I don’t think your being petty. I’m not a step mom but my daughter has a bonus mom that is absolutely amazing. If your step child is sending pics of herself to bio mom thats fine, if its a picture of her and her sibling doing something cute I can kinda see where thats ok. If its just pics of your child no, not if you feel uncomfortable about it. You are your babies mother and if something makes you uncomfortable you do not need to ask others if your feelings are valid. Its like telling any of these other moms that if something makes them uncomfortable they should ignore it to make others comfortable or happy. No. Do you momma, parent how you want and never think your feelings are not valid. Anything can be misconstrued in a picture no matter how innocent they are.
Thats her sibling, she wants to.share that with her mum, having been in this position I don’t see the problem
You want a blended family. She is proud of her sister. Let it go.
The 8 year old has a phone? To me the rest is trivial but I have experienced a similar past life.
I would not like u to be my kids step mom. Bio mom is an insult that is reserved for absent dead beat parents. Her mom is with her actively raising her daughter. That little girl is excited to have a baby Sibling and she wants to share that with her mommy that she loves that’s why she’s sending her pictures get over yourself
Just tell your step daughter that you don’t want her sending pics of the baby to anyone. That way she’s not confused as to why she can’t send them to mom. I personally wouldn’t want my babies pic being sent to people that issues with me either. Plus there’s no reason for her mom to have pics of your baby unless you decide to send them to her.
It sounds like it’s time to move forward for the sake of both your children. Try burying the hatchet and always take the higher road. Unless you’re afraid of bio mom exploiting pics of your infant, I wouldn’t worry too much. Good luck and hope it all works out.
Have dad talk to her about it. He can explain that bio mom is a part of her family but not a part of the baby’s family and he only wants the baby’s picture to go to the baby’s family and then name who those people are.
It’s her sibling. She probably doesn’t even care. But that’ll make her sister happy. If you care about the 8 year old you will learn to pick your battles. She’s not going to understand. The 8 year old will just think you are being mean.
You are looking too much into this.
Save your energy for real problems.
Save the drama for real problems.
I see why she doesn’t like you.