Anyone else send their kids to live with their grandparents?

I didn’t send my kids to live with my parents but when my first was born I was 22, newly married to a dead beat (at the time, he started straightening up before he was killed unexpectedly) musician who was more content with us being homeless with a baby then helping me get a roof over our heads so I had to make the painful decision of taking myself and our four day old baby back to my home state to live with my parents until I could support us. Point of that long ramble, do what you have to do to provide for your children. Especially if they are with family you trust. It hurts now but they will appreciate you in the long run when they are older.


We always spent the summer with my grandparents in Louisiana…we lived in NC. I’m sure it helped my parents financially but we enjoyed spending time with family.

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I say do what you have too! So many people do not have that option and if it is better for you to do this for them then do it without judgement! Not a summer went by that I didn’t spend weeks with my aunts or my Nannie! Just dont stop seeing them! Stay constant and consistent!


I would deffiently send my son to my mother if we needed to catch up.
It’s doing what needs to be done. And you can’t afford it right now and can’t provide for them get them some where that they will be safe and taken care of until you get things together.
That’s very responsible.


I’m a single mom & when my boys was young & I went to work they went to a babysitter,daycare or school. When I got off of work I went & picked my boys up& took them home with me. I chose to have them! They are the parents responsibility! Grandparents didn’t choose for me to have them so why should they give up their golden years to raise my children? They have already done their job! Grow up! Take responsibility for laying down & getting pregnant. I know its hard trust me I know. But don’t pawn your kids off on someone else. Let them spend a weekend or so but not weeks or months. Have the father help also. Do whatever it takes & take care of your responsibilities. Not trying to be mean or anything. I think you will regret it in the long run or maybe your kids will. Good luck


Life is hard; do what you need to do.


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Your babies will be safe and taken care of, that’s all that matters mama.


Send them for the summer, find a side hustle and work your ass off …

If you can, move in with them. Kids feel it as abandonment and don’t understand the financial aspect. That being said, if they’re loving grandparents and you can’t go too, try to stay involved with them as much as possible.


Kids would rather 100x suffer with you than separate from you, that’s how important you are to them. You are not just their parent, you are their life line! I’d send them for a week at a time if you desperately need help but not to actually live. You don’t know how that will affect them.


Super hard times that I think alot are going through, but to put your kids on your parents for weeks/months so you can catch up on whatever,
WHAT A FUCKEN CHEEK are you even for real and are you guna give them $200 a week for food power internet and water ? Or are you one of those ones dumb and fuck off and let your parents fully provide for them why they’r there… this post is fucky :joy: oh and for the record DON’T HAVE ANYMORE …

My kids stay with my parents for 2-4 weeks at a time. Kids and my parents love every minute of it and me and my husband get caught up and are able to save a little bit so when they come back we can do fun stuff and not stress.

Do what you need to do for you and your kids! Don’t let anybody else’s negative opinion bother you not every situation is the same…


I did my 12yo lived with my mom for 3 months. I had to move to new city for job stay with family for 3 months to save and then got apartment and he came back. It was like summer vacation. While i got the new home ready.

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It all depends on your relationship with the grandparents. If it’s good, and the grandparents are local, it might be better to see if they can pitch in to help you rather than send your kids to live with them.


Could you also live there aswell? Or at least you sleep over on a regular basis and create a solid routine. I relied on alot of help from my family with my first son. I lived with my mum for the first 3 years while I got my life together and my family did lot of baby sitting while I got a job ect. Not only did it help me and my life is great now my son has an amazing realationship with our entire family

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I never had that option. I struggle and continue to struggle as single parent. Some days are just better than others. Good luck to you.


My opinion for myself my kids my responsibility. At times it was hard. The more kids I had I had to kick work in. But I found ways with there dad and we made it work together as a team. It’s wasn’t an easy rd. Never been materialistic we are happy with the simple things in life and so are our children…Good luck with everything

I had a friend who was raised by strangers her mother paid to do so until she was old enough to accompany her mother on the road. Her mother sang in a band. So it is not unusual for children to raised by others.

I have custody of two of my grandchildren,as their Mother handed them over to me,( they see my son,dad, every other weekend)they are in a better place now, But I believe if you have children you should be the ones raising them Not your Parents. We did our time and never relied on others to do it for us no matter what our situation was.


My mom did it to me and my brother. We loved our grandma. She was amazing and taught us a lot. That time with her was really precious. I wouldn’t worry about it but make sure your mom is going to give them lots of good habits.


Momma i applaud you for knowing what you need to do and being open to your options. If the grandparents are on board and you talk to your children, go take care of business. I used to love spending summers with my grandparents. :purple_heart:


but u would still need to provide for them while they r there grandma cant b expected to pay for everything


If you have the support network, reach out and ask for help. There’s nothing wrong with letting others help you. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Good on you for exploring every avenue to better your lives


My mother took this route when me and my siblings were growing up. She worked from before the sun came up and well after it went down. She would give my grandparents one of her full paychecks a week to get what we needed. I 100% would not suggest. My mother will tell you that she did it to make sure we were taken care of but that it wasn’t ideal. It’s cause me and all my siblings to have a strained relationship with our mom. We love her and she’s our mother but we had a closer bond to our grandparents then we do her. I’ve been in therapy to help heal abandonment issues and bonding issues from my parents keeping me at my grandparents instead of raising me.


No way! That’s crazy! I had my kids so I can take care of them not send them off for someone else to. Have responsibilities figured out before you have kids.


I lived with my parents with my eldest child but I would never leave my kids they’re my responsibility and I’ll see to the day to day things that they’re happy and fed and clothed and taken care of. No one else. But I’m me and you’re you, so you do you.

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Do not let ppl put you. Down.
The whole be ready when you have kids is ignorant & said by ppl who have never been in that position. I was married young, a army wife, when I got divorced I had no career & struggled with my kids. Some ppl have no idea what situation can happen that causes you to think this way.
Even now as a nurse you are gone for a work day 6am-7/8pm sometimes & if your a single mom you may need help to get caught up.

Do what YOU need to do. If you have help you trust to raise them for awhile.
I’d just say make sure to be very present when you get time with them.


Before my dad passed, he always offered to let my oldest live with him during the school year so I didn’t have to worry about it but I ended up moving in with him…lol its understandable and if they want to help so you can get caught up, there’s no harm done.

I raised my grandbabies but it wasn’t and still isnt appreciated!


Paternal grandfather, voluntarily. To get sober from alcohol. Trusted them. Took me just over a year & a court battle to get them back. Just be sure you can trust their word. I was really caught off guard with the actions of those I put trust in while I was seeking help to be better for them.

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No. Never would send my kids awway


I wish I had that option! I had no one to depend on for help.


Nope they are 100% my responsibility


If its summer time for them I would say let them go for the summer if the grand parents are ok with it. However just make sure your seeing them and spending time with them. Try talking to them and ask if they can even help u in others ways so u don’t have to do that. Just be careful so your kids don’t think your abandoning them. Get help from DHS, churches etc. DHS can give you other resources that can help.

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We are currently homeless until aug 3. My two youngest are at my in-laws

I am here 4 nights a week and my husband 2 .

We both work in careers and make great money just couldn’t find a house in time. When I am at work I am 2 hours away and my spouse is 4. I also travel to four different jobs sites four different cities.

You got this mama

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Why don’t you move in with parents while you get everything together it’s ok to move back home


I don’t have kids but if I did, I sure as hell would not send them off to live with a relative just because “life is too hard.” I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but you need to stop being so selfish and get over your self! You made a choice and you knew the consequences, you should always put your childrens needs before your own, and that does not mean send them to live with grandma just because you don’t want them to see you play victim to your circumstances.


I would have never send my children to live with my mother. I was sent to live with my grandmother, that was a good thing. My mother wasn’t stable you never know what was going to happen.

