Am I wrong to leave my relationship?

You haven’t left ALREADY!

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Life is too short to be so unhappy! If it can’t be sorted out then do what makes you happy💌 good luck to you

Go enjoy your life lady :heart:

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Nope. Don’t feel bad about leaving. Actions have consequences, he gets to meet his.

No you are not wrong. Too often they wait until it’s too little too late and then try to make it out like you are the bad guy for wanting to be happy and move on. You didn’t just wake up one day and say, I don’t live him anymore…he helped you chip away at that love for decades and now wants to make an effort. Leave and live your life. Be happy!


Although this appears to be a mirror image of my marriage, I certainly felt badly when he passed away. The week before he passed he confided I was the best wife he could have asked for and he was sorry for all he put me through. So you will miss him also when you are gone from his life.


Sounds like he doesn’t want to lose his housekeeper, cook and nursemaid he’ll need when he starts wasting away from old age.


If you don’t love him then you aren’t doing him any favors by staying!

if the love is gone what he’s doing now is to little to late

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Life is too short to be unhappy. Work on your marriage and reach an amicable agreement :hugs:

Make the last year’s count… don’t stay for him. Leave for you.


Is he trying because he doesn’t want to do all the things you have been doing for him?? If so, leave - he can hire a housekeeper and cook - and YOU can have some fun.

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Move on and enjoy your life.

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Spread your wings and fly!! He had a good thing and now realizes he is screwed without you. Don’t waste any more years of your life!!


Change is scary. With the way he treated you I’m curious what made you get with him in the first place? Was it ever really love? Or just fear of being alone? Is fear of being alone behind how you feel now about leaving? Hmm. Maybe get some guidance from a counselor to help you make your decisions.

Do what makes you happy

You did your time to bad for him leave you deserve better

It sounds to me like abuse. Men don’t have to be physically abusive to be an abuser. Sometimes the verbal abuse & mental abuse is worse. You have a lot of time vested. Give it a month, and if nothing changed, then leave. Just be careful.

You are still young…get out and have a life you deserve.

Ur only 52 move on its like mental abuse verbal abuse ive been there

Go mama go live a life you finally get to live for you. You raised your kids and did above and beyond for your husband. LEAVE GO DO YOU BOO. YOU DESERVE TO PUT YOURSELF FIRST.


My friend, you’ve given 36 years to this man. Now he’s changing - you know he’ll go back to the way he was in a matter of time. The longer you procrastinate the more it’s going to hurt. Both of you. Try to have an amicable divorce- and you go find “ you”:sunflower::v:t4:


Narcissistic behaviour on his part. Life is short - go live your life while you can, no one will reward you for staying,
And please please do not look for the right answer on a FB page, other people’s opinions will be too confusing and will overwhelm you.
If you are safely able to leave then do, but get some counselling after you leave if able it will help. You have already made up your mind to go, you do not need permission from a bunch of random strangers on FB :heart:

No baby choose yourself. He had over 25years to treat you right but didn’t


Reading through the comments and so far 99% females commenting. C’mon fellas this lady could do with some input from your perspective

Nope the ugliness gets old, the loneliness gets lonley, All I had was my kids and after 28 years I left for the first time with my 3 kids at 40. I was not in love with him for a long time, it got bad and so ugly and it affected my kids physically and mentally so I said that it its enough to hurt me but now our kids. Gone and the rest is history. Go with your gut and listen to it.

I totally understand. Working on leaving myself

I can definetly relate.

You’ve wasted enough time with his ungrateful ass. Go live your best life and be happy for once :heart:

You already tried. Time to move on. NO GUILT

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I feel like reading this is going to be my life as that’s exactly how I feel and I’m only 37. Don’t feel guilty he had his time and he chose to treat you like crap like is to short so I’d say do what makes you happy and hopefully one day I’ll be able to do the same thing x

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Get out and move on to a happier life. He’s a BS’er with that lame excuse for texts from other women. He must really think you’re gullible and dumb.

ah well that long I’m in it for the money and benefits…1/2 that retirement money is mine


Pray for God’s wisdom
Find a Bible teaching Christian Church finding forgiveness in Jesus


Run as fast as you can. The new him will die out shortly. He doesn’t love you he just doesn’t want tydo for himself. GET OUT!!!

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Leave. You deserve better

Don’t feel bad life is too short to not be happy. Once a cheater always a cheater the trust is gone so why stick around and be miserable. I was married for 40 yrs the last 6 yrs I wasn’t happy so I made a plan to leave him when he wasn’t home. You need to make a plan so he doesn’t know where your at like a girlfriend and file for divorce. It’s been 6 years and I am so happy with my current husband.


It’s tragic that every comment says throw your marriage away after so many years together. He’s trying, why aren’t you?
It sounds like you need to reinstate intimacy, go on date nights… Any marriage is going to go stale after a few decades, why did you get married in the first place if you’re not prepared to stay committed?


