Am I wrong to think people who attend baby showers should only buy things from the registry?

You should be thankful that those people are buying you anything! It’s not a requirement to celebrate your unborn child, not is it a requirement to have a gift to participate in a shower. I know you’re trying to not sound ungrateful- but it’s kind of like starting a sentence with “I’m not trying to be a bitch, but…” (please don’t take that as me calling you a bitch - just saying it’s kind of a contradictory statement - best of luck!

Yes 100%. Gifts are not a given, they are not expected to buy you things, how ungrateful can you get


I’d be happy with anything. People made handmade blankets for my baby that we received at our baby shower. I wasn’t expecting it which made it even better (we like surprises)


Buy what you prefer, yourself.
Totally self centered and selfish on this one.


I’m not trying to be rude when I say this, but that’s very ungrateful.
If you’re going to return every gift that wasn’t on your registry anyway, maybe just throw a snack style get together and don’t have anyone bring a gift.
You don’t know what everyone’s financial situations are. Maybe they can’t afford a lot, but they didn’t want to show up with nothing.


I have two kids. I didn’t have a baby shower for either. People gave gifts of mainly clothing/toys when the first was born and cards of congratulations when the second was born. We chose to have them, no-one else. My partner and I bought everything we needed ourselves. It might not have all been the top of the range or the expensive brands but we had everything we needed. Admittedly, a lot of the clothes we received weren’t to my liking but they grow out of them so quickly they either only wore them once/twice or had grown out of them before they even had a chance to wear them!


Thats being greedy. As stated by others if you have wants for special things buy them yourself. Baby shower are for people showing you love not for getting things you want. I dont even attend a shower if they ask for a receipt along with the gift…


Baby showers are to celebrate the baby not to benefit the parents. :woman_facepalming: The gifts are an added bonus. I didn’t even make a registry. If they asked I would tell them what I needed. If they didn’t ask I happily accepted what they brought.


Not everyone can afford what you want. Be thankful someone loves you and your child enough to buy you anything because after reading this post,
I wouldn’t get you shit.

Wrong . You should be thankful that they got u anything at all


Wow! No offense, but you sound super entitled and quite honestly, ridiculous. Not to mention ungrateful! A registry is a suggestion list, not a demand list. If you don’t get what you want, just buy it yourself.


Wrong and ungrateful.

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Sounding pretty ungrateful :grimacing:

Omg this is the most entitled thing I’ve seen in a while. How about instead nobody buys you anything and you can get what you want yourself. It’s a good thing you didn’t post this under your name. I wouldn’t go at all after this.


I think any gift ever given, in itself is a representation of a selfless act. And any selfless act that you do not appreciate, when it was intended for, and given to you, and in turn slap them in the face with it…that is one of the most hurtful and disgusting things I can honestly think of. This, like everything else, makes me ashamed to admit I’m human. Really just a fucking horrible way to even feel and I hope you honestly never treat anyone in such a way. And if you do, I hope they do not let you ruin that good in them, and that they continue to be a giving person

Wrong! It’s tacky and you sound spoiled. the point of. Baby shower is to celebrate the new life… Not. Gift or money grab. Be thankful that people get you anything… Go buy the bottles you want. Better get used to the idea that kids are expensive. You sound like a spoiled brat


Holy entitled shit. You fucking take the cake. I can only imagine what horror you will raise.

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I hope your baby is ugly


Sounds like your being a bitch, be thankful for whatever you receive no matter what it is, if you dont get a receipt then regift to someone who needs it.

You sound selfish and ungrateful. I would just chose not to attend.


Whoa… opens my eyes and makes me NOT want to buy gifts for showers, anymore.


100000% wrong and crazy ungrateful. Nobody needs to buy or gift you anything.


If you have to ask if you’re wrong, you already knew the answer. And that is made all the more apparent by the fact you did this anonymously. You need to do some serious reevaluating of your priorities.


I get 1 thing on registry thin i buy somethine i would like

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I think that depends. If it’s one of the bigger items like furniture or safety items, I think what the parents want is paramount since you’ve done the research to pick one, or have a design in mind for the nursery. When it comes to the small stuff, though, like clothes and books, I put them on my registry to indicate how much of each item I wanted more than I wanted those specific items and to let people know what we did and didn’t need.

I would say you are 100% wrong. Unless you stated in your baby shower invites…dont buy me anything I didnt ask for lol…God that sounds awful…then yes you are very wrong. Be thankful these people went out of their way to get your new bundle of joy somethign to help out. If you only wanted THOSE specific things maybe you should have just gotten them yourself. :woman_shrugging:


Is this your first child bc if so trust me you have no idea what you truly need and maybe other women who are already moms do. Honestly though you do sound ungrateful and personally if I knew you I wouldn’t come to any event for you or yours in the future.


Your sounding a bit greedy be thankful for what gifts you get for your child


Sounds selfish…with my first, I didn’t get a baby shower. With my second, I got absolutely NOTHING from my registry. But guess what? I still got some really cool things and some I didn’t know I needed. One of my high school friends made me a homemade blanket for my baby and to this day, it still means more to me than anything store bought! I was grateful to get anything and to HAVE a shower. I had my third 5 months ago and my shower was supposed to had been just before this covid crap came up and so I didn’t get a shower. But friends and family dropped their things off for the baby and most still have yet to see her in person. Nobody HAS to buy you anything for your baby. I, like many people, buy what they can afford. Not for what you want.


But what you like for yourself those people never told you to get pregnant they owe you nothing


WOW can you be more ungrateful :flushed:


I’ve 5kids never a shower but some got small gifts. Was grateful as thought that counts.But you sound very ungrateful.


Asshole buy your own stuff

A baby shower is to celebrate the soon to be new arrival and wasn’t started to get everything that is needed. Most of the must haves will still fall on the parents to get themselves. And as a experienced parent, please don’t try to get stuck on certain brand items only. Baby items are always changing and there will be times that what you want will either be sold out or no longer available. Good luck with your new addition. Babies are a blessing.

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It is called a BABY shower. Not YOUR shower. You sound so ungrateful. Just get your own shit if you wanna complain about it.

Yeah in my opinion you are wrong. People aren’t obligated to buy anything and I you should be thankful for whatever you get. If its not something you can use you smile, say thank you, and then later either regift, sell, or return it…

Holy fucking rude. You should cancel the shower and buy your own stuff you ungrateful twat.

You are DEAD WRONG! you take what people can afford or go buy what you want and dont ask!


Yes because it’s ungrateful
And no because it may actually be thing you need.
I would honestly appreciate anything but that’s me

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Girl cancel that shower and buy your own stuff🤷. Registry is a suggestion but not forced on guest. Rude 🤦


Wow, you’re such an ungrateful bitch, and I truly hope you’re reading this. Such a disgusting, tacky thing to say! Personally, I hate registries because I hate asking people to buy me things, and I would much rather WANT people to get me things, especially if they took time and put thought into their gifts. A baby shower is to celebrate this huge new milestone in life and present GIFTS to the parents-to-be. NOT be your bitches and buy your shit for you so you can “save money” (or whatever excuse helps you sleep at night).

I truly hope you admit who you are, so all of your friends and loved ones know exactly what kind of person you are and what you think of their gifts. You know, the ones they’re NOT obligated to buy for YOUR child.

I would choose not to have a baby shower then, everyone is allowed their own opinion but honestly it is meant as gifts for the baby not to save the parents money. If you want certain things for you and the baby then buy it yourself and let your guests buy a gift for only the baby like an outfit.


Yes you are wrong. You have a long life ahead of you being a mother!


Damn. You should be thankful people even got your ungrateful ass anything at all. I hope you get dollar tree items :joy:

Selfishness. Ungrateful rude people. I have 2 children and never had a baby shower…you know why?! Because I wanted those babies so I got everything I wanted/needed when I went shopping myself.


Wow… :flushed: what in the world is this?

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And considering my child is my responsibility, and not everyone elses…something I couldn’t use would be donated. My hands wouldn’t be clawing for a cash replacement. God that’s foul

Girl you’re gonna be real disappointed in life if that’s how you are


Yes you are wrong. A baby shower is a celebration of the baby. And yes, to help the parents. But maybe someone can’t find the EXACT name brand thing you want. Or they want to buy something personal for the baby. In all honesty, you got pregnant, the kid and everything they need is YOUR responsibility. Anything that’s given to you should be appreciated. You may want a certain bottle, but what are you going to do if the baby doesn’t want the bottle? Is this how your going to raise your child? If they don’t get what they want for their birthday or holiday they should be upset? Be grateful for what your given or don’t bother having a shower.

Boy am I ever glad your not my friend :ok_woman:


You sound ungrateful af :woman_facepalming:t2:

If that is how you feel you should buy your own things. Some people want to give you something that makes you think of them and some probably don’t have money to match your taste. Some people like to follow their tradition of making each baby something special like a comforter or blanket. I wouldn’t go to a shower for someone with your attitude

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:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: can we say privileged… #firstworldproblems

I’m so thankful I don’t know you you sound like a terrible and selfish person

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I was pregnant young, and unplanned. I did not expect a shower nor did I register anywhere. My family and friends surprised me , almost to years, and I was beyond grateful for every single thing I (my baby) received, and the thoughts and love that came along with it!!!


Not how baby showers work. People buy what they want to buy. Anything i needed specifically i got myself. :woman_facepalming:t3:


Seriously… I didn’t get shower as I went into premature labour but so grateful to all the gifts being posted in my door as no clothes to fit.

