Not wrong at all, if you are happy, go for it.
Are you happy? Are your kids happy? If the answer is yes to both questions than don’t worry about what every one thinks it’s your life and you deserve to be happy. Be you, and don’t worry about the rest. Easy pezy!!! You go girl xox
Its got nothing to do with anyone else, as long as you take care of your kids
I wouldn’t rush anything. Take it slow and really get to know each other. My husband is 41 and I’m 28. The age doesn’t matter to me. Do what makes you happy!!
As long as hes not controlling or treats you differently/treats you like a child
Also make sure he looks after his health as its downhill for him but uphill for you
You set your own boundaries about what is suitable for you…
You should know what you’re looking for in a partner and if he matches that then does the age matter to you?
I couldn’t imagine dating a 46 yr old at 22 but I’m me… you do you, always
age is no factor as long as there is love and both parties are adults. i say give it a try. but, because there are children, if you feel its not for you, end it early.
You can’t help who you fall in love with go for it x
Take a breath. I know its hard but be on your own 1st. Live w your kids alone learn abt yourself and your space
Put your mind ahead 20 years and see if you can visualize. Age doesn’t matter.
I think you should start tasting life out of a relationship instead. Married with kids since you were 16 and now you want to settle down with an even older man? How about living a little first?
Im 35 my hubby is 50 got 3 boys together been together 16 years now and still happy as ever
As long as he’s not married then go for it.
Its not the age difference. It what you both want and feel. Also dont listen to other people carrying on about the age difference.
It will all be good til the age difference kicks in. At your agev 42 and his age 66…he were I’ll go thru a change.
Be prepared to be a care giver of sorts. Some times it’s fine, or could be frustrating . Only you will know. M.j
Its all in the heart if accepts your kids and cares for you and your kids its all good an age is just a number its the FEELINGS that count do what your Heart tells you to do.
My husband is 22 years older than me.
There is no reason to rush give yourself time to be yourself and independent you still can have a relationship
I say go for it. You are both 2 consenting adults.
Take time to be on your own before jumping into another relationship
Age is just a number hun. Do what u think is best what makes u and the kids happy. My boyfriend is 54 and im 26. Age means nothing
If you and your children are happy then no you shldnt.
You’re an adult, date whoever you want. It would only be weird if you were under 18 and still a child yourself.
You do what you feel is right for you. My husband is 11 yrs older than me. Married 14 years now.
I did this qas in a 12 years then left to go into another one im telling u wait I been with my new man now 5 years but plz wait I wish I did hahaha
I’m 33 and dating a 40 year old.
Well, I’m 55 and have a very close friend and She is 21. We had lots of talks and it would be more me than her. Shes never had a kid and at 55 it would be a big step to have a kid.
As long as you both have no problem with it, and you have long discussions and I mean talk alot about everything and you are still okay with it, Then go for it.
Age is only a number in my opinion if you find yourselves happy with one another then pursue it
Don second guess yourself if you feel comfortable and okay with the process then it’s okay. Trust your gut not someone else’s opinions
As long as he treats you and your kids good then why not is so hard to find these days good luck
Of you are truly divorcing your husband and have started proceedings then why leave him?
Age is only a number it’s what you feel.
It’s fine age is just a number I’m 33 and my partner is 50
Follow your heart. Finding a good man is few and far between. Do what feels right for you age is just a number after all. There is no age limit on falling in love
what does your brain and heart tell you? bet your confused but dont mess someone elses life while you are trying to figure things out. its not fair to all the people involved. but thats just my opinion
Age is just a number if it feels right then go for it
I personally think that is too much of an age difference
What does his age have to do with anything???
Why not? As long as you’re happy.
My husband is 17 yrs older than me. Go for it girl
You must be feeling doubt, to seek approval from complete strangers?
I think by 40 men mature so you’re in luck if you are ready for security yourself .
Go for it, if he makes u happy , treats u with respect, and accepts your children, dont let age or wat society thinks stand in your way of happiness
I’m 29 iv been with my hubby for almost 10 years his now in his 40s his got 3 kids we’ve had a baby girl together if he makes you happy and your kids then stay with him, don’t let other people make you feel his to old xx
Your legal so you can see whoever you like hun xo
Do what you want. If you’re happy and he treats you well, do what you want.
Dont let age stop you… I was 24 dating a man double my age.
The age difference isn’t the issue, taking time to figure you out first is more the topic. I feel like you figuring yourself out is detrimental to raising ur babies, being friends with him won’t hurt just give yourself time b4 a new committed relationship
You have to do you girl! If it feels right then by God do it!
If you are happy and he treats you and your kids right then go for it! Be happy
If you are happy then that’s all that matters. Life is too short go with what you feel is right
As long as u are both happy an ur kids r happy i would care what other people think xxx
If you have to ask then maybe you don’t feel right about it
Sounds like your very happy with him and that both families and children get along well. Go for it!
You are both of age. As long as both of you and your kids are happy thats all that matters.
Sounds like you havnt given yourself much time so I think that’s important .