Spend some time away from each other. Listen…I thought I didn’t love my man anymore a few years ago. We have been together since I was 16 and I’m 36 now. We had troubles and I was going to leave him. I moved out and everything. He also started trying and doing everything in his power to keep me and I didn’t care at the time. I was numb. After some time apart we were able to work thru our troubles and it’s been 2.5 yrs now and we are still going strong. I AM IN LOVE. He knows what I want and what I expect in the relationship now and he treats me very well. I don’t think I ever stopped loving him. I think the feeling of love was suppressed before and I didn’t know the difference. In other words, I was numb.

Don’t give up. He’s trying. Make him see his mistakes. If you have to leave for a few months do so. But keep trying. He will open his eyes once he sees you demand respect and once he understands what you expect in the relationship. Find your spark again. It’s there. It’s just hidden.


He made his bed now he has to lie in it. Time for u to be happy


Give yourself an opportunity to be happy, life is too short! Please make sure you will be able to take care of yourself when you decide to leave, do not depend upon others to take care of you; been able to help yourself, gives you more power and self- esteem. Best wishes for a great, successful, healthy and happy life! :kissing_heart:


Don’t throw away dirty water ,until you have clean one .get out and see what is out there and make your decision ,50 year old men are looking for 35 year old women ,so at 50 ,the only men looking at you are 65-70 year old men ,and if they are younger and free ,is because there is a problem with them, and nobody wants them ,be careful about what you want to do


Trust me he won’t change
Leave his sorry butt on your dust.

Nope. Leave baby, you feel guilty because he’s trying now, he’s only trying because he doesn’t want you gone. Hell go back to the same BS you’ve been dealing with if you stay, I can almost guarantee you. He’s trying to win you over with sweet nothings and empty promises. Youre gonna be a wreck for a hot min, as expected, feel your feelings, think your thoughts, do whatever it is you gonna do, go through it love, it’s okay to not be okay, you’re gonna come out stronger, and overall just better, you got this love, it’s time for you to be happy again, live your best live baby :heart:


Honey i feel bad you lived that long dealing with it. I’m sorry but you deserve to live the rest of your life happy.


If u decide to stay, then he is gonna go back to his usual self. U have every right, to be happy. U have put that on hold for long enough…who cares if he’s really trying now, the damage has already been done, & u don’t owe him a Damm thing. He should have taken care of the relationship when he had his chance. So keep ur head up, Momma… Dont feel guilty or anything when u decide to leave or kick him out, whatever u decide Good Luck to u. But dont let him guilt u to stay… F**" that puto!!!


I mean, if you don’t love him it’s time to move on. Don’t waste another day. 36 years is time you’ll never get back.


Leave him, you deserve better and it’s a little too late for him to change now

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You should have left long ago. He’s had 36 years to treat you like his partner and he hasn’t. He’s only trying now because you’re leaving. He will not change. It’s better to go and live your best life.


Sounds like it’s time to separate, and maybe start over with each other. Sounds like you both have grown apart and lived separate lives. Time to rebuild and see if it’s worth saving or if it’s time to end it. Won’t know unless you both try to rebuild the relationship. You may just feel all the love once again.


Wow . This affects me

The hardest part is on the kids! If there’re grown it’s time to Go…. Good luck! It is Your Time! Before there is No time.


At 30 years old I’ve felt even that like no one will ever love me, my world is over etc but that’s not true. There is someone out there for everyone, and regardless some ppl are happier alone anyway. At this point I think I would be.

I had a man that did all of these things to me.
He is gone now and I am working on me.


Yes you have grown go out and do you now while u still can you deserve a happy life

If you’ve never heard about “love bombing” do that research quickly, pack your stuff and leave before before you find out he’s just going to be the same ol’ guy very soon.

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Gooo! And don’t look back

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Marriage is till death do us part. If he’s honestly trying I wouldn’t give up. Love isn’t a feeling it’s an action.

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You deserve to be happy. If you don’t love him then why stay? He deserves to find someone who loves him too.


Narcissist! I left husband after 26 years. Christmas Day. House full of people. He sees I’m talking to a old guy friend. (Seriously) Asking him is he was still working on his marriage (fyi he was becoming a she) anyways. Husband comes to me and says. You really know how to make a man feel like shit! What?! He says your talking to another man. I reminded him who the man was. Wtf talking to opposite sex isn’t a bad thing when I leave it up on the computer! Anyways like you. He treated me like shit whole marriage! He says do you even want to be with me any more?! Honestly wasn’t our bottom of barrel and life had been really bad at times with his drug addiction ugh. So I said. No. Yep Christmas Day. House full of people. No I was a mess. But I am free found me. The sexy me again as well. Started my own business etc etc! What hated the most. People would say oh I’m so sorry when they heard we broke up. Don’t be sorry was the smartest thing we ever did for each other! We are now friends. We both have other partners. We don’t hang out. Lol no thanks but we are friendly for our. Child. Long story sorry. Wanted you to know. Leave!!!:hugs::heart:

Your NOT wrong at all and you need to leave!

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Your kids are grown, it’s time for you. Would you want one of your kids feeling like you are?? What would your advice be to one of them??? I’d get out


leopards do not change their spots


Fucking run and never look back.

What took you so long?

