Any other moms have to deal with this nonsense?

How pathetic some are. A friendship that turns romantic is one of the most healthy kind of relationships.

We are all God’s children.

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I have dated people from different cultures and ages. I think it’s a problem with themselves as they don’t know what they are missing in their own lives. In London is quite common to see 2 people from different backgrounds.

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As long as my kiddos are treated with respect by whoever their significant others end up being it’s all good in this neighborhood.

I have no place for hate, if my family doesn’t like it, then that’s not really my problem. I’ll allow my kids to love who they love and that be that.
Be kind. Have a good day.


I completely agree with you!!!

Well said.
.my daughter liked a different race when she was a teen but outgrew it.

Being in a biracial marriage for many years and having 5 mixed children I understand what you are saying but 13 is way too young for a relationship. These people are still growing and they need to know who they really are before they can give themselves to another person. Going through puberty and all. This is the time for your child to focus on himself. He’ll have plenty of years to date later on. However, it is good to have a mom that is open to him making his own choices regardless of race because that shouldn’t be a factor. Character, morals, and the way this person carries themselves speaks volumes but not at 13. Can you think of how much you changed between the age of 13 even to 18?


Who cares what race they are? As long as she treats your son good that is all that matters

Keep parenting the way you want. My daughter is dating another girl. I can’t choose what makes her happy. We’re here to love and protect and care for our children.


You’re an awesome mum and a great role model. Your son will always appreciate your support. Keep doing what you’re doing! :sparkling_heart:

I grew up with grandparents that believed this way however it never stopped me from doing what I wanted. Now fast forward I have a mixed race child who I am teaching that everyone is different we all look different, we all talk different and we all act different. It’s not good or bad just different and there is nothing wrong with it. Your doing good mommas keep going and standing up for your child!

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Perhaps have this discussion with her parents. They might be going through the same thing. If you all give your blessings for them to be together, who cares what the judgemental muppets say.

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My son (20 years old next month) is in an interracial relationship. He is Caucasian and his girlfriend is African American…they have been together over 3 years. I have never had anyone tell me a thing about their relationship, but I know they have encountered negative comments. I’ve told him to never feel the need to explain, justify, or apologize for who he loves. And I’ll never tolerate anyone I know saying anything negative about it.


You keep doing what you’re doing. That’s what I’m doing. It’s about who makes them happy, treats em right, has goals, morals, respect, etc. I do NOT demand my children date white just bc were white. There as some dumba$$ white peeps I’d hate to see my children end up with.

Well said i totally agree with you

I think it’s a ridiculous notion these days. At any time it was stupid but now it should definitely be less of a stigma. Stick to your guns! Color doesn’t matter how they feel and treat each other is what matters.

I like the way you think.

All I ask is that my boys are treated with respect and I expect them to be the same to their gf/bf. It is not my place to tell them who they are allowed to love. I have always told them all I ever want for them in life is to live a happy healthy life. If that means a girl of another race or even a boy, then so be it! There is no hate or judgment coming from my home! If I had any family who had a problem with it I would just tell them to get over it. That it has nothing to do with them and to maybe seek some therapy for their hate!


Great job mom. He’s thirteen. He sees value beyond a layer of skin.

I’ve not personally dealt with this. But I’m Native. My husband is definitely not. And I guess I’m the reason his entire family doesn’t communicate with him anymore… :woman_shrugging:t2: Teach your babies to love, y’all. Piss on the rest of them.

13 is a little young to date but that’s besides the point you point is spot on, we all bleed red.


I have not personally had to deal with this yet. It’s sad the world we are raising our babies in . Love is Love and that’s all they need to know :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Aside from the fact that he’s only 13, you are teaching him well. Color of skin shouldn’t matter. If they get along well and have same likes. The problems are when there is a certain nationality or race with different beliefs that can be a problem ( and can be of different or same skin color)

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I would tell them, if you don’t like it don’t look it’s their life not yours. And then tell them to have a nice day.

I guess it been too long creating hate among children. Just fucking stop it. We are all humans.

13 and dating for a year? So since 12? That’s the part I’d have problem with


I have dealt with this also with my adult daughter bc she married a biracial man. I don’t understand how & why people are so racist! You are right we all bleed red!