I’m 20 and he’s 31…I’m currently pregnant n it’s ok
Age is just a number honey go for it
Do what your heart tells you. If you have to ask if you should or not maybe your questioning yourself.
If you are in love, don’t waste your time on doubt because of age. Age is JUST a number!
Do what works for you and your babies!
age aint nothing but a number!. if you both love each other go for it
All that matters is your happy, who cares what anyone else thinks
Age is just a number.
I dated 13 years older for 6 years
You are an adult, do what you please.
Girl do what u want to do!
If y’all are safe and healthy and happy go for it
No its ok but get the divorce
That’s your choice , so right now you’re questioning yourself
age doesn’t matter if you’re happy girl go for it
Do what makes you happy age is just a number
I’m 39 my bf is 53 we’ve been together almost 12 years and have two daughters together I’m more mature than he is lol he needed me in his life fr
You do you! No one can tell you how to feel or who to love!! Go for it!
Girl, be Happy!! If age is a issue for you then I say hold off on it but if not go crazy!!
Do what makes you happy!
46 divided by 2 is 23, plus 7 is 30
Yes- you’re in the wrong age bracket. Different life phases.
If you are asking, you know it’s not right
If he makes you happy go for it
Yes made the same mistake
No. He’s wrong for dating you! Or even trying! Y’all have NOTHING in common!
You are an adult capable of making your own decisions, but since you were married as a teen you may want to take time to get to know yourself. You may just be afraid of being on your own for the first time. The fact that you are asking means that the relationship isn’t in a good place regardless of an age difference.
The only thing you have to ask yourself, is if you are together until he dies, are you ready to be with someone who will possibly pass long before you.
Age is just a number, until the person isn’t here anymore.
If your in love nothing should stop you, but don’t forget the realities of life
You do what makes you and your kids happy and fuck what anyone else thinks
I’m 23 my partner is 33💕
Go for it girl do what makes you and your kids happy!!
Leave your children out of it for a good while yet.
If you are asking I would think that’s your answer.
Not at all it’s real love
If you have to ask, then yes
No te metas en mas problemas
You love who you love.
Don’t stay in an unhappy marriage.
As the bible say, “God put people on your pathway for a reason” and that reason only you can find out!! If what the 46 years old have done nothing but support and love for you?? Why questioning it, he is mature enough to carry you and your package. Live the moment, don’t overthink it. Is You and him business, no one else. Did someone, maybe 2, 3, 4 or more tell you he too old for you? Girl you the one that he is investing his time in to be with, not them, or us here on FB. But If you doubth your love for him then be the bitch and tell him the truth. Over 40s don’t have time to waste around unless they think who they spend on is worth it.
It’s none of my
Business but I hope you find yourself first before jumping into another relationship . It’s hard to go from one relationship to another without appreciating who you are and can become. Do you know what you bring to the relationship? And I’m not saying looks ,sexuality etc I’m saying can you be emotionally present for another human when you have more than just yourself to look out for? I hope your able to find answers your looking for -best regards-
My fiance is 47 and I’m 25 I’ve never been happier we’ve been together almost a year now
14 years between me and my ex husband. 14 years between me and my current boyfriend. He has a 23, 16, and 14 year old. I have a 6 year old. I didnt divorce because of an age gap and things are going amazing with my current boyfriend… If things work, awesome. If they don’t then they don’t. You just have to communicate and work on what is best for you and yours.
You’re a grown adult you dont need to ask people’s opinions on the age of someone you want to be with
No you love him you shouldn’t care what ppl say or do!!
There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. The. Age. But. He. Is. Old. Enough. To. Be. Your. Father. You. Might. Be. Looking For. A. Daddy. To. Take. Care. Of. You. I. Have. Been. Divorce. For. Awhile. I. Dated. Men. Older. & Younger. But. I. Have. A. Rule. I. Don’t. Date. Anyone. Old. Enough. To. Be. My. Father Or. Old. Enough. To. Be. My. Child. I. Am. Not. Babysitting. Don’t. Rush. Into. Another. Relationship. Take. Time. For. You. You. Were. Married. To. You. You. Missed. Out. On. What. Other. Kids. Gotta. Do.
I’m so happy for what Dr Durojiaye did for me,my husband left took all I had and ran to Poland to leave with another woman I was so frustrated I almost killed my self but thank God for my friend Nicole who was there for me… I couldn’t let the memories of my husband go because I loved him so much because of these I was looking for away to bring him back after 3years of looking for solution but prove abortive, I saw testimony of a woman from Australia who had similar issue how she contacted the Dr that assured her that her husband will return in two days time that was how I collected his whatsapp number and I contacted him he told me that is small case for me that in two days my husband will call me asking for forgiveness I didn’t really believe him…it happened the same way he said it my husband called me two days later I was so amazed that is how my husband left Poland and came begging forgiveness and my husband now loves me deeply and that is how Dr Durojiaye have been working for me I was promoted in my office to sales manager and my husband in his company to general manager…contact him for help on
Or Gmail: (
Give it some time between relationships
Hell no enjoy each other
Do what makes you happy.