Am I wrong to be upset?

Some kids don’t even get to dress up… be thankful


Honestly, last minute, that may be about all that’s left. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a girl dino. Stick a bow on the t-rex and let her be.

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You have poster this in either this group before or another group and got the same answers that apparently you didnt like so you reposted it. Your petty end of story. You can post this in 50 groups and the replies would be the same.

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She’ll be a cute T-Rex! My daughter loves dinosaurs. Maybe that’s all they had & he got what was available. He worked all weekend so maybe he didn’t have time to get one but he got her one so that’s all that really matters. He tried. Some dads don’t even bother to try.

I mean it’s Halloween
Kids dress up in whatever anyways…

Lemme guess, the BABY told you they didn’t want to be a T-Rex🙄


To answer your question, yes you’re in the wrong.


You should’ve told him what to get or buy it your damn self lol. It’s a halloween costume, I can only imagine you’re the type to not ask for what you want and be mad about it :crazy_face:

I think is cute just add a pink bow and she will look even cuter :blush:

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You’re really creating something out of nothing. Be thankful for him picking something out for her. Whether or not you like it, so be it. Clearly your worries in life aren’t too bad huh … can’t believe this is suchhhhh a concern :woman_shrugging:t3:


Okay you asked him to get her a costume what if he actually liked that costume and wanted it for her maybe next time why don’t you just buy her the Halloween costume if you’re going to be Petty in complain about what he got her be thankful he got her anything


My daughter would have been super excited to be a t Rex. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you wanted to be picky you could have gotten it yourself or told him what to get but waiting until two days before Halloween will leave you with next to nothing as far as options go.

I WISH this was my biggest problem. T Rex sounds like an adorable costume.


Omg I hope it’s the kind you blow up, those are so fun! Cutest t Rex ever!

At least she has an active dad in her life… so many children don’t.

Instead of being upset, enjoy that she was going to be a cute dinosaur


Think it Seems like a weird thing to be upset about personally…

My daughter went as a baby shark in yellow To daycare it was cold and wet and her pebbles isn’t as covering cuz it a tutu with a halter Version

A t -rex would have been supper cute. She’s little just have fun and I have Learned a long time ago any of value to myself don’t ask my husband to do. Pull-ups shit like that all day

Clothes and bows and shoes for import days nope even for him I pick and buy it lol

What’s wrong with a dinosaur costume?? :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Why can’t she be a dinosaur?

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I missed the issue. You sound petty


Omfg. If you want something done right either do it yourself or give specific instructions.


So what’s the problem? A costume is a costume. At least he is being a father.


What is so inappropriate about a t-Rex costume?

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Girls can be dinos too!!! :t_rex:


They probably had a conversation about her favorite thing or what she wanted her to be, that’s the only reason I would be upset in this situation.


Why is a t Rex inappropriate? If u wanted something else u should have gotten something else


Appropriate? At least he got her one and put in the effort I got a friend who’s kids dad got them dressed up for a Halloween party and ended up telling the kids his not taking them his dropping them home to their mum instead now. The dad might of thought she would look cute as a dinosaur like come on be grateful

There are lots of women who would love for their baby daddy to care enough to see his kids, let alone go pick out a costume! Also, costumes/clothing don’t have genitals. I don’t understand why people get so bent out of shape over “boy clothes” and “girl clothes.” My daughters love Minecraft and we pick them out in the boy’s section. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

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How is it not appropriate…? :thinking::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4::-1:t4:
God bless that man for having put up with you long enuf to impregnate you and coparent with you.


Appropriate??? How is her being a T-rex not appropriate? Let her be the damn dinosaur and stop just looking for shit to complain about :woman_shrugging:t3:

Atleaat he brought a costume better than not bringing one

At least he brought something :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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I mean my daughter wanted to be a piece of pizza …lol now shes a teddy :bear:

Don’t be so hard on him, hey it was probably just a really stressful week for him we all have them and sometimes running around for a costume is the last thing you want to do, you obviously love it so you should have been the one organising this month’s ago, at least he got the costume. Think about the positives in your life :heart:


Did you even bother to tell him what you thought was “appropriate”? the fact he did and came through I feel should mean a little something though no?

sounds like my daughters father :rofl::woman_facepalming: but anyways I’ve learnt to just do it myself, can’t rely on them

So it sounds like he kept his word and got her a costume. He followed through and you are still giving him a hard time? Come on now do you really think you have a reason to be upset or are you just being petty?


What’s wrong with a dinosaur?


This is why I take care of everything. I cannot depend on my ex to do anything in a timely manner and he refuses to communicate. He barely has time with my son anyway suppose to be 6hrs a week but since August 20th he’s only seen him 1 time. He didn’t even try to communicate with my son this week knowing since September 27th he was going to miss this week due to my oldest have Bowling Traveling Leagues so we were gone Friday after school to this afternoon. I do not depend on my ex for anything at all not extras, not visitations and not even child support as far as I am concerned I am doing this on my own.

If he works all the time then you can’t blame him for not having the time to get her one. You could’ve gotten one just in case and a TRex costume is freaking awesome. You’re tripping.

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What’s wrong with being a dinosaur

You are totally wrong to being upset. Hell my daughter this year is mickey mouse and you know what I never complained about it as my daughter and her dad picked it out she loves it. Stop being picky as clothes and toys have no genders.

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I understand the frustration but honestly I would be happy he even got her anything. I get being busy for sure and maybe he did just grab something but atleast he made sure she was covered. There’s plenty of times I’m just too tired or too busy and I’m like ehhh whatever and grab something, anything that’ll work. You could always just throw a pink bow on it or something to make it girly. Either that or get one that you like yourself. She had a costume so it’s a win imo.

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I need more info here. Like did your little girl want to be a t rex? Pr was she like begging to be jasmine and he just got that costume and was like ooopp heres a costume.

Either way like its great that he got her a costume no matter what but if she doesnt want to be a trex then i get it.

Get over yourself!!! be grateful he cared enough to get her one and is apart of her life, not every child is that fortunate to have a dad that cares ffs…

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I’ve never heard t-rexes referred to as inappropriate :sweat_smile: if a costume was not decided/agreed upon beforehand I don’t see the problem. Little baby trex ? Sounds cute lol

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Be grateful that he bought her something

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Damn ungrateful is real.

Put a pink bow on it n be a girl t-rex. This is petty.

Yes you’re wrong lol what exactly is appropriate and why wasn’t that appropriate? What was wrong with it. You sound petty. Stop it. Bigger fish to fry to bitching about a dinosaur costume.
So yes you’re very wrong. And you even exchanged it??? Lmao wow you’re special

He literally got her a costume. How is that unreliable. The OP needs to pull her head out of her ass.

So why ask him to do something if you’re just gonna waste his time and don’t yourself…you sound petty like the OP

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I wrong to be upset? - Mamas Uncut

Mmm nope it doesn’t work like that


Tell him if he wants a sitter then he needs to find one & take the kids to them. He shouldn’t take advantage of your family helping while BOTH of you work… who keeps them when you’re off work? My bet is YOU!


He can spend time with his kids


I would on the condition he take over your daily duties when he returns to work. And I mean everything, a whole week since he got to have some rest, only fair you get to as well, and none of that “too tired after work” bs.


Absolutely not, he can spend time with his children.


Now that’s funny :rofl: didn’t know parents got alone time


Tell him to step up or step out he helped make the child he can help raise the child as well or get gone.


doesn’t work like that. he can spend time with the child. tell him no, you’re not taking little one to your family,

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Hell no. He needs to take care of his kids too. Wth

Uh , NO ! That’s called parenting…

Woah, dumpster fire. My husband always says, our kids, our responsibility. He would work midnights then get off work, come home right before I’d leave for work, and watch the baby until I got home rinse repeat. This dude is very not ready to be a dad.


Not sure it’s something to be upset about. You choose to stay at home with the kids while you were on a work break, maybe he wants to use that time for something else. Maybe he just needs a break for a few days. I mean, being a parent and working is exhausting, everyone deserves a break sometimes. As long as the kids well cared for.


Nope, that’s part of being a parent.

I could understand if he wanted a day, but all week? :joy::joy:


I’d think your parents needed a break… they’ve already raised their kids…now yours as well…have your husband take the kids to his own parents home…give your parents a break…


Parenting is a shared responsibility. 50/50. If he isn’t going to use his “alone” time to do the things that would still keep you busy after returning from a full day’s work, then you have a selfish husband. You didn’t make those kids alone. You both work for that home. 50/50!


Not ok, but I see alot of “dads” pawning their children off with other’s on their holiday, their weekend. Its ridiculous.


I’d be upset too . It would be different if it others weren’t watching them , but when he’s home ? I could understand a day or two , but not the whole week . You didn’t have those kids alone , it’s 50/50 . If you can do it , so can he . I’d refuse and let him take care of the kids .


You have every right to be upset. Your husband isn’t a dad. He isn’t interested in taking care of his children, yet he expects you to. He wants his alone time. Give it to him. You & your kids will be better off without him. I bet he won’t even want visitation.


Wait what !! Absolutely not !!

And what’s does he need to do that’s so important that he has to leave the kids with grandma and grandpa who have them all the time for a week straight sounds like he’s up to something shady nope he’ll no I would pack his bag for him :ok_hand:t2:


Wow. Wtf?? He is the parent of that child. He should take some responsibility

:rofl::rofl::rofl: hes funny tell him to suck it up and look after his kids!!! Some Men seem to think parenthood is a choice :thinking:

I completely understand what ur going through! I’m right there with you! My husband will not take care of our son at all. Period. It doesn’t matter how sick I am… or what I need to do. Not even 10 min… he will not watch him. He wasn’t raised to care for anything or pick up after himself. I blame the in laws for how he turned out entirely.

I choose to function as a single parent. And thank God for my family. It’s the only way I can get through the day. If I have no expectations then I have no reason to be disappointed or angry. :woozy_face:


Selfish SOAB … did he really want kids ?

Tell him this week is the baby sitters week off. Family or not, they deserve a week off every now and then


Do you know if he is even capable of taking care of the baby? Some men truly never learned. If he knows how and just won’t, I would be afraid to leave the baby with him, what a selfish a**hole. Yeah I’d be rethinking my whole marriage.


If he wants that, he can do it. Not fair

Sounds like just another child you need to look after. I’d not be having anymore kids with a man who won’t look after the ones he already has. And the but does he know how to care for a baby line is just silly. He has been in the babies life as long as you. If he had any involvement in that babies care at all he would know how.

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I would absolutely NOT take him to family… he can step up and be a father ! :roll_eyes:

Everyone deserves a break every so often. It’s needed for your mental health. Do half the days with kiddo home, half the days either family. Parents often forget how to be adults once they have children


Parent of the year. :roll_eyes:

Some men aren’t able to look after kids because we as mothers tend to do majority of the work when it comes to our babies and the men just fill in where we need them so they really don’t know how to do it alone … don’t leave them home with him unless u have witnessed how he is with them without ur help


Tell him absolutely not and it’s time to Father up! He can take care of those kids just the same as you or your family can. Parenting isn’t at your convenience and he needs to grow tf up. Ask him what would he do if you died,
pawn them off on family?..


I would not take them to family and would make him do it and tell the family if he asks to say no bc they know he is off and they have plans while he is off and able to watch it

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…. If they wanna watch your kid, I’d let him. I take my son righhhht to daycare on my days off if we don’t have anything planned and I just want a day to myself.

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No don’t he has responsibilities to make him watch his kid

I mean you had an opportunity to do same and chose not to​:woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face: dad can take him to hes family’s house if he wants for a couple days if they are OK with it​:woman_shrugging:

You’ve got two kids, not one.


If this was a burnt out mother the comments would be sooooooo different … just saying he might need a break for some reason


Why can’t dad have a few days off? If he is stressed or burnt out for some reason then why not let him have time alone. Men don’t always communicate when they are burned out.


This always cracked me up! HE THINKS ITS BABYSITTING!! tell him NO!!!


He needs to step up and be a daddy


No the family needs a break too that’s just taking an advantage of your family


Can’t he take them to family’s house, he could take your son a few hours a day but for the whole week, that’s excessive!


I’d say a couple days is definitely reasonable but I’d also think it would be nice for him to have some time with the kids. Think a compromise would be fair. You definitely should have taken a couple days for yourself!