Am I wrong to be upset?

If your going to be ungrateful do it yourself next time.


Then next time get off your @$$ and do it yourself. All you see anymore is females that’s not appreciative. Did your m@m@ teach you anything?


I would not want to dress my daughter as a Trex either. However, I have always done the costume planning myself. I wouldnt be mad about it if you didn’t discuss it. He prob thought it was cool.


Reading these comments looks like you didn’t get the answers you wanted.


You kind of sound like a spoiled brat. A T-Rex costume is absolutely adorable for a little baby to begin with if you wanted something different than you should have gotten it instead of relying on someone else and then having a problem with the costume that they picked out


Maybe you should have given him some suggestions on what to get.


How is a T-Rex inappropriate? One of my kids was a T-rex a few years ago… seemed appropriate to me. And the kid was warm and happy!


My 1.5 year old daughter went to the Halloween store and was told to pick out any costume she wanted. Out of everything she chose a dinosaur. Kids don’t care!

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Why is a t rex not appropriate? Maybe he thought it was super cute or maybe baby costumes were slim pickings being so close to Halloween and it was her size.


Men are dumb period, and no your little girl shouldn’t be t Rex😔


Nothing wrong with a T Rex, it is Halloween costumes are fun not gender specific

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My 4 yo loves dinosaurs. For her birthday she wanted an animatronic t-rex toy that she picked out while walking up and down all the toy isles. She even plays a game at home called “fancy dinosaur” You’re a dinosaur, but fancy. She colors little “tutus” on paper for each dinosaur and asks me to cut them out and tape them together for her to invite to lunch :rofl: She’s also started to request I make them for her brothers monster trucks as well so she can play fancy monster truck too “because her fancy dinosaurs need something fancy to drive to lunch in”

Last minute literally with almost nothing left to choose from, he grabbed the best thing probably there so his kid could be happy and you couldn’t even give him or her that moment it had to be about you and your wants ?

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Maybe you should’ve specified what kind of costume. She’s a baby. Dress her in cute Halloween pajamas. :woman_shrugging:

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Whys it not appropriate?

Look I hate to break it to you but not everyone has the same idea of what a good costume is.
When your child is to young to say what they want to be, then it’s at the parents discretion.
In this case you left the choice to dad who thought a Trex costume was a good idea. You’re upset because you don’t agree.
Next time do it yourself or tell him before hand what you’d like him to try to get rather than being offended he didn’t think like you.


Wow! I like the old saying. “It’s the thought that counts”
At least he came thru and brought her a costume.

Don’t leave the dad in charge to get a costume :upside_down_face:

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Moms wonder why dads aren’t more involved, but never notice how they only accept the dad if he parents exactly like them. That is not just your baby she’s his baby too, and if you undermine his decisions and try to control how he parents and what he picks out for his daughter you’re going to cause a lot of strife that will effect your daughter in the long run. Let that man make decisions about his child. You sound controlling, I feel sorry for dads who have to deal with moms like this, I use to be one of those moms until I seen how it hurt my son and then I had to humble myself. She is not just your baby, she is his too. If he doesn’t agree with your costume choice he probably wouldn’t say anything about it at all because it’s your baby too. You better not take that costume back!


Be grateful he actually got something I not inappropriate for a girl to be a T-Rex if you wanted her to be something else you should’ve told him what kind of costume or got it your self to begin with


My daughter is a dinausore (Yoshi) this year for Halloween :t_rex: don’t have to be a princess or something for a girl to be appropriate


That sounds like an AMAZING costume. If you wanted a witch or pumpkin the you needed to say so. He also had to work this weekend so you could’ve got it yourself. Dress her up as a creepy doll instead…

Most kids love dinosaurs, so I don’t see the problem .


You should have said something beforehand. She’s still so young so if you-wanted something specific then you should have said so. Maybe he actually thought it would be a good costume for her……My daughter loves dinosaurs so she would like that. Dad came through here, he just didn’t get what you wanted. As your kiddo gets older I would recommend just letting her pick.


