Am I wrong to be upset?

My daughter's father said he'd get her a costume. He was supposed to get it Friday, but he said he had to work all weekend. I wasn't tripping because she's a baby and Halloween isn't until Sunday. Well, today he dropped off a costume but it was a T Rex one. And it made me so disappointed. I feel like he just grabbed something. He's telling me to just go exchange it and I am. But it still makes me sad that he couldn't take the time to actually get her something appropriate.

I would probably be upset too… but it’s just how guys are. You have to literally tell them what you want or you’ll get what they choose. It might also be because Halloween is so close and there weren’t many options in her size. I would just take it back to the store and get something you like better!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I wrong to be upset?

Why is a T-Rex not appropriate? If you wanted something specific either tell him what you want or buy it yourself. Don’t get upset that he can’t read your mind.


Why can’t she be a T-Rex???


Why is a Trex un acceptable. Because she’s a girl ?

My daughter looves dinosaurs


What’s wrong with a t-Rex costume? Sounds like it would be cute.


There’s bigger fish to fry. This is not an issue


Stop being petty and be happy that she has a father that’s involved in her life because there’s so many men who walk away from their children cause they don’t want to deal with their petty a** mothers. Go ahead and exchange it but in the end he’s not going to want to do things like this with u cause u gonna whine about something so tiny like a costume… like who does that? A petty person. If you’re upset over the trex costume because she’s a girl then u wrong well tbh u wrong either way tbh. Go ahead and be petty tho


I get where you’re coming from, he could’ve put a little more thought into it. Next time a situation like this happens, be very specific with what you’d like or throw out a few ideas for him.


What’s wrong with a Trex!? I think that’s a pretty awesome costume if you made into a Jurassic park theme. :orange_heart:


I went all out with my baby. Whole pumpkin suit and everything. Threw up immediately and then pooped right before it was go time. I had to throw him in a black and red Onesie and threw a stripe of red lipstick and called him baby Harry Potter. The situation is crappy but don’t let it ruin your fun with your baby!

Why didn’t you just get a costume if it was such a big deal


Maybe he did take the time & this was all he could find- we’ve all been there…orrrr perhaps he found this & thought it was perfect. He tried. Why return? Don’t trip…


At least the man got her a costume. You’re complaining about the WRONG :poop:. Next time get it your damn self.:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

Sounds more like lack of communication than him not thinking about her costume. My daughters daughter would have definitely considered a trex costume for her. And come on… a baby trex? How adorable! If you want something specific next time, let him know.


I don’t understand why you are upset at all. You asked him to bring the costume and he did. It kinda sounds like you are just trying to be controlling. He also told you if you didn’t like it you could go exchange it. He sounds like he’s being reasonable .

Be grateful he brought anything. Alot of kids wish they had dad and alot of moms wish they had help from the father’s. You are actually pretty lucky.

Always remain positive. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.

Count your blessings.


What’s the problem ?


Umm. There is nothing wrong with a t-rex costume. Learn to speak up if you wanted something specific or just do the task yourself. This is just you being petty on your end. It is a costume that she will wear just once probably so no big deal at all. Be grateful he even bought a costume to begin with.


It doesnt matter if she’s a T-rex or a Princess, she will be fine, you however need to also costume up, may I suggest a bottle of “whine”


Lmfao first world problems :rofl:


My friends had their toddler be a trex and she didn’t seem disappointed? Like, if it wasn’t a big deal because she’s a baby… then why make a big deal what we bought?? If you had something specific in mind then you should have bought it and cut out the middle man?

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Listen I waited until last minute with my kids. Yep I was that last minute life happens big time and I shopped a week before Halloween and stores were empty just about. Be blessed he wanted to buy it he spends time with her and Realize that not everything has to be pink bows for girls my 8 year old chose to be a creepy clown and guess what it was a “boys” costume. Just get over yourself and co parent for your daughter. Put a damn pink bow on that t-Rex and rock it

Can still use it, my little one said she didn’t want a costume then found a blue princess Anna 1 she said she wants and would wear so wearing that and painting her face for Halloween.

You should be upset people are saying you are being petty and most men don’t do anything but that’s making excuses and he just dropped it off and told you to exchange it I would be upset it how he went about like he had a problem but I see whet the others are saying but there why we shouldn’t make excuses for dads did you tell him what costumes to get and he should be trick or treating with her I can imagine how he going to react to Christmas I’m sorry you had to go through this


If you’re going to be that ungrateful and petty then you should have told him what to get or got it yourself.


I’d be mad. He got a boy costume. He didn’t care or was embarrassed to get a girl costume. Next time, just leave him out of the loop. When he asks why, reference this situation.


What’s wrong with a T-rex? My daughter was obsessed with dinos. Her 3rd bday party was dinosaur themed. We decorated her room to be dinosaurs!!
If you wanted her to be something specific you should have told him or bought it yourself. Don’t let him pick it out alone if you want say in what she dresses as


What’s wrong with that? It’s still a costume! He tried


Oh wow lol. My 2 year old daughter picked out a t rex costume and she is so excited about it :orange_heart::t_rex:


Keep the costume and attach a bow to it! Believe it or not, there are girl t-rex’s!


How is a T-rex inappropriate?


Is it her size ? Did you talk abt what kind of costume you had in mind ? If it fits he did what you asked .

EVERYONE she came here for advice not a lecture. A father should know what to get … stop calling her petty like we are in 3rd grade . We are adults. I bet she mentioned that she did not want anything horrible for a Halloween costume to the father . So everyone just needs to stfu and back off . :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Dinosaurs are for girls too

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Dinosaur is for boys.
He messed up big time.


My daughter would love to be a dinosaur for Halloween,she’s Obsessed with dinosaurs

Does she not like dinosaurs? I don’t see any issue with a little girl wearing a dinosaur costume :thinking:
Be happy he even showed with something at all

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You realize there were male and female T-Rexs right?
You’re the only one that cares it’s not a typical “girl” costume

FIRST I would apologize to him if you threw a fit already & then id be grateful and put the costume on and take her trick or treating and send him some great pictures ! She won’t even care your being childish next time get it yourself !


Omg did you tell him that dinosaurs were only boys? I mean it’s obvious they were all boy colors not girl colors DUH!


Tbh it’s pathetic you’re going to exchange it he go the costume and dropped it off to you if you didn’t tell him a spacific costume then he did what you asked just be glad he got her a costume as you said she’s a baby so do you think she’s really going to care what she wears


If it really bothered you that much then why didn’t you just go out and get one instead of showing how ungrateful you are on here


Bruh get real. My daughter has chosen every year to be Spiderman.
Ever think maybe that was all that was left. I mean if you want specifics get it sooner for a better selection.


This is extremely petty. She didn’t go without, he paid for it, made sure she had one, who cares! Lots of dads don’t do anything, you are acting like a spoiled brat.


Seriously? Stop making this about you :unamused: there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the costume he brought for her. It can’t always be about you and what you think you want. :woman_shrugging:


U should be grateful he got anything


Guess what? It isn’t about YOU- it’s about the kid. He came thru but you’re being petty. :roll_eyes:


For gawd’s sake…getting the grumpy on over something so trivial…you’ve got a long hard road ahead…grow up and focus on things that matter…


She’s a baby, if you cared so much get it yourself, geez.


Lawd​:roll_eyes: It’s gonna be a loooonggg 18 years :tired_face: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If you wanted to pick it out you should have. He picked out a trex. Babies are adorable as dinosaurs no matter if it’s a boy or girl. Seems like you want a reason to be mad at him. You can’t be mad when you gave him free reign to buy and pick out the costume. If you want a say you can buy it next time. Just seem ungrateful


Am sorry I would feel the same way but hey that’s just me because I would want something thats cute and I wouldn’t want to put my child in a dinosaurs costume for their first Halloween either, I completely understand that he promised to get one on Friday because he might have gotten paid but I don’t what he work as but if he work as a retailer then when he got off then he could have easily went back in and got something thats cute and something that would jump out saying 1st Halloween. Again hey thats just me.


Why didn’t you give him an idea about what you wanted. Sorry, this is your fault.


Why can’t she be a dinosaur? Super cute!


Gosh, you’re one of THOSE women. You get mad at your baby daddy over very obvious petty things. Grow up. You’re asking him to buy a costume TWO days before Halloween. Get real now. If it was such a big deal, why didn’t YOU get up to buy the costume? Geez. No wonder you two aren’t together. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


At least he tried? Idk as someone who’s been coparenting for a little over two years now I’ve learned that you’ve gotta pick your battles and this one doesn’t seem worth it. If you had expectations you’d probably have been better off getting it yourself. You expected him to get a costume, and he got a costume. Also a baby t-rex sounds adorable :woman_shrugging:t2:


T-Rex is appropriate for boys and girls. If you return it and he feels unappreciated, odds are he might avoid doing things in the future. It’s hard to find any costume with all of the supply shortages.


What a whinger, just be grateful said baby received a costume


It sounds like whatever he got wouldn’t have been good enough to be honest. Be thankful he did what he said.


You should feel greatful he got her anything feel lucky ur child has a father there’s some kids out here that there dads aren’t in there life or like mine my child’s dad passed when she was 17 months old so feel lucky he is helping no matter wat it is. I let mine pick from options I gave her and she only going be three.


Or how bout THANK YOU…if he didn’t bring a costume at all it would’ve been some other shit…sound like he cant win no matter what and you females like this wonder why y’all single​:roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::rofl:

The baby wont know whats going on. Dont make it such a big deal. At least he tried . Next time do it yourself, get over it.

