Am I wrong to date a 46 year old?

You should see a 46 year old therapist…


Well if you are comfortable on date someone older or younger then your self… go for it. Who cares these days. (Only then who have an opinion on everything in someone else’s life) Enjoy life, free to make choice and make mistakes. Have fun doing it. But stay safe :grin::wink:

Age is a number but with that being said…you’re literally at different places in your life. At this point in your life it may not be a successful relationship

My husband is 13 years older than me and I couldn’t be happier

My fiancé is 36 and I’m 22. You have to do what makes you happy and what’s best for your children in the end, and only you know what that is.

Be sure you love him and him you. This is about the age men go through a mid life crisis in their life. I don’t know his situation but if he makes you happy in every sense of the word then go for it. But don’t be blinded by your feeling. Make sure he can be trusted around your children and don’t rush into another relationship until you both are absolutely comfortable with the whole family thing because it’s not just about you and him. Good luck. :pray::pray:

My husband is 15 yrs older than me and we have been together for 20 yrs…married for 8 he’s my best friend…

Love has no age.
If your both in love and happy … Amazing…l just feel you yourself may have some form of doubt to have to ask the question. However l hope everything goes well for you.

My husband is 12 years older than me it’s ok when you’re young but when you get older you know you could be alone at anytime.


If he treats you and your children well and you live him then age shouldn’t matter. But with that being said in the long run when your children are grown and old enough to care for themselves you may have to care for him.

Personally, I think you should take time to be single so you can focus on you and your children. You’ve never really been single and going from one relationship straight into another like that can cause co-dependency in an unhealthy way.

As for the age gap, it really doesn’t matter. Whatever makes the people in the relationship happy is what counts and it doesn’t matter if they are a year apart or 20+ years apart. Unless of course one is a minor or there are ill intentions.


You need to find you. And that age spread isn’t going to allow that. Take time to find out who you are. And do it solo.

No, you’re not doing anything wrong. There’s nothing wrong with older men (my husband is 11yrs older than me). I wouldn’t get too serious, but casually dating him and seeing where it goes is a great idea.

I got married at 21 to a 46 yr old 18 yrs ago, worst mistake of my life, From experience. Now that we are no longer together we get on better as friends. Each to their own, everyones different

If you are happy hun go for it! As long as you and those kids are happy that’s all that matters!!!

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22 years older is ok for now, but 10 years latter, dont know?

Ignore everyone go with how you feel I was 18 and my now husband was 42 ! It’s fine we been together since 6 kids married and yes people judge sometimes but who are they to judge it’s your life xx

I would be asking why doesn’t he date women in his own age group also I would be very careful having him around your kids this soon as you don’t know him well. I personally wouldn’t date a bloke who is 24 years older than me


No there’s no issue with it. At this point age is just a number. My boyfriend is 40 and I’m 20 almost 21.


There is 11 years between me and mine. Many ppl said we wouldn’t last. I lost friends over it. We have now been together 15 years. Oh and by the way it’s your life do what makes you happy not society your the one that has to live it after all :kissing_heart:


If you need to question it maybe a part of you isnt ok with it, who you love isn’t restricted by age or the opinions of others if you and your kids are good with them then live your life.

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Jesus Christ ignore everyone saying you shouldn’t! You do what makes YOU happy. I say go for it girl, live life on your own terms

Once you’re an adult, age is just a number and doesn’t matter. Plus, he should be fully maturing around that age, which is nice. My husband and I have an 11 year age gap and it’s great! I am 21 and I just didn’t have time for the little, immature boys our age. Sometimes older men are definitely great if you’re ready to settle down because a lot of times, they are too.


Yeah, take time to process everything first & just be with yourself and your kids for at least a year. Think about who you are, what you want to be and do, what you would do with your life if you never had a man in your future. If it’s the real thing, he’ll wait. How did you meet him? I’d be suspicious as hell.

That’s a pretty big age gap. Know him for AT LEAST 3 years before you make any decisions. Do NOT move in with him for at least one year of knowing him (after your one year without him to figure yourself out). Get to know his friends and extended family. See if you can talk to his ex-wife and ex-girlfriends too. That will give you some insight into who he really is.

Do you want to hang out with a bunch of 46-year-olds listening to ‘90s music & talking about “the good old days” before you were born? How often is he willing to hang out with 22-year-olds? How many activities do you enjoy together outside of the house? What happens when he starts to get erectile dysfunction at 50?

How much caregiving do you want to do when he is 76 and you are 52? What kind of medical history do he and his family members have? Is he fit, active and does he eat healthily or is he a stroke waiting to happen in 10 years? What kind of health care and retirement plans does he have so you won’t wind up bankrupt from medical bills?

You’re both adults. Age doesn’t matter when you’re both adults. Unless you’re 22 & he’s on a cane then that would be pretty awkward lol.

Really long time ? What like a year. Christ on a bike u r 22.

You’ve only been split up for several months and are already in love and have introduced your kids to this man?

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Go for it, if it makes u happy and ur not hurting anyone then who cares, I’m 30 and am with a 51 year old, best relationship iv ever had, never been so happy :blush::blush: xx


Nope you are good!!!

My husband’s 10 years younger than I am. As long as it’s legal and consenting I say go for it.


My sister has been married to a man 21 years older than her for 39 years now. They met when she was 21, he was 42. 4 kids and multiple health problems later, they are still going strong. Age is just a number.


Don’t rush things, but if you truly love him and he loves you, don’t see the problem you are 22 and old enough to make up your own mind, if you were under 20 I would say no. But as long as you are happy go for it, but take it slow and make sure it is true love and not you just wanting to feel loved after a bad relationship. Only you can know if this is what you want and if true love or not. Good luck whatever you decide to do.


My husband is 23 yrs older than me. We are very happy and have been married 10 yrs now.


I would say take more time. Only several months split up and the kids are already having someone new. I think it’s a very short timespan to say he loves you and your kids unconditionally. Age is not a factor for me, but a couple months after a breakup involving kids is not a good idea. If you love him, sure give it a shot for a while, but don’t involve the kids yet. They just need you right now. He should be patient about that, he is a father himself.


Do what’s best for you and your kids. If they treat yall right who cares what anyone else says? Some people need years to get over a breakup,some barely need any time. It all depends on the person

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Hes old enough to be your dad! Usually I would say go for it with someone older. But when they are old enough to be your own parent, that’s borderline disgusting!


Definitely enjoy new relationship, don’t let anyone judge you, if you are happy then brilliant, I’m married to a 46 year old, they are house-trained :wink: I might need to add there that I’m also 46 :rofl: but if you asked me to swap him for a 22 year old I’d run really fast in the opposite direction :rofl:


There is no ‘right’. You are both over 21, consenting adults. That said, how do YOU feel? Are you uncomfortable about ANYTHING, if so, step back and think things through more thoroughly. Do not let FB input dictate your life - we all have a million reasons why/why not. Ultimately it’s YOUR life. If you need more input, talk to an independent professional therapist. SERIOUSLY. Your ‘today’ choices (and repercussions) have a huge impact on your children.


Go with what you feel is right. Kids will find help and parenthood with who is there to teach. Its up to you to make sure they have the right influences. If they will teach right by you and your kids age doesn’t matter


Girl I’m 31, my husband is 58. I was single for almost 6 years. My first marriage was a disaster. I have two boys from my first marriage. My boy’s love their stepdad and he loves them. Give yourself time to actually be alone. If he wants you it shouldn’t be an issue. Its not like you can’t see him and go out on dates occasionally.


Go with your Gut feeling. Age has no barrier when your of age to be an adult. Age has no barrier with affairs of the heart. But trust your gut instincts, not what is socially exceptable or what others may think.

If not been separated long id not rush with it all. His age isn’t why but he could be helping like a father just be sure your not just looking for comfort and long your relationship id maybe give yourself time to be alone. No offence I wouldn’t have involved kids.


You are still young. You are just ending a relationship you were in at 16. I would say, give yourself time. If he cares about you, he can wait.


If you’re in love, it shouldn’t be anyone else’s concern but you two!!:heart: If people have something to say, F THEM!!!


NO Nothing wrong I’m 29 engaged to a 47yr old I have a 10yr from my ex he loves my daughter like his own even calls him daddy . if there is trust and most of all respect for who he is and he has respect for who you are
If there is love, care , trust and respect then congrats on finding a life long relationship. There will always be ups and down between you and him.

Age is just a number doll, don’t let people bring you down. I’m 28 and my husband is 45. We have been together 8 years and have 3 kids.


He is just the rebound. He will worship you and help you and you will be his princess. You will be in love with the father figure. Then his age will clash with your new sense of freedom. You will wake up and realize you aren’t ready to settle back down and you’ve never experienced the single wild fun life. You will leave him and he will be sad. You will wander and play until you figure out what you want.


