Am I wrong to think people who attend baby showers should only buy things from the registry?

Yes you’re wrong. I can see being annoyed if you picked out something specific like bedding and someone bought a completely different set but the purpose of a shower is to celebrate a new baby coming and they are gifts people want to give you. You sound ridiculous

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Yes, you are wrong. You sound very selfish and ungrateful. If your baby needs something, then prepare to be a parent and buy it yourself. I had a surprise baby shower and I was grateful for every gift I received. I never asked and still don’t ask anyone for anything for my child.


You are wrong
You should be grateful for whatever you get. I normally don’t buy off the register
I normally give a handmade gift

Sorry Ungrateful and just sounds like u feel entitled.
You should be happy with what u get period with everything going on

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You and you alone are solely responsible for the things your child needs. A gift is just that. A gift! Wow.


Lmao I made a registry and I think maybe 3 things out of all of them were purchased and I got tons of other things, like clothes and pacifiers and toys and handmade blankets full of LOVE, and yes I got a few things that I didnt end up using just because of my personal preference but guess what? I didnt get a receipt for any of the items, and I donated the things I havent used or no longer use to a mom-to-be that is in need. You sound ungrateful. You could just not have a baby shower at all and buy everything for yourself since you seem to be impossible to please. I was grateful for every single thing I was given, it’s the thought that counts.


Wow. Yeah I definitely disagree with you. Smh though… I’m the complete opposite of you! I didn’t even want a baby shower, even though I could have used it, because I HATE asking for things from people. I will never even do a registry for anything. Just not me at all.

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Wow, what a bitch. I hope this is a fake post.

She is asking for a opinion people. Let’s not b so harsh :woman_facepalming:

Might as well just ask for money lol

I always saw the registry as a guideline in case people didn’t know what to get. It’s up to the person to decide what they want to gift you. With any gift like that it’s nice to include a receipt but isn’t mandatory. You can’t expect people to only buy from the registry. If that’s what you really want you can say that on the invitation but it comes off as kind of rude.

Or you could try being grateful and say thank you.
You sound like an entitled bitch.
I would hate to be invited to your baby shower.
I just wouldn’t buy you anything.
You sound like a 2 year old child.
“I want the red sippy cup not the blue one!”
I want that toy not this one!"
If you want other stuff go buy it yourself.
Noone is obligated to get u what you want.

‘Presence not presents’ springs to mind

Yikes. :grimacing: I would be so grateful for anything anyone bought me.


Everything seemed sentimental to me. I know who presented it to me too! I might now be a hoarder cause I don’t let go those gifts, they become fewer over time. Be Grateful. I do believe in giving one gift of my choice, not yours. Which s/b appreciated.

A baby shower is to celebrate baby :heart: whatever you get you should be grateful for. And whatever you still need buy yourself before baby is born. Even the smallest things help!

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I’m just glad I’m not attending your baby shower…lol sounds like you wouldn’t be happy either way…


Fuck you. Be appreciative. I feel sorry for your kid.

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Beggars should not be choosers, just be glad you get anything


You say you don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but I think you do. You should be glad that people are even willing to show up with a gift for YOUR BABY! Honestly what you " wanted" for your baby should be bought by you “the parents.” Be glad about the things they did get your baby! Wtf is wrong with people?!? Just ungrateful🤦


Okay buy all the shit yourself since you can’t and won’t appreciate anything In the first place! Wow! Is this the first child ?

I feel.sorry for your husband and your child


Go on … email your guest this selfish "rant " go on! Smh


I wouldn’t buy your selfish ass shit honestly :woman_shrugging: smh wow

You sound selfish af. Noone owes you anything at all because you chose to get pregnant. Anything you get is better than nothing :100::100::100:

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Honestly if this was someone I was going to a baby shower for. I would not show up at all. You sound very selfish and ungrateful. Yes you may want specific brands for certain items. Then buy that stuff yourself.

You shouldn’t be asking your guests to buy expensive gifts, especially during these difficult times. The necessities like a crib mattress and other things like that are you and your partner’s responsibility… babies are messy, and oneies are lifesavers.


Wow very ungrateful. I’m guessing you’re a first time mom cause if u don’t think a onesie is cute u won’t put your baby in it lmao oh hunny just wait you’re not going to give a fuck what it looks like when your baby has bad blow outs. My advice take all and any onesies cause u will need them. You don’t even know if you’ll like the bottles you pick out or some other kind. Plus with this pandemic some people are strapped for cash so if you’re picking out the most expensive shit I wouldn’t expect to receive it. Be thankful that people will even buy you anything

“I don’t wanna sounds ungrateful”. Well, you do. :roll_eyes:
A lot of people don’t get baby showers and have to get everything themselves.
If you really want them that badly get them yourself. If you can’t afford them, get something else.
You’re in for a rude awakening, you hardly get what you want as a mom so get used to it.


You’re supposed to get what your child needs. You’re the parents. What anyone else gifts you is just extra.


I’ll come to your baby shower and give you something from the heart … if you NEED it you pay for it … it’s your child

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Just get a gift receipt

Yeah you’re wrong!!! Ever heard of being grateful? I’m sure you’ll get everything you registered for and more sweetie. Carry on now!

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I would kindly accept any gift, you never know if people bought before you even had the baby and money is tight.

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I’m not gonna lie, you sound so rude. That’s crazy that you EXPECT people to buy you certain things, to be completely honest. Nobody is required to buy you a damn thing or come to your shower. If they’re going out of their way to do so… you should be thankful/ grateful that they took time from their life to go pick out a gift for you & come to your shower. Even if it’s not what you “wanted”, sell it on Marketplace & buy something you like better. It makes you sound like a spoiled brat. You are going to have to buy things for your baby anyways, you can’t expect the shower to cover every single need you have. That’s absurd.

People should be appreciative and grateful for whatever they get

No body has to buy you anything. If the only reason you threw a shower was to get presents then that in itself is a little spoiled. Baby showers are to celebrate the baby and see who all is really in your corner. Not for you to get free stuff. If they want to then that’s fine but be grateful for everything you get.


If someone did but you something you didn’t like you could sell it or give it charities I think the expensive stuff you and father should buy unless some one asks to but the pram or cot of you’re choosing

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You’re a brat. U could always just exchange and accept the fact that someone wanted to spend money on your ungrateful behind. Ever think maybe they got excited and saw something they couldn’t resist getting you.i got 3 of the same swing… Didn’t bitch and moan, just process a return and get something else I needed.

You need to buy the stuff yourself then!!! Spoiled rotten and rude is what you are!!!


So wrong. You don’t deserve anything

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We bought all our big items before our baby shower(I know all people can’t do that) but people got us what they wanted. Did our son wear or is everything? No. But it’s the thought that counts .

You sound a little spoiled. Also your guests may not have had the money to buy the “brands” you chose. You should be grateful that people choose to help you celebrate your new addition to your family.


Wow ungrateful. I didn’t get anything on my registry but guess what I was thankful for what I got it still saved me money because it was stuff I didn’t have to pay for


Be grateful for what people buy for you. On another note, personally, I buy something small off registries then something small NOT on the registry that first time moms have NO IDEA they’re going to need until they actually need it. Humidifier and baby Vick’s for example. You have no idea you need that stuff until you have a sick kiddo in the middle of the night. Maybe your guests have first hand experience and reasoning behind what they buy you.


I feel you should be more grateful for what you do get. If you have a mattress, bottles and clothes on your registry you cannot expect people to buy exactly what YOU want. Sometimes people buy based off their own budget so instead of that high end mattress you got a slightly cheaper one that serves the same purpose. As for baby clothes they grow out of them so quick i don’t see why anything, unless its inappropriate, would be needing to be replaced. Also, sometime people use the registry as a guide for what is needed and i say its ok to buy a similar item instead of the exact one asked for. Moral of the story be grateful for what you do get times are hard for everyone be happy you get a shower because i know people who have had their canceled due to covid.