What’s wrong with trex? If your going to be so picky then you should have bought it yourself. FFS.


Well maybe she thought he would have enough brains to get her something cute . Dinosaurs are not effin cute at all until the toddler stage .
I dont think she is wrong for wanting her daughter to be in a cute girl or what ever her preferences are for a baby them moments are important an should have took a little more than 5 min and should have thought about the feelings of the mother specifically if she respects him in such way .


At least she has a father that showed up & attempted to do the right thing. Even if it wasn’t up to your standards :roll_eyes:


Not a life or death situation. Get over it! Enjoy the day with your child.


Seriously ? Get over it . He tried …


Are you being serious? I hope you’re not being serious.


He kept hid word and did not let his daughter down…i bet she would have been the cutest trex not a lot if options when shopping last minute


There’s no way I would take a baby out in this covid infested society for candy she cannot chew yet. Put what you want on her and save his outfit to give her when she is older as her first outfit from her dad.


My daughter is 7 months old and she’s going to be Simba for Halloween. Just because its a boys costume doesn’t mean it’s inappropriate. I hope your not one of those parents who think Boys stuff is just for boys, and girls stuff is just for girls.
The dad got a costume, maybe you shouldn’t have asked him to, it’s just a costume. You’re just upset because he didn’t get something you’d like.
You have every right to be upset. That’s your feelings, you should feel them. But, it’s not his fault you’re upset. And it certainly isn’t his fault you asked him to get a costume the weekend of Halloween. Usually in my town, it’s slim to pick something in the exact size you want, and to pick a girl/boy costume.


The costume isn’t inappropriate its just not what u wanted. However, it sounds exactly like something a dad would like. And depending on your babies age maybe he though would look super cute crawling or walking around. I don’t even think you should exchange. He took the time to pick it, put his child in it.


No harm in a girl being a t rex… my son has a witch costume he absolutely adores. At least he got her something


TREX is one of the most popular right now. But you also she have told him what you wanted. I think it’s fine and great that he got it. I bet she is super cute

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If you wanted approve the costume then maybe you should have picked it out to start with. I’m that kinda mom. So only I pick out my kids costume.

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Depending on when he bought it it could’ve been the only thing he could find. My neighbors kid needed a costume so I went to look and there was nothing left.

Lol damn cry baby. Be thankful he gave instead of being a gitch…grow the hell up

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My kids would love to be a trex any day !! My son breathes dinosaurs !!

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I can see why you’re disappointed but maybe try look at it from another angle. You get to spend Halloween with her. You get those early Halloween memories. She’s not going to care if she’s trex and if it bothers you, put together a cute Halloween outfit for her.

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Why is a t-rex not appropriate? If I had a little girl, I’d totally dress her as a t-Rex. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just not what you wanted so you should have just asked for money to get a costume. No reason to get upset, and yes you are so very wrong.


Uhm my little
Girl is a Dino
What’s the issue?

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I’m over here like :neutral_face: to all the women saying its not cute to be a dinosaur when my daughter has been a dinosaur every year until now :joy: she was Mario this year.

OP, its a preference with costumes. You can be disappointed that its not what you wanted but honestly, do it yourself :woman_shrugging:t3: if you wanted her to be in a cutesy outfit… thats a you responsibility if you didn’t vocalize that to him.


Common now a baby T. rex? That’s cute.

You are reaching at this point. He got her a costume.
Lots of people wish their baby daddy’s would do that. Be greatful :roll_eyes:


What the hell Is wrong with getting her a dinosaur costume…if you wanted something specific maybe you should have gotten one for her yourself, my husband doesnt even bother with Halloween we have literally skipped like 4 Halloweens because he doesnt give a shit about it as much as I do if I drove itd be another story…you should be grateful

Well…my daughters father hasnt seen her or provided a dammm thing for her for 4 years now. Be blessed he tried.


T rex would have been awesome! Baby dinos are cute!

You’re being PETTY… If YOU wanted something specifically, you should have bought it…


I love dinosaurs so I would have been geeked :woman_shrugging: I have a whole arm of dinosaur tattoos. Would have fit right in. It is a unisex costume and even with baby costume the options are limited this late into the season this year.

My 2 year old granddaughter is being a dinosaur!! She loves them and that’s what she wanted to be.


Why exactly is it not appropriate? You didnt explain this in your post? Is it cause it would typically be considered a “boys” costume or another reason? If its the boy thing then that isnt a big deal since she is a baby. Put a bow on the trex and it can be a girl. My daughter who is a grown up now was scully from monsters ink when she was a baby. She loved that cartoon so i dressed her as her favorite character. It didnt make her turn into a boy, she was still a baby girl after Halloween got over with.


Just be grateful that he put the effort in. Alot of dads do not.


Ain’t nothing wrong with T. rex.

Be upset when you have your kids money and dropped them off at the mall and come to you on Halloween they still don’t have one :joy::joy: I am off to the mall now

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What’s not appropriate? My cousine loved his dino costume and wore it all the time?

Why is a t-Rex not appropriate? My 3 yr old has a dinosaur costume she wears year round.

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This is some pointless, petty, young shit

That’s actually cute. If you’re going to be immature and petty then go get one yourself. He didn’t have to do that, why didn’t you in the first place since you’re being so picky? Next time you want to act like this over something, just do it yourself.


Uh she’d probably make a cute t Rex try it on her girls can be dinos too my son his first year went as a blue monster Friday I saw 4 other little girls in the same costume

Glue a pink bow :ribbon: on top of its head and go with it. You asked for a costume… if there’s a problem with what he chose next time either specify what you want or get something yourself. You honestly don’t know what amount of thought he put into it, if he’s anything like mine he stressed about if you would like it or not, and if you acted dissatisfied he’s less likely to try in the future.

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Imagine your only worry and problem right now is getting a t-Rex costume throwing a fit over it even though it isn’t for you :joy: it’s for your baby LOL. If you knew what you wanted to dress your baby up as why didn’t you go get her the costume instead? This poor man works a lot and at least got her a costume and you’re so upset it’s a dinosaur costume like what? Lmao :joy: you sound very ungrateful I feel for that man. This is just ridiculous. Should of gotten her the costume yourself then :woman_shrugging:t4:


Why isn’t a t Rex appropriate?

Add a bow! That would be adorable

My 2 year old kiddo would’ve been hella happy to be a dinosaur. Matter of fact the only reason she wasn’t was because the costume was sold out in her size. Make the best of it momma. On the positive side he actually provided one.

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What’s wrong with a T Rex costume? My 3 year old granddaughter went as buzz light year last hallowe’en . At least he bought her a costume xx


T - rex is appropriate! It’s a costume , right? Wasn’t that the point? :woman_shrugging:t2:a costume. If you wanted what you wanted why didn’t you go buy one? Dad sounds like he did a good job and your upset over … What ?? But I’m thinking it’s more than just the costume … grow up at least dad tried. More than some do.

I definitely understand if your upset. What if she wanted a princess or her favorite cartoon character?

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It sounds like you were giving him the freedom to get whatever type of costume he wanted. If you wanted something specific maybe telling him exactly what you considered to be “appropriate” would have been better.

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Yeah you are tripping. Maybe he did put in effort in and he thought it was cute…

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Maybe he thought it would’ve been cute and is offended that you didn’t like it but he just doesn’t tell you that you should’ve went and got it yourself if you wanted to be picky…. :woman_shrugging:t2: sounds super petty to me. At least she has a costume….

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How is it no appropriate? Its just cuz u don’t like it

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Well this is ur own fault u told that man to pick a costume and he did ur mad he’s not a mind reader and didn’t pick what u would have. That’s some petty stuff right there man if u had something u wanted baby to be so bad u should have went out and got it urself instead u were being cheap expecting him to get what u wanted not what he wanted for baby.


