I’ve been legally married since I was 16; I’m 22 now. We have two kids and have been split up for several months now. I met someone else (someone older) and completely fell in love. He’s 46 with an 11-year-old, and they love my kids and me unconditionally. He’s helping me get the divorce I’ve wanted for a really long time. Am I doing this right? Should I stop seeing the 46-year-old?
I dont see why you should stop seeing him… if he treats you and the kids good I say go for it
Honey do whatever makes you happy! Nobody has to live your life but you. Don’t worry about what other people think! You know in your heart what’s right for you and I say if your happy and healthy. do it!!!
Idk why other peoples opinions matter so much. Do you girl! Do what makes YOU happy
Why can’t girls be single for awhile ? That’s your choice tho
Stop the insanity… Resolve your current relationship issues. Dont take on additional stress and B ,S. Spend some time alone, heal and find YOURSELF…
You don’t need validation from us, if you love him and you are genuinely happy, go for it, I was with a 36 year old when I was 18, were together for the best part of 5 years, before we went our sperate ways, you’ll get judged no matter what you do, so just be happy and know only what you and him think and feel is what matters.
Do what makes u happy.
Age is only a number! Age does not define happiness! YOU define your happiness. So if this is what YOU want, don’t listen to others opinions and go for it girl!
The key is to not ask others opinions. My husband is 25. I’m 45.
I recommend you wait. Jump out of the bad relationship into singlehood for a while so you can learn what you really want for your kids and yourself. 16 years old is super young to start “life” with someone.
Nothing wrong with it,if it makes you happy and he treats you and your children good then go for it…
Momma ask yourself these three simple things that only you can answer and that’s your answer… Am I healthy? Am I happy? Am I safe? No one’s opinion except yours is the only one you need to listen to.
You’re a legal grown woman, you can date whoever you want.
I think mentally there is such a big difference.
If he makes you happy and treats you like a queen, don’t let anyone stop you.
If you’re still married, yes you’re wrong to date someone else. That’s adultery. If you’re not happy, leave & get divorced so you can be with the 46yo
Your over 18 age is just a number now
Likely you’ll have a better relationship if you have time single between them. Especially since you were only 16 when married. Get to know yourself as an independant adult first.
I’m 29 and dating a 48 year old and he’s amazing and so kind. Go for it if he makes you happy
If it is working for you. I would wonder if you are finding a fatherly type relationship with the older man - but if so and that works for you both then it is your life. You really haven’t had anytime as a single adult and some would think that is a part of life that should be experienced but again - your choice. Are you going to be a caring and loving wife when you are 46 and he is 70? Sometimes the other end is when the age difference has an impact. He will be an older person long before you.
I think if you have to ask you know the answer. Just a thought.
I’m 47 and I couldn’t see myself having anything in common with a 22 year old!! I have a 26 and 22 year old daughter and I can’t stand any of the same things they do lol but to each his own I guess
do you love him or are you just in love that he’s helping you pay for a divorce?
I’m 28, and my husband is almost 45. Age is a number, if he treats you with respect, honesty and caring of you and your babies, that’s all that matters.
I wouldn’t be ok with my 22yo seeing a 46yo. First thing that comes to mind is that he’s using you. You’re young, probably naive. But you be you.
My question is: why are you doubting? Why ask the internet? Message me privately, if you’d like to talk in depth.
We are here to support one another!! It is completely okay to move forward in life at your pace and however you are comfortable doing so! I am 25 and date a 46 year old man we have wonderful children together! And we are absolutely in love with each other! You do what makes YOU feel right! Don’t take other peoples opinion and use them for your life choices! You got this mama!
I’m 28 with a 50 yr old n people are all flipping out lol. Eh oh well
Do what makes you happy
You’re over 18 do what makes you happy
What will happen if you stay together is that he will stop wanting to go out, entertain, and do stuff, because that’s what people do as they age, and you will still be wanting to go out, entertsin, and do stuff because you will still be young…
There’s nothing wrong with dating a 46 year old (my husband is 13 years my senior) I’m more concerned that you are still going through a divorce. You should give yourself time to heal from the breakup. I fear that you might see this man through rose colored glasses as he is most likely giving you what your ex did not. Date him, but take your sweet time. Don’t move in and definitely don’t marry him. Older men tend to be more controlling and insecure. Good luck.
Do what makes you happy. As long as it isn’t bad or harmful
If you’re split up then you can do whatever makes you happy. You just need to decide if you truly want to jump right into a new relationship or take it slow and decide if it is what you really want. And not just into it more bc it makes it easier to leave what you had.
Your choice, but I don’t think you’re wrong if you’re split.
In terms of the age difference… if you click and have similar goals then it is perfectly fine!
Your grown do what makes you happy . Don’t listen to the internets opinion .
That’s inappropriate and creepy. He’s twice your age.
If your questioning it…give it more time.
Age is just a number. And you do what you think is right for u and ur kids. And if ur happy and ur kids are happy then that’s all that matters. You do you girl
Too old …be by yourself tor awhile…enjoy your kids
Me honestly, I’ve only ever seen age as a number (to an extent before someone jumps my case) you do you boo!
You do you boo!!! Nobody commenting is paying your bills to make your decisions
Age is just a number!
My belief is that…if someone is still legally married. They should not date other people.
No matter the age of that other person.
I personally wouldn’t. You’ve also been with someone since you were a child yourself… You should be taking this time to find yourself and be free for a little bit before you get with anyone. I think it’s gross to be with someone that much older, cause it’s like he’s just using you as a “oh look at my little trophy” . My parents are younger than him and that’s just grossing me out
Age is mind over matter…if you dont mind, it doesn’t matter.
There is 20 years between myself and husband we will be married 20 years this year. Do you and don’t worry about what others think.
Its ok to move on girl. Your over 18. As long as he’s got his shit together then why not?.. I’ve always been one for older men. I’m actually 32yrs old and im with my first boyfriend who is 28. So its odd for me.(we’ve been together 3yrs) people will give you shit but that doesn’t matter if its a relationship you wanna move forward with. A good friend of mine is 32 and her now ex husband is 20yrs on her. They had two babies in their marriage. He was a friend of the family…
Wow people are rude. You do what makes you happy!
Pretty sure I know who this is lol
At first when you hear that age difference it’s like… woah. But ultimately age is just a number…
You are grown do what makes you happy! But if your having to question it and/or ask for approval from others maybe wait a while .
Girl don’t worry about what complete strangers on the internet thinks! Are you happy? Are your kids happy? That’s what matters.
This young mother is asking for advise not to be judged. You do what makes you happy hun.
A man’s in his 40s that dates girls in there 20s To me you’re easier to manipulate and control. Did you have your dad around growing up? My opinion is woman who go for much older men are looking for a father not a mate
Do whatever makes you happy. Just give it ample time so you know for sure. Google him
I have a 24 year gap between my husband and I. Going to be 2 years married in july and 4 years in a relationship. Love is love. We are all adults here and yeah maybe this is not the norm. But damn I love my husband so much and wouldn’t change my life for anything. Screw what everyone else thinks and just do what feels right to you. I knew my husband was my soulmate the minute we kissed. Dont worry about what Society deems correct. Do what you feel is right. It’s your life not theirs.
You do what makes you happy and what makes your kids happy.
You are still a child yourself. 22? I had my 1st baby at 17 and was still doing a lot of growing even after my second around 22. Take some time to find yourself. Keep the relationship open at least and do what makes you happy. But don’t settle down again just yet. It’s to soon.
Age is just a number! Be happy with the man you love!
Hay Dad Howz it goin
Age is only a number me and my wife have a 10 year gap
U can’t help who u fall in love with… I’m 31 my husband is 52 we been together for 9 years (10 years next month) been married 7 years (8 years this July) we have a 5 year old son together. U have to do what makes you happy. If ur happy with him then continue seeing him screw what others say/think…
If you have to ask, something is up. Maybe you’re too embarrassed to say the truth. You know what’s right and wrong. Take time for you. Believe me, in 10 years you’ll say “thank you!”
Enjoy your life. You only have one…go for it…
Be happy and don’t ask strangers how to live your life if he makes you happy don’t really matter his age. Enjoy him and your family together no one can tell you how to live.
Most 22 year olds are still children themselves. There is too much of a gap there and you are old enough to be his child.
Sounds exactly like me but I was 26 with 2 young kids and he was 44 with an 11year old and a 10 year old. We’ve been together 4 years now
Personally I think you should take time for you jumping into another relationship while your still married and not out of it spells rebound to many people jump right into another relationship right after getting out of one and not giving time to heal and find out who you are and most case scenarios it’s due to not wanting to be alone and thinking another man can fix you and that’s often not the case if you’ve been married since 16 you never got to grow as a person or experience being by yourself I’d definitely take time for yourself and find yourself and make yourself happy before finding a new relationship and I would be asking myself what would a man that age want with someone my age be careful because your vulnerabile right now and a man that age will use that to his advantage there’s a reason men that old go after young girls so I’d be cautious and having kids and him around would seriously creep me out I myself would wonder if he some kinda perv
If you love each other, don’t let age or people’s opinions stop you from experiencing love and joy. Do what makes you happy. If it doesn’t work out, then don’t regret it. There are no guarantees for a “…and they lived happily ever after”, in any relationship. Enjoy what you have now. Live your life to the fullest, with no regrets💕
Your choice
My man is 16 years older then me nothing wrong with it as long as u ain’t under age what the hell who cares what people think your happiness is what matters
I personally wouldn’t but to each their own
If you listen to the opinions of others, you’ll never be happy. I’ve learned that the hard way. The only opinions that matter, is yours and your children’s.