Some people’s items on registry’s are overly priced and some people can’t afford it, it might not be exactly the item you wanted/needed but somebody that was struggling used their last dollar to buy you something they could afford… this breaks my heart, I feel sorry for your family


Selfish, I have 2 kids, oldest no baby shower but was extremely grateful for everything, 2nd baby had one and only a few people bought what I wanted in my registry, but I was very grateful to everyone who bought gifts whether I specifically wanted it or not because they showed love to my child. Baby showers are for the baby not the parents, you’re very selfish and ungrateful

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How ABOUT you don’t have a baby shower. You and the father go buy what you need for “YOUR” baby and then have a small gathering, after the baby is born. Then you send out invites to special individuals with specific features you want them to buy. This your baby not everyone else’s. Get what you need. Don’t wait on people to shower your baby with your dream gifts. Get your Own personal gifts. People are expected to be appreciated. I’ll say, it if no one else will. YES, YOU SOUND UNGRATEFUL and you shouldn’t be having a baby right now if you can’t afford it. Wait, then get your baby everything you want it to have. Then invite friends and your family OVER
I wouldn’t buy you nothing. And eat all your food when I get there. Ungrateful self I’ll show your little narrow behind


Very wrong and ungrateful, please stop trying to justify your whiny, unappreciative attitude on the gifts your friends and family gave you, you won’t find it here.


Brat bratttt brap…

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We had our showers AFTER the baby came. It was co-ed and so fun. The baby was passed around and loved on. It was wonderful. I was so GRATEFUL for everything. Including onsies that weren’t my choice.

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Registries are set in place to give people ideas. Some people can’t afford $100 gifts for YOUR baby that you are responsible for providing all the NECESSITIES for (crib mattress, etc). I would think you would be grateful they got you anything at all. It’s not anyone’s responsibility to provide for your child but your own.


Yes you are wrong. It is a gift.


You are very ungrateful, maybe they couldnt what was on your registry and bought u something they could afford especially during these times!

Personally if someone has a registry I buy what is on there but at the same time if I make a registry and someone gives me a GIFT of something not on my registry then I am GRATEFUL.
With that being said yes it’s annoying that someone would choose something not on your registry, but at the same time maybe they were worried that since you had a registry that people already got everything you asked for and they didn’t want you to end up with say 1000 bottles.
Instead of being angry be grateful and go to the person and say I loved the whatever you got for baby, but I already have that item and I don’t want what you got me to go to waste, do you have a gift receipt or do you remember where you got this so I can exchange it for something else and I’ll let you know what I got and thanks again for thinking of my baby.

Wow! How about just be grateful if you get anything?!?! If you’re afraid of getting that what you really want by yourself and save everybody the trouble!!

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I love making the new baby a blanket and /or sweater set…been doing it for years where I’ve had family members expecting them happily …maybe someday they’ll become a family heirloom


Save the money from the baby shower and just buy the stuff yourself instead to ensure you get what you need and not what people can afford to give you.

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Sorry not sorry but you sound like an ungrateful B****


You should cancel your baby shower and purchase everything you need to ensure it’s everything you want and expect cause yea you’re…


Your very wrong !! Be thankful people chose to go to your baby shower


You sound ungrateful!


Then buy everything yourself YOU are so ungrateful and don’t deserve for ppl to buy for you.


Be happy that you receive anything at all!


And the whole point of a baby shower isn’t for the mom and dad to receive expensive gifts.thats where your wrong.
The whole point of a baby shower is to celebrate your upcoming baby!


