Am I wrong for thinking kids shouldn't be cussing?

If they’re not your kids, then yeah. You are in the wrong. It’s legitimately none of your business. Like at all. Unless it is impacting the mental health of your own children. And which case you need to help your own children. And not stick your nose in the lives of others.


No, you’re not wrong in telling them but, at the same time you’ll need to set an example (if you tend to cuss, too).

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It seemed a lot of parents justify cussing only at home but you real well once your kids see parents aren’t around cuss at everyone and their mothers. Because “it’s okay to do it at home” I know we can’t keep them from saying them once their older but at least they’ll know manners and respect. That’s why this world is full of bully’s and mean miserable people. SMH :woman_facepalming:t2:

My son learned fast that it was the wrong idea to cuss at me or around me! It’s unexceptional kids should not


Kids have cussed in every generation. You might not have been around them as a kid, but it happened. I don’t mind if my kids curse if they use them properly and not at people. It’s never been a problem.


Not knowing how old you child is. But I think it could be a good learning moment. Were other kids are going to say Curse words but you don’t have to do what they do. 

My 8 year old says kids curse all the time in 2nd grade at school. It makes her uncomfortable, as Ive told her they are bad words. Im trying to quit,as let one slip every now and then. I teach her,if want to express herself… try saying a fun word in place of a curse word and it is more classy and less offensive to others. Like…say Oh Fudge or Oh Flip…Son of A Biscuits…Darn It or Dang It…Heck or Heckin…Tell her it expands her vocabulary as well and makes her sound smarter than actual cursing. Now she makes it a game and comes up with new fun phrases…like Holy Hippos and stuff. Lol. Too many people getting into the relaxed parenting phase of not punishing or teaching their kids right from wrong. As long as their kid isn’t doing drugs or shooting someone,they are fine to them. Let them do what they want. Reason why so many bullies lately in Elementary schools. Bad parenting practices lately. Dont teach kids right from wrong or to respect others anymore. The littlest thing can hurt another kid’s feelings. Respect starts being learned at home. Do better.


Yeah… Nope. It’s a nasty habit that’s hard to break, cussing. It’s disrespectful and super not classy, and quite frankly sounds less educated. I cuss sometimes, but I’m mindful of where I am and who I’m with… I am 39 and still largely refrain from cussing in front of my parents. My kids are 16 and 21 and while I’m sure they have quite a mouth with their friends, they both respect me enough not to cuss in front of me or in my house.


I personally LET my 8 yr old cuss because I taught her that any word can be a “bad” word if it has negative intentions… she is not allowed to cuss at people out of anger or disrespect but when she drops her tablet on her face and says ah shit, I can’t help but crack up. And who knows, maybe cussing now will get it out of her system and she’ll grow out of such words some day. :woman_shrugging:

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My kids are not allowed to cuss what so ever. It’s a respect thing. They are kids and need to be taught to have respect… I don’t want to get a phone call from school bc one of my kids decided to cuss a teacher out bc they thought it was ok…i never cussed in front of my parents growing up bc i knew it was wrong. I still don’t cuss in front of my mom. It’s all a respect thing.


Yes, I agree. I cussed as a teenager but not excessively and not disrespectfully and I also knew not to let my parents hear! Now I’m not dumb I know my son says some things but he knows not to let us hear and not to be disrespectful to anyone.
Yes he learned it from us and we are making an effort to watch our words as we have littles and are trying to correct our error

What happened to people minding their own business??? I don’t think there is anything wrong with cussing and believe it is a healthy outlet for frustration or anger. I allow my some to cuss but teach him there is a place and time for everything so cussing is discouraged at school, dr’s office, etc…. I think you should worry about yourself and your kids cause it is not your business whether people let their kids cuss or not.


