Am I wrong to date a 46 year old?

Age has nothing to do with someone who is good to you and your kids. Good people are hard to find. Stop questioning yourself and listen to your soul

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You should definitely stop seeing a man old enough to be your father. You have issues with men and relationships in general it sounds like. Stop focusing on men and focus on your kids and yourself. It sounds like you need to.


The age difference is really no big deal. If you’re happy, that’s great! I think you should have finalized your divorce FIRST before starting to date someone else, especially bringing the kids around each other.

Maybe you should take some time to find yourself. Date around.


My husband and I are 24 years apart, he being the older one. Age isn’t an issue as long as it’s what you want and you’re both of legal age. I feel like if you’re asking maybe you aren’t ready?

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If he makes u happy then do u. Dont listen to all these negative Nancy’s!!! Age is nothing but a number as long as u guys are consenting adults then I say, go for it;))))))

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As long as you’re happy and he’s happy and the kids are happy, do your thing girl🥰

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Are you happy? If so who the hell cares!

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24 yrs is a big difference. Are you prepared to take care of him if he gets sick? Or do you just need him now because he adores you and the kids?

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My boyfriend and I are 17 years apart and I fell in love instantly. We get along so well and I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life. He is older lol


Girl friend .we all need a little help now and then …but i feel this is a question you need to ask yourself, TO the MATTER of right or wrong ,either way you will know in your heart.people cross one another’s path for a reason .Beyond that it should not matter what we the public think…

Please keep comments respectful! <3


Age isn’t the bottom line however there is often a power dynamic with a large age difference. I encourage you to be slow with life altering decisions and to pay attention to the subtle cues.

This has to be about $$$$

No…if you have to ask…

You jump from one relationship to the next…get yourself straight by yourself

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Older, wiser, more patient with day to day upsets. Agree age is but a number, especially when love is involved. Teamwork and love conquer it all :kissing_heart::wink:

I have always been taught that never start something until you have finished one, legal or whatever.

Age means nothing as long as both people are legal consenting adults. If you were really that into him you wouldn’t be second guessing him because of his age or asking complete strangers on the internet if you should stop seeing him. so you need to really think about if you truly want him for him or do you want him for the moment because he’s there and helping you through a difficult time.

Go for it honey. If you’re both happy & your kids enjoy being around each other that’s all that matters. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you are happy and you both treat eachother and the children good then I say go for it. At a certain age age doesn’t matter anymore. Your happy kids are happy he is happy then who cares about the age.


My husband was 20 years older than me. All I’ll say is take time to regroup a bit before going from one relationship to another and don’t " bounce " your children from man to man.


They are twice your age, so make absolutely sure they are compatible in every way before fully investing yourself. Especially so soon after leaving your marriage. You’re an adult though, way past the age of consent so you shouldn’t really worry what other people think or say. Just don’t rush things, especially with children being involved.


For the ones saying it’s “gross” how many 20 year olds do you know that would jump at the chance to date The Rock or Johnny Depp??? Get over yourselves lol they’re both adults, she can date whoever she wants.


It is not the age issue, it is the rushing into a new relationship issue. You said he was helping you pay for the divorce so is it more of a financial thing or real love. I would just take some time to focus on yourself and your kids especially if you have been married since 16yrs old.


My Husband is 11 years older then me and we just celebrated 50 years of marriage. He is THE BEST…If you are happy , that is all that matters.


Age is just a number. If your happy. And hes happy, that’s all that should matter. I’m 31 and in a relationship with a 48yr old. He has 2 kids younger ( 26 & 28yrs old ) than I am and 5 grandkids. I also have a 4yr old from my precious relationship… They love me and I love them! And he also loves my daughter. I dont care what anyone thinks, if they think anything! It’s my life and ill live it how ever the hell i want! Life is to short to care. That being said… enjoy your relationship :slightly_smiling_face:

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If your happy go for it, im 22 and my partners 47 I turn 23 in 13days and I couldn’t be happier, I had 2 children before we got together and he had 3 and we’ve now got 2 little boys together and we are all so happy as a family and engaged. Do wants best for you and your children, if your happy and your kids are and you love each other than that’s all that matters don’t let anyone tell you different xx

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Age has no limit!! Happiness for you and your kids are more important!! If it’s love you feel for this man and his child! Then all is well! And if he feels the same!! You are in the right place!! Wishing you well!! With lots of prayers!!

Age shouldn’t be a issue I am 48yrs old and my partner will be 70 this year we are happy as and and my partner is still working as am I so really follow your heart real love in a relationship along with friendship and trust is hard to find these days yet it does happen I have it for real.


You need to find yourself,before going into another older man’s arms.Getting out of a relationship,to another not helping you are your children.It is fresh but down the road same story…grass always looks greener.Depend on your self prayers


Don’t worry about age if you’re happy. Be aware of what the age gap means when it comes to health and how you feel if he starts declining. But just be happy. If you have been married for so long you are more than likely more mature than others your age.


I was 18 when i met my now husband… he was 38…went down like a lead balloon…3 kids & a lot of love later…We Celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary on the 13th April this year!


I am 31 and newly engaged to a 49 year, we have been together for 2 years. The advice i got from my mum was " are you happy?" And i couldn’t be more happier and content. And my 8 year old thinks the world of him. So my question to you is, are you happy? If yes you go girl!


I’ve been in a long term relationship w an older man and I wouldn’t change a thing. Go with your gut. It’s your life and if he makes u happy go for it! Good luck to u!:blush:

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You are so young and have gone through a lot of change in such a small amount of time. Put you and your babies first and take time heal. Several months from moving on with something like that (being married at 16 :flushed:) isn’t a great deal of time to clear your mind and get over whatever you had to deal with in and after your marriage. At the end of the day, age shouldn’t be a factor in if you love or should be with someone (unless it’s underage and illegal) but if this new man really loves you he will give you the time to just concentrate on yourself and little ones for a while. Good luck

Go for it, your choice if you and the kids are happy its meant to be, sometimes being older is having more sense and stability.

Girl my man is 12 years older than me and when I found him I was like wow you actually get me


If you’re happy, go for it. Who cares it lasts forever or a week? Who cares people will judge? Happiness it’s rare. Just enjoy it. Like I said, if you enjoy bring around him, you’ll ignore anything else. You don’t want to live thinking “what if…?” I enjoy anything life gives me. If it makes me happy, doesn’t matter the shape.

My husband is 15 years older than me… I met him when I was 19 and he was 34… that was 21 years ago… you gravitate to the people that you do, the heart wants what it wants regardless of what others think. My advice is follow your heart and do what is best for you and your kids. Age ain’t nothing but a number(as long as both people are adults)

I’m 24, and my husband is 42, we met when i was 18, and we got married when I was 19.
Theres nothing wrong with the age gap, except for some of the petty fighting that every couple have. One of the main things that we fight about is that he holds me a a “higher” standard. If I make a mistake that any other 23 yr old would make, he would treat me like I should have already know like in his mind, that I am as old and "knowledgeable " as any other 42 yr old person.

My advice follow your heart but dont ignore your brain, in any relationship. If he treats you and your kids right and makes you guys happy. Go for it!

My grandparents had a 26 age gap, he had kid’s older than her when they met, but up until this last Christmas when he passed away, they had been the love of each other’s lives. They had a 49.5 year long marriage and just yesterday my grandma called and said how much she missed “her best friend”. I admit, age differences can be absolutely bizarre and weird from other people’s point of view but as long as YOU are happy and HE is happy and you are both consenting adults then the rest is just people’s opinions versus your happiness, ain’t it?

My husband is almost 12 yrs older. I was almost 21 and he was almost 33
Weve been together 16yrs, married 8rs and have 2 kids together
To be married at 16yrs your maturity level is bumped.
Personally…thats a huge age gap. But I know what my husband likes about having a younger wife :woman_shrugging: I know what I like about having an older husband.:woman_shrugging:

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Some people are far more mature than their peers, of simlar age. As long as your head and emotions are in the right space (ie you’re not trying to fix a daddy complex) and he is genuine, go for it! Simply put.