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What’s inappropriate?
And did you expect him to like hand stitch something?


He is a man, he obviously picked the coolest costume in the shop


If you are saying its not “girly” enough for your liking sew a dang bow on it.There is absolutely nothing wrong with a t-rex costume and if you didn’t trust him buying you should have went yourself.


So after working all weekend he still managed to get a costume so close to Halloween ? I’d say that a check in the good dad box weather you like it or not he tried


did it not fit her or? I’m not seeing the issue w a trex costume :confused:

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Your being ridiculous. :roll_eyes:

you wanted him to get a costume so he got a costume. What are you complaining about? do it yourself next time.

What’s wrong with a T Rex costume?

Well you know who bought MY son’s costume? My BF! NOT his dad! I usually do it but I’m off work at the moment and my BF has completely stepped up 100% taking care of ALL 3 of us! So stop complaining, at least he cares about his kid and tried!


Your joking right? Be thankful he even made the effort :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Theres alot of half assed parents out there that don’t even bother checking in or giving their child the bare minimum.
Your literally making a mountain out of a molehill, at the end of the day its the thought that counts.


The dude had to work, and he told you as much. He could have told you that and left it and not gotten her anything at all. You could have picked one up or got one already before it became an issue. Normally most of the good costumes are taken by the time Halloween actually comes around. I had to deal with that fact myself this year. Probably lucky he was even able to get anything that wasn’t a killer clown or something ridiculous like that, that’s all that was left at our Walmart when I went Friday except tiny baby costumes and I have 6 and 7 year old boys. It happens. I would dress her in the T Rex costume (or return it for something else, good luck!) and plan better next year. Being that she is so young she probably won’t remember being a TRex.

Pick your battles girl, her father tried. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

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What’s not appropriate? Was the TRex naked? Drinking a beer? Kids love dinos! A baby girl can be a Dino! Don’t over think this one.


Child wants costume,
Child recieves costume,
Mum throws a tanty.
… go figure


Should of just bought one yourself and not wait till the last minute.
Pick your battles


Mom just wanted her to have a cute adorable costume .


My god! Why didn’t you just get it yourself :roll_eyes:

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My Daughter is Snorlax (a male Pokemon) we put a tutu and a bow on it🤷‍♀️ problem solved. You asked for a costume and you got one.

My daughter wanted to be sonic the hedgehog or a dinosaur. Practically ended up with both (My 2 yr old calls his dragon costume a dinosaur)and a sonic hedgehog. :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl: All the little boys approached her and told her how cool it was. She loved it.


Your lucky they werent sold out he went out of his way after long work week an still came thru with a costume for your child. Dont be so petty

Well, on the weekend, even Friday, this close to Halloween, it’s next to impossible to find one, let alone the one you want

Ungrateful !should of got it yourself

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All of you saying atleast he got her one. That is sad that you think the smallest amount of effort from a father is acceptable. If he put no thought into it at all that’s why shes upset.


Why isn’t a t-rex costume appropriate? I’d be thankful he did something. Buy everything from now on. Wait until you find out what he thinks is appropriate for school clothes :rofl: men can’t shop. They go & pick the first thing they see.


Why didn’t you just get it yourself then? :rofl::rofl:


Did you tell him what you had in mind for her? I don’t see whT is wrong with a dinosaur. My daughter was a purple dino and she rocked it. Be grateful she has one. There are some kids out there who don’t go trick or treating bc parents can’t afford it.


Be glad he got her something. My grandson’s father pays child support regularly but makes no effort towards him at all. Hasn’t even seen him in a couple years and lives less than 5 minutes away. Meanwhile, his other 5 kids ( by 4 other women) see him all the time.

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Just because you didn’t like the costume doesn’t mean he didn’t put any effort into it.


You should be grateful that he put the time, money, and energy into getting her a costume. Was it what you had in mind? Probably not, but did you tell him what you had in mind? Also, this close to Halloween, I looked at 3 different stores for a costume for my oldest and the shelves were wiped clean. Maybe that was the last few options. Guys are kind of clueless on shopping for girls. Next time, maybe go with him when he picks it out, or just buy it your self.

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I think you’re taking this too personally lol. Most men can’t shop for clothes unless it’s for themselves. At least he did get her something - she’s a baby for Pete’s sake ! Babies look adorable in anything !! Did you even consider giving him a clue about what YOU obviously wanted for her ? And he told you he had to work - maybe he grabbed what little was left.

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At least he made a effort.

What the heck is wrong with a t-Rex costume? :woman_shrugging:t4:

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So because she’s a girl she can’t be a t-rex? Cuz that’s what I feel like you’re saying.


Whats wrong with a t rex costume? What do you think is appropriate? :rofl::rofl:


I want a T-rex costume for myself


What’s wrong with T-Rex

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T-Rex is an awesome costume.

Why is a t rex costume inappropriate? Because you didn’t pick it?