Am I wrong to leave my relationship?

Leave & be happy. We stay because we get comfortable with their presence whether good or bad. People don’t change after so many years together. He’s had plenty of chances.

You’ve been together since you were 16 though😢

Change is scary especially when you havent been on to your own, but it can also be new and exciting, you can be free of you husband’s chains…

He’s trying. But the thing is he’s trying to control you, to keep you there, and it doesn’t get better. Today is actually the 4th anniversary of my divorce, I celebrate it every year because I survived domestic violence and everything that I went through to survive was hard but worth it. If you feel like you can leave safely then do it.

Just tell him you don’t love him anymore

Life is to short to live unhappy. Move on.

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You say you don’t love him… Follow your heart… Don’t worry about sparing his feelings he never worried about yours… Sure he’s trying now but that won’t last… Go do you for a change you deserve it…

Just do it set urself free girl🙏🏽

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You tried when he didnt care.

You are most definitely not wrong for feeling the way you feel.You’ve been with him for along time,he doesn’t do anything to make you feel loved and on top of it all,he’s going behind your back and it can’t be the first time.You do not need to waste anymore of your precious life w/him any longer.Your young,you can move on with life and be happy,I hope the best!!

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You can love someone without liking them. Too little, too late. I’ve been where you are. Not the exact circumstances, but similar. For your own sanity and future, it’s NOT easy, but neither is staying with someone you don’t love or respect.

go. he will always be just what he was the last 25 years. You deserve to be happy

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If a flower is not watered or taken care of… it will wither away and die :disappointed: Only God can revive your love

Hold on how or you or anyone else wrong for how they feel? A feeling is a reaction to any situation or circumstance.
The REACTION is where you can question whether or not you are wrong.
In my eyes it doesn’t matter how long y’all have been together or the history, some things get old others are unforgivable. Sleep on it and when you have calmed down from the situation decide. Love and light to you dear friend

He’s not really trying though if you stay once he realizes it it’ll be the same all over. Go. You deserve happiness.


Sometimes it’s too little too late. You tried for years, now it’s your turn to be Happy!


No you’re not in fact you should have left a long time ago. I don’t know how you did it for so long.


Don’t feel guilty. Although I do believe he may have had an eye opener and is trying to change his ways, it sounds like the damage is done. You have one life to live, make every second count.


Once you leave you are going to wish you had done it sooner. Don’t feel guilty about making yourself happy.


You are absolutely not wrong and should not feel guilty. You will feel so much better when you leave…a weight will be lifted off your shoulders.

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No you’re not in the wrong, he realized when it was too late the fact that you don’t love him anymore is his fault. Because of the way he treated you! You deserve to be happy so be it :blush:

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I was with mine for 20. You don’t want to waste anyMore years.

He cheated on you. Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases

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Do what makes you happy ? Most don’t want something until it’s gone or someone else wants you

Leave. You already checked out emotionally and for good reason! Go live your best life


Leave him. He’s only love bombing you now to keep the status quo. But once you decide to stay it will go right back to how it was. Leave. You deserve better.


Absolutely not wrong, he will never change. YOU need to be happy

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You are 35yrs late…leave that situation asap

51 years with a narc.

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Pray about you loved him once!:pray:t2:

Omg! 25 years for me. Just go!

Try therapy… maybe it will give you both clarity to either give you the tools to work it out or split amicably …

A valid apology is had through changed behaviour


A woman gives many chances to a man but once she’s done, she’s done. Leave. He won’t stay this way for very long.


He’s only doing things now to keep you where he wants you, I was married to a abusive man,he always apologized for hitting me, but it wouldn’t be long before he would do it again. If you are not happy leave, go find someone else who will respect you for who you are, I did and I’m happily married for 28 years now. I wouldn’t change it for anything… Good luck


Leave now. He is also a sneaky liar


You should have left long time ago .
Leave and start enjoying your life


Go an don’t look back It’s his own lousy luck that hes decided to know what your are worth Too late remember the word that the beyonce song since I was not your everything now I can be you’re nothing and can know what it’s like to really miss me go girl don’t look back.


You already know honey. Your heart has told you what you need. Freedom from this toxicity. Wishing you the best.

I hear a lot of women in this situation lose a relationship with their grown children in these cases :disappointed_relieved: you need to do what is best for you! I’m sure it’s so hard

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He’s only trying now because he knows you’re going to leave. Put yourself a priority and make yourself happy.

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Fuuuuck no. Go get ur happiness lady!!! :speaking_head::speaking_head: he had 25+ years to figure this shit out. Go do you boo boo!!

Life is short. Go find your happiness. You deserve to be loved and cherished.


Been in your shoes!!! I will say this, sometimes it’s too late, I left my husband (should say made him move out) there was no one else. I just wanted to be happy! Plain and simple, I’m still not in a relationship with anyone but I’m soooooo much happier in so many ways! I decided life is wayvto short not to be happy. Even my kids see how happy I am now.


I think you should love yourself more. Leave the guy!

Do not feel guilty. Your feelings, and lack of love for him, are the result of years of being treated poorly.
Only you can make the decision whether to stay or go. Change is very hard but you need to make the decision for you, not for him.

If u don’t love him anymore and r kids gone…take off,if u want then see him or date him all over again like a roommate but u don’t have to live with him anymore and do everything for him do for ur self take care of u 1st…u deserve that for ur self.

Your self esteem has taken a mighty blow! He has left you feeling that you are less that a human being. As with everyone- you deserve to be happy and to live a happy life. You are basically his maid. He’s afraid of having to do anything himself. If he would turn his attitude around even a little bit, he would start to feeling comfortable again and the promises would go right out the window. Leaving will be the hardest thing you will ever have to do but you have so much more to give and so much more of a positive life to live. If the kids are grown- nothings stopping you except the fear of leaving. If you have a pastor- talk to him. Hit your knees and pray for the answer and for the strength to handle whatever the answer is. Hang in there sister- there are a lot of us out there pulling for you! XOXO

He was too busy at work making money to put food on the table and the rent paid. Be a strong woman,no more bitching. Handle your own. Good luck in finding a good hearted daddy to keep you safe. Jus throw it away… and father’s day around the corner. That is messed up yo!

Life is too short …be happy. :wink:
My advice…run while your young enough. :running_man:

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Put you first… He should have appreciated you the 25 years he had you…


Just leave and find your own happiness. He doesn’t deserve you. Live the rest of your life happy :yellow_heart:

First of all…it sounds like you did your part. He’s sorry about 35 years too late. Don’t let him make you feel guilty for what you should have already done…and that’s leave his a**. All those years he taught you how to live without him by having to do everything yourself. He has also showed you multiple reasons as to why you shouldn’t love him. Go live your life!!! Enjoy the peace!!!


LEAVE HIM!!! Find someone that treats you good! Later you’re going to regret it if you stay. Take care of you now!!


If you can afford to leave in this economy- please do so! You are not anyone’s option!

He’s love bombing you. He sounds like the classic narcissist. He will act different for a while and win you back and give you hope to hang on and then go right back to the same old stuff. To people who abuse you in any way, they see you forgiving them as acceptance of their behavior and most likely nothing will change. And if you don’t have those feeling anymore, you’re not going to be happy staying.


Please leave him. You will NOT regret it. I was in same relationship and left. Now I live my best life…


Leave with your head held high knowing how you done your very best for him and your children with absolutely no respect or help from him… don’t look back sweetie… learn to breathe, relax, and answer to nobody but yourself!!! Prayers you move ahead and find a new outlook on life :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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No you’re not wrong. Time for the switch to flip!! Your turn to be happy!

I think you answered your own question. Leave

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Oh wow you stayed that long you poor woman you deserve to be happy and find love you should leave them no one should ever make you feel like that and if you did stay how long will all the stuff he’s doing last soon as he feels like he’s got you again he’ll stop go live for you now


Everyone who keeps telling you to leave, that’s bullshit and marriage is much more then just giving up and walking away. He is trying, like you said. You feel sick just the thought of leaving. If you wanted to really leave your marriage you would not be on here asking for advise. I’d say talk it over and try marriage counseling. 36 years is A LONG time to just give up and leave. You both have sides, talk it out with someone who can mediate.

Do what is right for your happiness.

If you are done then you are done. There is no reason to feel guilty or anything like that. He messed up, he is only trying now because you are leaving. If you want to leave then leave.

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Sounds like love bombing. Please run

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Leave. 36 years too late to become the husband he should have been


Go and be happy. Don’t waste any more time and don’t let yourself feel like the bad guy here. You don’t deserve that treatment and he is love bombing/hovering you and once he’s comfortable in the thought that he has squashed your desire to leVe he will go back to the same old or it could get worse. There is a beautiful life on the other side of emotional abuse and neglect.


