WTF I cannot believe anyone would ask for a baby shower gift to be returned …. unless there is more to this story and the baby isn’t his but otherwise, NO!
that’s childish of them to even let along to ask for it back
If custody is split give it to the dad for use at his house. If you have full custody keep it to help take care of the baby
Give it back and lose contact thats some bs
No you should not return the gift!!!
It belongs to the baby. Is the baby his? If so, that is her grandchild.
I’d sell that shit Just to sicken them ffs. How dare they ask for a grandchild’s gift back! Oh hell no!
Do NOT give that shit back. That is sooo wrong of her to ask for something she gave A BABY back. It’s for the baby, not you. She needs to grow up.
It’s for the baby her grand child so why would she want it back?
Cut your losses and give it back
What?. Thats for that Le baby…smh…tell that lady to stop being a cheap ass
My daughter’s mother in law bought diapers for her baby her grandson got mad later at my daughter and said I will never by you diapers again. My daughter told her that’s fine I don’t wear them.
I’d give it back and the cunt would not be in my child’s life…
So this woman is asking you to return the gift she bought for her grand baby just because you and her son are not together?
The fuck is wrong with her .
You do not have to give her the gift back , but I personally will return the gift and will wait patiently until she ask to meet and spend time with the baby …… NO ma’am my baby doesn’t need you as a grandma ……. Bye
Its not for you its for the baby
Wtf that’s for the innocent baby .
She’s wrong … it’s her son’s baby. Stupid.
Wtf. His mom sounds petty AF. That’s for the baby. U keep it girl. It was a gift. Screw that old broad.
It is for the baby absolutely not. What a selfish woman she must be after all it is for her grandchild
Nope id keep it it was given to you and that’s her grandchild that’s pathetic
Petty as hell for her, a grown woman to ask for a gift back, tell her to grow up
The Gift is For Her Grandbaby…Keep it…
My pride wouldn’t allow me to keep the gift. I would give it back with a lovely thank you note thanking her for for showing her true self. Hence saving you and your baby many years of potential turmoil.
Wow! She sounds like a Real piece of work!
She’s attempting to bully and control you, don’t allow it. You don’t have to engage with her, simply tell your child’s father “NO” if he asks again. Always maintain your composure and refuse to argue.
Give it back. Dad needs items to and it’s his mom. It will be best in the long run
Absolutely do not return a GIFT
I think it depends on the gift. And how it was phrased. I assume dad is gonna need baby supplies at his house too?
You’re in the right but she’s an ahole. I’d return it and send the receipt to her
Keep it and if u later decide you don’t want or need it due to her negativity, donate it. Do not give it back. A gift is a gift, she needs to go somewhere with that.
Uhm…im sorry what?
Wasnt a gift for your relationship. Was for the baby.
Some people’s pride wouldn’t let them keep it by my pettiness sure af would match theirs
But if it would help keep the peace give it back. Since yall want to be petty… they might have the intentions of since it’s a gift for the baby from their side and yall aren’t together then he needs to have the gift to use when he gets time with his child.
It’s for the BABY, no do not give it back!!!
give her it back you got nothing to thank her for
Its a baby shower gift once given it is your property. Its not like you don’t have bub anymore and now you are a single mum. Im sure he has his mum to help him get things that the baby will need.
If it is one they bought I’d give it back so he can have it for the child at his home.
Keep it! WTH is the matter with her for asking it back! Damn!
No… they are just asking for it back out of selfish bitterness
I’d destroy it and give it back…but I have a bad temper sooooo yeah
It was a gift so no. Shane on her for wanting it back with you having her grandchild.
No, you are not wrong, that’s still her grandchild too, shame on her
It’s a gift to baby, keep it!!
I would give it back simply because I wouldn’t want anything for my baby that isn’t 100% given with love
Keep them… they are gifts to & for the BABY !!!
Just block her? Then you won’t have to argue with her lol
No, it was a gift. The only way you should return it is it is a heirloom for staying in the family. You should have talked and planned about future before havin fun between the sheets. Fun between sheets should not happen until a FULLY COMMITED RELATIONSHIP HAS FORMED and that sure isnt in the beginning of one.
Depends on the gift and how the custody is gonna be. If it’s a gift that you’re going to be using a lot and the child is going to be staying with you mainly then no. If it’s just some random gift that the kid can do without and it doesn’t really matter then I would just give it to the baby daddy and let him keep it or give it back to his mom. I’ve actually never heard of anyone wanting a baby shower, gift back or a wedding gift back if things didn’t work out. That just seems kind of shady in my mind. Especially since it’s a baby shower present. Because the gift is going for the child not for you.
It depends on so much honestly, like why did you break up, are you going to have 50/50 time with the baby, is it something they will have to buy again to have at their home for the baby, would it have been gifted to you if you weren’t together at the time of the shower. There’s so much more info we would need to say whether you should keep it or return it to her.
I would personally give it to the dad if she bought it. He’s also a parent and needs baby items. I would give a few things to him at least. If you are actually trying to get along, you’d not want to fight over something dumb like this.
And I agree to block her phone number, Facebook and any other contact channels for being so petty and immature. You don’t need her negativity in your pregnancy or around your baby. She has shown you what she’s like and let her son know as well. That will make all lines clear to what behaviour you will and won’t accept in the future
Anyone cheap enough to ask for it back is no kind of friend.
