Am I wrong to keep a baby shower gift after a break up?

Wow what a b**** I’d give it to her and tell her to stick it up her a**

My ex mother in law did that to me, it was a carrier. Keep it, it was a gift for the baby.

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Sounds like you may have escaped a real mess! Petty now… what’s coming down the line!:scream:

Wow, it’s petty of her and not well thought out either, unless she wants to start drama and stress and make it harder for her to see her grandbaby, which is who the gift was for. I’d return it and add a note that this was her choice to take whatever item away from her grandchild.

Depends is it something that can be used at the dad’s home like a crib? If so then yes I would give it back.

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I’d say no? It’s for the baby but if she really doesn’t want her grandchild to have it, then she can pick it up and after she does I’d cut ties with her. Who knows what else she will be petty about when then baby comes.


Just give it back an be done with them all together


No it was a gift you can’t ask for a gift back lmao

It’s for the baby and I’d tell her to jump

Wow, his mom sucks. It’s for your baby. Keep it.

Keep it… it was a gift

Ask her, was it a gift for me or the baby??? Some people :woman_facepalming:

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I’d give it back but also let her know that if she wants to act like that towards you and her unborn grandchild then she can keep the same attitude when baby is born and stay away.

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It was a gift for baby. It’s yours. She’s wrong for asking for it back


Just give it back and be done. She’s petty…


It’s yours no worries she’s wrong for being petty

It was a Gift for the baby
The Baby is still her sons Child her grandchild
That does not change

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Wtf… why would she even ask? That’s a tad odd. “Let me take the thing I gave the baby for the baby back” you are not wrong for keeping it.

Give it back and then say I guess your not the grandma don’t ever look at my child

No. It was literally a gift to the baby? Either tell her you didn’t like it anyway and give it back, pay it forward to someone else who might need it, or just tell her she can have it back when the baby is done with it lol

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Is it because she wants the present for where the dad (her son) lives?


Throw it in the trash and send her a picture. Ain’t nobody getting it :joy:

Give it back but not before you write a note saying what a wonderful grandma you are and put on it .

Of course you should keep it. Shes grandma and you still have the baby right?

I mean you are still having her grandchild. It’s not like it was a bridal shower gift. But even still…what is wrong w people these days?!

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F no! You keep it, that wasn’t even a gift for you but for her grandchild. How petty of her.

Hell No! It’s for the baby
Does she want to keep them cause he’s now living at her house and needs it.

Do ppl give back wedding gift when their is a divorce, no.

It’s a gift for her grandchild! Will she not be in hr baby’s life because you guys broke up?! I’d say exactly that to her: “I’m guessing that if you want a gift back that’s meant for the baby, that you won’t be in my baby’s life. If that’s the case, then let me know now.”


No they are wrong for asking trashy as can be !!!

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Wow! That gift is for the baby, not your relationship. Sounds like a piece of work


Return a gift that was meant for a child?? Umm hard pass.

It’s for her grand child wtf :joy::joy: no she cannot have it back.

Tell your BD he can pay her back.


Omg no. She’s being petty and I hope she doesn’t continue that behavior

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Take a picture with your babys name on it and return. Tell her never to be in you or your child’s life. And definitely let your baby know when the baby is a grown adult.

I’m having opposite problem my fiance niece I not my husband spent close to $800. On her baby shower gifts and the registry. I’d never met her but I know how much she means to him. She is also his got daughter. We had chatted online . So now a month and a half later this little young 21 year old mom to be gone pop off on me . Point blank she don’t like me she is friends with he ex. We been together 5 years. I’m afraid she going to throw everything out. It is not for her it’s for her child. People have to separate the relationships with the children and the adults.

Give it back and thank her. Tell her you’re glad to return it cuz you didn’t like her taste anyway. :joy:


Is she off her rocker!!! It’s a gift for the baby tf is wrong with her, KEEP IT! Cuz ijs putas be bonkers!

I would take the high road and give it back to her. Perhaps her son could use it when the baby is at his place, or perhaps she loved the gift so much that she wants to be able to see the baby use it.
Just give it back for the peace. Regardless, if you keep the gift, whenever the baby uses it, it will hurt your heart.
EDIT to add: One day in the far future, you may have a good relationship with your MIL. They are often great allies if you need help.

…is the baby still being born, and is it still going to be her grandchild? Because if the answer to those is “yes”…

The fact that she’s even asking for it I’d give it back and block all their asses. Bf grandma eerrrybody.

No not wrong. She’s just ratchet

A gift given should not be taken back.

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No you’re not wrong the gifts are pretty baby not for you so she has no right to ask for them back and it’s very petty for her to ask for gifts back that is for her grandchild

His mom is the baby GRANDMOTHER and asked for the gift back??? Wtf.


It’s not wrong but honestly I wouldn’t even want it.

If the gift came from baby daddy’s mom, then I would just let the baby daddy keep that gift and let him deal with his mom……I’m guessing she probably wants the gift to be with the baby daddy.


If you give it back, you don’t have to let her see the baby, hold the baby or ever be involved again! Might be worth it!

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What was the gift so I can tell how petty to be!!! :tired_face:

Holy hell
Ahm no ma’am that’s her GRAND babies
What a bish

I would keep it. It wasn’t a relationship gift. It was a gift for baby. She is being petty. If she takes the gift back, then, she can also just not see my kid.

Give it back BUT in the future, return any gift she may get baby. If she asks why, say you don’t want her to take it away. Don’t even let her know when the baby is born. You’re the one who can deny a visitor since you’re the patient.

Keep it it is her grand baby


Very wrong of her but yea send it back u don’t need anything around ur baby that has bad vibes I’d be very cautious of allowing her around the baby


Petty yes, but what is it? If it’s a big item like a crib, she may be thinking she’d rather her son to benefit from it than you

Me personally, I would. It’s still going to be used at his house for the baby. Why should they have to buy 2. If you want to remain on good terms for the baby’s sake I would give it back. I think it’s kinda petty to keep it. When by daughters father and I broke up I gave everything back from his side and kept everything from mine. You guys share a child. I’d try to keep the peace.

That’s just weird. It’s a gift for her grandchild. There must be more to story.

Shows their level of toxic … not too late to run

So the child’s grandmother wants the gift back she bought her own grandchild wtf goes through peoples heads to even think about asking for it back

Is this baby NOT her grand baby? Cause if it is her grand baby, nah…

Short answer is, not wrong to keep it. Is she asking because it would be gear that would be helpful at Dad’s place (which may also be his mom’s house?) Idk just trying to put pieces together here. Ultimately all of your (and their) decisions should be driven by what’s best for the baby.

I wouldn’t give it back lol

His mom must be petty. What kind of person wants a gift back that is intended for their grand baby.

If it was me I’d keep the gift out of spite and send her a nice thank you card, but that’s me :woman_shrugging:


I do have to ask if it is a sentimental item. If it is I can kinda understand that. Like if it was her son’s baby item.

it’s a gift for the baby, it’s wrong of HER to ask for it back. And also in any situation, a gift is a gift, once someone gifts someone else, it belongs to the person receiving it

A gift is a gift, let her know when the baby is done using it then you will return it to her! I’m curious to what the gift was??


It’s for the baby, therefore shouldn’t be given back. It’s not like an engagement or wedding present that hasn’t been used yet.

It was for the baby technically. So keep it.


I would drive by and throw it at their house but that’s just me. :person_shrugging:t2:

It depends if she made it she put a lots of work into it give it back so she could use it at her house unless you going to be nasty and not let her see or babysit the child I put so much time and effort into crocheting and needle pointing baby gifts only give them to special people anymore

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Is this not her grandchild ? Does she not want to be in the babies life .

It’s wrong for them to request it back. Keep it. That unborn baby is innocent. His mother should feel shameful for even requesting it to be returned. Smdh!

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No keep the gift.What kind of grandmother would even think about taken it back?

I’d tell her to :fu:t2: off. It was a gift she shouldn’t even be asking for it back

I don’t want anything from anyone who doesn’t want me to have it. She is definitely being petty. Especially if it’s for her grandchild. Wow.

How low of her. Keep the baby shower gift , it’s rude and out right disgraceful she asked for it back due to you and her son breaking up. Tell her to grow up.

Maybe she wants the gift back since you’re not together with her son any longer , she may need the stuff to prepare her home for visitations.

If they want to be petty. Just give it back

Unless it’s a grand gift give it back and tell her she will never see her grandchild that you don’t need her gift. And then forget them

It was a gift for her grandchild and emphasis on gift


That’s weird. It’s for the baby.

Tell her to take it and stick it. No grandparent should do that. Evidently she doesn’t care about her grandchild.

No your not wrong really the gifts are for your child and she is willing to take that away from her own grandchild some people are petty x i personally would give it back and say dont worry i can support your grandchild but dont be asking me for visitations as clearly you have a problem. Any visitations can go through the dad during his time with the kids and seperate myself from her xx you dont negative people in your life x

She’s petty and that’s still her grandchild even if you two aren’t together. She’s no grandma she’s slum

You’re never going to get along with him having a mother like her. Give back nothing.

Unless you aren’t really pregnant, keep it. Gramma can grow up.

She’s a Indian Giver!!! Tell her you’ll take it back and exchange it for something else.

No!!! That’s for your baby


That is so weird why would you return it I have never heard of that that just sounds like she’s being petty lol

Hell no you’re not wrong. She’s ridiculous.

Personally I would go out & buy the same exact thing & return hers to her if you like the item. :person_shrugging:

But it sounds like you need to prepare yourself for a future fight with baby daddy & fam… My daughter went thru it with her ex. It got nasty & very expensive in court. & Did great emotional damage to my baby grandson :sob:

My best advice to you, find a GOOD custody lawyer & save all texts, photos, & keep detailed records on visits or lack of, & be prepared to hand over your child half time if they push this thru court, as most courts try to give 50/50 until serious issues are presented to negate that being best for child.

I pray it doesn’t get ugly for you & your baby, but if they are starting at the baby shower, it probably will. Been there unfortunately.

Best of luck to you.

A gift that’s for her grandchild? Sheesh give it to her and leave her crusty butt in the past

A baby shower gift is a gift given for the baby and it sounds like Grandma’s being petty. I would tell her you gave the gift to the baby I’m going to keep it but if you don’t want to be grandma I’ll understand and I’ll explain it to the baby when they’re old enough to understand how Petty their bio grandmother is.

It’s for the baby ? Who has the baby ? Exactly

Run, run, thank goodness she showed her true colors before the two of you decided to possibly tie the knot. She’s a poor excuse of a grandmother. I so totally agree with Jennifer Bowlin Hill comment.

Wait, what? Your child’s grandmother is asking for the gift she gave her grandchild because you & her son aren’t together? She’s still that baby’s grandmother! Anyway you don’t get a gift back once you give it.

The fact that she wants to deprive HER GRANDCHILD over bitterness says a lot about the way you should proceed in this relationship. How do you really think she’s going to treat your child? I’d watch her carefully.

No. Gifts are gifts, and aren’t returned.

I would tell her to shove it where the sun don’t shine and when she wants to see her grandchild tell her hell no !!!

Is there still a baby? If so keep the gift lol last I checked babies still stick around even if their dads run away

I’d give the petty B back her piece of crap… throw it at her even.

shame on her!!!asking for a gift back that she gave her grand baby