I’ve always told my kids that what they say and how they act with their friends should be different than when they are around adults. I know kids are gonna cuss. So as long as teachers or other parents aren’t coming to me and saying your kids have potty mouths, we are good. My oldest being 14 and very respectful around adults, he swears as much as I do. I cant even be mad. I also look back to when I was a kid and how I was brought up. I’m doing a lot different with my kids now than what my mother did with me. It’s working out a lot better for me than her way did with her. I rese t my mum for a lot when I was a kid.

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To me personally meh LOL with the amount of stuff going on in real life kids swearing is the least of my drama LOL I swear like a sailor none of my kids swear (4 girls) but I have taught them the difference between swearing at someone as a slander term and swearing just as in anger or pain…

At the end of the day a parent can sit there and say they will watch their words etc etc but they hear it at school, on the consoles or on YouTube or even just up the street LOL ya can’t stop ya kid from learning these words ya just gotta explain to them how to use them


Oh no… haha I did this too. Went to the park as well and saw little kids cussing thinking they were thugs…I told them to stop cussing around my kid or ide follow them home and talk to their parents. My son is 5 now. He went to the park with his dad a few weeks ago. He was being swung on the swings and this little girl was swinging him probably around 14 years old. She was talking to my son and he did something cool and she said “ohhhh you gansta!!!”. My son thought he was so cool. His dad pulled him aside and said "listen buddy, I know it feels good to be complimented. But to be a gangster is not a compliment. I want you to know, daddy thought he was cool when he was younger and hung out with bad crowds. I went to Juvie, I went to prison. I thought I was a gangster. But I wasn’t. I was just lost. I think God had me do all that, so you wouldn’t have too. You are the coolest dude I know and you are not a gangster. Your going to grow up and hear alot of things and want people to like you. Just know that you can be yourself and I will always think you are cool, not being a gangster or cussing like those kids. " it’s just a new way of living. Kids think it’s cool bc that’s what society protrays. It’s our job to allow them to feel safe and be respectable. If they don’t follow rules now, they will grow up breaking adult rules and laws and end up on the wrong side of life struggling.


Not acceptable and it’s crazy that parents think it is. :woman_facepalming:


Speech parent here. I have got to say I was so excited when my son said shit for the first time. I had him say it again and record it so I could send it to his therapists! He had the beginning and ending sounds! I find with mine if I ignore it he stops. If I make a big deal about it he continues.

We realized as kids that they were just words and we never wanted anyone to use those words to intimidate us or our future children, so we just use them as what they are now, WORDS!! Not bad words or good words, just words!


The 1st time I heard my son cuss was his senior year. I was in shock :joy:

Drives me nuts. I’ve taken my son to a certain park near our house, and the kids there are just nasty the way they talk. Even one of his buddies (they’re 7/8) has a dirty little mouth. Kids these days are something else lol


When we visit our local playground and the school kids get there, I will flat out confront them, respectfully but with authority. There are times when older kids were having extremely inappropriate conversations in front of my young kids and I had to tell them to keep that stuff private, and away from little kids who have sponges for brains. Its insane. Even my 9 year old will call it out. I really do feel its all about what they’re raised around. If that kind of conversation is okay in their homes, I think they think its okay at a playground meant for young children.

I am 42 years old and I think I remember cussing with my friends at 10ish. Never around an adult, & surely never around my parents. I have heard my 13 year old cuss. I correct him, of course. But I know pretty much all the kids his age are swearing. This isn’t something new in their generation though. I was a kid in the 80’s and did it too.


Kids swearing at a park isn’t a big deal. They’re probably happy their parents aren’t around telling them they can’t. At least they’re not doing drugs or drinking.


Kids are gonna be kids. Just mind your business and move along .


I allow my kid to cuss as a healthy outlet. But we have rules. Around other children and grandparents it’s a no no. My 7 year old knows when and where it’s ok to swear. At home when it’s just her and I. There have been studies that show it’s a healthier outlet than some ways and it’s shown to make people more intelligent and stronger/tougher. It’s actually very interesting, you should look it up!!


No kids should Be cussing Nor should Anyone . It’s a shame how people don’t think anything about it these days .


Kids cuss,mostly likely just not in front of there parents but when I was younger I do remember I didn’t cus infront of any adults,just friends ,and not rudely so yeah I kinda proper cussed lol

I hate it and don’t think it’s appropriate. Boundaries, self control, and respect are aren’t taught to a lot of kids anymore.


I let my kids swear because…they’re just words
Slurs are off limits because there is no appropriate use for them


That’s the language spoken in the house. No respect. Communicate with swear sords

I have a foul mouth because the women that raised me had even more of a foul mouth. I told myself when I have kids I won’t speak so foul but, that did not change! My kids cuss (11 & 6) when skating or play video games and they don’t get in trouble although they don’t cuss at each other during arguments or at myself or other adults. They know that once they start cussing at each other or myself or other adults or other children they’ll get in trouble. Its really not that big of an issue, my kids are very respectful and say “ma’am” & “sir”


Parenting has nothing to do with a child swearing, get over yourself. :joy:


It should be embarssing for the kids to cuss and the parents encouraging or laughing. Idc what anyone says. Yes I do cuss, but my kids know they are not words for kids :woman_shrugging:t3: and that’s how I put it. have they ever cusssed?. Yes. But I don’t laugh or encourage it.


They’re literally words lmao
Not that deep if you don’t want em swearing set an example and you also don’t swear but let’s be honest the amount of kids that swear at school their going to learn it anyways


The problem isn’t the kids. Parents cuss around their kids all the time.


My 11 yr old stubbed her toe and said “fuck”. I laughed. It’s a word. And appropriately used. She’s a smart, sweet, kind, helpful child. Does that change because she says the occasional cuss word? Nope. Now, unnecessarily cursing constantly is different. But I refuse to make a big deal about an appropriately used word. In fact, I’ve told her to tell anyone who is harassing her or breaking her personal boundaries to “fuck off.” Language is powerful. And there is a time and a place
For it.

Lol. I babysit and it’s parents that say it. Onless it’s older kids… they will hear it. As long as its not a regular in the home it will pass. I’m nit gonna discipline a 2 year old for saying “shit” when they are still learning words. But I will say wait till kindergarten. It only gets worse.

Personally, my boys are teenagers and I allow them to swear as long as they are not like a trucker lol. My son’s know not to swear by adults (unless they are swearing) or kids (unless those kids are swearing) because I raised them to have respect. To me a little swearing is the least of my worries nowadays :woman_shrugging:


Well what ages are we talking? Teenagers or toddlers…it makes a difference.


Well when the parents cus or every other word is an Fbomb and teachers do the same its expected.
Set the example to what you want.


Eh, Im on the fence. I don’t really care. :joy:


I cuss and I allow my children to do so as well… they don’t cuss at me but occasionally cuss while we’re having a conversation. I’m a F bomb mom and dgaf what anyone thinks about it. They cuss in my house and I’m sure outside the house with their friends but not around my parents or grandparents.


I totally agree!!! I don’t allow cursing around my kids. I want my children to speak with class, intelligence, and respect.


My daughter is 7 and she don’t want to say bad words. She wants to be good. Never ever does she even try to get away with saying anything naughty. My boys were the same when they were little. I think k they all started saying small stuff like shit and ass at about 14. At 16 the boys did cuss mildly. Never too bad.

No one teaches respect anymore so sad …


I cuss sometimes, but my kids know not to. Have they ever, yes but it isn’t daily nor is it done at adults or to other people.

For me nobody should be cussing !!!


I curse like a sailor and taught my boys times and place but I don’t discipline them for doing something I do all the time. Just today my sons Kindergarten teacher let me know he flipped someone off and asked if I would talk to him. I said I would remind him that while I do not care that he uses that gesture or language there are places where he can get into trouble school being one of them and that if they see it fit to hand down a punishment because it’s not allowed there then it’s the natural consequence of choosing when and where he used it. However I wouldn’t punish him again for it. His teacher said she made him apologize and that was that so I said well I’ll make sure to remind of the natural consequences of doing it at school but that will be it I will not say it’s inappropriate or bad.

To me it is not a lack of respect of class respect or intelligence! I’m pretty damn smart and I’m as respectful as the next person so I curse that doesn’t mean I am any less than someone else! I do not care if someone curses or not.

No your not wrong in the slightest
It makes my skin crawl when I hear kids swearing
Especially in public

I pull my grand kids up when they swear
Especially the f and c words

Kids have always cussed, nothing new. The difference is they don’t stop when an adult is around, we at least knew to keep the cursing to ourselves.

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Kids do what they want parents don’t take time for kids these days

I wish my kids would :rofl: I don’t even let them have stupid or dang in they vocabulary. They try to push it but cursing is a big fat NO and they know it. I’m not even a strict mom but manners and respect shall and will always come first.

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I can’t stand hearing kids cuss and parents thinking it’s ok. It’s the beginning of disrespect.
Hearing a child say the f word is ridiculous.
And the parents laughing about it. When the kid says it in school and parents get mad at the teachers for getting onto their sweet child for expressing themselves.

My kids know better. Mine have the rule . They can ask what a word means and if they’re allowed to say it. If I say no. They don’t say it.


Words are words. Teaching my kid when they can use them appropriately is important to me :woman_shrugging:


Because all these kids “taught” not to cuss, weren’t taught not too, they were taught to do so at an older age without actually being taught how to responsibly utilize them so many parents allow children to do things at a younger age to properly monitor it so we don’t have a bunch of asshole teenagers running around.

Look if you’re boring just say that.


NO …have some class. !!


My child would never! Nor would any good parent allow theirs too cuss! I for one didn’t say my first cuss one till 8 grade sitting on the bench with my friends. So no not every child cusses. I watched a kid last year at the lake yelling and cussing at his mom he was maybe 8-10! And she thought it was funny!! Looked me dead in the eyes as they passed when he said it and laughed. I looked down at my kid and said I’m so thankful I have a good kid.


Yes it’s wrong and dispectful to your parents. Kids are doing it younger because they hear it from adults.


Who woke up one day and decided those were “bad words” anyway? The only words mine can’t say are ngga, c00n and fck

No. They shouldn’t. Even if they hear their parents use the words some words just aren’t meant for children to be using.


My husband never cussed was taught not to me either.


Maybe don’t shelter your child from things and teach them what you are demanding from them. Dirka

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My kids are not allowed to cuss. But they can say sh*t. I cuss but I always tell them when they are older they can cuss but never can they cuss people

I fear that more and more people lack respect and much more lack the ambition to teach their children to be the best versions of themselves. Swearing does not always mean the person is overall bad but it can effect them in negative ways. Bad impressions - Adults (and other peers at times) don’t favor swearing children as it seems troubling, untrustworthy, disrespectful, ignorant, etc. W that being said could then also effect potential opportunities (friendship) etc. Again not always but usually children that swear can be prone to having poor emotional regulation (fighting, tattling, calling out names to make other person more inferior). When you have people/children swearing in public you realize that language isn’t necessary for real. The goal is to mold your child into a likable person w limitless opportunity for success .

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I swear very freely in front of my kids and I don’t filter what I say at all , it doesn’t bother or affect them. They go to school where I’m fully aware all of there friends fellow school mates swear also. It doesn’t matter how well you think you’ve taught your child words are bad they’re going to use them maybe not in the context of what they actually mean or meant towards someone but it’s bound to happen. My kids randomly once in a blue moon ask to say one bad word if they’ve had a bad week or going threw something I allow them to say one they say it we laugh and they move on from it. No need to punish a child for trying to explore something every adult does , they could be out exploring way worse things then trying too figure out how to use F*ck in a sentence …: just my opinion :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

While I don’t think young kids should, to the parents or around other families (out of respect), whose to say they are “bad words” it’s JUST WORDS. People need to chill tf out. :rofl: