some people don’t even realize how racist they’re being it’s ridiculous

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I would at least give them a chance. If they truly love their son/brother/etc they will fall in love with the baby also… good luck! :blush:

Yeh you can’t do that based on a comment.
That’s not a call you get to make on your own without your partners input, it’s his child too and decisions nade about your child should be made together to the best of your ability.

We all grow up differently and we all have our owns beliefs, maybe thats hers, I mean do I agree with it? Absoloutely not.
Do I think you should say something and talk to her like an adult? Absoloutely you should

You should see how they act once the baby is here. If they make dumb comments still then I wouldn’t allow them to see my kid.

Give them a chance while she’s too little to understand, if they behave in a way that would hurt her heart, ban them


I k ew a girl a long time ago whose stepfather was quite racist. Her first child had a black father. Once her son was born, it was all over and done with right there! Her stepfather fell in love with her son the first time he seen him. They are inseparable to this day! That was 20nyears ago. New life, babies, can change a person’s whole world and outlook on everything. Give them that chance, and if they keep making negative comments afterward, explain to the baby’s father that time around them should be limited and any negative talk around your child means that they wont be a part of your child’s life. Hopefully it wont come to that. Est of luck!

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That comment IS very offensive & racial! You have every right to be concerned! I’am thinking that when YOUR baby arrives it most likely will not be an issue. However if that isn’t the case, 1. Speak to YOUR baby’s DADDY first & let him handle it. 2. If it doesn’t get resolved quickly then you have every right to make, enforce, and follow through with any parenting decision you make. Children are not born racist they are taught it so I am glad to know you are on it! It is (suppose to be) a happy time in your life & anything that puts that at risk…take action quickly! And Best Wishes on your new bundle of joy!:baby::pregnant_woman::baby_bottle::pray:

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Keeping their grandchild from them is just as bad as being racist


You need a different bf or none at all and focus on your baby. I’m confused if the bf is the father or not…so many questions

That isnt lowkey. That his highkey and disgusting. I would check that quickly. His not seeing the issue is an issue.


Nope!! You are not wrong!!

Racism isn’t inherited, it is TAUGHT! Good on you for not allowing that toxic shit around you or your baby.

Who ever said what, is missing the point. You‘re about to have a beautiful (hopefully) healthy baby Girl. The color of her skin, hair or eyes is insignificant. Enjoy your sweet baby and the blessed joy she brings into your life. :heart:

They might not want to be in the baby’s life anyway which is kind of what it sounds like so you’re worrying yourself for nothing and if you purposely keep the baby away from them, they can file for grandparents rights with or without the dads permission. Messed up I know but that’s the world we live in.

The words may hurt, but don’t let the child’s birth not be celebrated by all. After the child comes watch and listen to see if inlaws will be detrimental to the child or not. Also make your boundaries very clear to them.

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I mean I’d give them 1 chance the moment anything racist negative or stupid is said leave and tell your bf see this is why I said no

Address it now, lay ground rules, you will absolutely not tolerate any sort of negative comments towards you child, I would give them one chance and once they violate that trust it’s over. So at the very least, you could say you tried, for the sake of your daughter knowing her grandparents, but it’s our job to protect them over everything, and your boyfriend needs to understand and support that.

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Racist bitch wouldn’t be near my kids ever.

Yikes, don’t subject the baby to that!

They may change their tone and love baby regardless. Yes that was a very hurtful thing to say but give them a chance. It’s his baby too and he has a right for his family to meet his child.

Baby changes everything. Welcome the change that’s about to happen. They’re gonna love that baby. Its gonna be like "what color " and I’d never say anything like that. Just let them change. I wouldn’t stop them from participating. You will see a new side when the baby comes. Just you wait and see. Congratulations to you and your family.:two_hearts:

I know someone that is racist but loves all his grandchildren/great grandchildren who majority are mixed… anywho my oldest sons bio grandma once said “that’s my grandson because he has black blood” &just like that she is NEVER allowed to see my kid :woman_shrugging:t4:

She owes you a MASSIVE apology to begin with before anything else.
She needs to understand that the comment she made is not okay by any means.
Hopefully your baby will be a big eye opener for her once he/she is born. But if that isn’t the case then I wouldn’t give her the time of day!

But like I said to begin with, an sincere apology in needed here first.

As the white part of biracial children let me say, I had to explain to my mother that our kids would come out white but not to expect them to stay that color and also explain that to my husbands mother. If there Are no biracial children in the family it’s new, it’s a learning experience. Some things that may be taken as being racist sometimes is truly just curiosity. My family still asks questions or makes some comments and I have to explain it’s not appropriate.

BUT if you really think his family is racist absolutely do not bring your child around them. I’ve made it clear from day 1 if anyone is racist or prejudice to my children they will be permanently out of my life.

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Babies can change people. Just wait. God bless and best of luck :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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What I think is sad is them being racist to black people an a mix child shouldn’t depend on them to love her they are wrong saying let them see the baby they well love her after they see her um …no sorry that’s sick in wrong you should love the person no matter what color they are SMH color shouldn’t depend on the out look of the people love them for who they are an the world would be a better place :100:

You pay that no mind they will love the baby I have a half Mexican one and a half black but it makes no difference

And a half Philippinea one

You are thinking wrong if he wants them to be involved with your baby. My babies have few family members who accept them. Look in a different direction. In my opinion. I don’t know the entire background to this situation.