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Damn when I had my daughter I would have loved for people to have shown up to my baby shower. Yeah I said it, the only people who came to my shower was my mom, sister, my step dad, husband and cousin. That’s absolutely it. I didn’t have a soul invited show up but the ones that I rode with. You need a reality check darling atleast people showed up to your baby shower and atleast you got gifts.

You sound so petty and ungrateful. Be happy with what you get from people. They don’t have to buy you anything. But they are nice and willing to buy something for you


Hello I don’t buy off registries. I look at them and buy what I think they forgot! I’m going to a baby shower tomorrow and they didn’t have any towels listed. Got them. No baby pain medicine. Got it. No diaper rash cream. Got it. Registries are recommendations I feel not a shopping list :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Wow, how petty… buy your own stuff then… Ungrateful as hell


Ummm…you want them to raise the baby too? You made the choice to have a baby…it’s not anyone else’s responsibility to provide what you want or need for YOUR baby. Wow. :woman_facepalming:


I didn’t have a baby shower, so I was just grateful for what I got. Also I had to change bottles 4 times to find the one my baby could take that didn’t hurt her belly to much every baby is different so don’t have your heart set on a particular bottle, style, or brand. Personally, I’ve never really bought off a registry, I always buy the things I felt were most useful when my baby’s were baby’s. Swaddle wraps, glow in the dark pacifiers, gas drops and things like that. And a cute outfit or two.

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You shouldn’t be having a baby shower anyway. Not sure if you heard there is a deadly virus going around


I personally think baby showers are just greedy I wudnt dream of making a registry list your not getting married ( distasteful even then ) but then I’m nearly 44 so guess I’m old and passed it :blush:

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Wow. You are an ungrateful brat.

First, I can see your point and you have every right to your opinion… However, I’m currently pregnant with baby #4, here’s a few things I learned along the way do as you please with the advice… With my first I wanted EVERYTHING bc honestly I had no idea what I would actually need. I was 18 and clueless :woman_shrugging: did I get everything? Nope. I did however get most the stuff I needed bc family or friends bought it. Pretty sure that was bc it was my first baby. With my 2nd almost NO ONE showed up to my baby shower and I didn’t hardly get anything for my baby shower… I was more upset that no one wanted to help celebrate his life. Didn’t care about the stuff that I didn’t get. With my 3rd, didn’t even have a baby shower bc I was so upset with no one showing up for my 2nd and there was A LOT of family drama going on. With this one my baby shower is next weekend. I have set up registries and have told everyone if you want to buy for Baby they can buy from the registry or simply use them for ideas so no one has to ask a million times what I need/want. I have nothing for this baby and am VERY welcoming of used items. I have family who are giving me things from their baby as the gift bc they can’t afford to go buy something. It is MY responsibility as the parent to buy what is needed for my baby although I appreciate anything anyone else buys. My mom refuses to buy the bottles I want to use and is going to buy the cheaper bottles… but I’m okay with that. Maybe it’s bc this is #4 and the bottles don’t really matter I’ll use whatever to feed my baby. But I’m very grateful for anything that is bought.

My youngest is 3 yrs old… 2 yrs ago I attended a baby shower for a family member and couldn’t afford to buy anything for the baby so I have A LOT of my daughters clothes she outgrew. Spent time going through each item and only giving the ones that were in great shape. Upon this family member opening my gift and seeing the used clothes, even tho some my daughter never even wore, it was very obvious that the person was annoyed she was given used clothes and I wanted to cry. It made me feel soooo horrible.

Personally, I really think you could maybe see it from a different perspective. I get what you are saying but in all honesty, no one has to buy anything. The baby shower is meant to celebrate a life. Not receive gifts. Anything you get that you don’t want/need/use can be donated to help someone who may need it. Some people might be going through a tough time and aren’t able to buy anything or can’t afford the expensive stuff but still want to celebrate the baby…

Ffs, if someone buys you something you don’t like. Sell it or give it away!


Yeah, that’s wrong. If you need it so bad, you should buy it since you are the parents. A gift is a gift. I swear, I wouldn’t even come to it. I also hope this child and the father see that the mother is an ungrateful witch.


Definitely wrong. Whether you like it or not be grateful for what you get or don’t have a shower at all. Go buy your own stuff


I can only sympathize, only if the baby is all ready born and has health issues, or if mom to be has been told the baby has so e health issues, and certain things are needed for their condition. Unless, this person has had numerous children and has everything, how in the world do you know what you are gonna need or not. Your mood may determine that you need the onsie for you child that you turned your nose up to because the diapers leak poop and stained up your preferred onsie set, and you baby has vomited all its feedings up, and stained all the outfits, because you haven’t yet figured out to use the bibs that go with the outfits.