My grandparents were 15 years apart. They were together until my grandpa passed away. The only downside I see is that you’ll have to watch him pass and then have to live years after. Its very hard to see happen. If the love is there then go for it but just remember he is MUCH older than you and he will eventually have to see him go. I just watched my best friend lose her husband who was 20 years older than her. And now she has to figure out what else to do with her life. Yes its exciting at first but these are serious things you should take into consideration. I hope it works out for yall.

If he treats you and your children right, makes you happy and you do the same to him and his kid(s) then no. Y’all live your happiest life!

My fiance is 20 years older than me he has 3 children from a previous relationship which I love like my own and we all get on amazing. Dont worry about what other people think just be happy and make sure the children are happy and live your life.

How do you feel about it is all that counts. To me if your asking complete strangers there opinions. Tells me your not completely happy with it.
If it’s something your happy with then go for it it’s your life live it how you want. Good luck with what ever you decide to do.

If it’s a healthy relationship, go for it. My in laws are at the same age difference. She was 20s and he was 40 something (I think 46). They’ve been married for 40 years. The only thing you need to prepare for is growing old together. He’s 86 and she’s barely into her 60s. She’s scared for her life without him. Other than that. Do what’s happy

I’m 35 this year and my fiance is 23 :woman_shrugging: age is just a number. I’ve dated men 10 years older than me as well. I don’t get the issue with age. If you’re happy and your kids are happy then that’s all that matters x

Ur 22… I think by now ur old enough for the saying “age is just a number”. Your grown up enough… You know between right and wrong, good and bad. What bad could come from dating someone older?.. Probably not much. Lol

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My husband has a daughter that is 10 years younger then I am. There is a 15 year age difference between him and I. Age is nothing but a number if it’s real. If he is good for you and for your kids then don’t let anyone tell you different.

you have matured because of the children. Be sure you are ready to take on an oder man he will forget you are his wife and treat you like a child and as time goes on become jelous. Take your time you both have a child to think about.

Do what makes you happy and is best for your kids. Age does not matter. True love doesn’t come easily so embrace it!

No, if your happy, he treats you good and your kids good that’s all that matters. Age is just a number

age is just a number. But you two have kids and when kids are involved you both need to slow down and if u two thinking about marriage live with them for at least a year before a head so you wont have to go through hell again in case of things didn’t turn out as u thought.
My sis also married at 16. she had angel twins at 15 before able to get married. she had another 2 kids and had divorced and married with a new guy and now she has another 4 kids from 2nd marriage. Yes she has a lot of kids but her husband owns a company and they are living good even her husband cheats sometimes. she puchbaged the sidechick bc the girl knew everything but still had a relationship with her husband lol Life is not perfect all the time and im sure most of us going(went) through something with their (ex) partner but some of us forgiving, some of us couldn’t take it some of use still dont know their partner’s secret.
We all going through something no matter what even small things. so age shouldn’t be matter.
sometimes older than u is better bc older ppl have more experience and some of them turned out to be a good man or dad after fooling around at young age lol who knows

My husband is 16 years older than me. We have a great marriage but there are still some things that are difficult because of the age difference.

I was 28 when I met my hubby and was 56 now 58 he has three older children plus we have a three yr old together so we are so happy together! To each there own

It doesn’t matter what other people’s opinions are it’s how you feel is the question.if you want it go for it to hell with what anybody else thinks or says being happy is what counts

PAUSE; Get your own life on track, get your own divorce (don’thave tbis 46 year old “help”), be single for a moment and breath! You are young and have been married since 16? While you are still married why are you introducing kids to a new man anyway?

Try not to rush into things too quickly, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with you seeing an older man. You’re a grown woman and can do whatever you want and no one knows how you really feel except you

She is a number! Your over 18, do what u need to do. I was married to someone much older. It was great. Enjoy it hope it works out

No as long as he’s good to you and your kids and is a good person. Age is just a number

Honey do you if he’s good to you and your kids it doesn’t matter how old he is

I’m 36 and my husband is 59 there’s nothing wrong what matters is he loves and cares about you and your kids

I’m 27 and my husband is 43 :black_heart: Age doesn’t define love. (minors excluded obviously, That’s gross.)
4 years of marriage and a 3 year old together.

Hmmm…just remember the honeymoon stage will not last forever. He’s also old and will only get older. Is he an active older man? Does he like to do similar activities? Are you just with him for financial stability? Really questions :thinking:

If you’ve been married since you were 16, you have no idea what it’s like to actually be unattached to someone. IMO, I could careless about the age. I’d be more concerned with, do you know who YOU are without being linked to someone else?

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Do what you feel is right. Life is too short not to.

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Age is not a problem but honey you are young. Live a bit before getting involved again. Btw my bf is 15 years older so again age is not an issue.

Yeah sweetie thats weird. You dont even have a fully developed frontal cortex yet… Also hes old enough to be your dad

Girl, it’s honestly up to y’all, it’s your business. You’re of legal age. If y’all are happy go for it and ignore the haters!

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:see_no_evil: if you are so in love why even ask this question? So if a bunch of strangers tell you he’s too old thats what is going to make you change your mind about someone you supposedly love :see_no_evil:

You’re both consenting adults, just make sure to think into the future and figure out what things if any may be deal breakers.

Keep in mind the age gap will still be there in the future. When you’re 35 and he’s almost 60, are you still going to be okay with that? You may not want the same things even 2 years from now, at 22 you’re still figuring out what you really want in life.

-I got married in my early 30s and there was a 16 year age gap. I grew significantly as a person and he was done growing as a person, and we got divorced real fast.

That’s a decision only you can make.if it feels right take your time enjoy be safe

Not wrong at all. I’ve been with my husband who’s 23 yrs older than I am for 10.5 yrs!

Do whatever is right for you. As long as he treats y’all right don’t matter what anyone else says or thinks. You’re an adult.

My boyfriend is 39 and I am 20 and we are happily in love never felt this type of love before. No body will understand until they go through it. If he makes you happy then be with him. It’s your decision!

Age is just a number… him as a person and how he treats you and your family is whats important nothing else

I say do it!!! Screw everyone else’s opinions.
Does he treat you guys good?
Are you happy?

Then do it!

I dated someone older then me if your happy do it but if its going to affect you guys don’t do it . Nothing wrong with it.

Age is truly just a number go with who makes you happy and loves you and don’t worry what anyone else thinks or says

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It’s your life as long as you and your kids are safe, happy, and healthy that is all that matters. I have seen someone 19-23 marry someone 65+ so who cares what the world thinks :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

If you have to ask for advice; it seems you aren’t completely comfortable and know your own answer.

Just always remember to put the kids first, always. As long as you are all healthy and happy I say go for it!

Only you know the answer. Dig deep down and do what feels is right.

Don’t rush it, but if all parites involved are happy and healthy then be happy. It’s hard enough these days to even find a sliver of something good so if you have a chance to find peace and happiness hold tight and see a new day.

Why do u care about others opinion? Who was there for u during this marriage? Do wat makes u happy

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I’m 30 and my partner is 24 and just in that small age gap I can tell I’m older. Idk how a 46 year old can relate to a 22 year old.

Older men bring stability and got all the stupid mistakes out of their system when they were younger. 46 is a pretty big difference but love has no age. I’ve been married to my hubs for almost 10 years and he’s 17 years older than me

Age doesn’t matter. My husband is 11 years older

Whatever works for ya, sis. We aren’t the ones living your life. Be happy!

It’s not the age that’s in question, i think it’s the moving on too soon, just be careful sometimes judgements can be off when you’ve not long been out of a relationship, and going through a divorce, some men can see you as vunerable to xxx

Do what makes you happy. But don’t rush anything. Get rid of one…have sometime as just bf and gf. Learn to be you. Then see how it goes.
My hubby is 12yrs older me.

My parents were 22 years apart. Do what makes you happy

Age is just a number !!! Honey if you’ve found what you been looking for in this man ,Hold to him because good men don’t come around often

Watch out for a rebound, age doesnt matter but don’t let it b a rebound from your previous marriage

My husband is 17 years older than me. Who cares? Choose love over what people think.

Nope not at all do you boo it’s ur life and no one else’s :two_hearts:

Its your life do what you want with it not what someone else wants!