For fucks sake. It shouldnt matter if your biracial or not. His parents should want to love your child and their sons significant other no matter what. And if thats the case then hes gonna see real soon and hopefully interject or tell his family to fuck off.

Perhaps, the love of their grandchild will help cure them of their ignorance and prejudice. It’s a journey though, not an Insta fix. I say let them spend time with and love that child, just supervise and speak up to remind them if somethings hurtful. Hearts CAN change followed by minds and behavior


Take it easy don’t over react. BUT keep your eyes and ears open. First remark, first gesture pull out of them seeing her. Lay rules to your benefit, it’s your baby.

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My family is the same way but it is unbelievable it is not that way anymore they absolutely love my baby in my boyfriend.

Sometimes a baby can change everything. Give it a go and if they still make those nasty comments, leave and let them be and enjoy your baby.

That’ll change when baby is born

So everyone is basically saying to cure racist white people there should be more interracial relationship, give them mixed babies because no way they could still hate the baby once they are born :joy::woman_facepalming:t5:.

First off let your husband know that this is something you feel strongly about because if you have to come on the Internet to talk about it, it really bothers you. Don’t let these people tell you to dismiss your feelings. Address them with him until he fucking gets it. You shouldn’t decide on something like that on your own, it will only affect your immediate family that you’ve worked so hard to create. Once you and him are on the same page, both of you should sit down with his family and have a conversation. Based on how that goes you and your husband need to decide if y’all need to step back from his family or work on interracial issues. Ignorance is not bliss and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. She felt comfortable enough to say something like that she’ll feel comfortable saying something like that again.

Grandparents have no legal rights… people are ignorant… let them stay in their bliss without seeing your child… I just hope that doesn’t affect your relationship with the father… focus on what’s important… the baby :heartbeat:

I dealt q that qhen I was pregnant. I’m mixed black and white. But it seems that with time, they had changed. Some older people are stuck in their ways. Which is no excuse. Try to educate them and for sure call them out when they’re being racist or bigots

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you didn’t know they were racist before you got pregnant? i mean they’re the baby’s family sooooo no you really can’t keep them from seeing the child


You would think as a grandparent that as long as that baby is healthy who gives a shit if it’s purple! Seriously what kind of grandparents do that?! Be bigger than me and allow them the chance to have their hearts change when they hold that angel and if they don’t …well that’s on them and they wouldn’t get another chance to make that child feel anything but perfect to them.

That’s a dick thing for them to say

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It’s a hard road honestly but I agree with at least giving them the chance… When I first met my MIL our oldest son was 4 months old and she asked me why did I carry him to full term?.. The way she said it sounded like why didn’t I abort him. It took me a couple years to get over what she said and that we didn’t get along well that first meeting because she had to come all the way to Japan to meet us and then my husband had to deploy last minute and couldn’t be there, whole situation was pretty awkward… Years later and we are on pretty good terms-- not excellent because we still don’t know each other well and she lives far away but it’s manageable. I guess I’m just saying at least try

My dad was redneck racist. He was pissed went my sister got pregnant with a 1/2 Mexican, 1/2 Italian boy. As soon as he seen that baby girl he melted & changed! It can happen!!!


Let them build a bind with that baby if you live your baby and your baby daddy that’s what’s right cause in the end it takes a village and your gone appreciate the day she’s lives that baby because she will know she’s wrong but she will also have a place for your child in her heart :heart:

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Once they c that baby They will not c the color just love

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You arent over reacting…my bf side of the family didnt even pitch for the gender refiel,baby shower or the birth of our boy…we had to travel to them when my boy was only 3 weeks old only to end up driving back home at 10 in the evening cause his father doesnt like me…keeping in mind that we stayed 80km away…so no you put you and the baby first…you just have to explain to your partner that nor you or your baby can have any stress!

Maybe you should get to know someone and their family before you start having kids, but it kind of sounds like you already knew


Snap back at her comments imo

Sue Miller Pulver read this

girl they may not like it right now but once that baby gets here that will change. If they truly love your boyfriend they will love your daughter because she is a part of him. Just say down and talk with him give his family a chance and if they still throwing racial comments and everything or treating her completely different than pull away then and do what you need to protect her. at least give them a chance first

Their son chose you!! Bi-racial children are beautiful. Let them see baby and if they continue comments like that hold your head up high and either correct her or lessen time she sees your beautiful daughter. Neither you and baby need stress. don’t allow it to enter the equation.

I want to speak on this. My mom was pissed when I started dating a black man. She refused to speak to me for 9mo. My sis 1st son was born n I couldn’t be there b/c of this. When I told her I was preg we had just started talking again. She blew up. She came around by the time my son was born. She was there when he was born and they were inseparable.


Let them meet the baby. Their minds will be changed. If not then cut them off.

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Your baby could change that whole families stance on race issues, some people are just ignorant until they love someone different from their norm. Id say let them be in the babies life, if they dont change their outlook and they’re not accepting and loving after the baby is here then reevaluate.


Nope! Screw that bish! I wouldn’t let her near my baby!


That baby will bring so much love, let it. You will be amazed how children change hearts.


If YOU make the choice to never give them the chance to even meet your child, in the long run, you will be resented and to blame for your child not having the family that every child deserves.
Every baby deserves love. All kinds of love, from all kinds of people; friends and family.
If their hearts aren’t changed the moment they lay eyes on your baby… If you sit with them and tell them how they’ve hurt you and they don’t agree to NEVER cross that line again… That’s when you cut them off.
But momma, you gotta try.


Why would you have a baby with someone who has a family that you think is racist? I just don’t think that he’d be dating someone of another race and bringing you around his family if they were actually racist. You didn’t give us any other examples of them being racist so isn’t it possible that it may have been a comment that was not well thought out and they didn’t mean anything negative by it?


Yes. Let them share in the beauty…it is time for them to learn love doesn’t depend on skintone. And if they don’t learn it, then it is a source of education for your child, she will see how wrong it is.

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Darling stop thinking like that. You have a gorgeous healthy baby growing inside of you. If they dont fall in love with her then their loss. Dont focus on color and what others think, focus on being the best parent you can for your little girl

Their loss .And if that family is saying ugly things already . Then that’s your right to not let them see the baby.

A child needs to be brought up with love nothing more or less.

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The baby might be the one to teach them that love is color blind. They could turn out to be great grandparents. Don’t deny the baby the chance to make this happen.

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This is a very hard one because I can see both sides here. On the one hand a lot of the family will completely melt into the baby’s biggest fan once she’s here there are still gonna be some absolutely racially insensitive things said her whole life. I think not letting them see her will drive a wedge and between you and your partner and the relationship will resolve over it at the same time it’s your baby and if you want to protect her from harm it’s your right. Maybe before the baby is born have a sit down with everyone and say what will and will not be tolerated and how that was racist and ask for an apology from that person before you let them see her.

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Let the love they have for this new baby change their racist views. My fiance’s family is low key racist but accept me (mixed) and their beautiful mixed baby. I kinda feel like it’s karma’s way of changing their views.


Fucked up. They shouldn’t care what color she is, only that she is healthy. I would be pissed

Yes you are wrong. That baby is not property. She is his as much as yours and what if he said your family can not see her? Be fair. Who cares what they think anyway? It will all work out and if it doesn’t then reevaluate the situation. Best of luck and congratulations.

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Give them a chancc.e!

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I’m just a white person so I don’t know that it’s really my place to weigh in on this but I feel like you’re missing out on a great opportunity to help them quit being racist if you really think they are (sounds true)… you’d be amazed with the love of a child can really do to change somebody’s heart and view of the world. Children are a blessing so let her be a blessing to those hearts that need opened.

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Even if they claim to love the child when it’s born,they’ll still be racist. I wouldn’t bring my kid around them if I were you.

You need to give them a chance, you may be surprised how a baby can change everything


Race shouldn’t be an issue or even commented on. I’d be the same way if I was in your shoes. However, I would give them a chance to see your little one. Things may change. Id defiantly have a conversation with those making comments though. That’s uncalled for!


I wouldn’t let mine be around that B’s their loss

Lead by example and try to give them a chance. I dont blame you for feeling that way but that baby could be the way to open their eyes that love knows no colors. If it doesn’t…their loss. Good luck and congratulations :heart:

Let them see the baby but keep an eye on what they say around the baby. No racially negative stuff and be clear about it.

Mixed babies arr soooo cute


I’m bi-racial. Both parents have racist beliefs. Both sides have racist views. My birth and my relationship with them improved most family members and their ignorance regarding race.

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Agree with Lucy… some people need to understand it is a baby made by 2 people and not just their possession

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Wow really. Some people really make me want to slap the stupid out of them. Why isn’t her concern the health of the baby not the pigment of the skin. I wouldn’t want her in there either. I hope you have a healthy baby and delivery. Good luck momma. :hugs: Hugs to you having to even deal with this stupidity. I’d personally wait until I’m in the comfort of my own home before I would allow her to visit. If she makes snide remarks I’d speak up and say okay this is how it’s gonna go. If you want to be in your grandbabies life you will have to adjust your prejudices because I will protect my baby from any racist asshole and hopefully that won’t include his/her grandmother. SMH. (Some MIL’s make me sick with their behavior. Don’t you want your children happy. Then don’t piss on his wife and children for goodnesss sake.)

Fuck them people And fuck your baby daddy for allowing that BS!!! Make them earn time by showing love and respect period!!!

I love how all these white people are telling you to put up with your white boyfriend and his racist ass family how convenient isn’t it for them to completely by pass the fact they don’t want a dark baby but the baby has a black mama!! Smfh! What did they think would happen when their son started to date someone of ethnicity that’s non white… That it was just a phase. Oh maybe they hoped she wouldn’t get pregnant. I hope those of you that have biracial children do not allow family to treat yours this way!! What a shame! Like black children don’t already go through so much shit in daily life. To be treated like this by your own blood is worst!!