Any ideas on what's going on with my daughter?

Look into inflammatory bowel disease. Also it isn’t the easiest to diagnose.

Sounds like trapped wind

I HAD THIS EXACT SAME THING HAPPEN TO ME. IT TOOK A YEAR FOR THEM TO DIAGNOSE ME. I tested negative for gluten intolerance allergy but I cut out dairy and gluten and within 3 days I felt better than I had felt in a year. I had almost constant pain and all my tests came back normal. Several blood tests, hide scan, ultrasounds, cat scan, endoscopy. Surgeon and GI doc were at a loss and just told me to have a strict diet and gave me a plan with no gluten no dairy and little sugar. I feel immensely better and not as inflamed. It was like my body was telling me to stop putting things into my body by reacting crazy with random symptoms. I cannot eat fast food either really but its mostly really the gluten and dairy. I wish her luck! Its miserable and its so hard to hear people not find anything wrong with you when you’re in pain!

Fight for her gallbladder !!!

Go to ku demand them to find out what is going on .

Possibly an ulcer , there’s different kinds, was that ever mentioned? Through all of the tests that she has been thru.

My daughter is 18 and has same symptoms for years before n after her gallbladder was taken out at 15. It’s weird for sure n scary has she had colonoscopy?? Maybe a rheumatologist there are all kinds of diseases that can’t be easily diagnosed but are still real. My sympathies because it’s even more horrible when they make you feel crazy your mental not sick. I’ve dealt with that my whole life when no one believed I was sick I was faking I had a stroke at 16 years old. Stay strong n keep fighting it will come to light we’ll pray n pray

My son complained of stomach pain since he was around 9 was coming home from vacation and he was in a lot of pain so we made a bed for him in the back seat of the car and drove a little faster but he had to go to the bathroom so we stopped and he felt better but started again this year so his dr did x-rays and found he is constipated apple juice helps

Get her tested for diabetes. Those are the exact symptoms I had!

Has anyone on any side of your family ever had Crohn’s disease? Has she seen a gastroenterologist?

That sounds like my symptoms when I needed to have my gallbladder taken out. Of course as usual the doctors blamed it on my period. Surprise Surprise. Lol.

Look up Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Grandaughter had it.

Kendra Williams have

If they haven’t done a hide a scan on her gallbladder have them do that. It will show whether it is working or not.

Go to dr seagul in goshen he helped my daughter she suffered for 5 years n he helped her as soon as she was almost 18, mind u their were other dr. Many n she was doubled scoped 8 times.

Appendicitis/ gallbladder/ ovary cyst.

What about her appendix?

in the same boat with my 16 year old. we did blood labs hydascan ultrasound everything comes back normal so they are giving her a handful of heartburn meds to take and they think its possibly IBS we still think its her gallbladder. shes vomiting and the next step is a food sensitivity test.

Is she stressed? Probiotics fixed my belly issues almost immediately when I stressed myself sick for months. Gut flora may be off. Worth a shot if it hasn’t been recommended yet

Did she get the gardisal shot? I know 6 females that did and they’ve had issues like that since.

Sounds like gallbladder

Appendix! Reminds me of my best friend and it took them MONTHS to decide to finally take it and since she’s been perfect!

Have her tested for H pylori

Make sure they do a CBC w/ diff blood test. My hubby had many of the same symptoms and turns out he had a rare cancer…

My sister went through this and it turned out to be Chrons disease, it was hard to diagnose but I would suggest looking into it

Have her get an endoscopy and colonoscopy to check her for Crohns Disease. You can’t detect it by blood work. Cameras will see inflammation.

Sounds like my moms pancreatitis… took years to finally diagnose.

Ultra sound sounds like gallbladder stones I would get a second opionion or kidney stones! I have had both and had to have emergency surgery both times

Appendicitis or ovarian cyst? Hope you find what’s wrong, the poor love xx