Give ut some time first. Try and see if you can put things aside and br friends. But I’d still keep a very close eye on things for quite a while. First see if he’s consistent enough to earn your respect. That takes time. If he ends up being genuine and his relationship with the kids is important, I’d give him another chance. If he isn’t, all bets are off.

You only have one life and you have lived the majority of your unhappy. Go out find happiness. You deserve that.


He’s a gaslighter! Run :running_woman:t2:

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Well sorry but he should had realized what he he had before it was to late.Dont feel bad he didn’t feel bad for you all those years And once you lose that love for someone it’s hard to recover back.

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You’ve obviously done a lot of soul searching, and already know what you want to do, so I think you should leave him. You are still young, with many years ahead of you so why not be happy…:woman_shrugging: You should not be abused or made to feel like crap. It’s always the way, they say all the right things when it’s too late. I don’t believe he’ll change his ways. He’s grovelling now in the hope you’ll stay, but it’s about controlling you. Go and free yourself from him, and find the much needed peace and happiness you so rightly deserve. :pray::heart:


At 52, you still have many years to live. If you have no romantic feelings toward him and don’t think they’ll be resurrected, I’d move on. Yes, it is sad. You are compassionate and sounds like it could be easy for you to be sucked back in. I’m with another person who responded, tigers don’t change their stripes…at least not without a LOT of work and commitment. I spent 6 years with a guy like this. A real jerk, but when he thought I was leaving, WOW! He could be so very compelling with being sorry. Run while you have the courage and the chance. Don’t leave empty-handed, either. Get your fair share. You’ve earned it. (PS-I’ve been married for 18 years, now, to a wonderful loving man. So, no, I’m not a man-hater.)

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I would say good riddens to back rubish. They are just like Shirlea said.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Just leave him. He will just do it all again

Go live your life :heart:

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Stick by your guns. Make a plan to leave, then do it. Talk to a lawyer to see what you rights are. Keep that to yourself and try to split amicably. Speak to your Dr and make an appointment with a therapist to help you express the hurt and anger you are are feeling. He can’t he trusted.


I divorce after 30 years !! best thing I ever did. my ex was the same as yours ! Get some happy in your life !!!


Marriage counseling!!! If you had talked about your feelings with him sooner… He may have changed sooner. If you feel sick about leaving that is a sign you should stay!


Only stay if you want to waste some more of your precious life. Guilt didn’t get to him when he was treating you bad and this new attitude will probably be short lived too. I wouldn’t walk away…. I’d run​:bangbang::running_woman:t2:


Gaslighting at its finest. Get out you’ve done your time and have spent most of your life taking care of others and unhappy. This is your time. Don’t feel bad. It’s hard but so worth it!!! This has been me the last 15 years of my life! I left 1.5yrs ago and couldn’t be happier.


It was wrong of him to "actually " try now … you only have one life your kids are grown go live for you take care of you and treat yourself good <3

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He is not begging you to stay because he loves you, he’s doing it because he’s freaking out and probably doesn’t want to pay spousal support. If he really did love you, he wouldn’t have ben a d!khead all these years. Period.


People will treat you how you allow them to. Do not allow him to treat you this way anymore. You’ve already wasted so much time. You don’t love him anymore. Put YOU first!!!


What are you saying CJC Cash, you going to stay with your till the kids grow up & leave :joy:.

Leave that hunk of junk

I did the same thing. I left a lil over 2 years ago. Best thing I ever did. Only you know what’s best for you

Enough if your life has been wasted in a loveless marriage get out cause life is short!! Don’t waste anymore time on or with someone you don’t love!!


Leave. Get out now. You deserve sooo much better!

Just go and enjoy you and a fresh start :two_hearts:

I know if you don’t love him anymore sometimes he just shows interest when it’s a little too late

IV’s been married almost 53 yrs.The best advice I can give you is some from your past,it’s sad u let him treat you so badly from the beginning that’s truly terrible !.If he’s busting his Butt now that you’re threatening to leave him all of a sudden he’s being like he should have long ago?I think he’s faking it and will change back to him old self again after awhile IF u should stay with him.He’s always had his way with you ,his house cleaned ,his meals cooked ,his laundry done you’re his maid is what you are :frowning: !Hes got a lot to loose right now & he knows it.If u don’t love him why stay together?If your kids are in the age range he’ll have to pay child support too !ALL these things are going through his head and now he’s being nice , NO he’s scared!Who knows if he’s cheating he said he wrote that to make you jealous ?If he did it he’s a punk if he didn’t write it he’s a cheater but he’s a narcissist also !Don’t fall for his lies leave him as soon as possible !Good luck …:rainbow::revolving_hearts::pray:t3:

Sun for the hills hun and live your best life …

At 52 still young enough to get yourself a life don’t leave it till your in your 60’s you may not have the energy and will stay and then grow bitter leaving you with aches and pains

Pack up and move on and start a life for you !!! Your perfect and deserve to be happy !!!

Definitely leave. You’re worth more than what he if offering.

Leave. It’s time for you now

You’re not wrong leave him he’s only being nice now bc he’s about lose the life he’s lived for 36 years he should have tried sooner!!

You still have to find yourself. You deserve happiness. Leave him.