My husband was 23 years older than I best marriage ever…i didn’t give a crop…he was the best husband…passed when I was 35…but best 13 years of my life


My man is 8 years older and I know that is not to much but your heart knows what it wants and when you know they are the one that is all that matters age is just a number but love is forever do what you know is right

Hun the only opinion that counts is yours! Those that matter to you won’t mind and those that do mind don’t matter. You will never be truly happy if you keep worrying about what everyone else thinks. Age is nothing but a number and happiness is hard to find. Grab it and enjoy it xxx

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Do what makes you happy, but be sure to take some time for yourself and find who you really are. You married at a very young age. I did the same. My ex was 14 years older than me. At first it seemed like age didn’t matter, however after 14 years of marriage I now realize just how much we didn’t have in common because of the big age gap. The best thing I did for myself was give myself time to be single and find myself. Just be careful not to fall for a rebound. You will know without a doubt when you find “the one”. Wishing you the very best, much love, and happiness! :purple_heart:


Just go for it.
If is works in the long run wonderfull, if not at least you had and experience of having someone to be there for you and to support you. Then with the next one you will grow and learn even more.
Age is not the problem often it is the heart.

I definitely don’t see it being bad but I wouldn’t jump into marriage again quickly I would date him and get to know him better but more importantly get to know who you are :heartpulse::heartpulse:

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If you’re happy, divorcing, and he’s good to the kids/you, I’d keep seeing him.


If you are happy you know the answer to your question is no. Maybe openly communicate about the age difference with your partner. I assume you feel judged about your relationship …consider the sources. Do their opinions matter? Be happy and thankful to have a man to accept you and your children. I hope everything works out for you.

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I’m in favor of it. Stability, maturity…but beware of a tendency to be controlling towards you.


My fathers wife was 25 years younger than he was. They were together for 35 years before he died. She is devastated. They did everything together… They were totally in love… if you love him and he makes you happy… that’s all that matters… go for it!:two_hearts:

Age is just a number if he treats you like the queen that you are and treats your kids like his own then you do you. Everyone deserves happiness

You have been staffed of love and at your tender age of cause the new person’s attention you will confuse it with unconditional love. Take your time to heal from the break up of your marriage and take time and get to know yourself and begin to love yourself first before you can see perfect love in a man whom you see marrying. Yes he will help you with the divorce but you don’t know him that well to jump into another marriage. The first receipt to confuse kids is to bring them too early into a relationship you yourself is new in. You have to set the principle of first protecting your kids. Sit down and ask yourself these questions, what do I want from a man, what was my contribution to my failed marriage, have I healed fully to say I can fall in love again with the intend to marriage, what are the risks here etc. Age isn’t a problem but from experience you will get bored because he has had and you still want some experiences of playing and experiencing life. Just take it slow and grow on your own unless you need any kind of support from him. Elderly men control a lot.

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There’s nothing wrong being with someone who is more way older than you. Age is just a number and what importantly is how you feel towards that person…if you are looking for a long term relationship I think he’s suitable to be part of your future…and also you’ll never know the true color of a person unless you’ll live in one roof…

you are an adult, both of you are, you know what you are doing and what you want. I see nothing wrong, if he accepts your kids and you also accept his i say thats great

I’m 25 and my partner is 44. He has 5 children to someone else and his oldest is the same age as me who I went to school with. We have a child together. People will always negative about it but it’s whatever makes you happy.

In my opinion because of the way you worded it…it sounded like you are only happy because he is going to help pay for the divorce. I could of just took your words out of context and if that is the case then I apologize.

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I always hear the older the wiser and more mature the man is to meet the needs of a woman cause they have finally grown up mostly any thing five years and older they say

My husband is 12 years older than me. Met him when I was 27.
I always wish I could have found him sooner.

Man life is toooo short. You gotta make yourself happy. I was 26 when I met my hubs an he was 45 almost 46 sooooo. Age is a number and if he isn’t hurting you or your children then :woman_shrugging:t2:

I was 17 married to someone 21yrs older than me. We were both happy and thing’s were good but both decided for reasons unspoken that we should divorce after less than a year together. Age is just a number but got to ask yourself are u willing to be with him and committed 100% as he gets older and health starts taking a toll on his body? Yes I know people that are old and health great but looks and performance doesn’t always stay the same. Take it slow and don’t rush into anything. If u two truly love each other then u both will agree to take thing’s one day at a time and don’t rush into marriage or having any kids.

I say do you girl. Seriously. It’s hard dealing with divorce but being married so young ugh but you do you girl if you love where you are then stay we all need happiness especially since last year

For me, the age doesn’t matter. Just be careful mixing your divorce in with the new relationship. If I were in your shoes I’d wait until the divorce is final.
It could get messy though in the future, just don’t feel obligated to be/stay with him just because he’s helping you with the divorce.


I think if your questioning it maybe just slow down and make sure you are 100% with your decision :heart: best of luck on whatever you choose is right for You and your family

As long as you’re happy who cares. You’re 22.
But I would advise taking this really slow since you’ve only recently started the divorce. It’s a lot of change for all the kids.