I agree with specific items…like car seats, strollers because it’s personal things parents like to pick out but the rest it’s usually what people thing is cute. I always give gift receipts becuase nobody needs doubles

I believe that any gift that you receive should be looked at as a blessing and be thankful.


I wouldn’t get you shit if you’re going to be like that

Wow. You sound ungrateful and irrational. A gift is not owed to you or your child.


Firmly agree. I got so much baby wash that I don’t want lol. And a million wash cloths

Some people can’t afford expensive gifts, but they care about you, and they want to get you something. Be gracious, and I’m sure you can figure out how to buy some baby bottles. Also, a crib mattress isn’t that expensive to purchase yourself, unless you’re high maintenance and just wanted a more expensive one, in which case, you should purchase that yourself.


Some people cant afford that.i just wouldn’t come so bring pushy

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This must be your first kid lol first of all you can buy a used crib and mattress it saves a ton of money and your kid is going to damage the shit anyway when their older, your taste in fucking baby clothes don’t matter, your kid will grow out of shit before you’ll even realize how much you don’t like the outfit, babies and kids are so cute they look awesome in anything their going to puke shit and stain almost every outfit anyways as far as bottles you will find what bottles works for your baby as you go, not you your baby I had 2 baby showers and I literally got everything I needed didn’t know I needed and so much more.
your hormones are going crazy you need to chill and you sound like your not even 18 lol you have a huge wake up call comin you need to grow up from The way it sounds. You should be ashamed of yourself and this post disgusts me.

:unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused: is this a real question? This is the very definition of entitlement.


You should be thankful for Whatever people are able to buy. Most folks are on a budget. Try just being grateful for the gifts you do receive.

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Baby shower is to honor the life that was created be lucky people wanna buy you anything in the first


Baby showers are a celebration of the baby, not to buy you everything you want for your child to “save you money”. You are definitely sounding like an entitled brat.


So tacky to expect that!!


Ungrateful AND selfish. You don’t even deserve a baby shower! :rage:


so sad for her attitude!

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Buy the shit yourself if you wanna be so picky :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

You should be happy with what you receive. Maybe the items you chose were out of the price range they could afford.


You wrong. Be grateful you got anything


I have never had a baby shower and have 4 children. If I did, I wouldn’t even have a baby registry or expect gifts. But whatever I got I wouldn’t worry about buying. Me and my husband chose to have children, I don’t expect people to buy me what I want to help me financially, but if they want to buy something for my baby out of the kindness of their heart then I would be appreciative of whatever they got us.


I wouldn’t say you’re wrong for feeling that way. It’s your pregnancy and you want to be able to control every aspect of it.

But the thing you have to realize is there are actually A LOT of aspects you can’t control, and the main one is other people, you can’t control them :woman_shrugging:t4:. I think it would save you a lot of energy if you realize that sooner rather than later and just appreciate that they gave you something to begin with, a gift is a gift.

I felt the same way when i put my registry out and people kept asking me about things that weren’t on there, but it was my first kid, I didn’t plan it, and frankly i didn’t even want kids, so i already felt out of control, which is why i wanted to control everything else. I quickly realized pregnancy is very exhausting and to waste my time trying to control everyone was just making the experience awful. Therapy helped a lot of course but the experience quickly being ruined by my mindset also helped me quickly realize i can’t control people, and that’s what helped me through it

You could ask for them to bring receipts with their gifts just in case you get duplicates or want to exchange anything unnecessary for something necessary, again they don’t have to abide by that but giving them that information could be helpful for you.

Edit: also ignore the negative comments, if you already feel like everything is out of your control then they won’t help you gain your footing. Pregnancy effects everyone different, especially in the mental aspect of everything, you’re not ungrateful or entitled, you’re protective, and that’s normal and perfectly fine, you just can’t get lose sight of what it means to have those who love you around and what they’re true intentions are, and it’s to shower you with love and support any way they can afford it. Good luck :heart::heart::heart: and stay sane, this ride gets a hell of a lot scarier so to see other parents be so negative is so shocking to me!