Hold on baby daddys mom ? That’s her grand child ? Like wtf
No it’s not wrong to keep it. It was a gift. Why would they even ask?
Dad needs baby supplies too.
Not really wrong, but I wouldn’t give someone that petty the satisfaction of thinking their gift mattered that much.
What? It’s for the baby. I think asking for it back is both petty and tacky. It’s probably because she wants to give it to him, but it was gifted to you guys for the baby and if the baby will be with you the majority of the time, then whatever it is should be with you. If she’s that concerned, then she can get another one for him.
Give it back to the POS that’s asking for it… don’t stoop to her level… you’re better than that!
Definitely not wrong. That’s weird of her to even ask for it back. But to avoid dealing with the toxicity, I’d probably give it back and wash my hands of her. Possibly him too if he’s defending her and/or not telling her how wrong and weird she is for wanting a gift back for her grandchild. My pride just wouldn’t allow me to keep it. But I’d also let her know this is setting the tone for your future relationship. I’d never trust her going forward.
light the gift on ! Take a video of me doing such and send it to her:grimacing: Yup play with me you shall see! toxic MIL for years I dont play no mo!
There are sooo many details missing and variables!!! Was it a gift for Mom? To use for herself? For the baby specifically? Was the shower thrown for the two of them as a couple? So many little factors that would make me sway one way vs the other!
No keep it, you’re still having a baby, you and him just broke up. She’s messy.
I would say no, because the gift is for you to use for the baby.
Break it and give it back to her
Return it—— it has bad vibes.
Technically you do not have to give it back because it was a gift( at least that’s how it is in the state/town I’m from PA)
I would say, well since you’re being so petty and immature and taking it out on your grandchild then I’ll be happy to return it and I’ll also be happy that you’re not seeing your grandchild because you don’t deserve too
Wow you can already see how fathers family is … but no it was a gift .
no it’s for her grand baby
No it’s not wrong to keep it
If yall broke up bc the baby isn’t his, give it back. Otherwise. Keep it
Return it if Father is not going to be involved in child’s life. What grandmother would ask for a baby gift back anyway
If it was given as a gift then legally you own it.
So…the baby’s grandma gave a gift for her grandchild and now wants it back??? No, don’t give it back, it’s the baby’s gift. You can definitely tell what kind of grandma she’s going to be!
LOL just reminds me of when my daughters fathers mom did this, all because she got into an argument with my mom. The gift she took back, 2 weeks before my due date, was the travel system I registered for (infant seat, base and stroller). I was very young and had nothing to my name. I wouldnt have been able to get my daughter home from the hospital if it weren’t for my amazing parents who immediately went out and bought me the same one. It still disgusts me to my core to this day. KEEP THE GIFT!
Very petty of her to want it back.
I’d give it to dad to use for baby when he has them.
You can go 1 of 2 ways. Say f you and keep it because it’s a gift simply put. or option 2 give it back and I wouldn’t have contact with this person. That’s very petty and childish and isn’t someone worth your time
On a brighter note, you can have her “grandma” name be PettyMa
You don’t just stop being pregnant and expecting HER GRANDCHILD because you broke up with her son. And yes absolutely dad needs things to. But this baby shower gift was given TO YOU.
Although the pride in me would give it back because Fark that kind of behaviour.
LMFAO I’d give it to goodwill
The fact that she as the grandmother wants to take back something that will benefit her grandchild is sooooo petty. That’s a hard one but at the end of the day you just seen exactly what kind of grandmother she will be/already is!
Give it back. It has negative vibes already. Your baby donʻt need that. Your baby needs pure love not tainted by any negativity.
This is some ridiculous nonsense by the young man’s mother. Just give it back. You’re better off knowing the real truth.
I saw someone take a Situation like this to court IT’S A GIFT The Judge said you ain’t getting it back… baby daddy mama is petty ah
Unless it is a family heirloom, you should keep it. One other reason to give back is if the kid is not her son’s.
Wow. And this woman is gonna have the nerve to ask and see the child too. A gift is a gift. Keep it and block that devil
Hold on a grandma wants to take back a gift to spite you but it’s only gonna spike her grandchild of something he / she needs she sounds lovely (not)
Give it back, you’ve nothing to thank them for then.
Wow. How petty! Sorry you are dealing with this
I’d give it back I don’t want anything from them that they don’t want my baby to have. F it. I’ll buy it myself for my baby.
Guess they want to use it for their house when they have the baby over . It’s rude for them to ask for it but I’d give it back.
Shame on her for wanting it back.
How petty, A gift is a gift, for the baby? A truly insincere woman at best, I wouldn’t trust her with my dirty socks let alone my child. Give it to her, her pettiness and generous gift means absolutely nothing as does she.
No it is not wrong to keep it. It was a Baby Shower gift for her grandchild. Good grief - she sounds like a loser.
That’s fckd up:joy: it’s for her grandchild.
Toxic af! Tell them to get bent. That is for your baby
Is she nuts it’s for the baby
No you don’t have to return any gifts!!!
Wow , that’s some immature shit . You aren’t wrong, but I’d give that witch her shit back … it wasn’t given to her grandchild w love , let her feel like a pos and give it back .
No! You don’t take a gift back!! Wtf
Wtf that’s Still her Grandchild! What goes on in the minds of People like her! So dark and disturbing… keep the gift but I’d Sage it since that weird woman’s hands were on it And she can’t see her Grandchild, how does That sound!