Am I wrong to leave my relationship?

Seems like you’ve written all the reasons why you want to leave him so it’s just about how. Life is short, if there is honestly no future with him then it’s time to move on for your own future. We all have only one life to live to our fullest. Wishing you luck whatever you decide x

Do what makes you happy. End of story.

Nope :-1: go live the rest of your life happily misery has been your only friend for far too long.

Leave, it’s time to make yourself happy and find someone that will appreciate you and make you feel loved and important.

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When it’s dead, it’s dead. He just got comfortable and doesn’t want to lose his comfort level. We have 1 life to live and you owe it to yourself to make that 1 life happy!

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Not wrong at all. I just left my husband after 20 years. He didn’t treat me very well either. I am so much happier. And I’m even dating!! God is good. We are not meant to remain in a relationship that is harmful to your mental health

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That sounds miserable. It’s unlikely that he will keep that charade up long term but if you do stay I’d definitely set some rules and let him know going back to how it was is not an option. You do, I’m out. No ifs, ands, or buts. But if it were me I’d leave, I would’ve left a long time ago. Go find happiness.


You just summed up my 19 year marriage. It’s hard, but I’m so proud of you for leaving


He’s had 36 years to be better. If he hasn’t done it by now, he never will


I’m at this point. And he just won’t leave lol

You aren’t wrong for this. You just got sick of it and fell out of love.
That’s what happens when there’s no effort for a long period of time. 

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Don’t feel bad for leaving! He should have done what he needed to do to keep you long before now!


Leave him don’t look back or feel guilty . Sometimes in life we must move on to be happy with ourselves . Deal with those emotions and get into therapy for you and please leave .


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I would have left years ago. Time to move on. No one should be treated like this. I have been with my fiance for ten years at the moment I have 5 broken bones in my foot and my fiance can’t do enough for me


It’s time leave him behind so you can have a better future

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Life is way to short… you deserve to be happy and it seems your really not …don’t feel bad …enjoy your life and be happy …we alll deserve happiness :heart:

Change is scary, but often needed

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You be you…now. Stand tall and walk away!


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I was with my husband for 20 years… we were a blended family, but have 1 child together. I went through the exact same thing as you. I was trying to wait to leave until our son was 18… but I left a couple of years ago… because I’m 48 & I deserve to be happy. You deserve to be happy too.

You are not wrong for leaving you gave him 25 plus years to do right and get his act together now it’s time for you to tend to your needs wants and desires but your health and sanity first you strong for staying married to him this long and as the old saying goes you don’t miss your water till your well run dry

If you don’t love him definitely leave because he has been serving that energy (NON-love) the whole time. Love yourself!!

The thing is - he will only try until you believe him again. It’s just a cover up right now, otherwise he’d be what you needed him to be a long time ago


You have to put YOU first. It’s your time. He will be just fine.

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It’s never too late to change your circumstances. Some people can’t leave or stick it out for the kids. You are not wrong for putting yourself first regardless of his now actions.

Why stay if you’re not happy? Your kids are probably grown and why would he do something like that to make you jealous after being together for so many years?

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As soon as you stay he will revert back to who he is. Go live your life and kick him to the curb


This is your time! Please forgive me but he sounds like a narcissist and once he thinks he’s got you back where he wants his true colors will show. It’s time for you to love you. Do all things you’ve ever wanted to do. Go get your hair and makeup done. Dress up take yourself out. You will see how much more you deserve. Wishing you the best on your new journey!

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Little too late

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They only change long enough for you to forgive then AGAIN and then they will go right back to their old ways. You’re not wrong, you deserve to be loved.


Do you really want to stay or are you just afraid of leaving?

No tour not, unfortunately there is a thing a “TOO LATE” 25 years is a long time to put up with that. You have to do what is right in your gut and heart. Don’t stay because he is trying now. It would only make him happy not you

If you’re not happy, leave honey. There is no reason to stay when you aren’t treated your worth. You are worth far more than what he’s given you.


Your not wrong, he is, and you’re letting him make you feel bad for it, but don’t! Go get you a happy life. You only live this once, make you happy for once! You deserve it.

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The question you need to ask yourself is why you have waited this long


When a woman finally has had enough and the love isn’t there anymore she has already made up her mind…

It’s time you do what your mind has already decided and start new and don’t look back.