Registries, are for suggestions, eventhough a person doesn’t buy from a particular place doesn’t mean they haven’t paid out the nose for an adorable outfit. The people you may know, may actually see needs you may have that haven’t even thought of. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when it comes to babies, when you think you know its preferences you will find how wrong you are.

Yep your wrong! Lol gifts should have meaning and come from the heart…not a registry that you’ve picked out otherwise there’s no thought gone into it???


Wow. That is the most disrespectful crap I’ve read all day. If people chose to come and celebrate the wonderful precious life you are bringing into this world, they can bring (or not bring for that matter) whatever they’d like as a gift for that baby. Very selfish to be so upset about people straying from the registry. I look at a registry like a guideline. If I wanna buy from there, I will. Otherwise, I may find something that I absolutely love and feel would be such a special and adorable or unique gift for that child and would rather buy from the heart. Such a spoiled post. You can also return for store credit if it bothers you that bad :roll_eyes: .

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You need to be much more grateful!


Your baby you get what you need :scream::weary:

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As a seasoned mother, I buy things that I know the mom will greatly appreciate. You never know what you actually need until it’s the middle of the night and your babe is screaming and you wish you had asked for it. An expensive diaper pail isn’t going to help baby finally go to sleep after hours of crying.


People go out their way to make it to you’re baby shower and you’re ungrateful ass wants it you’re way? Dont even throw one if you complain buy it yourself. People shouldn’t have to waste money on buying what you want. It’s either you get what you get and smile or dont throw anything

You should be grateful that your friends and family want to spend their hard earned money on you and your family. Maybe someone can’t afford to buy the bottles that you selected but they could afford a couple of onesies. A registry is what you want, but this is a perfect example that you don’t always get what you want. I hope that makes sense.

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The entitlement is astonishing. Be happy you’re getting gifts in the first place during a pandemic when many people have been affected financially.


I was taught you get what you get and don’t pitch a fit. I teach my son to be grateful for everything no matter how small it is.


Maybe those people shouldn’t have cared enough to buy you anything. I personally feel as if you’re coming off as ungrateful.


Wtf lol I’m from a Hispanic family an we bring whatever tf we want lol it’s kinda rude to demand certain things, anyways baby showers aren’t about gifts :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:… if ur that damn picky don’t have a baby shower an just buy ur own stuff :roll_eyes:

Wowser :rofl::rofl::rofl: Baby showers are not about gifts


Oh hunnyyytttttt… no no.
That is horrible. You shouldn’t have a baby shower than.
Its not all about the gifts.


Very ungrateful!! I’d take my gift back and let you buy your own crap! Wow!!!


OMG just WOW . You are so wrong and so very selfish! I didn’t even have a baby shower with my 4 babies and if you do it’s to celebrate the new baby coming not to demand gifts. We brought anything we wanted and needed ourselves and any gifts given when they were born is a bonus. To demand certain gifts and brands is just greedy.


Omg so ungrateful! Konda hope no one goes to your babyshower. You decide to have a kid, YOU pay for it. Be grateful if someone buys amything and thats it!


Good grief! This is to celebrate a precious baby and people love to choose baby gifts. If some asks what you need, tell them…but don’t ruin the fun by being an entitled bitch.

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I think you should be grateful that your friends and family are there to celebrate the imminent birth with you. Sounds like your planning a shower just to get the things you need to buy! Sounds like it’s going to be a fun day!!

You ungrateful sod!!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


The shower is to celebrate the expected baby. Close friends may ask what you need but I would not expect others to buy expensive items nor would I tell them what outfits to chose.

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Personally, I love when there are registries. Know I am getting what the mother wants and needs and that chances of duplicates are rare.

You do know people didn’t have registries how many years ago, right? Buy the stuff yourself if you’re going to be picky, and be grateful people get you anything, if at all.


Mariah Marie holy cow :joy:

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Or you could not be an asshole about it, say thank you, because you arent entitled to any gifts to be fair. People dont HAVE to buy you anything. :woman_shrugging:

A baby shower isn’t about the gifts its about coming together and celebrating the life of a new family member you sound like trash and high maintenance if you expect everyone to get you what you want! How would your family feel if they saw this post?? You think anyone would come to your baby shower now :joy: no one is entitled to buy you and your baby shit

Half the things on your registry you won’t even use. Seasoned mother’s will get you what they know you’ll need and use.


Screw a registry first time moms dont realize what you would want or need. Other moms know it. Ungrateful snob.


Yes you are wrong, rude and selfish. And I always thought that baby showers were meant as a celebration not to benefit the parents, that’s a bonus, I don’t care if guests bring a gift or not. If I knew you I would make sure to bring either no gift or a gift with no receipt and the barcode erased so you couldn’t return it. Maybe they did it on purpose due to your charming personality? Make sure to buy what you need by yourself.


Who.puts a mattress on a registry anyway…the parents buy BIG stuff unless you have someone offer to but it