Anyone else ignore invitations to kids birthday parties?

Seriously you are what is wrong with society. You are the toxic one. Yea you, the one writing this post, like wtf ignoring a child, wtf.

Invite everyone regardless. Bye.

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No response is still a response, a disrespectful one. You can take literally a few seconds to respond “no”.


If you have no intention of going at least reply you can’t make it. That is the considerate thing to do.

Be thankful your child is being invited. Common courtesy is to at least make an appearance. How would you/your child feel if you invited kids to your child’s party and no one showed up? Your child would be heartbroken and you would be on here ranting about no one showing up. Grow up and think of someone other than yourself.

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Thats sad. Maybe she wouod love to go and make cool memories. Id never miss the chance

We don’t go to anything if we don’t know them. The amount of shame you’re getting is ridiculous. This world is so dangerous. Safety over fun :woman_shrugging:t3: if you want my children around you and all the people you plan on having over then we need to have a conversation and meet. If our kids are going to be friends we need to meet and have some form of contact.

I let my child decide regardless off my anxieties

I find this to be so disgusting & rude. My kids go to every party their invited to unless we have a real reason we cant. Me & my kids will never be the reason another child gets disappointed because of ppl like you just thinking they dont matter. We show up & always have a good time & i love seeing how happy & special those children feel on their special day! Idc if i dont like or care for their parents, its about the child & its called grow up & be an adult & be a role model for your kids & show then how to properly treat ppl!!

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Wow. Just wow. We always go unless sick!

ZYou 're making your child miss out on friendships on purpose, sound like the toxic one, selfish, those kids will quit inviting your child.

I would take my child to as many as I could… they invited you for a reason. How would you feel if no one came to your child’s party cause their mom didn’t feel like taking them? It would hurt you as a mom… if you show up for people they will show up for you! :raised_hands: I have horrible anxiety as well, especially around new people I don’t know. But I have to put that aside for my kids!


Its not about you.
If your kid gets invited, they should go. Just because you don’t want to is rude. It’s for your kid and the child who’s having a party.
How would you feel of nobody shows up for your child’s party?

You sound extremely selfish .
Specially your last sentence “ But I just don’t want to spend my weekends “
1. I doubt you get a invitation ta birthday party EVERY weekend.
2. Kids birthdays party usually last 2-3 hours
3. It’s not just YOURS weekend, it’s also your kids weekend.

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Never feel bad for protecting your peace

Nope, if my kid gets invited then they go. Last year we thru a party for my daughter and no one showed. I don’t want another parent or child to ever have to experience that.

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I have CPTSD, chronic depression and anxiety of various types and degrees and as a result I work from home and have done for many years. The times I do feel up to being out and about I often have to take diazepam (in addition to my regular meds) to manage and will be emotionally and mentally drained for days afterwards, but when it comes to invites for my daughter from her peers I always make effort to take her and if I cannot due to work (they sometimes are scheduled straight after school) I will let the parent know. I do ask my sister or mum of they can help and be on ‘standby’ incase I can’t take her

I just can’t with this question. Once I forgot to RSVP and the little girl showed up in class with a goody bag for my daughter and I felt sooooo bad! As a mother of an autistic child who never gets invited and never has kids come, any effort made is worth it.


Honestly, I would take my kids. Because I know
They would have fun. But I swear I get the invite like 3 days before every time. And my kids are very punctual. They bring me home stuff in their binders everyday. There is no way they had it for weeks. I am just like “why is it THIS SATURDAY!” We have plans already. Ugh I literally have had plans already for every single one of the invites they get because it’s like the week of or the next weekend. If they got them like 3 weeks or a month in advance I could plan ahead. But I always have plans 4,3,2 weeks out.

No…I go if at all possible. I’ve seen so many stories of kids who didn’t have anyone show up that I would never ever want to cause that if I can help it.

Don’t force your child but teach your child to be kind and considerate. They might actually have fun if they go. This sounds like you are choosing to show your child to dislike everyone.

3rd last word describes this whole post.

My kids go to every single party they are invited to. If for some reason they can’t make it, we respectfully RSVP.

I find this not only rude but selfish. Imagine if you had a party for your daughter and no one showed up. It’s an opportunity to make friends and the more friends the better you socialize. Your going to turn your daughter into the weird kid that sits in the corner or alone be in the cafeteria.

I go to most of them unless my son says himself he doesn’t want to go but I make sure I let the parent know we’re not coming. Does not cost s thing to not be rude :joy::woman_facepalming:t3:

But its not about you…its about the kids and making memories! Pull yourself together and sort/realise priorities! Not you…the kids :ok_hand:

I do what’s best for my daughter, even if I am inconvenienced…

Also, it’s extremely rude to not RSVP to any party because you don’t feel like going. You don’t have to go, but at least have the decency to respond no.

I once saw a tiktok of this happening to a little girl. I think a cousin or someone close to her had posted it and was talking about how no one showed up to it from all the school invites she sent. The girl was crushed and the woman cried for her. Go to the damn party. Whether it be 30 minutes or 2 hrs. Put your selfish needs aside for THEM. Also, grow the fuck up dude.

I have severe social anxiety but no matter what I will take my child. It isn’t about you.

selfish. that’s all.

I get real bad anxiety taking my girl to parties from kindy where I haven’t established friendships yet or possibly only one to two etc however I will only say no if we truly can’t make it as I don’t want the kids to miss out on these experiences. I also know what its like for a child to not have many or any kids show up for their party so I always remind myself just how it can affect them too!
I can understand the toxic family part but the rest is not ok in my personal opinion!

If your the chauffeur. Unless there is a real reason (things do happen) it’s not your choice. Also note if your child says they are going and then says they don’t actually want to go. Do you make your kid feel bad or take the blame?
Your question is asking if it’s ok to be too lazy to take your kid to an invite? Not usually hun. Not usually

Wow… I’m the parent that’s gone out of my way to plan my kids parties, for no one to show up. With a mindset like that, you really are selfish.

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At least you should RSVP. I have had too many times where I sent invites and didn’t hear back from a bunch of them. And in once case, a kid showed up with his dad and they had not sent an RSVP yet still demanded to get their play/points card at Chuck E. Cheese.
I should have said no. This is why it’s important to give a response.
Also, your kid should be able to help decide if they want want to go.

It’s not hard to RSVP with just a text “sorry X can’t make it.Hope X has a great day”…
It’s rude otherwise and I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate being unsure on what numbers will be at your party to sort it out

I wouldn’t take them to t toxic family. We cut them off for a reason.

But friends in their class? I’d go and my daughter would probably enjoy it. I mean, I wouldn’t go every time if it was just constant but we’d def go to some

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Once you have children it’s not about you anymore.

I try to go to every party my daughter gets invited to. I get you I don’t wanna go as most times I’m just left there and no other parents. It’s a shit feeling but knowing my daughter is having a great time and making new memories and experiences then I just tuff it out and hang in there because it’s for her not for me.

I don’t go to em all but every once in awhile. I don’t like to people

Toxic family, sure. I don’t fuck with that shit anymore.
But I definitely do make an effort to attend any of my child’s daycare friends parties. Even if its awkward for me, my daughter always has a blast. Pretty sure you’re one of the only people in the comments with this mindset. Imagine how horrible the world would be if everyone thought that way.

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Only if my kids don’t want to go or if we already have plans or are busy that day. But I try to make and effort to go for my kids… (This is friends of theirs.) Family that invites me I usually go unless they invite me at the last minute and I already have plans. But I say if it were toxic family then I wouldn’t go either tbh.

do you even realise how hurtful that can be to the child who probably helped the parents to prepare the invitations and the food etc and then other children not turn up because their parents are too lazy and ignorant to know better

Most of the classroom invites never make it to me. The ones that do and my child is interested in going we make it work. It really makes me nervous to send my kids anywhere that I don’t know but if they are really interested in going I let them attend only for the party hours. Sometimes, after talking to the parents, we’ve hit it off so they wind up being able to hang out outside of school later on as well.

No I take my daughter it’s not about me it’s for her to have fun and build closer bonds with children from her class

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Can at least RSVP and say no

And so you should feel guilty, it’s very selfish of you

This is so sad like wtf.

Idk, depends on the reason. When my kid was little, we made the effort (if I was feeling well enough - I’m disabled/chronically ill) to go to parties for any of the nice kids at school, any of her friends ofc, and any family or kids of my close friends.

But. I would also find invitations in her backpack every year for parties for the kids who were always bullying her, or were just mean to her. The audacity to invite the kid you bully to your birthday party, smdh. There was no way my poor ass was going to scrape together money to buy a gift for some bullying little shit, or subject my child to 3hrs of feeling bad about herself. So I would just throw those straight in the trash. You want an RSVP, don’t raise a little bully. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Codie Roller Brianna Hammonds Read the comments.

No, I never did that. If they got invited then they usually went. If they didn’t, it was for a reason.

Well that’s easily solved. Drop the kid off at the party go do something else for a couple of hours and come back and pick the kid up! Simple. But no, avoiding these situations because of how you feel about it is not right or fair on the child.

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Just a side note put yourself in your daughters shoes goes to school every day Monday threw Friday mostly just like a job for adults right she’s a child though so now imagine you come home from work and your very excited about seeing a close friend for their birthday but your other half family who ever says sorry I don’t feel as though it’s worth my time…… how do you think that makes your daughter feel :face_with_raised_eyebrow::pensive::confounded::sob: go to the stupid party feel awkward its the right thing to do

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When you say ignore, do you also you that you don’t even let them know that your child isn’t attending?

I feel sorry for your child.

I take my kids to all the parties they are invited to :rofl:

We don’t do birthday partys unless they are at a public place. Don’t let these people make you feel bad. It’s your choice. Birthday partys are not a law and you don’t have to go and it is ok. Kids will not die if you don’t go to a Birthday party. You do you mama, and ignore the hateful people. Your kid, your choice.

So selfish and rude! Could at least let the parents know! There is lots I don’t want to sometimes but I do because my children do and don’t moan or make them feel bad for it either

At least rsvp no otherwise it’s rude! But your daughter misses out on a lovely few hours!

Well it’s not about you anymore, so…I can’t imagine NOT putting my own discomforts aside so my kids can have experiences. Go to the birthday parties. ESPECIALLY for the school friends. You might be one of the only people that show up and all that child wants is to see their friends at their party. I get not showing up to toxic family members party’s but school friends… come on. Grow up. This is the problem with kids now. Parents of the new generation are young and nervous. All unapproachable and have “anxiety” about everything. Time to start being the adult…


Me…hoping I can find out who’s mom you are and Making sure your child is no where near my kids

This has got to be a joke surly

I bet you’re fun at parties :upside_down_face:

I plan on taking my son to any he is invited too ! Im not the most social, but I want him to have fun making memories and building friendships ! His first birthday party I invited family and friends and nobody showed up and it sucked. We had fun but It sucked that we had so many rsvp and not show . I’m really hoping this year we have a better turn out because he really wants his friends from school there.

That poor poor party child. If I knew who you were I’d save you a chore and not bother inviting your child in the first place. Now. Think how that’d make your dd feel if she found she was the only one not invited. Turn it round, how would you and more importantly than you! would your dd feel if all the other parents had the same appalling lazy selfish ass attitude as you and she had no one turn up to her party. These people who play friends at school yet can’t turn up to celebrate her birthday and have fun together. It’s not about you. If you don’t want to go out with your mates because you can’t be arsed that’s on you. Don’t knowingly hurt and upset your child and someone else’s child as the children will take it personally thinking they others don’t like them. They won’t get it’s because of you!!

I feel like if a parent these days is sending out actual invitations, then I should make the effort to see how I can take my kids. We often forget, this is how the kids learn to socialize and so many parents say keep them off of games. Well, this is how. New experiences with people that can turn into lifelong friends. Let them learn to navigate the world by making some decisions on going or not.

I don’t take my kids to random parties of people I have never met before. Ive only ever done family birthday parties for my kids.

My kids have gone to classmates parties and if they don’t make the party there is usually a reason that something was already going on before the invite.

So you don’t want to be bothered for your child? OK got it

This drives me nuts. Go or don’t go but at least shoot a text saying, “sorry we’re busy that weekend”. A white lie won’t hurt anyone, but not RSVPing is rude.

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My children come first, I’m not a fan of big crowds, I have social anxiety just as anyone else… I’ve never not took my child to a gathering if they wanted to go… I’m usually a nervous wreck and sometimes nearly sick in my stomach before we arrive, but by the time we leave (most the time) I’ve had just as much fun as my child!
I’d hate for anyone to not bring their children to my kids party for a reason like this. TBH this is why I don’t throw parties, spend all the money on supplies and food but no one to show… how sad

It’s not about, it’s about your kid… :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

If your child past 7 and can talk and tell you if anything is wrong then you can drop her off and come back and pick her up

It’s about your kid and not you. It gives her the opportunity to form friendships out of the School setting. What are you going to do if she wants to join a sport that requires practices and games and probably weekend competitions or tournaments?

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I have horrible social anxiety …but it’s not about me so I always make an effort to take my daughter to all of her classmates/friends stuff. I don’t want her to miss out.

And if your not taking your daughter to any of these kid’s parties then don’t expect them to come or make an effort to come to your daughter’s parties if you have them :woman_shrugging:

Stay away from partners like this ladies and gentlemen

Wasnt there just a post about a mom having anxiety about no one showing up to her kids party?! This is why…

For toxic family i think it’s totally fine not to go. For their classmates parties maybe ask your kid if they are friends with that kid and make an effort to go to some. I can understand not going to all of them but for your kids sake i think you should go to some of them. You may even make friends with one of the parents.

I’ve bad anxiety but when it comes to my kids, as much as I really don’t want to go, I always do. Especially to kids we don’t know. Its giving them an opportunity to meet new people and making new friendships

If my son is invited to a party then we go. Simple as that!

You sound anti social

If my children want to go I try my best to take them. However if they say they got invited and they don’t want to go I will at least let whoever know that is throwing the party that we will probably not be there unless they change their mind

This annoys me! :angry: One of the things that triggers my anxiety the most is the worry no one will show to my daughters party. :disappointed: and this right here just proves some parents are absolutely ridiculous. I’m anti social and I still make a point to take my kids to parties because when you became a parent it no longer became about you!! It’s about your child and and the friendships they’ll make. How would you feel if no one showed to your kids party?

I’ll be the odd man out and say that I don’t do birthday parties. If that makes me a bad person, oh well. I work so much and rarely have time off. That on top of social anxiety and having a toddler and no sitter, I don’t go. I also don’t throw huge birthday parties. They get small parties for family and close friends and an activity and presents.

God no that’s horrible and rude. No all parties my children are invited to we usually make every effort to attend. If we truly can’t attend then I RSVP and we drop gift off. I eould be highly insulted if I knew someone behaved like that to my kids parties.

I don’t go to any birthday parties at all anymore.

The invitation was to your child not you when we become parents we have to put our wants to the side more often than not if my daughters want to go then I make sure that they go if they do not then we do not I don’t like being around other people at all buy I put that aside and make sure I do what is best for them I know it’s tough sometimes but that’s what we do for our babies we often lose ourselves while raising our kuds there’s plenty of time to do you when they are grown and believe me it goes so fast

This is cringe worthy :woozy_face:

When my kids get invited from kids at school I let them go! They were invited so I put in the effort to buy presents and show up!
Family party’s i try to make it. Because I want my kids to know there family🙂 but if something more important come up I do the other thing… most of my family lives 1h away

Grow up, go to the birthday parties. They’re what, 4 hours max. Your kids have the time of their life, eat some food, eat some cake, with a child Happy Birthday, and then leave. Sit & be on your phone the whole time. Who cares. But don’t go crying when nobody shows up for your child’s birthday.

You should feel guilty. It’s not about you it’s about your kid. Let them have fun and enjoy things. Just because your a sourpuss doesn’t mean your child deserves to be left out.

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very rude to "ignore " invites, dont be surprised when it happens to your kid

WTF! So basically you’re stopping your child from having a fun social experience because you are socially insecure to be around people you don’t know or like. How old are you?

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This is so selfish. I feel so bad for your child.

I’m social awkward, get anxious and have anxiety when I’m around people I don’t know… but guess what alot of my friends are parents of my kids friends! So step out of your comfort zone and let your children have fun. You never know you might become friends with the parents. And believe me when your kids become teens we all keep tabs on each other’s kids.

Selfish, Rude, Entitled is what comes to mind after reading your post.

It sounds as though you do not even rsvp at all which is just common courtsey. WOW…

You think your child would enjoy these experiences but you can’t be bothered.

Most loving parents put aside his or her own feelings for their child. You don’t.

Must be sad to be your child and sad for your child.

If you like to “forget” to go, at least have the decency to RSVP to the host that you will not be attending. People spend money on these events and “forgetting” is rude.
It’s fine not to want to go, but it’s not fine to leave the host wondering.

Nope if I don’t know them well enough they ain’t going PERIOD

And cue SELFISH. These are children’s parties!!! What if your child is actually the only one to show up? Wow I really can’t believe you put your “I don’t want to engage” above your daughters chance of playing with friends and celebrating a child’s life. That’s terrible. Terrible. Suck it up. Seriously. If you can’t make it because you have prior engagements that’s one thing. Go to the parties. They are kids!!!

If my kids wanted to go. They went. If they didn’t want to go I didn’t force them. It’s about them… not you.

They are only lil once they can only enjoy there childhood once don’t take that from them

Hahahahaha its called parenthood