Am I wrong for thinking it's a waste for my husband to fight for his kid?

Who the hell are you to begin with? How did you know that she introduced the child to those men? That’s just an excuse to make her look bad and irresponsible.Mind your own business WOMAN!!


Always fight legally fr the child


you are indeed wrong , he should definitely fight to be in his childs life and if you dont support him you may regret it later on down the line


You are so wrong. Would you be able to be so cold if it were YOUR kid? This is a child not a puppy he’s fighting to see. IT IS HIS CHILD.

You should be supportive of his wanting to fight for his kid.


So… when you start dating someone who has a child/children, then they are a PACKAGE deal. Package deals usually come with some sort of baggage, it can be good, bad, sad, ect… but you have to decide on whether you want to stay around or not with said baggage.


Why be pressed that SHE blocked YOU from seeing something you just said you don’t like seeing? Always fight for the right to see your kid. And the mother’s life doesn’t concern you unless it’s visibly unhealthy for the child.

1… your husband should leave you cause it’s pretty clear you give no cares about his child
2…you should never ever toss your kid to the side, ever… for no reason at all
3…if you don’t get point #2 then see point #1


I hope he sees this I’m some Devine way… You’re a cold succubus.

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Well I think getting upset cause she post pictures of said child with other men then in the next sentence saying we aren’t fighting for the child says a lot about you both !! My situation is a bit different as it’s an immigration thing. He doesn’t want in the child’s life or he’d fought long ago

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wishing you the best of luck with this very SAD situation, when the child LEAVES home maybe he will see what a SELFISH Piece of WORK the mom really was.

100% wrong. He should move closer to his kid and fight for custody. No one could keep me from my child. Both of you are useless :woman_shrugging:t3: poor baby moms


Yes very wrong and that child doesn’t deserve it! He should be fighting for his rights as a father! Just wow

Sweetie, he “gave up” when he decided to move thousands of miles away from his child. It’s a little late now to be concerned about whether the pictures of the child have another guy in them. At least the guy seems to be providing some kind of male role model for the kid. If your husband really wanted a relationship with his kid he would move heaven and earth to provide it, not just bitch about some other guy in the pictures.

I hope the child doesn’t ever see this when she’s older :pensive: she’d feel awful x yes the whole court part can be mentally exhausting, the other parent can make it hell but you get up and show up for your kids no matter what x he made them, fight for them xx

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I was you once upon a time. The difference was that I was the one fighting for my exes child. I fought until we were awarded full primary residence and she only saw her toxic, manipulative mother on weekends. Here we are, years later, her father and I have since divorced, but she is still in my life and I don’t regret a minute of the time I spent advocating and busting my ass to make sure she was, at the very least, safe and cared for. Someday your boyfriend’s child will be old enough to understand the fact that their mother is toxic, and if their father walks away, they’ll remember that too. He shouldn’t give up and if you care for him, you won’t let him.

If you won’t help him fight for his child then you’re not his real partner and don’t deserve him or his child. Real mothers, fathers and partners don’t just give up on their kids because things are difficult and you certainly don’t encourage someone else to quit!


You’re so in the wrong.

Someone else should never come between a parent and children. That’s exactly what you’re doing.


Do a health and welfare check on the child. Stand behind him cause men get screwed all the time and get called deadbeats from this kind of women. Its sad and you want to be there for him and his child. Also how old is the child. Ik in Okla a child can say who they want to live at age 12yo. Look into the laws there. But don’t give up.


You are so wrong. Stop it!


My Mother made it very difficult for my Dad to dee my brother and I. He never gave up! I’m thankful for him still even though I’m 65 and he’s been gone for 20 years


You should encourage him to fight for his child. This is a situation that he took part in way before you came into his life and his life-long obligation.

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You need to leave your husband so he can fight for his child without your ass. How disgusting of you honestly. If it were your child would you feel the same way?


You sound immature foreal

Wow… he should never give up on his child ever. And you should not be encouraging him to do so.


Yes, you’re the assh*le. Never ever should you give up on your child. He should be fighting with all he has in court. If you had your own child I’m sure you would fight with all you have also, it shouldn’t be any different for him. And if you wouldn’t fight, then you’re a piece of crap. Also, I would never be with a man who chooses to abandon his child. By the sounds of how easily you’re both giving up, maybe the child is better off without you two in his life.


Yes. Super selfish. Ask my daughter how that feels.

Nb, don’t think for one second if the tables (god forbid) are ever turned that he wouldn’t treat you the exact same way

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Dude cmon. That’s HIS CHILD. You fight for your children. That’s just what you do. Well if you’re not a pos that is.


Courts do not care how far you are! He is the father and should get to see child, no judge would be like yep giving is the best and let her control it all cause in a legal standpoint he will get his time with his child!


Never give up on your child. Never. Ever ever. This is your husband’s child and you should have his back 100. What would you do if the shoes were on the other feet?! I don’t give a damn if she’s had multiple boyfriends. Nothing and no one replaces a father. Why would y’all not want to see a video of his son and Mom’s fiance together? That’s so salty.

Yes how would you feel if your dad just said eeeehhh your not worth it. Hope karma does same to you both.


You are absolutely wrong.


Why di you care about who are in the photos when yall aren’t there? Wows. Yeah, just throw the whole kid away like trash. At least he has a father figure in his life. Some of yall are something else.

I would never let me significant other give up on their child no matter how hard the battle! That child needs his/her father to fight!


If mine was going through that I would support him in any way he needs. You need me to fall back and just be there as emotional support…fine. You want me up front fighting with you…absolutely. No matter how many years it would take I’d have his back. I’d die before I stopped fighting for my kids so I’d never expect him to give up on his. When they become adults I’d rather hear I know you fought for me dad instead of why didn’t you fight for me or did you stop loving me is that why you gave up on me dad


Yes your wrong it’s his child. He can go to court and ask for summers and when the kids have breaks since you guys live far away. He has rights as a dad.


Um? What? Why would anyone give up on their child?? If anything I’d give up on you and leave and do whatever it takes for my child. Even that’s means selling my organs


You sound really immature honestly if he wants to fight for his child he has ever right even if he hasn’t been in his life because of the mother he can take her to court over custody


Youre 1000% wrong. He needs his child in his life. You don’t need to get a place to stay near there either. Hire a lawyer and file for visitation. He will legally be allowed to see his daughter a few times a year at least. You need to support him in this.


If my new man had a kid and didn’t fight for his kid regardless if his BM was difficult or not, that is not a man I’d want a future with. And the least you can do is be supportive regardless of the situation. Children grow up and remember who was there and if they fought for them. You’re so wrong for this.


Why wouldn’t y’all fight for his child. File the papers

There’s no I in team. So you’re right, if you feel it’s not your place, leave and let him fight for his own flesh and blood!


Seem to me like you jealous you want your husband all to yourself you supposed to be his support system the way you talking you might be the problem

If you truly cares about your fiancé child, you would fight


If you are unwilling to help your husband fight for his child no matter how hard the Battle May seem then you need to leave. you are not the right person for him. how could you look at the person you say you love and tell them to give up on someone who is half them? you’re seriously asking your husband to pick you over his own child!!!


He didn’t fight for his child when he was small or he would have gotten visitation. Now he comes back into the kids life and starts making demands of the mother on how she parents … gtfo. I don’t know who moved away from whom, but either way this is a result of dad not stepping up alot sooner.


This is a question your husband needs to answer for himself. This has nothing to do with you. If your husband wants to be in his son’s life then he needs to do what he needs to do to make that possible. Get a lawyer, go to court, etc.

However, if he doesn’t then well there’s you’re answer.

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Any father that truly loves his kids would never let any lady he just met to destroy that bond end of story


You are with a man who you knew has a child by someone else. You could have walked away from the start but you didn’t. If he is a good dad he will NEVER give up on his child no matter what. I would never make him give up on his kid. That poor child will always feel like he wasn’t worth fighting for. If you can’t handle it maybe he should give up on you. The mother sounds very childish but your sounding just as childish as her. It shouldn’t even matter what pictures she post either, it’s HER page and can post her family if she wants to. That just sounded like the dumbest thing I ever heard.


He can file for vistitation right there where you live. He has the right to see his child. He also is responsible for paying child support to help support that child. If you don’t want this child in your life and his life then leave this man! This is his child!


Wow. Just wow. So you rather have a child go through so much trauma growing up feeling their father didn’t fight for them or even want them so it’s more convenient for you. :woman_facepalming:t2: but yeah you still “feel” for the child. Yes inconvenience is what you feel for the child. Grow up!

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I could never be attracted to a man who gave up on his child. EW.


Time is NEVER wasted when fighting for the right to see a child!
I would move heaven and earth, spend every cent I have and then sell whatever I could! WHATEVER IT TAKES!! You never stop fighting for a child!


I wouldn’t put my mouth on it if it wasn’t my kid. I wouldn’t live thousands of miles away from mine either. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I also wouldn’t be with a man that doesn’t fight for his kid or care to be close by them. Red ass flag sis


He would be wrong. You can do whatever. He should put his child first though.


Why would he ever give up his own child? Fight or no fight , if he wants his child he as well as you should do anything!


A father should never have to fight to his kids… It is so sad… So many women need to do better…stop being bitter… Good luck… I would continue to try but there is not much that can be done… Set aside the money instead of spending it on lawyers right now… Keep saving the money and the right time to fight or see the child/adult the money will come in handy then… Throwing money at lawyers right now will be a waste…


No parent should give up on their child. :pleading_face:


If I were him I’d run from you! Never give up on your children! Gwad bless.


Why did he move thousands of miles away… And if she moved with their kid…why didn’t he petition the courts to stop it… Hes lazy. This should have been dealt with way before you even became a thought.

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It’s all on him. Legally there’s nothing you can do. It’s all on him.

Yup totally wrong. He should have fought from the get go.

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In a “AITA” story… you would be the aashole :woman_shrugging:


Wow, it’s a child HIS child he’s worried about. If this woman does this child will have a hard life. Sad…

You. Adults. Need. To quite. Bickering and. Do. What’s. Best. For. The. Child. It’s. not. Fair. to.the. Kid,. Let’s. Be. Civil .
Put personal. feelings. Aside. Get. a. Lawyer ,. And. Figure. It. Out

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Grow up! You are 1000% wrong. Also… that fiancé is there every single day helping raise said child while you guys are miles away. You should be thanking him! She might have full power but your husband has rights. Learn to co-parent :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


It’s ok to admit your frustrated, this is a hard situation…but how do you expect to teach your children to fight for whats right when your this lazy??? You pull you big girl panties up amd fight like he’ll for his kid because thats whays right amd that child deserves better!!!

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I would fight to my death for my children… I wouldn’t expect any less from their dad


If that child knows their father didn’t fight for them, it will be catastrophic for their self image as an adult. I understand and hear your frustration, but just keep trying.


He should honestly throw u away …and fight for his child just saying…


If you don’t have kids then y’all need to move there and fight for his kid. The end .


Do you have kids? If someone told you give up on trying to see them would you? You need to leave this man alone! You should push him to never give up on trying to see his child. Stay in your lane.


I see mainly women, responding. I wanna hear from a man’s perspective?

You don’t have a say it’s not your child to decide this❣️


I would still go through the courts. He could get his child during the summers and every other holiday. Always worth “fighting” for your child. The issue isn’t the fighting to see his child. The issue is, it hasn’t been gone through the courts, therefore it seems like it’s pointless. Take the “power” from her. And file through the courts ASAP. Keep records of your husband reaching out to her. And submit all the information. But don’t you for one second tell him not to fight for his child.


YOU are the biggest red flag in this entire post you made. He should run fast AF away from you :woozy_face:


This is very clear to me…a father should never give up a fight for his child!


Totally wrong…he should never stop fighting for his child !!!


So many people want to make you feel like crap when they don’t know what’s it’s like or how hard it can be in your position. Being someone who has been through this myself I hold a lot of compassion for you. It can become so mentally exhausting when it goes on for so long and you feel like you’re getting nowhere. It’s only human to just want it to all be over. I had to emotionally detach myself from the situation as well because I was pregnant and needed to focus on my health and my child’s health. I understand where you’re at right now. That being said, I would just be supportive of what your husband wants. You can still separate your emotions from the situation while being there for him. If he wants to keep fighting, let him. That’s his child. Just don’t allow it to take up so much space in your life that it affects you because you matter too and I know this is hard.


You are absolutely wrong. He is the child’s father. If he isn’t going to fight for his own child, who will? Who cares who is in the video? Learn to pick your battles and put the child first!


Even as a step parent I would try to do everything in my power to continue to support him and motivate him to fight for his child. Ain’t enough miles, money, time, or fight I wouldn’t put into trying to be apart of my child’s life. I don’t see any court not allowing rights to a father that’s trying. My sister in laws father lives in CA her mom in LA and the court still ordered for them to agree on meeting half way to share time with the child. Sounds like you’ve already accepted defeat though.


You are a million times over completely wrong. Regardless of if you feel it’s pointless or not. It’s HIS child! He deserves a fighting chance and the baby deserves to know that their dad did everything in his power to fight and hopefully get some kind of custody. Regardless of if you guys live in a different state or not every situation is different and can be figured out. If you were my wife and you were telling me to give up on my child I’d just give up on you. I didn’t have my dad growing up and let me tell you I would have given anything to have him fighting for me and win. Just to know that at least he didn’t give up would mean the world.


Not your decision to make.

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It has to be ur hubbys choice or u will have issues. If he wants to be in the child’s life u should let him. If he takes her to court he can get access also. Things should never be left for the caregiving parent to decide how it’s going to go. They generally get butt hurt when th le other wants things they don’t

It is still his child, if you can’t support him and help him get through this then maybe don’t be with him

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speak to him about it. if he wants to carry on fighting to see his child then that’s how it will be. it is his choice. you cannot make that decision for him. but if he chooses to stop then fair enough. and i get that it will be emotionally draining, and if a time comes where you just can’t do it anymore then that is when you should step back from your marriage and go your separate ways. you’re not obligated to do it, and have the whole process drain you and drag you down. so if it does get too much then you have to leave the situation entirely.


You’re sad and hopefully he leaves you and continues to fight for his child that you clearly could care less about smh


In my opinion it’s your job to support your husband and what he wants to do.
If he wants to try contact the Mum to “see” the child more - either in person or via video link (Skype etc), then back him up and support him.
If he wants to pursue court, then support him.

I can understand your frustration, my partner and I have spent over $8000 in legal fees in court for his children (3 of them). It’s like banging your head against a brick wall with his ex.

I have 2 boys and their father and I did everything out of court and are still friends to this day. So our interactions are easy. If we want to swap days or times - we cooperate with one another for our children’s best interest. We spend birthdays and holidays together etc and both their dad and my current partner get along too.

We have complete polar opposite relationships with our exes. However, we just support one another when it comes to access with our respective children and their parents. It’s not our job to tell the other what to do.


Yes you are wrong! Your job should be to encourage, push, motivate and support that relationship. Shame on you for thinking its a waste


It is called CO-PARENTING even if you live miles apart from each other. He has every right to see his child grow up and she is an adult who can date whomever she wants to date. Non of your business, if she putting the child’s life in danger with said boyfriend, then ofcourse be mad and fight, but she probably has a boyfriend every now and then yo help her out because the actual father of the child isn’t around.

Jeeesh like. You don’t want the kom to be happy with someone else, but yet dady is allowed to have a new girlfriend. Double standards on that one.


Contact your court advocate and explain the issue to have it entered in court records in case she tries to ask for increased child support? Protect yourselves from any legal moves she may try!

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He should have fought to be in his kids life from the beginning. Making regular visits to go see him might be more affective


Not worth it??? Are you serious? That’s his child.


Yes you suck, any father of a child should never give up POS

Imagine if your husband didnt fight for you. You are so wrong


Turn the table here. Would you give up on your child??


I’ll never understand why men & women get with people they know have children if they can’t handle it . Yes you’re wrong for that. He needs to do more, even if it means spending :moneybag: on a lawyer. She may use that child as a pawn but your man has always let her. You can either encourage him to do more or leave him so he can be a father to his kid. Children are way more important than any partners. Let me add, he’s a bum if he gives up on his kid. Furthermore, if he could do it to his kid with her then he could do it to any kid he has with you.


So, which is it? First you asked if you were wrong for thinking it’s a waste for him to fight (implying he’s still fighting). Then you asked if “we” were wrong for throwing in the towel. Does your husband actually want to give up? Or are you just pressuring him to give up?

Because it’s not your child and not your decision, so yes, you’re wrong as hell if you are at all pressuring him into giving up or giving him shit about still fighting for his child.

Like, of course you have detached - and that’s even ok, because you don’t even know this kid. But that is HIS CHILD. His baby. His blood. If he wants to fight, you should be supportive. If you can’t deal with him wanting to fight for his child, you should move on, not discourage him from fighting.


Omg…I was in exact same situation 18 years ago…he misses his baby…we spent thousands…she’s 29 now …good luck xxx