A costume is a costume. Make it work or get it yourself next time :woman_shrugging: …coming from a mom who’s kids father does absolutely nothing !.. this irritates me. Just be thankful he tried, and provided a costume. Such a petty thing to be upset about.


Throw a few bows on it it’ll still be cute

Pick your battles a costume that she won’t remember isn’t worth wasting your energy on being upset. At least he tried and he was busy working not just partying or hanging out with friends.

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Super petty. If you didn’t give him ideas on what you wanted him to get then it’s on you. I always plan costumes but if dad was doing it, I would tell him what I wanted it to be.

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Sounds like he did what you asked him too :woman_shrugging:t3: I think that would be cute idk My daughter loves dinosaurs. I don’t understand what the big deal is. If you wanted something specific maybe you should’ve went yourself.

You’re being super petty. If he told you he got a costume, why didn’t you ask what it was if you had a specific idea of what you wanted her to be? He went out of his way to make Halloween special for his daughter, but YOU’RE disappointed because it wasn’t what YOU wanted? I know plenty of dad’s that don’t even call for Christmas. Stop being so spoiled and thank that man for getting the baby a costume when he didn’t have to AND finding time to drop it off after working all weekend.


Next time get it yourself. You are being petty, don’t be upset crying next time you ask him to pick up something for your daughter and he says no.

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I’m sorry, what’s wrong with Trex? both my kids would of loved it.
If you wanted something specific, probly should have said so.
I hate last min plans and would of taken care of it at least a week ahead if he didn’t.

You absolutely being petty. Dinosaurs are for boys and girls. And if you didn’t tell him what the expectations were for her costume then that’s all on you! At least he made an effort

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From what I am reading, you asked him to get a costume. He got a costume. Now you’re mad because he didn’t read your mind on what YOU wanted her to be. Dinosaur is a bada** costume


I’m so confused on WHY you’re upset about it. If YOU wanted something in particular, ya should have bought it yourself.

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How is not appropriate?

She’s a girl & mom probably wanted a princess type outfit

Your daughter is still a baby…you chose this guy to be her father. You have MANY years ahead of you to deal with him. If getting her a costume that you don’t like is the worst thing you have to worry about…STOPPP! Breathe. Go enjoy Halloween with your little T-Rex.:jack_o_lantern::t_rex:

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The costume aint for you lady. Nemind yours… fuck watta sad chick

I always buy costumes a month or so early. Last min there is a very limited selection

My daughters gonna be a T. rex and she’s gonna look hella cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You can complain it’s a costume, at least he took his time to go get one and bring you one. Might not be what you wanted but at least he got one for his daughter. I don’t know why everybody complains about things that’s unnecessary. That’s what’s wrong with the world these days.


Blah I would be happy if my kids father would fucking just drop off a damn birthday card when its her bday

Yes, you are wrong to be upset. You asked and he delivered. If you were not specific about what you wanted, then how was he supposed to know? Enjoy Halloween with your little one and stop looking for something to be upset about. It’s petty things like this that make it difficult to coparent. You have your lip poked out about a costume that the child would probably be happy to wear!


What’s wrong with a T Rex costume?

So….he did what was expected and what was asked and you’re mad?

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Friday’s too late anyway! T-rex is pick of the litter by then :t_rex:

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You can easily add a bow to the trex costume and have her be a girl trex. You can also just put the costumes on her and say that she’s the girl trex from the good dinosaur movie :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:. I feel like you’re crying over spilled milk on this one. I mean he came through with a costume


There are bigger issues in the world than what your baby, who won’t even remember, wears as a Halloween costume. You asked Dad to get her a costume, he did. If you wanted something specific, you should have either gotten it yourself or specifically told him what costume to get her. I mean, a t-rex… I’d think it would be adorable. Especially on a baby!


Now the group will perform the piece “dragging the OP”, in C minor


He literally got her a costume… maybe next time tell him what you want🤦‍♀️ my daughter is a T. rex as well. And she looks so freaking cute!


You should have told him what you wanted him to get :woman_shrugging:t2: