Am I wrong here?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years and have a newborn son, every since we got together he always expects me to go down on him and won’t do the same, he claims he doesn’t like to that’s it’s not his thing and sometimes I just want to stop pleasing him because I feel he’s being selfish, In the bedroom once he’s finish that’s it I’m left hanging dry no foreplay nothing he just wants to reach climax and call it a night, there are times where I think of other people but I don’t feel comfortable with cheating and I think I’m wrong for wanting more, he can’t please me sexually but expect me to do it for him and I feel selfish whenever I think about myself sometimes I’m unhappy it’s not all about sex but we’ve been together for 2 years and he only thinks about himself in the bedroom


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I wrong here?

There’s a whole sexual world out there! You better get you some because that sounds miserable


If he won’t…you won’t


I would straight up not give it up anymore until he starts being considerate


I’d talk to him about how you feel. He’s being selfish, not you. It’s not fair to you that he gets pleased and you never do! I’d stop giving him what he wants.


Not worth it, time to move on keep it about the child and find someone who will be more then happy to take care of YOU


My man’s makes sure I get mines, that’s not cool at all.

I was with someone like that… keyword: WAS.
It’s not his thing? Two way street


I tell my husband to please me first, if I don’t cum he won’t get none.

Why did you stay this long… he didn’t just all of a sudden start doing this. Talk to him. Explain you want to spice things up. Maybe he’ll be open to it.


My husband is from a place that says, we don’t do that, but guess what he does now :smirk:


He is a selfish pig. He is not going to change. Either except him as he is or move on. He is not going to change for you or anybody else. Can you go through the rest if your life being unhappy? That is the way you are heading if you stay with him.

He’s the one being selfish. It works both ways.

Tell him how u feel and if he doesn’t or hasn’t corrected then u move on sex is not the only thing in a relationship but its a big one and if u weren’t satisfying him what do u think he would be doing

You put up with it for 2 years already what made you change your mind now ? :tired_face:
Sex is a very important part of relationship in my opinion
Are you gonna be able to keep putting up with not being satisfied sexually?

Super selfish. You have to give to receive. He should want to give you the same pleasure you give him. If you really wanna work it out with him then be totally honest with him about it. And go on strike (lol) refuse to give him head. It’s really not fair. And unfortunately lack of happiness in the bedroom will make your relationship whither away. No sex isn’t the most important thing but with no satisfaction… no intimacy… it’s definitely a factor.
Good luck :sunflower:

Is it possible he just doesn’t know how to?


Why would you had a baby with him if your not happy you should have move on hummmm you don’t have to settle that don’t change


Absolutely notttt. Life too short to spend it with someone who’s bad in bed IMO.


If that man loves you he would be making sure you were satisfied. Girl there are too many men out there willing and able to waist any more time on that man child.


If you don’t speak up now or if some changes don’t happen…you will eventually cheat OR you’ll lash out in another way. Sexual frustration can be dangerous for a relationship. Definitely have a talk…

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Tell him and if it is time to move on do it.

Bounce! If he can’t please in the room, he most likely isn’t pleasing in other areas either. It is selfish of him, men think we just like sucking the D? Well idk many of us who actually do, most of ya have sweaty ass parmesan, cheese smelling Saks lol. I am sure we don’t always smell so fresh either, but of he isn’t willing to dive, don’t dunk.

What are you doing with this arrogant self centred clown :clown_face:

It’s your own fault for settling for this treatment and having his child


Two-way street hon or get out

Nope I’d be telling him if you can’t please me I’m not pleasing you anymore.

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He’s selfish and you need to either talk to him about it and he needs to change or you need to leave him because it won’t get better and you won’t be satisfied


Maybe it’s not his thing but if he wants to be with you he should at least try. I bet it’s because he thinks he isn’t good or doesn’t know what he’s doing. Maybe have a talk and see if you can guide/help because you need that and want him to please you. I never enjoy going down on a guy but with my ex he loved it and so I became to enjoy it. It was more in my own head than anything(didn’t mean that pun lol)

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If he dont like doing it, then you suddenly dont like to do it either :wink: Hes selfish. See how much things will change if you stop doing it. Or you’ll break up. Which just means he was only thinking with his other head anyways in the relationship. Never settle if youre not happy.


Don’t do for him what he won’t do for you.

Tell him how you feel and if he still feels that way he needs to understand that you’re just not sexually compatible.

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Let him read this post, and let him respond to you.


This would be a miserable existence. Both of you should be left satisfied. Period.

Don’t give him pleasure. He has a lot of catching up to do! Once he is caught up he should get rewarded! Lol

Communication. Tell him.

I have so many questions. Long story short, why on earth are you continuing to give him ANYTHING! Especially a child.
Know your worth!


You ever seen that tiktok where it’s like dun dun dun dun dun dun… RUN, yeahhhhh that’s the first thing that hit me when I read this. Only gets worse sis then you’ll start to feel like you’re just there to make others happy when in fact your happiness matter a very great deal :purple_heart: hang in there and follow your heart

You aren’t married,so this is the question you need to ask yourself. Is this fair to you? Do you feel this is what you deserve? You can coparent without staying with him,but it’s up to you to decide. Stay and be unhappy, or go and be happy. There will always be a man out there happy to please you as much as you do him,child and all.


Get him hard and close then roll over and go to sleep. Tell him if he satisfy you then you’re not going to do him anymore.


See that’s a dealbreaker for me… smh :woman_facepalming:t2:
This should’ve been talked about at the very very beginning of your relationship…

My advice,get out of that so called relationship. If he is making you feel like you’re any less of a person.the the person isnt good for you. When you find that person,you will know it. They will want to make you happy and feel good.

Girl. There are PLENTY of men that will satisfy you for as long as you want and make sure you got yours! Youre messin with a boy is why.


Don’t go down on him ! He can’t do the same for you don’t do it for him say it’s not your thing , get a vibrator and masturbate infront of him then turn over go to sleep when you have reached your peak ! Xx


He’s a selfish prick. What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you know better? He’s using you like a tool. Who raised you? You deserve to be happy. Be happy! You’ve only got one job. Be happy. You can’t be a good person, mom or anything else if you are not happy.

You knew 2 years and 1 baby ago, why complain now? Simple, if he won’t, you don’t.


Have you tried talking to him? I mean in the bluntly honest way? That helped me.

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okay is this shit real? like r these posts real people asking these questions cuz i cannot help but SMH at some of these posts. who posts this on fb? ask your friends

Deal breaker for me tbh.


If he won’t go down on you. Dont Go down on him. Why should he get all the Fun?


I’d be LEAVING. Boy BYE.


Next time tell him give a little get a little and tell him to go use his hand. Are you sure he’s not gay?


Stop giving him oral sex. Period. It’s not his thing welp, one way sex isn’t yours. He’s basically just using your mouth.

Stop pleasing him. Stop giving him head if he isn’t willing to please you. Stop having sex with him too. If he isn’t willing to satisfy you then he shouldn’t be given the goodies :woman_shrugging:… so put your goodies on lockdown until further notice and be very blunt and outspoken on why he isn’t getting no head nor getting the goodies anymore and if he still isn’t willing to satisfy you then you’ll need to decide if you want to stay or leave cause for some women not being satisfied sexually is a deal breaker

Throw him away!
He won’t ever ever never ever change!

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thats cause you got with a boy not a man. a man takes care of his womans needs


Talk to him ! Make it clear that if it’s not 50 50 then will have to work something else out ! Be honest …

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Most men are selfish in the bedroom. Happy to have a man that is not selfish!

There’s a big difference between a man and a boy. My husband loves pleasing me as I love pleasing him. Buy toys and do your thing girl, then turn over and tell him good night. If your unhappy of course you should move on and find that connection with a man that will equally put in the effort :two_hearts:


Communication is key!
Have you two talked about all this???
Tell him you’re not satisfied. Tell him you feel he is selfish in the bedroom.
If you don’t feel you can talk to him about it, and he won’t consciously make a change to please his woman, then you shouldn’t be together.


Communicate how you are left feeling unsatisfied. If he continues then you have a choice to make. Stay unsatisfied or leave.


Love it. Or leave it.

I could have posted this myself.
Only difference is ours was 3.5yrs and he is NOW and ex. We have 2 little girls together (one passed at 7mths old).
It wasn’t about the " bedroom " antics as to why we split…


Hes very selfish,if he dont like to do it then so be it,but you should tell him you dont like to do it either,he either does it himself, or he dont need it,and if he cheats then he isnt interested in you anyway,just what you can do for him

Nope. Definitely a deal breaker.

I would have never gotten past 1 month of that BS. I’d be gone.

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then why do you do it for him???


How you start is how you finish…

This isn’t normal for a man. I’m quite positive he’s in the closet for sure.


Might be easier to talk to him directly. Be blunt. Tell him if oral isn’t his favorite thing than maybe you could introduce a toy into the mix to help with climaxing together. Even offer to experiment and show him how to try and use it on you (if there’s time for that schooling lol) etc etc…… Let him know you aren’t climaxing (if he isn’t aware already). I wouldn’t threaten to stop going down on him. Using sex and threats together only seems to create more trauma in my opinion.

Some guys are selfish, some naive, or lack true experience with a partner who’s honest about sex and also a partner who doesn’t fake an orgasm. Could be something fixable. Doesn’t hurt to try and talk to him about it.

Stop doing it for him. Don’t go out of your way to please a man who won’t please you.


Have a good talk and keep insisting on your needs. :heavy_heart_exclamation:

You shouldn’t be trying to force someone to do oral, that’s what sexual predators do.

The rest though like why even have sex with him? Why? Just stop and go get a toy. Tell him you’ll have sex when he learns about foreplay.

To be upset about oral though is dumb. It’s not for everyone.

Girl same. I hardly ever gwt swx or anything sexul him and I been together little over two yrs. I wish my bf loved to take care if ne sexully but that just not who he is idk what to do either.

Sounds selfish, if you wanna stay I’d say stop giving him head and if he says something stupid just say sorry it’s not my thing…
But that’s kinda petty (deserved but)
I’d say go find someone who who loves pleasing you, we all deserve orgasms.

Him not being able to give you one isn’t a deal breaker… you can teach him what you like and how to get you off… but him blatantly refusing to take care of you and not caring, nah he’s selfish, bye boy.


So…go all in. Give it to him great! When he’s about to pop, STOP!! WALK AWAY! Leave him just hanging lol. Show him how it feels. The frustration will teach him to treat u better or he will get really angry. Either way, you prove your point.


He isnt going to change.

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A man that does not satisfy you equally nor cares to is not a divine masculine man & is :put_litter_in_its_place:

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I wouldnt do it for him.


Stop going down on him


Talk about your needs. Even introduce toys. And suggest getting u off with a toy before sex. Or using toy and him getting a hand/blowjob at the same time

Tell him to make friends with his hand because you’re done

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What you allow is what will continue. Get out now!


I think you’re not being fair or respecting his boundaries :woman_shrugging:



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Leave HIM hanging & get it from someone else. I would NEVER be with someone who is selfish in the bedroom


Nope… Cut him off! No extras for him - he needs to start making an effort!

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Yea big no for me. I’d stop. Also maybe introduce a toy to help during

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Be selfish!

A relationship is about give and take. If all you’re doing is giving and all he is doing is taking (in and out of the bedroom) then you need to put yourself first, since he obviously doesn’t.

Speak up.

Talk to him about it. Be vocal. He doesn’t know what you’re thinking/feeling unless you speak up. So try talking to him, if it doesn’t change, then he obviously doesn’t care about what you want or how you feel and that’s not a man at all.

You could try introducing items into the bedroom to help. Sometimes giving your partner something to use on you rather than them using their own body will elevate some of the pressure and stress.
Turn it into something fun. If they tend to be finished once they climax start with ensuring you climax before they even get going.

I f he doesn’t like to do that then he doesn’t like YOU!


Talk to him tell him straight up. Your sexually frustrated and seriously considering leaving if your needs aren’t met. Tell him what u want and exactly how u want it.

Personally I would be gone.
He’s 100% healthy physically? Emotionally, no baggage stopping him ?
He gets it up? He’s got a mouth? And fingers!?
Then he is just being selfish.
He’s gotta get you the same way your getting him.
… 2years and you haven’t been getting yours the way you want or need ? He hasn’t learned how to please you?
Ummm no thanks.


Stop pleasing him! Explain that it’s not your thing either.


My thing is, you’ve been in the relationship for 2 years. The time to communicate was much sooner because now he thinks this is ok for you. You need to be open with him and explain that pleasure needs to be both ways, however it happens. If he doesn’t want to go down on you, suggest toys or other ways he can pleasure you. If you’re tired of giving him head, then say no. If he expects you to respect his boundaries, then he should be able to respect yours. But nothing is going to change if you don’t talk to him about it.


Find out why he won’t go down on you, has to be something

I broke up with a guy bcuz he was the same way. We were together longer than 2 years.
If he can’t please you than you need to talk to him about it. Tell him it’s a big deal and if he still doesn’t do anything about it……bye Felicia!

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My ex was like this, 15 year marriage and never had a climax with him!

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Selfish. Turn the table. Hows that feel. Ass

I’d be so damn mad, stop doing for him, period. Masterbate on your own and if he catches you, tell him straight up he can’t please you so you’re taking care of yourself, watch other men on porn, he deserves insecurities like he’s giving u. But I’m a petty bi*** maybe don’t listen to me lol

Stop giving head as much tell him the same thing he tells you. During sex use toys have him use them on you. But be honest with him and communicate that maybe if he spent more time thinking of you then it would make you want to do it for him more often.

I wouldn’t do it for him he wasn’t for me he should care about you getting off more then him