Guess I’ll be the one. If you spent the time and energy researching the items YOU want for YOUR baby and someone doesn’t respect that, they shouldn’t be surprised if you don’t want/need it. I got things I didn’t want (studied infant toddler education and had specific reasons) so I tried to return items to baby’s r us or target. If I couldn’t return them I went back to the person and asked for the receipt or if they wanted it back.
You are not being ungrateful. You are not being entitled. You are trying to prepare your home for your munchkin.


I never even made a registry or planned a baby shower. It was the love of my friends that threw me a baby shower and got me and my son such lovely gifts.

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So first just ASK FOR DIAPERS.
I asked for Diapers for the baby shower & got that and many other things.
Second yeah, you seem a bit un- grateful 🤷

Some people do not even have family & friends to have baby showers.
I personally know a Family who had one child age 6 and then last minute had a 2nd child sprung on them and that child came with NOTHING. The baby was around 8 months old and CPS had removed baby from mom and so baby went to this other family member who had nothing at that time, the Husband had just lost his job and took ome that paid basically nothing & mom had lost her job as well. All they recieved for that baby was a bag of baby food & box of diapers from one of their friends who did not even know the baby. That kid NEEDED everything, a bed, carseat, clothes, highchair etc but all they recieved were diapers and a bag of food… They were thankful for what they got even though they asked and needed much mote. Stop being so ungrateful & rude.


Ew, if I knew prior to going to a shower the mother would have your attitude, then I wouldn’t go at all. Buy your own shit.

Ungrateful greedy asshole these people are there to support you as friends and do something nice out of the kindness of their heart not take care n buy things for the kid you decided to have

Remember - a registry is a “wishlist” or a guide on what to get. This is not meant to be something that forces anyone to purchase only what is there. People will provide what they can afford comfortably, out of the goodness of their heart. Hope you eventually see how generous the people around you are.


The point of a baby shower is to celebrate baby all the people that love you and baby enough to be there. To maybe also gain some insight and advice from other moms. Its nice when you get everything from your registry, but not to he expected.

Don’t have a baby shower then, you sound awful greedy. The shower is sharing excitement with your friends, not demanding they pay for your needs


Well, it is your opinion so I can’t say you’re wrong. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. With that said, how ungrateful, stuck up, and selfish can one person be? At the end of the day I am spending my hard earned money and precious time on a gift. I have had 3 babies and 3 showers. At each shower I was given things that I didn’t request but guess what? I graciously accepted. You know why? For one I am actually from the bottom of my heart grateful for anything anyone does for me whether I requested it or not. Also in this life dear you will find there are people that have already walked the path you are on which means they have learned a thing or two. You may not even know you need that amazing owlet baby monitor that Susie Q bought for you. But what you didn’t know is that someone bought one unsolicited for Susie Q and it saved her babies life. YES! This happened to me! I said all that to say it sounds like you may need a reality check. One day you may be in a position where you can’t buy a thing for yourself because well … life happens and believe me it does not matter how much you plan … and someone will buy you something and it will humble you! Humble you enough to regret this post and be ashamed of yourself for ever posting it!

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Don’t have a baby shower then, save the money and buy exactly what you want…u sound very ungrateful…u should just be happy people are willing to come and spend $ on your baby because from the sounds of it you have always been spoiled…sorry not sorry :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Yeah, sorry…but you sounds like a brat. Just don’t have a shower and take that money to get what you prefer.
I’m reality all you NEED is some clothes,diapers and your boobs.


You’re not only ungrateful, you seem very entitled and are responsible for buying your child everything! People buy you shit because they care and maybe possible all they could afford just for you to sound like a snob. Your poor friends and family!

A baby shower is not just about the gifts, it is about celebrating the baby, and you sound very ungrateful.


I don’t buy off the registry I prefer to give a handmade blanket that I made with love and something else they can use