Am I wrong for thinking it's a waste for my husband to fight for his kid?

Why would anyone not see their child since leaving? How long has it been? He married you…
in any event, the baby mama will have some say. Because a marriage is over, parenting never is. After proving he will be consistent & dedicated, he’ll have more control. You are wrong- NEVER GIVE UP ON A CHILD!

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What does HE Want
There are ways to go through system from another state
I helped my ex husband get custody of one daughter, from one state and he refused to go for custody or visitation rights of another that lived locally

But I supported him…

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They can do a video proceeding.


You’re right - it’s not your place. Good for you! He needs to go to court.


You’re the problem that’s his child how would you feel if it was your child


You sound pathetic asf! Wonder if it was your biological child, would you be ready to give up so easy? It seems like he needs to git rid of you. Then go fight for rights to see his child.


That man better fight till the day he does. You let him fight and support him through it all. Go to court and file just bc y’all are thousands of miles away does not make him any less a father to that child.


Seems like you just need to sit tf down :kissing_heart:


so much ew that either of you would even consider this. And you being the legal wife makes you have a stake in this as you are also the childs legal step mother.

If hes looking for a reason to drop out…he already has it with you apparently.

Also, move closer to the child.

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My husband went through this guess what we never gave up not once spent thousands fighting her and her lies now his son is grown and sees for himself who and where the problem lied at so absolutely you stand beside him and fight for him and his child or you need to step back and not be there you should want this as much as him


Wow. If my husband was in this situation and he wanted to give up or I was in the situation and he wanted me to give up, I would be giving up, but on the marriage, not the child.


Why even care about who’s in the pictures? That’s so petty if what y’all really want is a life with the child.


You can go to court from a different state. He needs a lawyer and you need to be supportive.


I can tell you for a fact one parent preventing another parent from being with their kids is way wrong. No winners c there. The best thing parents need to do is put children before your hatred.

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No, you’re not wrong. The kids probably better off without you lames.


Obviously you don’t have kids that are kept from you or come from a family that was broke up as a child. He can go to court and have visitation no matter how far you are. Kids need both parents.


You don’t just give up on your kid! :exploding_head: sounds like the father needs to move closer and possibly find someone to support him on all this! Just know if you are the one pushing for him to drop his kid then he will hate you in the end for it!!!


You NEVER ever give up on your kid, EVER. He’s gonna know if dad fought the good fight. Even IF he doesn’t get the desired outcomes in court, he can take it one hearing at a time, one small step (or big if he gets a judge that aligns with wanting reunification for child/dad) forward, all those small victories add up. He can fight from afar as well, without relocation, albeit yes it will be challenging but worth it.


If that was ur kid … would u just walk away!!!
He needs to do everything he can to see his child… and YOU should be there every step of the way supporting him. :rage::rage:


What’s the problem with having her partner in pictures, your husband probably takes snaps of you with his kid.
Sounds like he’s jealous and you know it. That’s why you are looking for permission to dump his kid!
SHAME on you


If you love him you love every part of him including previous kids which are half of him. If tables were reversed what would you want him to do??

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GO TO COURT!! The most important person in your husbands like is this child! They comes first before you before anyone! I don’t think your husband should of said anything about the photos and why is he even looking at his ex photos? How many men she has is not your business, you can’t judge her or your husband she’s raising his child! He needs to put this child first and fight as hard as he can this is for the child’s mental health and life long feelings, I think you need to stay out of this completely! He needs to man up and see his child no matter what!!!

You should like awful judgmental people!!! I’m fuming at this! I wish you was in front of me now I would give you both a right telling off!!! That child comes first!!!

I’m going to go ahead and assume that you do not have children of your own… I would literally fight until my death for my child.


I hope he divorces your ass

If it was your kid would you quit trying?


Don’t give up but get past the pictures and videos with the new guy and the next new guy. You’re just giving her a button to push.

I dont understand how she was able to move that far away without permission of the court anyway.

Would you throw in the towel if it was your child?

Its punishing the child. Why would the child deserve further feelings of abandonment? Its not about you. Its not about mom or dad… Its about the child.

I am a parent, and a step parent. My husbands ex wife liked to withhold visitation and all that over his head. There were times it was hard. I was there to encourage him and encouraged the will to keep that relationship alive between him and his kids. If you truly love this man and want what’s best for this man, you need to be encouraging and support him and his relationship with his child.

These situations suck like hell, but they happen. As parents we need to keep fighting for our children.