I get ppl calling my babies VERY vulgar words (hint starts with an N) often where I currently live…take a deep breathe…and if your son starts to hear the negative comments remind him…he can love/date act anyone some people are just bitter and have hate in their hearts


I mean I’m married to my 13 year old boyfriend :woman_shrugging:t2: but who the hell cares

It drives me crazy when people say different race. We are ALL THE HUMAN RACE, just different nationalities


13 and dating for a year. wow


Tell me to mind their own business it’s good for their teeth


I am totally in your corner momma. My house looks like a meeting of the United Nations on any given day. I worry about the character of a person not the color of their skin.


Not sure where you live but dating other races is totally a normal thing.:woman_shrugging:t4: Just ignore the ignorance.


I’m surprised by all these comments about your kiddo being 13 and dating. My parents were pretty sheltering and I had my first boyfriend in 8th grade (13)
Our dating consisted of going to hockey games with his parents and the mall with older siblings. It was very innocent.
I can’t say I would be letting my daughter date at that age but on a recent school field trip I chaperoned all the 11 year old girls were taking about who they were dating :weary: it’s crazy!


Dating at 13 is the problem lol


Om goodness, this is such bullshit! Good for your son that he doesn’t see color, he just follows his heart! I would be so proud of him, and great job parenting!

you are an amazing mom!

Oh yeah I get it. My dads side cut me out when they found out my second and third children were biracial. At the end of the day I love him for who he is. He loves me for who I am. And if anyone close to me wants to be negative they’re cut. Haven’t spoken to them and I feel loved and happy without them.

First off I just want to say Thank you. I myself am married to the most wonderful man, and yes I am in a biracial marriage. I have a biracial daughter. My son also is in biracial relationship. Love had no color :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::brown_heart::white_heart::black_heart:


Try having a kid who is gay. :person_facepalming:


YOU ARE SN AMAZING PERSON!! People need to stop worrying about who loves who!

I definitely feel this! I married my high school sweetheart. we started dating at 14 (met at 10 yrs old) and we are a biracial couple with biracial babies and I still have to tell some of my family members to watch what they say, because I won’t stay quiet. But whether or not they stay together isn’t the point, the point is they are both learning how to be in a healthy relationship. Race, height, favorite colors; non of that matters. It’s all about compromising, learning how to express emotions, and compatibility! There is so much happening with young love. Just make sure he can always come to you with any questions🥰 sending positive energy!


Young to be dating???


To young to date, open the books…


Okay 13 yrs old how are they dating they don’t even drive but I have heard of babys being made that early Forget this racial stuff Everyone’s pointing the finger if you say the littlest thing The big thing is the chance of a baby what kind of life with two very young parents if you want that They are children they will be scared to death babys cry poop cut teeth get fevers oh god

He’s 13. Still a child :man_facepalming:

Dear Aliens, Please intervene… We are ready.


At 13 they should not be dating


I like how this mom asked for advice on people’s unwanted opinions on interracial dating, and so everyone gives her unwanted opinions on dating age. Jfc
You’re doing good mom!


He’s to young to be dating and if people disagree you will try and make out its because of the colour of her skin


I Started ‘Dating’ My Husband At 13 & We Married At 20 We Have A Son Together Im White & Hes First Nations So Our Son Is Mixed
Color Don’t Matter But My Husband Sure Is Sexy Brown & I Couldn’t See Myself With No One Else & He Feels The Same🤪 So Yeah Who Cares If People Judge Theres Always Going To Be Hate But Positivity Is Always Stronger In Our Heart!!


I’m thinking they’re to young, nothing about race. I tell my kids no dating one person until 16… group date is good. But, being friends with different people that’s great. Kids now will find away to be together though. Good luck on just the dating part.

Just have to say what you are teaching your son is beautiful and being racist is so out dated , it shouldn’t even exist anymore. Your son is allowed to be with anyone he wants, shit I’d still be happy if my daughter dated a pink or yellow male or female ( obviously an expression) keep telling him he can love who ever he wants, and keep being the supportive mumma you are :heart:

Met my husband at 13. Dated. Broke up. Engaged and married now for 5 years, almost 6. I’m white, he’s native. Screw what people are saying.

All this happened in the span for 16 years. We are both now almost 29 years old


Wow. People are still like that? This world is going backwards :sob::sob: .


A lot of these comments are why the world is so crazy with divorce….
1/ at 13 he is learning to be a man, how to date and treat a girl so when he does become at age of picking her up, Dating and eventually marrying he has been taught to do so the correct way
2/ my middle daughter is married to her high school sweetheart whom she felt she had to hide bc of his skin color from her dad, not me I was supportive - they have two beautiful children he grad with honors and a chemical engineering degree with specialty in nuclear somethjng lol all on scholarship!!
My oldest daughter dating (Caucasian as she ) had my precious grand daughter and has now been away from him bc of his terrible treatment of her ended up in prison for raping an 18 year old……

Color doesn’t matter…. It’s how people are raised to treat others, as long as my children are loved and cared for treated with respect why does it matter to anyone else …. Remember Jesus loves the little children song ??? He loves adults as well red, yellow, black and white
Mama keep reaching your son to be a good man, showing him how to dare, how to treat a girl and he will grow up to be a fine young man!! Good job :clap:


Racism is taught no one is born racist! My husband is African American and I am white. We have three amazing, beautiful and loving children who are taught to love one another no matter what skin color. I to was told nobody would love me or my children but guess what, there’s a whole lotta :heart:out there. Good Luck and love your children no matter what ppl tell you!
You Mama, set the tone for you and yours! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I deal with it too but mostly from the older generations that are set in their ways. I’m teaching my daughter that love is love.


As a mixed mother in an interacial marriage with mixed children, this is sooooooooooooooooo common where I live! To the point I was afraid to meet my husband’s family because it’s a huge problem for most. Luckily they are great to me and the kids. Best advice I can give is tell them to take a flying fing leap off a very high bridge.

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Wow ppl are tripping about the fact this lady’s son is 13 and is dating. My son is too 13 in 8th grade has a girlfriend and that consist of them seeing each other at school or talking on the phone. They’ve gone out to eat together with us (the parents) and gone to see Christmas lights together again with us (the parents). I’m assuming by some of the comments I’ve read about 13 year olds dating I’m in the wrong for allowing my 13 yr old to have a girlfriend. Guess I better tell my son he needs to break up with the girl and try again when he’s 16 :joy:

Nobody told me who I could love so I would never tell my kids that! It don’t matter what they look like, what country they came from. It’s their hearts just like it was mine. Some ppl are living in the old days it’s 2021!! I tell mine as long as they’re good to eachother and they love eachother then they follow their hearts and forget what others may have to say about it.


I would tell them mind their own.


People are going to judge no matter what ,after all just look at most of the answers on this page and the way they are judging you for allowing your 13 yr old to date. You know what is best for your son so you do you and to hell with the other people. I have 4 nephews that are bi- racial and who are very beautiful human beings. You are right we all bleed red. Best of luck to you and your son.

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I did growing up… and now my moms opinion has changed, says as long as he treats me right that’s all that matters. But growing up dating someone black was a huge no no. Buy now I have a mixed child and she is very loved. My grandpa (rest is sole) was very racist. We got into it many times because of him using to N word in front of me. And I’ve never seen skin color. Your either a good human or you not


I’m Swedish but I have never even heard about this personally. My parents loved my Algerian ex and hates my Swedish husband. Although they were concerned that he was Muslim. I would probably tell the person who said such a thing that I got nausea from that comment! :flushed: And to please don’t do that in my presence again. I’m obviously allergic. :exploding_head:

You just keep shutting the hateful remarks down. Your son and his girlfriend are doing NOTHING wrong.
You sound like an amazing momma :heavy_heart_exclamation:

I don’t care who they date…as long as they are good to my kid…

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One of my boys are 14 an he’s into Mexican girls an he’s white.i was raised to be races by my father but I’m married to a half white half Puerto Rican.color does not matter to my family an I would NEVER want my children to look at people different depending on what they look like on the out side.people are people.i wouldn’t even care if one was gay as long as they are happy!!!

My son loves to date outside of our race and so do I.

I always told my kids jerks come in all shapes, sizes and colors but so do good people. You find someone that makes you happy and it doesn’t matter what their skin color is as long as their heart is in the right place.


It’s bc the people saying that are secretly racist and small minded is having a mixed race child (if they were to have a child
Together later) the worst thing in the world? Hell no mixed race kids are some of the most adorable kids and usually well rounded (having parents from different cultures)

I only read the first few lines…who cared what race someone is…? He is dating a PERSON!

There is only 1 race:
The human race.
Case closed.

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Those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind.
Keep doing what you’re doing :+1:t2:

Where do u live ? This is some think heard of years and years ago . Wtf :flushed: