Any other moms have to deal with this nonsense?

Um what kind of repercussions? Seriously wtf .

Tell everyone to mind thier own business and let them be happy!!

I don’t deal with it with my kids (they are way aren’t to the point of dating) but I experienced this growing up. I was told that it was wrong to date outside of my race and that I wasn’t allowed to do. Obviously it made me want to do it more because I was teenager that didn’t want to listen to my parents but it really made me feel like shit because they made it seem like it was wrong to be friends with other people outside my race so as I got older and living on my own and being more independent I realized how wrong they were for telling me that and my fiance shares the same experience (we’re both white) but we promised we wouldn’t do that to our kids if they want to date whoever they want we aren’t going to stop them. Tell them to kick rocks it’s none of their business it’s not affecting their life so it doesn’t matter to them.

When me and my sister were younger, me 14/15 and her 16/17, she was dating a “black guy” who I adored, almost every adult in our family had an issue with this. I would cover her a** on countless occasions for her to be able to see him and us to hang out together. Need less to say I am now 31 and she is 33 and she is married to this same man and they have 3 beautiful children together!!! I love my niece and nephews with a passion and they have changed the entire family’s outlook on the mixed race relationship thing!!! Sometimes you just have to look past all the nonsense and just try to make sure he knows the difference between people who are good for him and people who are bad for him in general. At least that’s what I’m trying to do with my son anyways. Regardless of the color of our skin we are all still human! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


When my dad was growing up he was 16 an liked an Indian girl and every time she called my grandparents called her his hot tamale. (Grandparents born early 1940 and cmy dad born in the mid 60s) an since only dated white girls. My aunt (dad sister) is a lesbian (I have no issues the it) my grandparents tried to straighten her out and she even dated a woman that was B/W mix and grandparents had field day it was double disgrace!

You’re great! My mom was the same with me and I had all the problems to. I went with a half black half white man, split up from him then found out I was pregnant (by someone else) and me, my mom and dad had the same comments about my baby being black. It infuriated me x

My baby was white BTW but that isn’t the point x

Pro-Black mentality. Not everyone has it. Can’t force it on everyone. Just live your life according to your beliefs and leave other people alone :woman_shrugging:t5:.

You should tell them to mind their own business month it’s your child and they are only 13 so they’re still kids but it’s not the color of your skin it’s what’s in your heart people are always talking about the color of people’s skin it does not matter it’s who’s in your heart that you love you tell them mom

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You go momma!! Teaching to love no matter the skin color is one of the best things you can give your children and their generation! Only issue i have is the age lol :laughing: but along as they are not trying g to be grown ups before they need to be i see no problem

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I never taught my children to look at a persons color but what is in their hearts. Taught them that just like their puppy dogs or the beautiful flowers they all come in different colors and a color doesn’t matter it’s all in how you feel around them. The saddest day of my daughter’s elementary days was when her best friend (person of a different race than my child) told her in 2nd grade that her mama had told her that she could not hold hands or be friends with my daughter because she was white and all white people have germs. To see the tears in my daughters eyes was heart breaking.
Love doesn’t see color
But I am concerned regarding young age dating. I work at an OB office and they are so many getting pregnant at a very young age early teens. People please there are so many ways for a girl not to get pregnant would encourage you to take your daughter so she doesn’t because a teen mom.


Good for you! Be supportive! My parents were just like you although some of my extended family members disagreed. Tell everyone to just mind their own business!

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My sister’s husband was raised very racist…my daughter started dating a black young man(they were 19 at the time) it was around the holidays and my sister said my daughter could come but he couldn’t, so my whole family told her we wouldn’t be coming if he wasn’t welcome, so she told her husband that if he didn’t wanna lose his meggy he better wake the hell up… so we went, it’s been 3 years and they get along lovely.


Why do you let other people’s racist ignorant remarks bother you? The min. they would start to say something I’d say " he’s my son mind your own business or God loves everyone the same and that’s what I taught my children ".


I have 2 kids that are only 1/2 white and don’t look it, and 3 little blond haired children. I remember someone commenting to me that my kids didn’t ‘match’ and my response to that has always been, it’s our differences that make each individual beautiful. Remember who these people are though. They are racist, and you probably don’t want your kids hanging out with theirs.


People are just too nosy today worry about your own life don’t worry about other people’s it’s not your child so mind your own let these people raise their child the way they see fit

Those people are showing you who they REALLY are DISTANCE or DELETE accordingly :relieved: My children were raised that color didnt matter what was MORE IMPORTANT was how the S/O treated them. Two of 8 of my children are in Interracial relationships blessing me with biracial grandchildren. I’m looking forward to more grandchildren in whatever colors they come. I will not TOLERATE any nonsense regarding them or who their parents choose to love.


no i don’t surround myself with ignorant racist people so there’s no issue there

I believe this with my entire being: you can’t help who you fall in love with.

Now I’d someone is hurting someone or abusing then say something otherwise let it be lol. The kids are learning to love and be loved and how to love. Doesn’t matter what’s on the outside. It matters what’s in their heart. There is alot more to a person than just their skin color or hair color, or outward appearance. Love your kid and love their love interest too.

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It sounds like you are surrounded by some small minded racists. This is not your son’s problem this is your problem. Change your circle, the one you have is no good.


I’d love to know what HER parents think of them dating.

I uses to. But my kids are all grown. I tell them. I don’t care who you date. As long as you are good to them and them to you. Treat each other with kindness and love. And yes WE ALL BLEED RED . God did not create us to be awful towards people of another race. He said Love your brother and sister and give them a helping hand.


There is enough hate in this world. Now. We all need to come together as one. Love one another. Hug one another. Wipe each other’s tears. Laugh together. And especially PRAY TOGETHER.


Color doesn’t matter. My child would not be dating at 13.


if your son is a good kid & you like this girl. Let it go, He see a teenage girl who is cute, not that she is a different color than him, Be proud of him that he is a good person, Ignore what anyone else says. Again, your son see a cute girl he likes, not what color she is :slightly_smiling_face: Good job mom :slight_smile:


My 2 oldest daughters are biracial & absolutely beautiful!
I remember one of my family members telling me “What if nobody wants to be with you in the future because you have mixed children?”
I told them, "Why the F would I want to be with someone like that anyway!

This same family member told my brother she wishes he would’ve married a “nice white girl”
My brother is married with 4 kids. She is an amazing women, wife, & mother.
(Don’t worry, my brother set this family member straight. He’s not nearly as nice as I am. Lol)


I would be more concerned about their age than race

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I myself have parents well my dad more than anything teach me that I was only allowed to date inside of my own race my first boyfriend I listened I got pregnant and beat now let me be clear this is my story I don’t think all men are like this it was just the hand I was dealt now I am happily engaged my fiance is a African American man and I have three biracial children by him I told my father he was either to suck it up and get the racist side of him out are you would never be a part of his grandchildren’s life and to this day his grandkids in this world so tell people just mind their own business at the end of the day we love who we love no matter white black red purple blue orange

First off I would tell those people they can either mind there own business and there own kids or don’t come around anymore!

And second yes I’ve had to deal with this! My dad did not “approve” of my husband because of his skin color and was not invited to our wedding. He also said he will not “accept” or fully love our baby. I don’t speak to him! :woman_shrugging: its his loss because my husband and our baby are AMAZING!!! :heart:


Color doesn’t matter!

What anyone thinks of who my children choose to love would be the least of my concerns… STD’s or worse! A pregnancy at 13!!!


Absolutely no issue here. If you’re respectful and kind to me, I will be the same to you. I don’t care what color, religion or planet you’re from. If they treat each other right and enjoy each other’s company, then that’s great. Let em be!

Tell them to do one racist ass holes

The bigger lesson is to teach him to not absorb the negativity of others insecurity. As a mom I would be more concerned with how they treat each other and birthcontol.

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These are also the same people that claim racism doesn’t exist. Just keep being a good mom and supporting your kiddo :heart:

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My sister has. My nephew is the same boat. My sister had the same view point as you. Id tell people when its there child they can have a say in who they date but its your child.

I’m sorry but at 13 I don’t consider it dating. If the boy cannot drive the girl out to a date it isn’t really dating. This kind of stuff is what get 13 year old pregnant. I could care less about race. I don’t think dating should be done until age 16. My kids can hang out with other kids their age with doors open etc at any age but dating isn’t 12 and 13 year olds. That’s just kids hanging out.

Dating . Boyfriend girlfriend. Implies sex. No matter how you believe it. That’s what these kids are thinking. So be prepared.

For all y’all so hung up on the age of the child this is what WebMD has to say.

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:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: we are all part of the human race because realistically what other ‘race’ is there…


Of course. Some of my friends who were black were disowned for marrying white. Discrimination is real on both sides. We do think we know what is best but this is a non- problem unless you feel it’s a problem. I would be concerned enough to discuss it with both children and her family. There are cultural differences. :pray::grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Tell them NOT so kindly to F OFF. Period. You don’t want people like that in your life. They’re clearly racist and that’s a problem they think those thoughts, let alone say them out loud. There’s no room in this world for racist pricks.


We get this a lot.My children are mixed but,my daughter (15)prefers black,mexican,and other darker skin boys/girls verves white.I see nothing wrong with it at all.People are freaking idiots I swear.

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I personally tell my kids that I don’t care who they choose to date, as long as they treat them right and are happy.


I just have to say it’s honestly sad and disgusting that there are still people in this world who think this way :rage::rage:!! My kids can date whomever they please as long as they’re happy! This is what is wrong with this world! Love is love and it doesn’t see color or gender. If anyone ever comes at me with some mess like this I promise you they’ll instantly regret it.


I don’t see color I see hearts


Haven’t had people say anything about the fact my daughter has “dated” a different race but boy do they have things to say about her “dating” another girl. She’s 14 so technically not actually going out on dates just calling each other girlfriend.

When my son’s started dating and long before I taught them that God made us ALL in his image. I never thought one second about it because I had great parents, who taught us the same as I taught mine.
I told my boy’s that race should never ever cause them to choose friend’s or girlfriend’s based on race!
Love is what I wanted to see in a girl’s eye’s when they looked at them. Love!
As for what other people thought never crossed my mind. That doesn’t matter! My Son’s happiness was all I worked for my whole life. A girl’s color never entered my mind or their’s!
They both grew up to be wonderful young men! Loving caring and not a racist bone in their bodies!
They are both in their 40’s now and very happy with the ladies they have chosen!
I hope this helps!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Wow! Color doesn’t matter to the the blind. Why should it matter to anyone else? What color is the right color? In God’s eyes, we are all the same and he loves us all.

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Doesn’t matter the color of skin as long as they are happy love is love :two_hearts:

We are all of the same race human

Yep sure do. Only my child is 26 and has 2 biracial kids. I don’t mind at all and it’s not anyone’s business who my children love as long as the other person treats her good.

Honestly, I would just tell them to F*ck off and not feel bad about it :woman_shrugging:t2:
I’m 32, white and was raised by county folk parents that were born in the early 1940’s… I’m old school parenting in practically every way with the exception of this. Idgaf who my kids date as long as they treat each other right. Both my parents have passed and I often hear “they’re rolling over in there graves knowing you’re with a Mexican now” my response is always the same
“Let them roll because he treats me like a queen, an equal, loved and appreciated. He’s never beat me like the other one”.

as long as it’s human who cares what they are or look like and if they treat your son with respect make him happy then everyone should be happy :blush:


I’m happy to see such wholesome comments with the exception of Jessica Gates dont be racist and stupid, stupid

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Keep being a good mom!

You are a great mom, keep up the great work.

mind there own business we are about ready to enter 2022,

My daughter is gay and she’s not into dating so she says (yeah right) but I told her not til 15. Her best friend is also gay and a beautiful Mexican girl. I see them dating. I’ve told my kids love who you love and as long as they respect & treat you right I’m fine with it.


When I was a teen, I was judged so hard for this, the worst comment, after being together 3 years, was a lady pulled me away from him, and asked me if I was safe, and did I need help, and told him to get away from me or she’ll call the police, I was so shocked, then angry, yet he was calm and said it happens, he’s used to it, do not tolerate comments like that, speak up and tell them to their face that people can date who they like, and you have no tollernece for racism, that’s what I told the lady, she was taken aback, as clearly no one had called her out to her face, she was confused, I really ripped into her, saying next time she keep her opinion to herself, and she apologised, we need to stand up to these people, to their face, put then in a position where they realise they need to re valuate their close minded ways.


Racism is taught. You are doing a fine job with your son and he will appreciate you for not being judgemental. As well, In the event that anyone was to over step with my child (abuse, subjecting to only party lifestyle, ect), I would step in and tell the boy/girlfriend where the door is. This would be the proper reason to intervene.

I have a teen & it’s none of there business

So tell people this- He isn’t dating someone from a different race. There is only one race, the human race.


Hi. I personally am engaged to a black man and I’m white. I also have 3 mixed race kids. Years ago, my family would of probably made comments… but my parents learned to look past any of that, and judge who I date by character. They love my fiancé, he takes care of me and my kids. My family loves my kids so much, and constantly get told how beautiful they are. As a parent, it’s your job to support your child and letting them love whoever they want no matter the race is an example of good parenting. I love that my family accepts him & his family also accepts me. You stick by your child, and support them, regardless of any judgement. Your child will not suffer from this in life whatsoever.


I live in a very southern town. Honestly no one even thinks about the race of the person they are dating/ married to. I hate when people think because we live in the south that we are. Which is so wrong. I just don’t understand why or how this is still an issue. I am truly sorry you live somewhere that does.

I got pregnant at a young age and an acquaintance (this was an adult and I was a child at the time) really had the nerve to come up and ask me if my baby was going to be black or white :roll_eyes: sickens me the things that come out of people’s mouths

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just wanted to say, i think your doing great. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have 3 grown kids (ages 22,21 and 17) and they all date different races (African American, Caucasian, and Russian) from ours (we’re Mexican-American) , but they’re all happy and that is what makes my heart full! :heart: and I agree, racism is taught at home, we gotta do better as parents! :house_with_garden:


Bruh I would be so damn mad like mind ya bidness Karen :v: not yo kid not yo life so not yo place

This will never change…i am almost 50, been with my huddy for 21yrs and have 4 browned off paddy’s my mum calls our kids…i am irish my hubby is australian aboriginal…our kids are stunning…my mum had the same problem 20yrs ago…a close friend saw our eldest son, he had beautiful dark skin big black eyes and head of black curly hair and a smile that would melt the hardest old bitch…she had friends asknher the samething…1 day i was with her when it happened…a friend of hers i had know since i was a kid…she lloked at our boy in the pram mum was pushing…this woman walked up us and asked my mum how does it feel to have a black kid as a grandson…i was shocked mum looked at me and said i got this my girl and tild me to walk away, i did wild and livid this had even happened i mean it was 2004 at the time, had the world not stopped this shit…my mum was brought up to never show emotion in public and until that very day i had never got angry in public either…that day i saw my mum really angry, nothing like a 4ft wild irish woman i tell ya…she dressed that woman down so badly they never spoke again, there was people watching as my mum gave her a history lesson, some i never new my mum new, but she let rip…and sincenthat very day our babies have been known as browned off paddies as mum yelled it at this woman in middle of shopping centre…our kids know their culture on both sides and equally as proud of each…
Its really sad in 2021 it is still happening…xxxxxx

Its the human race. !!

Most kids in our area don’t even see race anymore. They don’t understand what it could possibly have to do with anything. I love that! It’s the older generations that need to get over themselves.


I date outside of my race, I have 2 beautifully mixed boys. I get looks from people and when my oldest was a baby I got some comments, but I was always raised the heart wants what it wants and you love who you love. Only thing that should ever matter is how that person treats you, respects you and loves you. But honestly I would talk to him and prepare him for the comments and looks they may receive themselves because sadly they will encounter it at some point and preparing him for it ahead of time may help him handle it better.

I do!!! My granddaughter has a child by a man who is biracial. He is prison serving 5 years,well be out this year. In the meantime she has met this other black man and they have been seeing each other for 4.5 years now they had a baby. Thay are so precious to me. When we all go somewhere together we get these looks. But i don’t care. Its her life and who she chooses to love, I will love too. Dont worry about what others think. As long as they are happy that all that should matter.

My kids are mixed latin/white…They know not to judge others based on race and have straight up called others on their racism. My 9,8,&7yro have NO filter far as calling a racist racist. They don’t judge based on gender either nor orientation and will call people out on that as well. Who people love, race, any of that ain’t our business. People do them we do us. My 9yro says he doesn’t want to date anyone just wants to adopt kids when older, we support that choice. Whatever he wants to do he knows Mom has his back. As long as the kids feel support that is what matters. Tell anyone else to get bent.

Alls I have to say is your doing an amazing job and sounds like your going to be raising an incredible young man.


I’ve lived in the Southeast of the US most of my life and this sort of racist attitude is VERY common. It’s gross and needs to end.

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Tell them to go F*** themselves


As long as they are happy that’s all that matters!

I am white and my husband is black and our 10 year old is bi racial and I’m currently pregnant again. But when I got pregnant with our daughter I had people say things like it’s not her fault she’s not going to be excepted and all kinds of horrible things but I look at it as it’s not their life to live and if they don’t like it they can look away and move on. I used to get so mad about some of the comments about me dating black men and now my husband tells me this isn’t their life leave it alone. It’s sad that racism is still very much there and some people are so simple minded.


:clap:t3::clap:t4::clap:t3::clap:t4: I’m mixed. There for my children will be also. They will fall for someone, and create a family (God willing). I will except whom ever they choose. Why?. That is how family works. What good is family unity if you cannot have harmony and peace with your children’s choices as adults?. Strong family unity from my prospective is only accomplished by excepting humanity as it is. Race is just a factor, of an individual and diversity is beautiful. :heart:

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I have a mixed daughter and the first thing out of my moms mouth was “how will that look to our family?” Like excuse me? Cut her off for awhile. Thank you for this post

My kids can’t date at that age. They may have friends but no boyfriend girlfriend labels, they’re still kids and need to act and behave as such.


I feel like there is so much information left out of this post. What area of the world do you live in? What is the culture of the people asking? In the US interracial dating has become acceptable in most areas. While other countries still have very strict beliefs. My children are free to date whomever they want, race and gender do not matter to us. But I can see how people of other beliefs may question that. Its none of their business but that doesn’t stop anyone any more

Tell them to f*** off! Sorry your dealing with this!

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No thankfully, and I never would deal with that. You are spot on and your head and heart are in a perfect place about it. Kudos to you!! Tell them to screw off!

Proud that your child doesn’t see color :heart:

Awesome way too go mom!!

It’s noone’s business. Americans are becoming a melting pot of races and it’s ok.

You give them a big fat middle finger and go about your business ma’am. All I can say is they must be a HOOT at parties :wink::joy: I suggest you gift them all lamps and tell them to lighten the fuck up :heart:

My kids hasn’t started dating yet. But i feel the same way you do.
Keep up what you’re doing.

We are on the reverse side of that. My son is of a race that is not in favor of the white world. He could easily “cross over” in appearance but his last name identifies his race. He is one of the kindest, most generous young men on the planet raised to treat a woman right (with 4 older sisters, he’d have to face their wrath if he mistreated someone.). My own parents were unhappy I married into a different lifestyle (race, religion and he was older), but they respected my choices. In doing so, I learned first hand how cruel the world is to nonwhites. :pensive:

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Just teach your son to stand up for the ones he loves and that he will never stand alone. You will always have he’s back. Tell him how cruel the world can be and tell him to call out injustice and racism when he sees it.

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Do they know about the birds and bees.

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I would tell them “What people? You?” Then tell them point blank to mind their business.

I’d personally stop contact with anyone questioning it. I have no time for racists in my life


I’m lucky to live in California where couples of the same race are hard to find and no one cares. Anyone who tells you your kid shouldn’t date outside his race is a racist and should be cut out of your life

I’d tell them TOO BAD & mind their business - you’re teaching your son right - love is love & we are all of one race - the HUMAN race

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That’s crazy don’t even bother listening to them just walk away as soon as they start saying this and that their just as rude as bringing it up anyway. If it was against the law or commandments God wouldn’t put different race on this earth or perhaps written in the Bible and who are they to judge. So just walk away. That’s what I would do.

No, because I wouldn’t entertain that conversation.
When they start in on you, simply say, it’s not up for discussion and if they can’t deal then tell them to eff off.
Love is love.

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This is a story I love!!…


I’m 34 and I had to deal with it from some in my family. Some wished I got with my own race. In an interracial relationship with a Hispanic and 2 kiddos with him. Had an incident in store with a woman who acted racist saying I should have stayed with my own kind and she called my kiddo half breed and said they would have problems because of it of being bullied and all. I gave her a piece of my mind. It does happen. I’m happy in my relationship. My kids are way to young but in future they can date whoever they want no matter race.