Am I wrong for not wanting my stepdaughter to send pics to her mom?

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Grow up. It may be your daughter but it’s bonus daughters sister. She wants to share HER family and is trying to connect the two. Let her. Even if mom is a colossal B word, be the bigger person. These kids didn’t ask to be in that situation. I know it’s hard by experience but don’t be petty. It only makes you look bad and solidifies the idea in that moms head as you being a jealous wife. You want her to think that? Prove it to her by being petty.


My thoughts is an 8 year old is too young to be having a cell phone in the first place!


You’re making it petty too. If sister wants to show her off to mom, let her.


I wouldn’t worry about the bikini wearing stuff. Doesn’t seem to have affected your husband any. Back to the pictures… Your stepdaughter is happy with her baby sister. That’s a good thing. She’s not jealous of the baby. As for negativity and the evil eye, just say prayer of protection for the baby every morning and night. The Good Lord will take care of any negativity or evil intentions coming from any direction. Let your stepdaughter take her pictures and support the love and relationship that seems to be forming between these two precious little girls.

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Leave the kids out of it. As a step mom it sounds like you’ve done a great job. Keep up the class and dignity. The kids will remember that and respect you for it.


I mean, she’s proud and happy of her little sister. Maybe check the messages after the photos of her baby sister she sends and see what bio mom says. I cant see bio mom saying anything negative to her own daughter about her sister. I mean my kiddos (10&8) havw tablets and they take photos of everything. The cat, their stuffed animals, selfies.


I see where you’re coming from by protecting your new baby from the toxic lady but also your 8 year probably doesn’t understand the tension between y’all and whey you’re reserve so I personally think it should be fine UNTIL something crosses the line that you aren’t comfortable with. I think your 8 is just excited she has another sibling and wants to show her off. You don’t need to grow up or anything like people said, it’s a valid concern.


That is her brother, I don’t see a problem with it.


I can understand your apprehension and uneasiness given your past with her; but on the other hand it’s your daughter’s sibling. I have one bonus son and 4 biological kids. I was super uneasy when on of our younger boys wanted to go with their brother to his house to get something or drop something off to his mom but all in all I had to work through it because at the end of the day they are brothers and the only way they are going to grow into adults and continue to have a healthy relationship is to foster that love they have for one another. You got this mama.

I get it, I would feel the the same

Petty but we are also only hearing one side of the story

While i understand your trepidation in not wanting her in your business…YOU are creating a rift now with your stepdaughter.
Thats HER sibling, she should be able to show the rest of her family the sibling she loves.


Don’t study it. You sound to have more class then the bio mom. Just let it go. Big sister is proud of her baby sister :heart:


Really it is her sibling!!! Being bitter get over it!!! LEAVE THE KIDS OUT OF IT!!
I was not allowed to get along with my ex because of his new girl. Went to court multiple times over her not allow us to parent our child. Making me only talk to her!! But Guess what, my younger son who is not his went to family gatherings, camping, holidays, with his brother for weekends sometimes!!! They ARE BROTHERS!! Was not going to keep them apart because of bs!
She may hate me, was so disrespectful but she loved both my kids even the one that was NOT my exs! Always included him!

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I get it love, so many people being rude. Your feelings are valid. How I see it…you have 2 options be petty and allow the children to see such behavior and think it’s okay or be the bigger person and show them that just because other people are nasty does not mean that they have to be nasty as well. As for the negative energy…get you some sage and cleanse often​:upside_down_face::wink:

So you want to control your partners 8 yr old? You realise your child is HER sibling. Get over yourself and stop being petty. She’s not sending photos of you. The fact you had to detail the backstory doesn’t make you sound very kind. More like a judgemental woman blowing smoke up her own butt. Wondering if your relationship stated as an affair?

8 year old having a cellphone is the real issue. I said what I said.


Think of it this way…your stepdaughter is very proud of this new baby. Wants to show them off to any and everyone. Let her. And then anything negative the bio mom states to her own child will be in bio moms shoes to handle. Don’t stoop to that level. I’m also a step mama and at the age my stepdaughter is now she calls her own mother out on things she states about our family. Her mother unfortunately digs her own grave most of the time.


She’s excited… she’s proud. Goodness

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Nope . My step daughter videod my whole house… it dawned on me what she was doing. . Told her to stop. Her mom lost this because of her actions .


Hun she’s just sharing her brother and sister she’s happy about them ,your not wrong but many a bit jealous or something let the little girl be happy with her brother and sister

Be the bigger person

She’s proud of her half sibling. Her mom probably doesn’t care much but she sure does. If you don’t want her to I’d break the news to her softly. As I know I wouldn’t want pictures of my kid going to people I know probably wouldn’t care about my child but please be sensitive.

Sounds like yours trying to convince us your the victim
Why should the child suffer when this is a grown person’s problem :thinking:
Plus…you don’t have a say in what bio mommy wears


Don’t let her behaviour dictate yours. I get where your coming from, just don’t let her make you into someone your obviously not.

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Your stepdaughter is going to resent you ! No matter what …that is her sibling and she is proud to be a big sister! stop being petty for the children’s sake!


Be the bigger person

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U have to bare in mind she 8 and doesn’t understand but u do have the right to say no with with your child a had a similar but different issue with my stepdaughter who was 11 at the time who used to record and take pic of my kids and post online I don’t mind her sending private to her mam me and her mam get on quite well but online really bothered me after trail and error a lot of strops and a lot of reminding of explaining the dangers etc she did stop posting online again different situations she dose ask now and the pic which is a fair compromise maybe sit her down and talk it through but find a child friendly way to do so xxx


l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 19522 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Use hotfoot powder!!!

Whinge Whinge Whinge I bet you are a nightmare in real life. If these are your only problems God help you


Yeah your petty. I thought you were gonna say she wished death or some harsh thing on your 9 month old an that’d be a reason maybe BUT the fact that it’s petty over a bikini and her being jealous at first and or she didn’t want you near her child…
Her sister has EVERY right to send her mom pictures. She wants to show her off and you should be happy that she loves her that much. It would probably show that your a family and it may piss the bio mom off a little bit who cares. It’s your 8 year old step daughter who’s feeling matter not yours and not her bio moms.

I hope you aren’t a nightmare of a step mom.


You all have to grow up


It just sounds like you have a grudge


I just see love and pride … From your daughter, for her new baby sibling.
She wants to share that with someone…


She’s proud of her baby brother or sister, it’s great that she wants to share them with her mum! Be the bigger person x


While you can have your feelings you have to understand that baby is the world to your daughter. She just wants to share her happiness with bio mom. Maybe the baby will open a new door for you and bio mom’s relationship?

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Sounds like y’all BOTH need to do some growing up still

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Let it go - bigger more important things to waste ur time on


Well I hate to say it but they half siblings so as much as you dont want that I can understand why the daughter is doing such. But how do you ask a child not to do that?? Not really sure because she is feeling that is her little sibling who she wants to show her mother

Can you maybe say something like instead of sending them to anyone let’s print them out and make a photo book for her?


Grow uppp. It’s as innocent as just a picture. Your baby is your step daughter baby sibling.


Nope you are not wrong.

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Your house. Your rules. I had this same fight with my husband. Starting as pics of my son / her half brother. Ended when she took video of my bedroom and send it to her mother. I wouldn’t allow an 8 year old to have a phone in my house though. Way too young.


You’re wrong. This is the definition of be the bigger person.


Pick your battles and this ain’t one of them. She can’t do anything looking at a picture.

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I agree with you. I would not allow my step daughters to send pics of my son to either of their moms. My child (whether there half siblings or not) my rules. They are not my sons parent or even their family and I would not allow it.


Your child your rules.

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It’s your child. If you don’t want people taking pics tell them no. Doesn’t matter who they are.


Fck no. That girl has no right to be doing that shit. Who cares if that’s her sibling? It’s YOUR kid and that trumps her every single time. She can take a picture, fine. But the second she sends it to her btch mother, she should immediately be losing her phone. 8 is old enough to learn no means no and she’s a brat if she continues this bc she’s putting her sibling at risk by doing so. You weren’t even able to hold her, so her mom shouldn’t have pictures of YOUR kid. Those saying “but you have pics of her” have it twisted. You’re this kids stepmother, her mother is NOTHING to yours

Not wrong I don’t like when pics are taken either case they can d whatever they want with them such as social media i keep my kids off of and they can post and hide it so u can’t see it.

I suppose you could tell your step-daughter she can’t send pics to her mother. I think it’s pretty juvenile though. It might suit your family better if you could learn to love your step-daughter more than you hate her mother. Your choice.


Your kid your house your rules. Those pictures that are being shared can be posted anywhere and if she does have any ill intent towards you there’s no telling where they could go. You are validated in the way you feel. 


Everybody saying it’s just pictures, let someone take pictures of your child and do whatever with them? How does that idea sound?


l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 21383 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

That baby is her little sister and she’s proud and loves her… Try to co-parent as much as possible. Learn from that. Let the girl Be a big sister. Stand back!


You aren’t wrong. Explain this to the 8 year old that you prefer you not send pictures to her mom regarding the daughter. Explain to your daughter that her bio mom is really excited to see her (the 8 year old) beautiful face. So only send pictures of herself and not the baby.


It’s HER sibling, she’s proud of that good lord get a dam grip


not be petty, its the 8 year olds sibling which shes probably proud to show off especially since it is a new phone give it a month and it will change im sure.


Really? There are so many other things to worry about.

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It’s your child. :woman_shrugging:t2: You’re allowed to set boundaries. Just tell her you don’t really feel comfortable sending pictures of the baby to people yet. Talk to her about privacy and how it’s always best to ask before posting or sending pictures of other people children in general anyway. It’s good to teach kids about boundaries young, because then they learn how to set their own.

Maybe let her choose which photos she likes best so you can put them in frames in her room, or in a photo book.


If her Mom has bad blood towards you, yes, you have every right to stop your step daughter from sending her bio Mom photos of your baby.


Lol this post is funny! I’m glad I don’t have to deal with pettiness like this.


Stay in your lane is the most worthless statement for humanity. When a child is drowning or parents are distracted. Are other parents supposed to stay in their lane? It takes a village in any unsafe environment (including toxic) Unreal to assume any mother could just ignore the right and wrong. Praise the right always.

Lead by example and set boundaries for yourself and your child. Ignore BM negative behavior and be understanding to the child learning and understanding boundaries. 8 is a great age for that. Good luck! Keep your head up! Love them babies.


It’s her sister she should be able to take and have pictures. You sound very insecure and like you need therapy


I think it’s probably time to move forward with positivity. I know it can be super hard but that is what is best for your step daughter.


l get paid over $ 190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17952 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.

Naw. She can take pics but not send it to her mom. Its not the ex wife business about the baby. Sibling or not. Tell her to take a pic and keep it in an album but not send it :woman_shrugging:t2: you arent one for wanting privacy


You said that’s your daughter but then ended the question like it’s someone you babysit that will endanger your baby by taking pics smh, she is literally an 8yr old taking pics of her sibling and maybe she wants to share her joy of being an older sister with her mother. Now that you have a baby why you acting like that kid is a stranger


This post reeks of insecurity and resentment. You are absolutely allowed to make rules about your own child but when you throw into this issue the fact that mom picked up the kid in a bikini and that you don’t want the evil eye coming in your child’s direction?? Yeah…


Idk i wouldn’t want someone that hates me to have pictures of my baby. Reality people are fucked up so i get where you’re coming from. You’re gonna have to figure out how to navigate that without putting anything on the 8yr old :face_with_diagonal_mouth: that’s not her issue its an adult issue

l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 19160 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.


No that’s your baby not hers she don’t need to be seeing it. But! Your daughter doesn’t meN anything bad by it I’m sure she probably just a proud sister


That’s her sister. Stop being petty.:rage:


If this was reversed what would you do


Just let her know it’s better for everyone to get along if we keep our home business away from Mom’s home and Mom’s home business out of our home… only if needed.


How about you see how the mom reacts to those pictures first then you decide. Does she reply in a kind manner or not then you can go from there. My stepdaughter sends me picture of her siblings and also sends pictures of mine to her mom and she is 15 years old is it a lil odd sure but I’ve never bad mouthed her siblings I say something nice like how cute or the usual wow they’re getting so big. And so does her mom. And I can say we don’t have the best relationship. But we do not get the kids involved.


Isn’t 8 yrs old a little young to have a cell phone where she sends photos to anyone? I don’t blame you for being concerned about your baby’s photos being sent out to other people, especially this ex who sounds like a bit of a nut… Maybe your husband can curtail the photo taking by saying it’s dangerous to send out photos because someone could find them who is not family, etc. Good luck with this. It’s truly something that would also bother me… Go with your gut instinct.


Here’s the thing if your letting her take the pictures she can just pull the phone out and show her mom when she is staying with her so eventually moms gonna see. It seems like your more concerned about what bio mom is gonna think
Who cares, I’m sure you have plenty of people who love your baby one of them happens to be your 8 year old step daughter so why rain on her parade of being a big sister. Be thankful it didn’t go the opposite way and she was resentful. Things I tell myself to is? Am I being the bigger person in this situation or am I just on the same level as they are. Maybe it’s best I just took the high road and be the better person.
Look my youngest is autistic and my own (narcissistic) mother told me I got what I deserved with him. About her own grandchild but you know what I don’t let it rain on my prade because I love the hell out of him and I wouldn’t have him be any other way, not gonna give the attention that person is so clearly seeking and that’s what you have to tell yourself


I hear your concerns sharing with her Mom. Maybe convince her to share them with Dad or you instead. This way she can still take the pictures and have them to see and maybe share with friends.

The best thing you can do is ignore her. Really. Don’t even acknowledge her. It will peeve her off because, you don’t care… just ignore her.

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Your reason for her not seeing pics of your baby is ridiculous


It’s ok to not want pics sent. Dad has to be the one to set this limit though. It shouldn’t come from you.


“I am a step mommy to an 8 year old and a mommy to a 9 month old”
I fixed it for you.
How are going to explain to your stepdaughter that you don’t want her showing her mother pictures? You’d be putting her in the middle. At the end of the day, it’s her mother. Don’t make her feel as if she has to decide whether to keep something from her or keep something from you.
You’re the adult. Find a way to be concerned with what you do and what goes on at your house only because that’s what you can control.


You need to grow up, the little girls a proud big sister. Me and hubbys ex can’t stand each other. But I never stopped step kids taking pics of her or stopped baby going to his ex’s if was seeing his kids. My daughter now 8 and his ex get along great, his ex loves my daughter, she plays with her son from new relasionship at her house. We still don’t like each other but that’s life. We still buy her new son presents at Xmas along with ex’s kids. We put our feeling to side for kids sake

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You wanna know if we agree with you being petty just because your BOYFRIEND’S daughter’s mom was years ago? Now your BOYFRIEND’S daughter can’t have pics of her siblings because you don’t want a specific person to look? Also confused about the bikini…why should she cover up? Just becase you may be ashamed of YOUR body, doesn’t mean everyone is. Are bikinis only acceptable on a beach?? I’m sure your boyfriend didn’t mind seeing her in it, is that the issue?:joy:

The bio mom is very immature, jealous and I wouldn’t trust her to have anything to do with my baby

Your a mommy to a 9 month old. The 8 year old has a mom. Unless you want two siblings that dislike each others mom’s I’d pack it in

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Your reasons are valid but she will probably do it anyway. Maybe arrange a proper photo of them both and take it for her. That emphasises that they are siblings, and it would be nice for her to have. I would be concerned about your privacy if pictures are being taken in the home and sent though. Maybe come up with a few rules.

I send pictures of my daughter and her older sister to her older sister’s mom, but my daughter’s older sister’s mom and I are good friends. I don’t know your situation with your bonus daughter’s mom so I can’t give an option

If the daughter takes pics and she has a camera there is no way to really stop this.

Let her be proud of her sibling. You dint want to create tension between the two of you over this. Trust me more important things will come up later on.


Just think of her face when she sees pics of your lil family INCLUDING your step daughter.
Bio mum will hateeeeeeeee it, good entertainment. I sent bio mum pics of her daughter and my daughter together. And ones of just her daughter tho our dynamics were way different

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You should be talking to the child, not blasting her mother in a public forum. Why is wearing a bikini picking up your own child something to be blasted for


nope. absolutely not. i refused ti habe any pictures sent of my kids sent to my husband baby mom. she threatened to cut her my oldest out belly n kill us both at 26 weeks pregnant :grimacing::upside_down_face: soo…they also aren allowed around her

also. 8 is way to young to he having a phone.


Let her share the pictures of her sibling, she is proud to be a big sister and wants to show mom. If bio mom makes comments of the rude nature that is on her for being petty, don’t match pettiness and be the bigger person

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Yes you are wrong. Move on and look for more important things to worry about. End of story.


U are not mommy to a 8 year old u are a step mother! So much wrong with that sentence, maybe that’s why the mommy to the 8 year old seems to have a problem with u!