Anyone else have but but not like kids?

It’s not just you. I have a friend who also does not like kids after having one.

You r definetly not alone !

I truly hope these ridiculous articles are made up. If not, whoever wrote this foolishness is a selfish piece of work.

I love my kids and granddaughter to death!! But I seriously don’t like other children. Even before I had my kids I hated kids. I’m still like this.

I have kids but coming from a kids point of view, I was a difficult teen to say in the least and had a very bad relationship with my parents, but now as a more mature adult my parents are my best friends and I would do anything in the world for them. Hang in there it will get better

A parent child relationship is just like every other relationship. They need work, you won’t always agree with each other or like each other. This is totally normal. As long as they are safe and not neglected it’s okay to feel what you feel

I love my children, but I sure the hell don’t like them!
That being said nobody’s opinion matters too me!


You’re a parent not a friend. As long as you meet their needs and love them you don’t particularly need to like them. You’re doing just fine girl :v:t2:

You are not.
I don’t like kids and I have 5.
I’m OCD and my kids drive me up a wall with how the just mess things up with no regard.
Like…how could you see me literally JUST clean the floors and just drop stuff right after? Who tf does things like that.
I go crazy every day.
Not to mention…they’re so f***kn noisy 😵‍💫
So yeah…I’ve realized that I don’t like children.


You’re not alone, bc I love my son to pieces and would go to the end of the earth for my child and walk thru fire and brimstone for him…that being said, I don’t always like him. And it’s not HIM him, or even his personality really, it’s his actions and choices that I don’t like. Anyone, especially a single mom, will tell you, you will always LOVE your children, but you will not always like them. And that includes other peoples children as well, it doesn’t make you a horrible person or a horrible mom, it makes you human. Anyone who says they 100% of the time like children (either theirs or someone else’s) is in denial or straight up lying, because there’s always one child that you’ll meet in your lifetime where you’re like I really don’t like you, and that’s okay. Feeling dislike of a child or children is okay, as long as you don’t have any thoughts on harming said child


I don’t know how to relate to other people’s children but that’ll have to change pretty quick cos I’m doing my cert 3 in early childhood education and care lol

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You’re not alone. It’s not abnormal and doesn’t make you any less of a person or parent.


Lol :joy::joy::joy: I have 4 kids 2 step n 4 grandkids I love them to death but I have known since they were born or given to my (step) that I don’t like kids any kids there fucking annoying and can be cute or sweet I think like most parents feel that way

We all feel this way sometimes. We just never say it out loud


My kids are the only ones I can stand. LOL


Love everyone’s honesty


Why do you think wine is popular?
Kids are arsehols


I’m sorry I couldn’t imagine feeling this way…You are definately allowed your feelings,my opinion children are amazing…i couldn’t imagine not liking my little guy.maybe because he’s only 8 and such a good boy.

i loved beinga mom, best time of my life

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I was never maternal, I have a child and love her so much. I do like her too. But many people feel like you do, so you aren’t alone. You may like them one day when they are more mature and you can relate to them.


Your not alone the only kids I like are the ones I gave birth too​:rofl::rofl:


ibet they do not like you either…


I hope they never read this post :joy: think all mamas feel this way sometimes but oooh the damage it can do if they see this :joy:


I disliked kids before I had kids, I still ( in general ) dislike kids… love mine and the ones I claim but as far as the rest? Be gone satan!

Literally same. I question why I even had kids lmao. I love my kids so much and idk what I would do without them and I like them but kids in general as a whole I just don’t like, especially other peoples kids! If it’s not a tiny baby that can’t do much, not interested :rofl:

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You say your kids are YOUNG teens. Just wait, you will dislike them even more soon. The worst is yet to come. :joy:


I like my kid, but not a fan if other kids.


I wouldn’t say awful mom. I’m not really a kids person but I love my own with my whole being. The only part that worries me is the part about not liking your teenage kid. I’d definitely consider talking to someone about that - kids are smart and can detect that kinda stuff.


family is not obligated to like each other x3 they’re your kids, sure, but they are still human, and not all humans mesh. thats also okay :slight_smile: just continue to support them as you do.


I’m not maternal really at all these days - no patience for other peoples young kids really, but love my babes with all my heart (19 & 14 & my step daughter is 7 she’s fab) it’s ok to not like them sometimes i think ya wouldn’t be normal if you thought they were amazing all the time

You are normal. Unfortunately before you knew yourself well enough you became a mother. My apologies. Do your best, once they turn 18 years you can start living your dream life. All the best.

I’ve heard a psychologist tell a woman tell someone that it’s ok to not like your kids. You can love them but not like who they are.

Let’s be real here…does anyone actually LIKE kids?! :rofl::rofl::rofl: they are terrible!!! I did fertility for my 2. I love them immensely. But my 5 year old, well he’s something else. I often find we both cry because he’s so mean to me sometimes. The doctor says it’s because I brought home his baby brother. I mostly like my kids. Well, the baby of course no reason not to like him. But my 5 year old is mean and hateful toward me now.

I find I can’t stand other people’s kids anymore. But I would never want mine to go away or leave me. My son and I both cried for weeks when he started school.

I feel like they go through stages that make them less likable. However, adults go through stages that make them less likable as well. It’s called being human. When you’re stuck with anyone it’s easy to have times you don’t like them. They are their own people and have their own personality, wants, needs, desires, thoughts. And we just want them to be who we want them to be, who we imagined we wanted them to be, so it sometimes becomes a battle of us trying to squash who they are to force them to be who we want them to be. But that’s not realistic. They need their space and time to grow and develop and be who they are meant to be. Every stage of parenting has it’s own brand of hell sometimes. It’s our job to be the person our children look up
To and aspire to be. We will get through this stage and go on to have many more ups and downs, it’s perfectly normal. That’s why people call it terrible 2s, threenagers, etc.


U are not alone. I feel the same and some days are better than others…I can yell and cuss but after a hour so they talk with me like ntn happened


I worked in childcare from 2007-2021. In that time I accumulated 4 kids… I no longer like kids. Love mine and a select few outside of my house. But no. I don’t like them anymore. :rofl:


Wow. Totally impressed this Mom told her truth and wasn’t vilified for it. Good on all the posters supporting a mom with a valid viewpoint.


Anytime anyone asks me about my children who are 17, 10, and 3 my response is usually F***k them kids!!! Lol or I act surprised :astonished: wait :raised_hand: I have kid??
I love my boys :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


Sometimes I feel the same way about people in general. I’d be perfectly content being in a secluded cabin with everything delivered and cable TV with a pool and Jacuzzi lol. The simple life right hahaha


Don’t understand you at all, you were once a kid , then a teen ager , they all go through those stages, you need to learn some patience or better yet get some help !


Nope I love kids and kids that never will grow up​:blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Not alone here at all. My kids are generally good decent humans. But man, they sure know how to be an asshole at times. They are 25 and 20 and that younger one sure does “knows everything about everything” Sometimes I could just punch him dead in his face if I could reach him but he is 6’4 and I am only 5’2 :rofl::rofl:

I only love & like my child. I don’t like other people’s children. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I have 5 that I would go to the ends of the earth for but man they test my Gangsta daily


Im not so sure its good to have children and not like them .

The fact that you were a nursery worker who doesn’t like kids is concerning and unsettling and you not liking kids or your own child’s personality is entirely your issue. Maybe seek therapy


Wow scary that you have kids and go not like them why did you ever have any. They a gift from God if I was younger wud have has more but between my husband and I we were getting on in years. Still my best decision hava a girl and a boy now a baby girl grandchild wud die for them. My best achievement in life

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There could be several reasons that you are struggling with these feelings. Have you considered counseling for a bit? I personally received a mind blowing diagnosis I’d never heard about, that made all the puzzle pieces fit. It instantly helped me understand why I lived my life & felt the way I did. I can’t change the past, but I can forgive it & realize my challenges can controlled now that I am aware. Your honesty with self is the first step to healing.

In time it will change . Just breathe and maybe find a hobby start them out doing things for themselves never to late for that .

No worries it is a love hate relationship. It is just like me and my husband love hate. You are okay!

I absolutely love my kiddos. I just don’t like other people’s kids so much. I wasn’t a “kid person” before having children.

We are sisters from another mother !! Loved your honesty and boy oh boy can I relate. I love my kids ( 1 girl 1 boy) but I don’t like my daughter at all and she doesn’t like me LOL. I’ve always gone above and beyond as a Mom but it doesn’t change the dislike I feel. My son is a good kid loving me like crazy and I kinda like him, all the while loving them dearly. How to explain it, I don’t know, I just accept it. I’ve always liked other peoples kids, well most of them, but I don’t have to take them home with me. Their Dad just laughs and accepts me as I am and life goes on. Seldom women who feel this way would admit it so kuddos to you !! Thanks again for your post :sunglasses::v:

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I totally feel this!!! I love my kids don’t get me wrong but there’s just been a lot of time lately that I’m just like can y’all just go!!! Now I do work at a daycare but it’s different there! I love them all just the same but I know by a certain time, they go home. Mine are just there. When I go to the bathroom, when I try to clean, when I’m cooking, when it’s bedtime…. My 3 kids are the fiber of my being but like damn bro give me 5 minutes with out fighting, screaming, or needing EVERYTHING they could possibly imagine even though I know 100% they don’t need a thing!!! Granted I work full time and once I’m home I’m pretty much alone with them even though I’m not physically if that makes sense

I have 4 bio 1 adopted I won’t lie something I am on the fence about keeping them.
Normally around exams
Hockey fees. But no seriously it’s alarming you dont like your kids, I don’t like some kids but that’s normally because the parents dropped the ball and at the same time I don’t like their parents.
Side note I am confident my daughter hates me, I love her to death.

I love my children and would take a bullet for them any day. Somedays I don’t like how they treat me and the decisions they make, but I wouldn’t say I don’t like them at all. I don’t really care for other people’s children, but that’s just because I didn’t raise them and they don’t know my boundaries like mine do. I have ADHD so I get overwhelmed/overstimulated easily my kids know to give me my space while I work through that. Other people’s children not so much lol. I just smile and nod and wait for the moment to escape. :joy: