Am I wrong to want Mothers Day without my mom?

Stand your ground. She has to learn to Share the event…your a mom now

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Why not just split the day. I spend every mother’s day with my mom for part of the day. Then I leave and me and my son spend the rest of the day together.

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You’re not wrong. But maybe find a compromise. Lots of good suggestions in the comments.

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I feel you. Even though my mom has 7 children and we’re all parents she still wants to see all of us on Mother’s Day. Definitely hard because I too want to just have a rest day and let my husband clean and watch the kids but oh the guilt of not getting up and being a daughter as well. We’ve compromised, we get up real early take her out for breakfast and then tell her my husband planned something for me and leave. You can spend a little bit of time and then have the rest of the day.


I mean… it’s Mother’s Day. Maybe not a whole gathering, but if you’re not too far away, maybe take your mom to breakfast or something. She didn’t stop being a mother when you became one.


How about suggest a new tradition? The men host mother’s day, clean up etc while the women relax & enjoy each other?

Your mom has spent your whole life taking care of you, your brother & your dad. You will spend your whole life taking care of your children. Let the men take care of you once a year.


Why not do a dish to pass? So that way your not cooking all day? N don’t run around talking to everyone sit let them come to you

What I would give to have my mom at Mother’s Day


I went through this with my mother in law. She told me that I can celebrate with my family when she’s dead. That Mother’s Day is for older mothers and their children. It has caused many fights with me and my significant other. I just stopped going and spend the day with my kids. We deserve to enjoy and be respected too!


Unfortunately I never had my mum we weren’t all blessed with a family who cared. Id give every day to my babies :family_man_girl_boy:

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Take mom out for breakfast. All the kids. Then give her her presents. When she’s opened everything, take her home. Then go do your own celebration.


No, I don’t think it’s at all selfish or weird for you to want to spend Mother’s Day home with your own family. Your mom is probably hurt and taking it out the wrong way, but she’s being kind of selfish to not understand your side of things. You made a compromise to get together another day, I think that’s fair.


How dare you focus on your family and…and… oh… never mind. I actually agree with you. Tell a sibling to step up. It’s their turn. Show for for awhile, then when you’re ready… Go home

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Plan a day together outside the house for everyone, she’s ur mom and its her day, u will understand oneday when ur children r grown


She is your mom but now that you are married and have a child(ren) of your own to celebrate this day it should be about your motherhood now then your families. You and your wife/husband are parents now so that takes first place with holidays and special occasions now and if grandma gets a little agitated it’s perfectly normal just when you get to spend the day celebrating her as a wonderful mom go an extra mile to show her you appreciate her for what she taught you in life that your immediate family comes first and the rest fall into place after. Good luck and don’t feel bad wanting to have your own mother’s day ever. God Bless and good luck with whatever you choose to do.

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My kids have their own families and grandchildren, I let them celebrate their own way and if I’m invited fine if not fine too


You won’t always have your mom. Have a conversation and come to a compromise so you can spend the day with her without being overwhelmed by having so much to do.


We do a Mother’s Day brunch at a restaurant with my MIL. Mother’s Day was also my daughter’s bday last year. The restaurant also gave my daughter the gift they were giving mom’s to celebrate her too. After brunch we all went home and did our own things. We did some mommy and daughter stuff to celebrate our day. Everyone was satisfied


Mothers day was always about my mum until she passed what I’d give to have those days back my beautiful mum deserved the world :sparkling_heart:


I agree with take her out to breakfast then drop her off and do your thing. I think that’s MORE than enough. Heck, when my kids were tiny sometimes my Mother’s Day was their dad taking them to the zoo or something so I could have a relaxing bubble bath and a nap! Lol

You are fine. Just let everyone know you’re changing it up. Maybe host everyone a different day for a party/bbq. But do what you want to do. Obviously some hurt feelings, like your Mom, but you are allowed. Maybe take your Mom out just the two of you for a nice meal and talk. Perhaps a special gift, and let her know because you have such a great mom, you want to enjoy your new role as a Mom privately. Some of us dont have a mom to celebrate with and our kids are too far away to get together. Do what you can, but your Mom needs to realize as parents we have to be willing to let go and let our adult children adult!

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Do Your thing…it’s one day out of 365, she’ll live.

No. And your mom sounds childish. No offense, but she’s being selfish … unless there’s an underlying issue as to why (is somebody dying or something?) if not then YOU DO YOU. and let her calm herself down.

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Traditions are lovely…but once you are married with a family of your own its time to make new traditions of your own.
Personally I stay in my own home. My son texts me and pops in at some point in the day with my grandaughters. …having grown up with very dominating demanding parents I gave mine total freedom to do their own thing after they left home . They visit most days and I love to see them but my job is done. They are building their own lives /traditions and im grateful to be included anytime i wish
Your mum needs to let go…then maybe you’d be happier to see her more often

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You should be with your mom if that’s what she wants. Be glad you have a mom that cares enough to want to spend time with you especially if this is a family tradition.


As a mother yourself you deserve your day but also honor your mother somehow for her day.


It’s not what she wants…
Too bad so sad.

You only have one mother

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Nope, not wrong at all. She’ll get over it.

Yr mom won’t b there forever. It’s called “Mothers Day” Dont b so selfish bc if not for yr mom u wouldn’t b here to have yr own family.


I have my Sunday with my s/o and my kid. We go to Lowe’s, get plants, mulch, get the yard pretty. That’s how I love to celebrate. The next day I go to my Moms. We do lunch, usually go to Costco or the casino, or just hang out. It’s what she likes to do.

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You’re not wrong for wanting to celebrate the day your way

No it’s not. There are 365 days in the year. Other siblings can take their turn
But I do see why it’s special to home. Her kids under one roof c lebeating together.
At my house One son goes to his mother in law, one is in CA the last doesn’t care to acknowledge it. That’s my mother day
. Many years we took the kids to the zoo. Very relaxing

In my family Mother’s day has always been planned by my brother and my father it’s dif every year but if they plan a dinner , bbq , etc. And they take care of all planning food and clean up etc. Me and my mother do the same for them on father’s day. Your a mother and I get wanting to spend time with just your wife and your children but she’s a mother also(your mother) and she deserves some time to be appreciated and recognized by her children on mother’s day as well. why can’t you spend lunch or dinner or an hour with your mother and then go off and spend the rest of the day doing what you want to do with your wife and your children? your mother doesn’t have to like your decision but if you at least show up to pay your respect and show your appreciation to her for being your mother it might lessen the stress and hurt feelings that she has because you don’t want to do mother’s Day the way it’s always been done in the past it’s just a thought. After all as mothers we set the examples for our children how do you want your children to treat you on mother’s Day once they’re grown and have children of their own?

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Why not compromise. Go out to a brunch and have the whole family there .that way nobody has to clean, cook and entertain.the rest of the day is for you and your little family.


Let the other sibling plan something the day before - enjoy your mothers day

Can you do a supper bbq with your whole family and have it be a pot luck? That way you get the entire day. And have it at your mom’s and let everyone know that clean up is everyone’s responsibility. Remember that your mom will not always be there. Spend your time with just you and your family during the entire day and then go to your moms for a potluck supper with the entire family.

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You’ve done more than enough over the years. Do what works for you. I’m am mom and grandmother too. Your mother has had it her way for years and now it’s your turn to have it your way.


Your not wrong. Sounds like you all have had plenty of mother’s day together. Go enjoy the day with your wife n child.

Those if us whose Moms have passed on beg to differ !! I wish I could spend Mother’s Day with my Mom! Even if it was only a couple of hours!


We visit both grandmas usually on mother’s day. But, make your own traditions if that’s how you feel. I feel like, it’s about grandma’s instead of me and my kids. Sometimes you need that connection with your own kids.

You are NOT obligated to honor your mother on mother’s day. Sorry it’s just another “someone’s day” to feel anxiety about. You have your own momming to do now, it’s your turn. Don’t let those without their mothers make you feel guilty about it, either.


You are entitled to spend Mothers day however you see fit.

I lost my mom three weeks ago. So spend every moment you can with your mom. This Mother’s day will be very sad for me. In the times we live in family should mean everything I mean everything. You never know when things will end.


It’s mother’s day so as a mother, you have the right to spend it however you like. As for your mum I’m sure she will get over it and understand especially if it’s yours and your wife’s first mothers day as mother’s. Just my opinion, my mother has been lucky to even get a happy mother’s day message from me over the years.

I think you should do what your Mom wants just for one day of the year. You never know how little time you might have left with her and when she’s gone you’ll be happy you went. You can spend the rest of the years with your wife and child.


She’s probably not good with change. She will have to get over it. Your not wrong.

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Wrong’enjoy your Mother while you can!!Most of us don’t have that chance.SELFISH GENERATION AT IT’S FINEST.


You are not wrong. I am a mother and grandmother and it is enough that they just call or send me a card. I love them all. Seems to me your mom is being a spoiled brat. She should be respecting your wife’s right to have a special day with her own husband and child.


I would still visit your mom. I go see my mom and mamaw both on that day, and spend the evenings with my kids. No big parties but maybe a gift and to just give them a hug. If you don’t want to throw a party then don’t but maybe still try and just swing by to say hey


I love spending my day with my mom making her feel special even though I’m a mom myself.


I always spend time with my mom on Mother’s Day. I have hosted it prior to having my daughter but since I am a mom also, we usually do something all together. Even if it’s going to a park and having a picnic, etc


You just have to decide if you want it to be your moms day or YOUR day. I say go for yours and set the precedent!

Entertaining everyone sounds exhausting.

Why can’t your brother do mother’s day, what an inconsiderate brother and mother. As long as your together that weekend what does it matter.


Dude, far from wrong. You and your partner have every right to stay home and entertain both grandmother’s and not the whole family. I celebrate mother’s day between myself and my mother. My grandmother’s are gone and my first mil is gone, my new mil can’t stand me (and she doesn’t even know me). I understand that she’s upset that she can’t have it her way, but life isn’t about what our parents want (meaning the world doesn’t revolve around only her). I’m sorry you and your partner are going through this. Just send her an invite, if she shows :+1: if not 🤷. Best of luck.

The men in the family should host for the moms.

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We see my mom and then mother in law on Mothers Day. We normally do something just my husband and I and the kids on Saturday. To me it’s just a marketed day so it doesn’t really matter if we do it a day before or after. I would rather spend the time with my mom and see her happy. I know there won’t be many more years when I can.


I don’t think it’s wrong for you to want it to be just your wife and kid but please take it from someone who knows , your mother won’t be around forever. One day you will miss it


It’s your day to now … do what you want lol

Not wrong! You can always host another day or do a dinner on another day it doesn’t always need to be on mother’s Day. You are a mother you are entitled to spending with whom ever you like and how you like.

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I would vote that you guys start going out to dinner or a buffet as a family. No one should have to be the maid/host on Mothers Day….And for anyone to get upset because you’re not hosting this year, super hypocritical if they aren’t willing to host themselves.


You’re not wrong. Tell her SHE or your brother can always host mother’s day this year and that the evening works better for you or late arvo. Enjoy your day your way

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Let your brother host Mother’s Day!

You are not weird, wrong, or selfish. You are kind, gracious and a strong, wise parent and partner​:heavy_heart_exclamation:Stick to your decision and enjoy the day, even take a few frameworthy pictures. :rose:


THOUGHT: You will not always have your mom …
your wife is not your mom.
My husband never got me a card as he was not my son -


Can’t your siblings host the party? She is their Mother too.

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Why not all meet at a restaraunt?


The men should host, but also as a mom now , consider how you would feel if your child didn’t want to be with you on mother’s day.

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I totally get this!!!


Do it your way, and enjoy being a momma.


I dont know what to say, its hard because you never know when it could be the last Mother’s Day you have with her, but the petty me wants you to tell her to get happy in the same pants she got mad in. She should understand as she was once a new mother herself. Whatever you decide to do, do it with love, and enjoy the day.

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My mum and dad made the decision when we had our own kids we was to spend Mother’s Day and Father’s Day with our children and if we want to spend time with them come up on the Saturday or one night before, (although it is still up to us aswell we have spent some with them) when I moved away I phone my mum atleast twice on mothers day and sent her stuff to my dad so he could give her while I’m on phone (this was before I had kids of my own) I went up this year and spent the Saturday afternoon with them for Mother’s Day do what’s right for you but also do what you would want when your kids are older, I’ve already told my kids when they have kids they can do same xxx

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Not weird at all. I have two grown children, two grown bonus sons, twelve grandchildren in three states, and four great-grandchildren. I don’t expect any of them to cater to me and I’m delighted to get phone calls and cards.


I would never do that to my mom. I have 4 children 2 adults and I would be very sad if they said that to me.

You are not wrong!!do whatever you want…is your day as well …


Why not do mothers day on Saturday you and yours and pn Sunday all your bros and sisters do your mom :wink: and everyone could be happy and change who hosts every year that’s what we do js

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Honestly a little selfish. Yall can come to a compromise, your mom will not always be there… you would feel like shit if something happened to her and this was the last mother’s day with her and u didn’t spend it with her.

Do as you want. But coming from someone who lost there mother in December, I’m dreading that day. I probably won’t get out of bed. Even tho I am a mother. My sisters are mothers. Everyone is a mother. Part of me gets it. The other side is mad that you have a chance, that might not be here next year… and to you there your babies. But to her, your all her babies. Did you know that if you had a daughter, she carried you, and your daughter in her womb? You was inside, amd you was born with the egg that made a baby… so… these are her babies. You deserve to have your day, and that’s fine. But hold her to the highest aswell… is my thoughts


You can always see her the day before with some flowers and a sweet thank you so she still feels like you tended to her appreciation of motherhood yet having the actual day for you and yours :slightly_smiling_face:

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We always did a big Mother’s Day thing with our Moms on the day before and our own at home on actual Mother’s Day. No one’s left out but we can start our own family traditions too.


My husband & kids normally do breakfast & dinner for me on Mothers Day. And for lunch we normally do a cookout at a local scenic park with the whole entire family (grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, etc) And every family brings a side dish or 2.

Enjoy the day with you wife and child than later meet your mother for cake or ice cream either at her home or your siblings.

You have no idea how much you will regret this later on. I will spend part of Mother’s day at the cemetery putting flowers on my mother’s grave. Enjoy the time with her whole you still can.

I hosted before I had a kid. After I spent Saturday doing what I wanted and Sunday was for our parents.

No it’s your right to enjoy Mother’s day as you wish. Enjoy

You are not wrong. In our family my sister and I are both mothers and we demand a Mother’s Day that doesn’t make any work for us or our mom. So we go out to eat. Out kids are older though, mine are teenagers. I do remember going out when the kids were little and not feeling like it was my day at all because I was worrying about babies crying in the restaurant or toddlers out of their seats and running around.


Might be time to pass on the hosting torch or go to a restaurant with everyone on a different day.

You’re not wrong.

Spend the day how you want. Entertaining is a lot of work. If you want low key, stick with low key.