Sounds like he got deep pockets from what you posted. Keep in mind his health will be on the down hill while yours is on the rise. Is that something that will leave you resentful? I mean there is just so many variables. Age is more than just a number when you want to travel and he wants a new oil organizer and hemroid cream lathered on his chili ring. Your young enough I’d say take some time to live and meet more people. If your asking this question you should probably take a look at what you really want in life.

You’ve known this guy for several months? I would take it very slowly. It can get very complicated with kiddos involved and he has literally lived a whole life before you. I personally think you should take a bit of time to breathe and reflect and focus on your kids.

If you’re happy, then go for it! I’m 28 and my fiance is 46, and ive got a little boy on the way. Never been happier.

They seem secure and safe. Once you get your independence and self esteem back. You’ll want someone who will grow with you and be right around your age. Or! This could be the love of your life. I dunno but that was my experience.

Age doesn’t matter when you are an adult. As long as you are happy and you respect each other.x

Life is very short and unpredictable now…but if you’ve met someone that makes you and your children happy and feel safe go for it.Take it slow…know each other…be friends first…Your old enough to make your own decisions…but consider your making them for your children too.Life is what we make it.

There’s an 8 year gap between me and my partner and although it probably doesn’t seem much to some, sometimes when I really think about it or especially when we talk about our childhoods and you really put it into perspective it’s like “woah you were that old when I was this old” etc. But we don’t notice the age gap because we are genuinely so happy and if I’m honest, a bit of an older guy worked for me because he was more patient, understanding and experienced (not in a rude way :see_no_evil:). If you’re happy together then so be it! People will always have something to say but bottom line is what makes you happy. And if you’re both happy, why should it matter? Just take it slow and make sure it’s not a rebound thing going on for you though.

Im.28 years younger than my husband. Be happy and as.long as he’s good to you and kids…don’t let people judge you

In my honest opinion. Age is just a number. If you actually love this guy then I say stay.

If u guys r happy and love eachother but most importantly excepts kids as their own def a keeper

If you are happy that is all that matters my husband is 40 and I’m 29 we have been married 5 years but together 12 we are 11 years apart and we have 4 children together

The only thing I see wrong is that you stated he is helping you get your divorce. What does that mean? If he is offering financial help, I wouldn’t accept it. You never know what that could lead to down the road. It could be just a nice gesture but it also could be a red flag. How long have you been dating this man?

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If he’s a nice guy and is good to you why is his age a question at all?

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Don’t ask anyone else for advise do what your heart tells you and what makes you happy it may or may not work but it’s worth finding out

How will you know whether it will work out or not if you dont go for it??? If it doesn’t, oh well, you live and you learn and you move on.

There is 22 yrs between me and my partner and we have never been happier, age is a number if your both happy then dont worry about anything else

U do what feels right to u u don’t have to marry him or anything I’d take more time in that area but nothing wrong with dating and u being happy and it sounds like u are happy with him

My husband is 11 years older than me and my maternal grandfather was 17 years older than my grandmother. Love is love :heart:

Age is just a number. If you removed age from the equation, would the relationship be great? If yes, then keep on keeping on. If no, the stop. I’ve dated men older than my dad before. It’s no big deal.:woman_shrugging:t3: But that’s just my opinion.

Age aint but a number… my hubby is 18 years older then me and we have 16 and 13 years kids… and married 16 years…

As long as both parties are consenting adults age should never be a factor. I do encourage you to move at a slower pace. If the love is real it will still be there in 6 months or even a year. You can continue to date him and get to know him, but take your time introducing him to your children. Mistakes can be made when you move too fast, don’t have all of the facts or do not think things through. I wish you all the luck in the world.

Yes, stop. You have no business in ANY relationship. Focus on the children. You don’t need another big mistake.

I would definitely give it time… for me… I wouldn’t want to jump into anything too serious for a while…

Its up to u man i personally think its a nope (the age thing) but its completely up to you. But i think itd be wise to take a bit more time being friends before having a relationship.

If it felt completely right you wouldn’t be asking this question. I would suggest to close the firt chapter before opening a new one. If this is meant to be he will be there when the time is right.

My husband is 46 I’m 29…been together since I was 25. Hes the best thing to happen to me. So if you are happy that is ALL that matters

My husband is 14 years older, will celebrate 38 years of marriage in September.

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U don’t really love them till u live with them member that cuz sayings one thing living with each other shows real colors

Age is just a number in my opinion. The fact that there is a difference in age is nothing as long as you are with him for the best of intentions and are not using him to get out of a bad situation.