Hes apologizing now cuz you’re fed up an leaving. He should’ve changed years ago. You deserve to be happy!


You’ve spent 25 years making him happy, raising his kids, cleaning his house, cooking his meals. Now I would spend 25 years making myself happy, hanging out with my grown children, traveling and just having a good old time with friends and family, minus him. Blessings to you!!


Leave. He has had 36 years to go above and beyond. Today is my 35th birthday. He’s had longer than I’ve been breathing air on this earth to get his act together. You deserve better than this.


Best advice I was given in a bad relationship “it’s always harder to leave than it is to stay”

Know your worth and don’t stand for less than you deserve!


You stayed true while raising your children. Time for you now!


You feel the way you feel and he has to take responsibility for that if you had truly meant anything to him then he would have made you feel wanted appreciated and loved and now he’s backwatering because he’s older and life gets kind of scary if you’re alone but you were alone for so long it’s time for you to move on you’ve learned to live without him so do it


I left a 22 year marriage, we had 6 kids. After his side chick called me at work, I tried for 4 years to work passed it, But once again I was the only one working on it. So I filed for divorce!!! Was the Best thing I’ve ever done for myself!!!


Narcissist. Love bombing you! It will stop as soon as you decide to give him another chance.


Leave. You stayed way too long.

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You’re not wrong but please think about what you’re doing. There’s nothing out there. If you have any feelings left for him try to work on it. It’s very lonely out there

LEAVE! It’s time for YOU to be happy!!! Will you regret it who knows. But it’s YOU that will get you where you need to be@… if you leave it up to others for you to be happy in your life, you’re not willing to put in any work on yourself​:innocent::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Those kind of husbands don’t change. He will change for a while until he feels comfortable again then slowly go back to his old ways. I been there myself. I felt like 100 pound rock has been lifted off my head after I divorced. Go run for it and you will be so much happier. You may even find love again

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No. You’re not wrong. Sounds like too little, too late. Once so much is done you can fake being in love, but you can’t be happy doing that.


You’re not wrong for anything. He broke you and your relationship down year by year. He should have been trying then instead of now. Do what will make you happy, you’ve been unhappy long enough.

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Nope. He always knew how to act and he never did. Leave. He doesn’t love you, he just loves what you do around the house. Don’t let him benefit one more day. Go find your happiness. God knows he’s had enough of his at your expense.

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He’s not trying because he loves you. He’s trying because he doesn’t want to lose his emotional punching bag.


I think you should pray about it. You might come through it with renewed feelings for him.

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To thine own self be true!! He should have tried sooner

I think you’ve already checked out a long time ago. You’ve gone above and beyond what is expected. It’s time to make your soul happy. I wish you the best!

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It’s time for you to be happy and love yourself, leave him so you can use this time to be in a better place emotionally and in all ways. Don’t feel guilty, he should hv manned up a long time ago.

You’re not wrong for feeling like this. He should have done this long ago, treat you better part.

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He’s not trying. He’s comfortable and has it made with you there


Too little too late. Move on and be happier because once everything is comfortable again, hell most likely start the behavior over


Your at the other half of your life staying in a relationship that is not healthy is a waste of your time. Get on with it. These are your golden years. Live it to the fullest.

No, you’re not wrong. Leave you’ll feel better after awhile. You’ll be just fine.

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No. You’re not wrong for having these feelings. Sounds like he has completely worn you down through the years. I do have to question his motives for reconciliation. Seems a bit too convenient, but could it be possible that it took you saying you’re leaving to open his eyes? Also, I think you may still have some lingering feelings for him . You said you felt sick thinking about leaving. That statement doesn’t say, I’m over him. Whatever you choose, I pray that God gives you the strength you need to come out the other side of this stronger than before. :smiley:


You deserve to feel loved & appreciated. He lost a great loving woman. Please don’t let him make you feel guilty for leaving. He doesn’t deserve you! Leave now and live your best life. I promise you it will be worth it.


He’s love bombing you. Once you decide to stay things will start go back to the way they were


No ma’am ur not. A person can only take so much and be pushed so far. He knew what he was doing and well… the damage is done and it’s too late


Just go and don’t look back! He’s gaslighting you by apologizing! Good luck!


Do ur thing what u want n do it

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Too little too late.


Not at all he realizes now your are out and is doing whats needed to keep you around