Anyone else deal with painful periods?

Get checked by a doctor. But changing your eating habits and exercise will help a great deal. If you need guidance , I can help you do this

I have PMDD. I take an antidepressant for 2 weeks only, prior to my cycle every month. This has helped tremendously with mood swings and PMS symptoms, especially my menstrual migraines.I also have fibroid and endometriosis which causes some pain. Your doctor can develop a treatment plan.

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I was diagnosed with PMDD about 9 years ago I guess. It was tough… I also have uterine fibroids that exacerbate the cramps. You might have fibroids

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I Thrive and it helps with the cramping. They have a lot of products to choose from.

Ya, doc told me basically I have menorhigena or whatever. Basically, it’s all normal if your cancer screen comes back ok. Options I was given was to hysterecomy, burn my uterus, extreme hormones, etc. No help really…it just all bared down to surgery. Started using Stayfree pads, and the bleeding eased. Get a second opinion.

Your hormones sound extreme. Like your spikes and levels are extreme. Talk to your doctor and he will give you your options. Getting rid of your ovaries will just give you the other hormonal extreme. Removing the uterus will stop the bleeding and corresponding anemia resulting from those heavy periods. Let the doc give you their diagnoses abd treatment options. Hope they get you some relief

Please talk to your dr.

Just had my consultation today actually. I had labs drawn and I go next week for an ultrasound and a biopsy. There could be a number of reasons why our periods are so awful. I may have an ablation, hysterectomy or another procedure. Fun fact: a hysterectomy doesn’t remove the ovaries (unless it’s like a total hysterectomy). I had my tubes removed entirely after my last c section 3 years ago. So depending on how my uterus looks that bitch may go. :woman_shrugging:

Samantha Yarnevic this sounds like some good advice

I have been going through this for years and still have not found relief. But I bleed heavy for 2 weeks out of the month… I have tried the IUD, BIRTH CONTROL I made an appt with the hospital to talk about surgery options because I don’t know what else to do…:pleading_face:

Ever since I got my tubes tied, the first day of my period it’s so painful. It feels like pulling and tearing. My periods used to not hurt at all. I went to the doctor and got ultrasound and Pap test and everything came out normal. I don’t understand why this happens to me. It’s just the first day and my periods are shorter now but that first day I’m on pain meds. Once I would have dropped to my knees in pain if my husband wasn’t there to catch me.

I got an IUD and it’s worked great for me. My periods would get so bad with chills and nausea. Then heavy bleeding.

Honestly mine are really pretty painful, and they go on for a full week, and my best bet has been motrin and work. Like go to work and do physical work that’s distracting. I’ll run all around until my feet and legs hurt worse than the cramps lol.
Oh and I’m 35 with 4 kids. Done for sure, tubes tied. But my organs are healthy so I didn’t see the point in a hysterectomy, so I have not asked if its possible.

If you’re done have kids ask about tubal litigation and an ablation. I had it done over a year ago, best thing ever!!!

When it’s that painful I have had friends tell me that they have gotten the hysterectomy a total hysterectomy just so they didn’t have to deal with the pain the periods and everything else anymore they already knew they were done having kids. Now mine I got my tubes tied and to be honest with you I think that made my problems 10 times worse so I am definitely not the person to ask birth control did not work with me I had very bad reactions with it plus I had all five of my kids on every different type of birth control okay I’ve been on all of them had some type of reaction got the tubes tide…only because my husband insurance did not approve him for the vasectomy. And to be honest with you I wasn’t even done having kids I just needed a break my kids are way too close together LOL

I just had that done on the 19th of November and i am telling you it helps the pain

I don’t experience the heavy, painful periods, and I’m so sorry you do. But I did experience the awful mood swings around the same time frame that you do. I went to my OB, I was genuinely scared of my mood swings and how they made me feel and react to smallest things. I was diagnosed with PMDD (premenstral dysphoric disorder) and was put on a low dose of an antidepressant…it evened me out and while I still get a little moody around my period time, it isn’t to the extremes it was before.

Since I had a tubal done 5 years ago mine have been super heavy and painful. It’s to the point where I’m doubled over in pain and can’t work the first couple days it starts. Luckily I’m self-employed so being able to take off isn’t hard for me to do. I have horrible mood swings a few days before mine starts.

Omg meeeeee I cramp all month long
I bleed heavy the 1st 4 days like a waterfall non stop leaking
The er dr said she’s 99% sure I have endometriosis but I need a ob to confirm and might have to get a hysterectomy…and so does my 13 yr old she bleeds alot

It could be you have Endometriosis

Ablation is amazing… Had the same issues and had an ablation done and haven’t had a period for 10 years!

Sounds like endometriosis, since you are done having children an endomitrio ablation would be the best. Full hysterectomy could lead to progressed menopause.

Some find their symptoms reduced or eliminated when they switch away from disposable menstrual hygiene products.

Endometriosis can do this as well get a referral to a gynaecologist

Sounds like you could possibly have endometriosis. Definitely talk to your doctor. It can be hard to diagnose unless they can do an exploratory surgery. They found mine when I had a miscarriage.

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I’ve had some of these symptoms since I was 13. I currently have the Kyleena IUD but it is worse than my previous IUD which was the Mirena. I’m calling my doctor as well. I have a 10 year old son and an 8 year old daughter so we’re done having kids. I also suffer from PCOS. The Mirena helped me 5 years ago but this new one is horrible. I’m 32 years old started having periods at age 10.

I deal with this constantly… it gets so bad that I pass out from the pain at times. The only non medicinal way I’ve found to dealing with it is heating pads but that only does so much. Also, eucalyptus and spearmint lotion helps relieve some of the mental headache

I had this too. Also my daughters. We switched to 100% cotton pads and tampons. Helped immensely! I no longer have a cycle, but everytime one of my girls complains about pain or heavy flow, I ask if they switched back to reg pads. The answer is always yes. They switch back to the 100% cotton and things get better again. The problem is that the Always pads and other reg brands put massive amounts of chemicals in their pads and tampons. Then they wonder why women are dying like flies from ovarian and uterine cancer. Say no to the toxins. Buy 100% organic cotton pads and tampons.

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Periods should never be that painful, you need to go get cbecked for cysts or other issues.
I suggest an uterine ablation. I did research, and for a hysterectomy you have to take hormones for the rest of your life, and getting your tubes ties could cause worse periods.

I suffered with these same symptoms, had my uterus removed and kept my ovaries because I was only 39. Its been 10 years and I have never regretted!!

I started having horrible periods before and then continued after my last child. I would rip it all out if I could type of horrible. My friend told me to try Flo gummies. And they really have made a huge difference. I know at least now that it’s hormonal and my bodies reaction and not something truly medically wrong. My mood swings are bare minimum and I swear on an Always pack that the past three months since I started the Flo gummies I only got the tiniest cramp right before I started.

Definitely ask about it. Get an ultrasound. I had a friend who ended up having fibroids and had a hysterectomy. My sister in law had another issue and got an IUD, which has helped tremendously. Our kids former daycare mom ended up having an ablation. So you have options!

I’m 27 and I just had a full hysterectomy (they removed everything except for my ovaries) last Wednesday. Recovery hasn’t been bad at all for me. If you’re done having kids I would definitely ask for one!

I had to have a partial when I was 27, because I had a form off endometriosis, called adenomyosis. I started cycles at 10 and by age 14 they had to give me Tylenol 3 for the pain. They tried temporary menopause, different birth control forms, and nothing helped! With a partial, you still have your ovaries and don’t have to take hormones. Talk to your dr before you fully decide. Good luck!

You might have fibroids i had the exact same thing except mine was so painful i would have to stay in bed they got worse ocer the years i had to have a blood transfusion i got a hysterectomy over 20 years ago been fine every since if you dont want more kids go for a full one because the doctor told me they would have to come back a couple years later if they kept bothering me so I got a full hysterectomy good luck i truly understand get 2 or 3 opionions before you make a decision

I am 37 have PCOS and PMDD. I start having mood swings 2 weeks before my period, when I would start bleeding I would then have a migraine for 3 days.I would bleed very heavily for 7 days then spot for a few more. A year ago come January my Dr did a full hormone test and found that I was all messed up. I am not a good candidate for any type of birth control (as I am high risk for DVT, over 35, and smoke (yes I know its bad for me)) my Dr placed me on metformin and spironolactone twice daily, and also generic effexor for 14 days before my period. I lost 25 lbs and I stopped having migraines for the days after starting my period by March. In July I decided that I still couldn’t handle the having the heavy bleeding and pain associated with it so I went back to my Dr and she scheduled me for an Endometrial Ablation…BEST DECISION EVER! I have not had a period, heavy bleeding or pain since August. I still have to take my 3 meds as my hormone levels did not change and i will probably always have the issues with PCOS and PMDD because my body still thinks it is cycling as normal but with out the pain and bleeding.

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After I got my tubes tied the bleeding was out of control and the cramps were so painful I couldn’t walk. I had to be put on birth control. It helped the pain.

I haven’t personally but you sound like my friend. She also had those same issues and did have a partial Hysterectomy and she felt way better

I had the novasure procedure 3 years ago and haven’t had a period since. Best thing I ever did!

I’ll be 40 next month I have the same problems I actually have a dr appointment in a few weeks to discuss my options on how to deal with this. I had my tubes tied 8 years ago been a problem ever since, I’m done dealing with it.

I dealt with it for years. Found out by accident that i had a cyst on my ovary. After surgery to remove pain was gone

The implant birth control in your arm stops periods all together. No more unbearable, excruciating pain for me

I had similar problems many years ago that were due to several fibrous tumors in my uterus. I had a partial hysterectomy and that ended my menstrual issues. Never regretted it a day.

I had a complete hysterectomy in my early 30’s and don’t regret it one bit.

My birth control safely reduces mine. It’s amazing. Keep up with the pill and it’s like it’s not even there

Im 31 with a 3 and 6 year old and as of yesterday im on list for a full hysterectomy, for all the same reasons as you describe xx

It’s a sign of underlying problems if u cramp longer then u bleed

Don’t tie your tubes that jusy makes bleeding even worse

Use mirena side effects no period

Have your dr. Check for fibroid tumours, they cause the exact symptoms your describing, they’re not cancer, just annoying and bothersome!

Ask about an ablasion procedure.

Definitely need to see doctor they will know your best options. They will also likely try to avoid hysterectomy solely because of issues that come along with it. I was dealing with issues similar doesn’t sound quite as extreme did find two cyst and put me on depo shot seeing how that goes before moving toward surgery.

I have had horrible periods with a lot of the same symptoms. I had a tilted uterus which gave pain with sex and my period would linger for up to two weeks.
I had a hysterectomy six years ago. I still have one ovary. But everything else is gone!! Because of the one ovary, I still get some of the symptoms right before I should get my period. Nothing at all like before!! I’m glad I have it, as I didn’t want to go right into menopause.
Good luck!!

Sounds like me had fibroids they did an ablation worse thing ever yeah no bleeding but pain persisted finally got a hysterectomy found out uterus was infected surgeon wouldn’t blame it on having an ablation from my ob dr but I did that is one of the problems with an ablation is uterus infection I was 51 when had hysterectomy haven’t had to have any hormone replacement

If you are taking birth control pills or you can try when the pain starts to come stand up with arms out level with shoulders and keep it straight keep it strong relax and pain won’t be so bad .try that

They won’t do a full hysterectomy unless you have a medical reason!

The implant in the arm stops your periods. So does depo! You just have to watch what you eat for the first 6 months on both! Or you will gain substantial weight. But if you pay attention to your calories. You could actually lose weight.

Got a full hysterectomy best descision no more pain…do it!!! 48 yrs old

I experience the same thing :heart: