Am I wrong for not wanting another baby?

Nope. I’m 32 with a 17. 13 and 9. There would be no way in hell I would have another baby. I’m tired now, there is no way I could start over.

Nope,tell him to wait on grandchildren


It’s your choice but your not too old I’m 44 with a 10 month old baby :heart_eyes:


Adoption or fostering is always a great alternative. :blush:

32 with 6 don’t have another lol

don’t have a baby if you don’t 100% want one. and ya know 39 there is a big risk of health problems especially since you haven’t done it in so long. Never have a baby just for the man because its you has to carry it deliver it take care of it,it’ll effect your job/career if you have one. Just not worth it of you don’t want it and that’s not selfish. Get him a puppy or a kitten to play with but don’t risk yourself if you don’t want to just because your husband says so

I would adopt if my husband would approve but no more

Dear Lord, what is he thinking! Lol… (mom of 5, 46 with a 3 year old)

Personally I would not start over.
Men don’t take on the mass majority of childcare so they do not see it as so Mentally and physically exhausting.

Another baby would certainly shake the family up. …Your youngest being 10. If you don’t want another…he should just wait for grandkids.

You’re not selfish, you both should agree or it doesn’t happen.

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No. You aren’t. It’s easy for men they get to stand back and watch the real work happens inside of our bodies and it takes a real toll. You guys are finally able to do things without being tied to diapers or teething issues.


No! You’re not selfish! I’m 39 and I have an 8 year old and a 3 year old. And I’m done. I want to be done. My husband always wanted three kids but I always told him that I only wanted two. We are both happy. I’m sure he would like another but that’s really not some thing that you should do if you don’t 100% want it for yourself. I’m all for doing things for others but in a situation like this you need to do what’s right for you

It would be like started all over again. The last baby would grow up feeling as an only child since such an age difference between them and siblings.if you really want another you should.but if you dont tell hubby no and that it wont be too many years till you all get grandbabies.and grandbabies are delightful and almost perfect❤

33 with 5 and no way in hell I would have another. We both decided we’re done. If he came at me when I’m 39 and asked for another I’d laugh out loud. Hard pass.

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No…it was discussed and all and they are almost grown.Also you arent a on demand baby maker.Its hard on the body as well as we get older.

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There is nothing like being an empty Nester at 49 years old!

Nope your not selfish

not selfish bc it would literally be starting all over, on the plus side if you did have another you’d have a lot of help with the older siblings but then again know it isn’t their job to help raise your kids, if you know what I mean. :blush:

OMG. Tell him to volunteer with a youth organization and get your tubes tied!


No I told my husband no and I’m 30. You choice is valid too

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Nope . Thats starting all over again. Plus your age. Not saying you can’t but it’s not the healthiest . Tell him to wait for grandkids. GET A PUPPY!!


I just had my 2nd baby at 41. My girls are 10 yrs apart

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No,you arent being selfish,he wants another kid,let him carry it and push it out.

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No…kids are almost grown. Poor kid would be lonely. Plus…gicing up the freedom and atarting over again…i wouldnt do it. Tell him it is about time for yall to get ready to rravel the world and jjat enjoy each other again. A baby would put a long hold on that and tie yall down.

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Not at all. You don’t want more and that is that.

You’re baby is 10! It most definitely isn’t selfish. Our bodies are not the same with age. Complications can happen at any age but they increase significantly after 35+.
Pft, I’m 30 and at 19 my water broke at 33wks and my other two were high risk inductions at 38wks. I’ve had 3 miscarriages. I’m done done at 31, my body just wouldn’t be able too. Do what is best for you and your health. At, the end of the day it’s the woman going through a change and trauma.

Your body yourchoice. .

I have 3kids. All healthy pregnancy. I rock pregnancy. But I started over once already, my youngest us 9 and 10 yrs younger than her sisters. I do not recommend, she is 5 and always bored, “feeling left out” of the big kid stuff. Or trying to act grown like the teens. I’m 32 and still dont have the energy for her like I did with my older ones and I feel guilty about that too.

No just now getting the ones u have grown. 4 is enough.have some me time

I think you’ve earned the right to be selfish on this one. It’s not his 39/40 year old body that will be pushing that baby out. Plus… When that baby is 18, you’ll be nearly 60. Just a thought.


No your not. It’s dangerous after 35 not that it’s not done but the chance of issues for both mother and baby are more likely after 35. You have 4 beautiful healthy children why risk it if you don’t want any more.

I’m 38 an started all over again in 2019 found out I was pregnant my kids where already 17,15,14 and 10 it’s not as bad as I thought it would be having my older girls has been a super big help it’s hard yes but maybe let him know your not ready to do it again I had to toe my tubes cause I did not want a surprise again, good luck.

You both be happy what every choices together you pick . Grandkids is the greatest so much love too You love them even more
Be this is the truth you love your kids but you love your grandkids the most something from your kids is so amazing

No, you are not wrong. I’m almost 40 and there is no way I could have another child at this age. He should be thankful he has 4.


You are not selfish, things need to be agreed on and if you don’t agree then so be it. And it’s also your body carrying the baby sooo it’s up to you. Just my opinion :blush:

Not selfish at all. My husband wants to be done at 30 which gives me about 2.5 years to have another. Some days I do and some days I dont. I have a boy and a girl my daughter is 4 and has an attitude of a 14 year old. My son will be two soon and still hasn’t grown out of the cry about everything all day everyday stage. I just miss the being pregnant part and newborn stage lol

Some people are never satisfied with what they have. Don’t have another if you don’t want one.

My mom had my little sister at 39

It’s your body. End of discussion!

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You are. Your body will have a hard time, not too mention how the baby would feel being an only child basically…

you have ti talk to him and sort it. tell him you feel to old and dont think youd cope well. i dont think your wrong not to want another baby but talk

No not at all go borrow a colic baby for night make him take care if does the trick


I’m 39 and kids… 24… 21… 13… 6… now is me time.
Ur the one doing it… ur body changes… labour pain… cracked nipples… lol … he’s gonna have to find a godchild is is baby he wants or adopt

My mom had me at 38. She’s 71 now and I’m 33.

You’re right for not wanting another.

You’re not selfish for wanting to be done. It won’t be long before you’ll be able to spoil grandchildren. Mabey remind him of that

It’s your body your choice

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We have 3 kids hubby wants more nope. I’m having my tubes tied next month.

I agree with you does he do laundry cook clean house . I had two by the time thy hit there teens most woman is worn out. I agree with you.

No, time to live your life.:smiling_face:


It would be a hard no for me :joy:

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You’re not wrong at all. Your body your choice. All your babies are practically grown. Enjoy your life at this stage with the babes you have. You’re not selfish at all.

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You are not wrong. It’s your body, not his. You both have to agree to it.


Absolutely not. This is something that really gets under my skin about males


Of course you are not. If he could have been pregnant and delivered the four you have he probably wouldn’t be asking. This is totally your decision and he should except it gracefully

No. You stick to your gut. Its your body and your decision.

It’s never selfish to not want another child.

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I’m really not joking when I say this, but if he truly wants another kid, see if he wants to adopt a 10-year-old. At least then you’ll have a kid in the same age bracket as the other kiddos and you are not starting over.


And if he wants an actual baby, see if he would be willing to foster babies temporarily until they can go into a permanent home. That way he gets his baby fix, but it’s not a permanent thing.

You aren’t selfish for saying no, but he’s also allowed to want more kids … that would be hard! I wouldn’t have a baby if I didn’t want to.

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I just had my 5th child Sept 9th 2020. I have 3 boys and 2 girls. The girls are 19 and going on 12. My boys are 24 and going on 18. Our new baby is now almost 10 months old. I am 39 my husband is turning 43 this year. I had 2 miscarriages before my last son was born. So for us we wanted a 5th child he is amazing and he kicks our butts everyday lol but we love it. It’s not selfish if you dont want anymore children. All I can say is I’m so very happy to been able to do this all one more time. Do remind him it won’t be long before you are grandparents maybe that will calm his baby fever. It is harder now than when I was in my 20s but I’m much wiser also. Just have a talk with him. Its also good to speak to your Dr as well. You may change your mind or your husband may change his. There are more risks with age and multiple pregnancies. Maybe he would consider fostering a child there are so many that need a safe loving home.

Your not selfish. You know how many you want and when enough is enough. You were blessed with 4

You are absolutely not selfish at all! If four is all that you feel you want and/or can handle and then that’s completely fine. I only have one and have been intensely researching sterilization because that’s all I feel that I’m able to physically and emotionally manage. Adoption and foster care in the future are always options.

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Do you have your kids almost grown tell him you could easily be a grandparent at any given time you do have 16 and 15-year-old but Lord let’s hope that doesn’t happen doesn’t happen

Tell him just wait for grandbabies

You are not to old but you could be tired of caring for so many people. Husbands they want all kinds of new things including little cute babies. But let’s be real who does most of the work. Yes some men do it all and do it very well but in most families all the stuff no one else wants to do the mom picks up the slack. If you search your heart you will make the correct choice. Will you and your husband have a good time without another child. It is really a personal choice. Good luck my kids are 40 39 25 21 7

Tell him if he wants it he can carry it himself

No… I’m 32 with a 17, 14, 12, 11, 9 qnd 2 yr old and its friggn exhausting. Your kids are fun ages, I don’t blame you for not wanting to start over… maybe foster? Or get him a puppy

Why do you ask. Bloody Hell. NO . TAKE RESPONCIBILITY grow up. Why do women continue to listen to men whose live are not changed by reproducing.

Nope I’m 39 got my tubes done at 37 I was done with 4

When I was 10 yrs old (youngest of 5) my dad wanted another child. My mom said "not happening and went to work!

You are no more selfish than he would be if you wanted another and he didn’t. Of course his wants are important but with that being said, your wants are valid also AND you are the one that carries and delivers the baby so majority rules :wink: (kidding!)
At your children’s ages, I’d definitely say no more also. My “surprise” child just turned 6 and I will be 43 in September. I’m enjoying these years BUT I’m tired lol
9/10 do not recommend starting over

Grand babies later!
lol tell him your youngest is 10 you guys are in the free in 8 years why start over lol

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If you’re done you’re done hun
It should be discussed with your partner but in the end it’s your body that goes through so much and if you’re happy with the children you have, he should understand

Your body your choice tell him to adopt an animal

I had twins on my first pregnancy,and I knew if I got through that ,that having another one was out of the question,had my tubes tied went back later found cancer and had a hysterectomy.I only wanted a boy and a girl but both was girls. God gives us a brain to know when to stop .I think if a man had to carry one baby it would on be one . My pregnancy was not easy at all.

Heck no. I’m almost 36 with an almost two year old and three older boys. It’s rough. I work everyday then take care of the baby. No time for myself ever plus my last pregnancy was rough on my body. I could not do it again.

I’m 31 with a 12 and 8yr old and I’m done for sure​:rofl: loved having them “young” but there just becoming independent and I’m getting some freedom again and truth be told I don’t actually think I have it in me to bring another one up :rofl::woman_facepalming: the being pregnant doesn’t bother me could do that again but physically bringing another one up is just to much to even think about x

Wait a few years and you’ll have grandkids.

It’s your body your choice and he must respect that. If you decide you might want another child but don’t want to have one then adopting is always a great option. There are so many that need a home. But unless you are enthusiastic about getting pregnant, carrying and laboring for another baby then absolutely don’t.


Pregnancy takes so much from your body. You gave him 4 beautiful children, if anything he is the one being kind of selfish.

I think 4 is sufficient to feed and cloth and educate in this world today!

He is being selfish! You did your job at breeding.

You’re not selfish, people change… children are tiring

Maybe he needs a pet

Your not too old, but if I had kids that were the ages of yours I would completely understand not wanting more. You raised them and they are at the ages they are fairly independent. It’s time for you to have me time.

4 is a lot… I have 4 myself. 3 with my ex husband and with my now husband we have 1 and she is 11, my 3 oldest are 28 (about to be 29 on July 4th), 27 and then my other is about to turn 24. I’m 45 and couldn’t imagine having another. I got 4 wonderful granddaughters that I enjoy

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I had my last at 42, there are 21 years between her her sister they are very closr

Did your husband help out with the four you had? Are you busy running here and there with the four you have? Is it fair for these four to expect to help you with another one? Tell him you are getting to the point where you will be able to enjoy the soon to be adult children. I am saying no you are not to old BUT you have a chance to find out who you children become as adults and you don’t want to miss that chapter of your lives!

No your not selfish at all I have a 12 and 2 1/2 year old and I m 35 I’m done having kids.

Compromise, get a puppy!


Who can afford 5 kids?? Or even 4??

When he can carry it, he can have it. #yourbodyyourchoice

Heck no your not selfish all your kids now are at a age where they are potty trained have friends and can do most tasks on their own. I wouldn’t want to go back to sleepless nights and changing diapers after raising 4. Besides you would be 50 by the time this one’s 10. I see older people not have the energy to put into their kids so they run all over them and do as they please.

Nope not selfish at all.

Ur body but find a solution u both can agree on

We have 6 kids. We both didn’t want any more after 30.

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Your body, your choice…

If you don’t want then dont