I’m 34 and my boyfriend might as will be husband is 55. We have been together for almost 7 years now. We have a wonderful son together. I had my father growing up and still do. It was nothing about seeking or looking for that father figure. Most guys my age where I live are still wild and carefree and was just to immature still for me.
Be happy enjoy your life and your chikdren
If he truly values you, love you unconditionally including your kids, and he gives you the respect that you deserve, I don’t think age matters.
Be with whoever makes you happy. There is a big age gap between my husband & me. We have to children under 8 together & have been married since I was 18. As long as he’s not using you or abusive, give it a try. Take it slow & see how things go
If you are willing to dump your man who you say you love based on what people who you dont know tell you then you dont really love him and you shouldnt be wasting his time and playing with his emotions and the childrens emotions… age is just a number you love who you love
My advice, you take a little moment whats your priority first , before you get into another one. For me if I’m on your situation I will take it slowly , I put my children first . Having someone is a headache sometimes especially now a day . Think twice or thousand times…try to figure it out or visualize what’s life in the long run , you can be friend do things together with him …no rush enjoy your life .
Like Steve Harvey says “other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.”
Follow your gut, good luck
It’s not how anyone feels or thinks. It’s what YOU and HIM feel about it. Don’t let’s other people opinions control your life or make your life decisions. I know someone who dates older guys. If it’s what they like them so be it. I personally couldn’t
I think you should take some time off. Going from one marriage failure to the first man you meet doesn’t give you time to figure out what you really want.
Iive with no regrets you don’t want to live with the thought what if. age shouldn’t matterntoo much if you both love each other.
Nope not of you are happy my husband just turned 47 …he is my prince charming
Follow your heart bht3stay cautious at the same time
Age is just a number, enjoy life with who u love
My husband is 10 years younger and he has been the most incredible husband and father we could ask for. We have been together 13 years. If you’re happy and your kids are then that is all that matters.
Why not be single and find out who you are without needing another person to make you be ok. You need to find you as an individual not a partner or parent. A few months in general via not enough time to be truly healed from any relationship not to mention a marriage. Time apart and single not dating or involved now the right way to decide what you need to do. You have kids and some lost childhood to deal with. If you can see a therapist they may be help to you get on the right path as well. I’d just hate for you to go in another relationship and divorce or have it go south again because you weren’t ready again.
Can I ask how much older your husband was than you? Married at 16 with 2 kids by 22 is super tough. Maybe slow down a bit and finding out who you are? Doesn’t seem like you’ve had much time to figure that out. No judgement at all but focus on your kids and what you want for you and them in the future. Best of luck.
Just be cautious. Been there done that. Married a man 16 years older than me. I was 20, he was 36. Just understand he sees things slot different than you do. I did it for 12 years before I realized the age gap was more than we could handle.
Honey only you know what feels right. Just take the time to really think about permanent situations, as you will be making decisions that will affect your children. After 2 failed marriages I found someone younger he is the love of my life. When we met it felt like we came home. Don’t fight it or force it if its ment to be it will.
You’re happy and safe and comforted and that’s so so important.
The fact that you are asking is probably what you should be focusing on. There is a reason you are doubting yourself and the situation. Take your time and discover yourself a bit before jumping into another serious relationship.
Girl I would take the time to find yourself and think about your kids you don’t need a man right now just because a man is treating you good right now doesn’t mean that’s who he is take the time to know him that’s not enough time a man that old should be in a relationship something’s wrong with him just wait and see
No you shouldn’t stop seeing the older guy but take it slow. Spend time together first. You dont want to rush into things.
I am 25 and my mom is 46. I personally could never date someone old enough to be my parent… BUT love is love (over the age of 18 of course)
i say just go for it👍best of luck👍
You have to ask yourself why women his own age don’t date him . Even though you’re an adult there’s still a power dynamic imo. You’re not like an adult until you’re like 28 lmao
Go far it you know want you want as long as you are happy that’s want matters age is just a number
I say go wherever you are happiest