Life’s too short to be unhappy. Wishing you the best in your future


No, you are not wrong at all for leaving

You’re not wrong, do it because you only have one life!

It’s narcissistic behavior. He won’t change bc you’ve ‘allowed’ it for so long. Leave do better. Be happy. Life’s to short to live miserable


Leave and live your life! You have wasted years on this man…don’t waste another minute…


You answered your own question and know what you have to do


You’re not wrong, some things are too little, too late


Your not wrong. If your feeling this way you absolutely should leave.

Leave and FILE first. It always helps when you do it that away.

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Sweetie, you devoted yourself for a long time. It was his turn to step up and he chose not to. Now that the consequences are hitting him, he doesn’t like being ignored. You do what you need to do. This man has gotten your life… Don’t give him more of your time if you’re not happy, mama. You deserve so much better :purple_heart:


Did he care the 25 yrs he was doing him not giving af about you

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Throw the whole man away.

Sounds like He’s only hanging on to avoid paying alimony and child support. Get out and enjoy living stress free from his neglect and cheating.

He hasn’t changed on his own all these years.

You found questionable text messages

He may be going above and beyond now, but it is temporary. If you were to stay, he’d likely go back to his old ways.

Biggest thing is that You’ve fallen out of love with him & that right there Is more than enough reason to leave.

It’s your time to be happy, reconnect with yourself, love your life and don’t look back.

Life it too short to be miserable and stuck in a loveless marriage


Hasta la Vista baby. Too little too late. Why did you even stay this long

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It’s okay to leave. Don’t stay where you haven’t felt wanted. He was so comfortable treating you that way, now he wants to change. He doesn’t want to leave the state of comfortableness. It’s ok to do what YOU want to now. You’re free if you’ve felt this way a long time. Be free.

Don’t waste anymore time :heart: get out there and find what you’re looking for because it’s out there and you deserve it!


It’s ok to choose yourself. Put what you want first.


Yea if you stay, you’ll only hurt him. Your heart is not there anymore. Move on. Because of the way he treated you and you just “took it” instead of defending yourself. He continued to take advantage. Now he’s old, he needs you. But that’s not your problem. When you needed him for 36 yrs, he wasn’t there. You owe him nothing, carry on with your life

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You gave him 36? Years of your life! You don’t love him?? Live the rest of your life, loving you! If someone comes along, you can love…Ok! Dump his sorry ass! Best of luck to you

19 Yrs and 3 kids and I was treated the same way. the only difference was that he did all the right things in public. gifts at the holidays etc. But I could never please him. My cooking, packing lunches, house keeping, social behavior . nothing pleased him. I left, went to counseling and moved on. Best thing I ever did ! The down side is that it does effect the kids, but if you have been a good mother they will understand and want you to be happy. DO IT!

Been there done that. Treated like crap for way too long apologized and he would look thru me. Wouldn’t fight but blow my phone up the next day while I’m trying to work. Ughhh it was always stressful he wanted to control me so much. I fell out of love with him. I divorced. The love never comes back.

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Your soulmate’s out there waiting, girl. Stop wasting your precious time.


You are not wrong for leaving. He took you for granted way too long. It is best to leave and go find your happiness.


Wish you did it earlier. You have lots of time left to find happiness.


He deserves to be left, for sure!

Literally the only reason he’s trying is because he knows he’s losing control over you. Look at it, he never tried and you accepted that, until that wasn’t making you happy anymore and want to leave and now he’s trying. A man who truly loves you never stops complimenting you or hyping you up and he surely helps you with the house he lives in and the children he also helped bring into this world. If he tries to throw it in your face that he’s trying ask “what about the past 36 years?” He’s a narcissist and a man who thinks this is the 1900’s where you’re required to do those things and accept treatment like that. No ma’am, it sounds like you can do it all on your own anyways. You managed to raise four kids alone, he’s literally deadweight. I definitely say leave that man child and make your life about you and whatever makes you happy. Your kids, gardening, reading, any possible thing to make up for your lost wasted years. Make him fend for himself, he’s gonna be begging you to come back and you get the satisfaction of thriving in life and doing what’s best for you!


He will divert back to his old ways soon enough. Get out and don’t you dare have one ounce of guilt. He doesn’t respect you nor even know how good he has it. Move on while learning to love yourself. :heart:


He’s only “trying” because he realizes you don’t need him…or want him…
PLEASE leave him still…you’ve spent way…way too long living this way. You only have one life to live…why waste even more decades on this sorry excuse of a man.


Live the rest of your life learning what YOU love and do what makes you happy :purple_heart:


you have one life!!! you have put it all in! SO you need to go make yourself happy! FOR YOU!! god bless


I’m going to say this right now. It is never too late to start your life over. You have made amazing strides and have chapters worth burning, yes, but there is always another chapter that can be bright and inspiring and full of wonder, you just have to turn the page and go there.


You stayed far too long and he didn’t try then. Time to take care of you and put yourself first.


Never feel guilty for making yourself happy.


That’s a true narcissist. As soon as he believes he has you back he’ll go back to treating you like crap.


He will go back to the same ole crap if you continue to stay!! Don’t feel guilty about leaving. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself! Live life dear!!!


Don’t feel bad, if you don’t love him, leave. He showed you for a VERY long time who he really is and how much he valued you. He doesn’t want to get old alone. They never change for real, it’s all an act until you are back where they want you and I promise it will go right back to the same old shit. Do not feel bad for choosing yourself! You deserve to be happy and girl, this ain’t it!

He is love bombing you to manipulate you In to staying with him don’t fall for it


Enjoy your life… get rid of him

Leave. Now. Because as soon as you don’t, he will go back to his previous ways.
Trust me :pensive:
You’ve got this :heart:

If you feel sick at the thought of leaving then you must be still emotionally connected maybe you should seek counseling before your leave

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Only reason he’s trying now is to make you feel bad for thinking of leaving. Itll go right back to how it was once he knows you’re not going to actually leave him.
Pack your shit.

That is a first class narcissist.

Life is short. Do what it takes to be happy.

Boy bye, 52 is only half of your life! A healthy human body should last till 100 at least! Go enjoy your next 50 years with someone better or no one at all :heart::heart: you got this queen

Just leave. Don’t waste anymore years unhappy

I’m a DV survivor. I was with my ex husband for 20 years, we have 2 kids together. I can remember many times while I was with him trying to imagine life without him, and I couldn’t, the thought scared me. The thought of being alone, without him, terrified me.
3 years later, after finally pressing charges on him and divorcing him, I’m here to tell you, you can do it. There is life after them, I promise. You don’t have to be so miserable anymore. :purple_heart:
I promise you, this “trying” is only temporary.


That’s on him for deciding to try too late! Personally you stayed to many years too long! Leave and be happy with the life you have left! Its never too late!:sparkling_heart: wishing you the best!

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Do what feels right, if you stay things will most likely go back to the way they were.

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Listen to your intuition, it is never wrong…

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Leave! You deserve so much better than that.

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The words that made me decide to leave a long term marriage…where do you want to be in ten years. Dont wait til it’s too late

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I would move on. The only reason he’s trying like he is is because you said you were going to leave him. I bet if you were staying he would be the same old person n not give a damn like he has for all those years. So sorry your going through that but you would be happier if you stuck to your guns n left. Much happier. I wish the best for you. Good luck.

The relationship has been over so if you can leave for a better life then leave


Hes only trying because he got caught. Once he knows u won’t leave him and ur just threatening it it’ll only get worse.


you are not wrong, And you are way over do for this. Get a lawyer & ask him if you should leave or not, And always remember when all said & done, Enjoy your life,


Heck no, leave!! Stop wasting any more of your time! Choose you!

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You already know the answer. Salvage the rest of your life and be happy :blush::heart:


Your not wrong at all. I pray you find true happiness. You should have left years ago.

You are not wrong for this. You will eventually need to tell him point blank that while the effort is wonderful on his part, it’s no longer neccessary because the relationship was too far gone. But don’t tell him yet if you’re worried he’ll retaliate & turn very bitter & cruel towards you. Get your ducks in a row first.

Life is short. Go. Be happy.

Run as fast as you can he will be nice for a while then he will go back to being a horrible jerk. I went thru the same thing.

You are NEVER wrong when you stand up for yourself and refuse to take less than you deserve.

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Too little too late,