I am a single mum to a 4 and 5year old. I am a stay at home mum so I struggle all the time financially but it would never cross my mind to hand my kids over, I don’t have that option to but even if I did I wouldn’t unless you are an unfit parent or drug fucked your parents have done their time so you take responsibility for the kids! If your kids are making things financially difficult for you then suck it up! They will feel abandoned and unloved. I could never even be apart from my kids one night the last 3 months we have been homeless multiple times but I always always made sure my kids were looked after. Stop being so selfish, get another job or stop spending money on your self or move in with your parents and your kisa

I wouldn’t send my daughter to live with her grandparents only because me and my stepfather are not on the best of term. However, if I had that relationship with my parents, and trust and security I would definitely do it. I am currently in school full time and working part time and it is hard trying to parent my toddler, a lot of times it’s not fair bc I’m either stressed, studying or too tired to entertain her. And she deserves it. So I understand mama

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No…they are MY responsibility. Asking for some time is one thing but sending them away till you can get your shit together? Nah.

Things happen I would personally go live with my kids and their grandparents but if that’s not an option then whatever is best for them I would not selfish and keep them with me suffering that’s just me

I sent my kids to live with their grandparents during my last pregnancy. I was too sick to care for them, bedrest, picc line , and that was after 2 months in the hospital

Lots of pp with no empathy or compassion. That used to be something that families used to do when times got stressful and hard.
If that will benefit your family and you on the long run, why not? We all live in a society that we forget about the village helps raise a child.
Do what you have to do, pp are jealous if they can have this kind of help and put others down


Yes sometimes. My parents live across the street from me. So, when I’m havin a mental breakdown, my parents do keep her for me. Nothin wrong with it. People will have their own opinions about it, but don’t listen to the negativity🙂

One time for 6 weeks. I was trying to leave an abusive situation and I was going to be homeless on top of having my son’s pos paternal grandparents who abused my son attempt to take him at all cost so I had to get him away from it. After getting in a new home and dealing with the police as well as CPS I brought him back home. It was the right decision for me as it was safest for my son.

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Personally no I wouldn’t send mine. Now, if times are that hard I would either call my parents and ask them for help with whatever bill etc, or I’d move myself and my kids back :woman_shrugging:t3: but my kids stay with me unless I am physically or mentally unfit to care for them and which case then yes, I would 100% trust my parents with my children


Where my kids go … I go. Point blank .

Ill move in with the grandparents also. I pray you dont leave ur kids.

To each their own. I personally wouldn’t do it but wouldn’t do it for financial reasons unless I was homeless but would never judge anybody who does because everybody has to what’s best for them and their situation which nobody will ever truly understand looking in from the outside

I think if you are going to have kid’s you better know what in store in good times and bad if I ever ask my mom or dad to raise any of my children they would not it’s a parents job to know what’s in store when they bring a child in there life what do they think they did in the old days when it was really hard in life???

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I was raised to have no more children then I could take of myself because that man can go for milk and never come back. Best advice I ever got in life. He didn’t go for milk but while me and the girls were on vacation, he moved all of his ish out and into his girl on the side house. Thank God I was able to carry on.

No I would not send my children to live with someone else. They were my responsibility I made them. Life is tough for all of us, life happens.
I’ve been homeless, sleeping on families floors. But where the kids were I was. Pull up your big girl panties and find a way to add to your budget, get bills paid, etc. I don’t know your situation but don’t let your kids feel abandoned. If the family can’t stay at grandma house, try siblings, aunts and uncles, good friends. Look for resources to help. Call 211 for resources. Whatever you have to do. Best of luck!

Judge not lest you yourself are judged

When times are hard and you need a helping hand family is the first place you can count on.
Understand that you have the responsibility of yourself always.
Some people own it .
Some people don’t.

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Nah… stuff got tough and they could go for the weekend, maybe even a week, but no, they live with me. Nobody could love my kids more than me and that’s where they need to be.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else send their kids to live with their grandparents?

Not my own kid but I’m taking care of my niece currently while my mom gets herself together. (She’s my nieces guardian.) Sometimes a person needs a minute to focus on themselves and get back on their feet either mentally, financially, or both. Nothing wrong with a summer away at an aunt’s or a grandma’s house.


I’ve never done this, but as far as I’m concerned do whatever you gotta do to be healthy & strong for your kids. If this works for someone then good for you!!!

Take this from someone who’s parents would drop them places for weeks…I didn’t understand it then but I do now. And wish I had someone to do that for me now with my own kids. Sometimes we need breaks or time to get our mental health back. I think there’s no shame in it honestly. Some people need a day some people longer. You gotta be the best you for them. As long as they are safe with someone for a week or so(which I don’t have that option) but I don’t think it’s a bad idea.

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Mmmm I’m not saying don’t but is there a way you all could stay with a family member till you get your financial situation together. The only reason I say together I’ve known women who have done this with all the intention of getting their babies in a month and was working very hard to get ahead they were succeeding and their grimmy family took their kids filed emergency custody and went to court for guardianship. It took her along time to get full custody. If you don’t have family look for help from churches , love incs, assistance office. You can do this it’s hard but really children need their mom.


Ur kids r ur top responsibility they didn’t asked to be brought into this world take it from someone who was dropped off somewhere while their parent got their shit together and I can tell u I will never for give them for it ever!!


I know of someone who left their daughter with her grandma because she was moving States and needed to get things together. Its been a few years now and she is still fighting to get her daughter back.

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Never.My kids are my responsibility.


I see nothing wrong with you doing that till you get on your feet, you can’t take care of anything or anyone if you don’t have a stable job or a stable place. I also believe though on days off or when ever you go and take the kids for a while so grandparents can have a break to have time to them selves. I hope that that helps and that you can get on your feet

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You do what you have to and dont feel guilty. Sometimes it just has to be done, in order to go forward. If it is ok with the grandparents, then it’s ok. Just be greatful you have that network around you, to be able to help you, but at the same time, dont abuse that priviledge. Good luck!

No. I went through a divorce, ate my kids leftover food to eat anything I could, I asked others for money for diapers, and I went without. I got termination letters on my utilities all the time, but I couldn’t give up on my kids and they gave me the strength to get through the day. I didn’t put my kids off on anyone because of my stress and struggle. It wasn’t anyone else’s responsibility to raise my kids because I made mistakes and had a really hard time. You do what you have to do to, but if you think giving your kids up for a while so you can get your life together then do it. Hopefully whoever you give them to doesn’t fight with you to get them back when/if you’re ready. It happens so much. Also, will your kids resent you for temporarily giving them up, and will anyone get child services involved? You need to think about everything other than you’re having a hard time right now and giving up your kids for a while will make it easier for you. BTW, you’re an adult and will always have bills. Are you going to have others care for your kids everytime you get behind on some bills?


No. I was a single mom for most of my daughters life and we absolutely struggled but that wasn’t my mom or anybody else’s problem. We got through it and I taught her how to take care or responsibilities. You can’t just send your kid off when you have other things come up or feel like you can’t afford them. Take another job or find a way to earn extra money. Use family for help with babysitting if you can absolutely but having your child live with them, making them their responsibility, no.


So instead of sending your child(Ren) to stay with their grandparents for a month or so untill the parent can afford to keep their child(Ren) and keep them healthy you suggest what keeping the kid in your care just hoping and praying that you can get what the child(Ren) need like food in their tummy and a bed to lay their head and chance CPS taking them? No Ill send my children to my parents or a family member before I’ll ever let my babies in the foster system. But then again we live in a society where parents have to have their children 24/7 no matter the circumstances or they are just the world’s shittiest parents… y’all some shitty ass people fr


My mom did this with my brother and I. Now that I am mom I understand even more than I did before, its not just for the parents but for the kids too and its a smart move to make

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Nope, no way. I’ve been a single mom for almost 5 yrs now and it’s been extremely hard but my kids aren’t going anywhere. I need them just as much as they need me. We’re in this together and there’s no such thing as giving up.

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Raising 5 grandkids 18 year old from birth ,16 year old from birth,15 year old from birth ,last 2 12/14 for last 8 year’s 1 highly austic none verbal :disappointed_relieved: got to do what I have to do simple ,parents no good ,kids shouldn’t suffer :yellow_heart:

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I have sent my children to stay with my parents. I don’t give a shit who says what about it. I. Could. Not. Take. Care. Of. Them. At. The. Time. Luckily my mom and dad could. Dont let these mother’s on here with their negative “I’m better than you” bullshit bring you down. You do what YOU feel is BEST for you and your babies!


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking a relative that you trust to take your child or children for a short time while you get back on track. It’s better in most cases for children to be with people they know and love. Right now my sister has her three grandchildren and may be taking on her two granddaughters. They are well loved and cared for and couldn’t love their grandma more.

I think you’re wise to take a personal “time out” if you’re working to better yourself. It is important to stay in touch with the child(ren) on a regular basis, to assure them that you love them and will be coming home soon.


Some of you say yes and some say no but its really up to you and the family member who agrees to take them for awhile. As suggested you can come see your kids on a regular basis. Don’t cancel dates with them or the will feel abandoned. Reassure them that this is only for a little while.

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Nope. My kids have gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life. Without them in my daily life, I probably wouldn’t of made it through half the shit I’ve faced. There is no guarantee in life you won’t struggle, especially financially. You can’t send them off to live elsewhere every time that happens, it would be extremely traumatic and honestly, it’s sad. Look into programs like local churches that will help pay bills to those in need or look into other government programs. Sending them away to be with family is honestly the easy way out of taking responsibility and being a parent.


If you have people that are willing to help, take advantage of that!


I’m a grand mom and my kids know whatever they need I’m here! I will stay with you and help all of them take care of all my babies need time off or time out send them to me or I’ll come there I love watching them grow up everyone needs help sometimes and less stress the more you can accomplish of course I’m fortunate because I don’t work anymore so I have lots of time to help!


It takes a village to raise a child. Totally normal if the relatives are down to help. Like a summer vacation for the children. Make it fun and everyone has fun.


I guess I don’t see how this benefits anyone if grandparents are close can’t they just help out? Our kids need to see us being human. They need to see us dig in and tackle life. It’s not always perfect but it’s real.

That’s a quick way to cause abandonment issues and resentment in your children. There is ALWAYS a way to make more money, always.

My partner of 6 years left me after I had a major surgery, stuck on disability and unable to work. I got my ass up and picked up doordashing and crafting to make enough money as a single mom, all while having my daughter full time AND still being disabled. You can do it. Your bills aren’t going anywhere.


No . I would never do that . I birth my kid it’s my responsibility to take care of my own child I will not put it on anyone else no matter their struggle I’m so far behind it’s not even funny anymore laughing . Life is tough everyone now I’m a single mother who has no one no friends no nothing I was shot in the head when I was three I can’t even drive so I have to bum a ride when I can I can’t even work so I live from paycheck to paycheck so I know the struggle but I will never send my child to another relatives house for them to take care of it’s just like saying you don’t want your child no you struggle I get that but your child is what gets you through each and every day you look at your child and smile and say you got this and you pick up and you go

Mine wouldn’t take em even if I asked. But I’ve known plenty of people to send their kids to Grandma’s for a couple days and never pick them back up :grimacing:

You are a God send for those kids💞

As a kid my parents would send me and my siblings to my grandparents for the summers. We had a blast, went to vacation bible school, helped pick in the garden, and learned how to cook from scratch. It was awesome for us kids. I’m sure my parents enjoyed some peace too❤️


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else send their kids to live with their grandparents?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else send their kids to live with their grandparents?

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Sometimes emergencies occur…if grandparents are ok with it…and child is close to the grandparents…it could be a win win situation…worst that could happen is the child dont want to come home…so grandparents want to keep him…


I grew up with my grandmother being my babysitter. Both parents worked so i was there everyday whether school or not. When my parents divorced i moved in permanently with my grandparents. Not for financial problems with my parents but because it was the SAFE space.


Never did this but cmon people, they are staying with grandparents, I am sure she is seeing them during this time. She isn’t abandoning them but doing what is best for them. If she has to work several jobs to get back on her feet, they are with loved ones caring for them


I was sent to / raised by my paternal grandparents. While I do not harbor any hard feelings on my parents I do find myself closer to my grandmother than my mother.


Most grandparents will help willingly although its been known to be taken advantage of too.


My daughter and granddaughter have always lived with us till this last year, she is 8 and this is her home, so when my daughter got sick with some medical stuff my granddaughter has been staying here, it’s very hard on her because she’s so young that her mom can’t play etc, she’s happy to be here and see her mom on the phone or for a little park time, I’m glad my daughter has faith in us to let us care for her while she goes through things


It takes a village, not everyone has a village, I am so glad you do and are able to do this. To those acting like they’re better than this person because they haven’t had to do this, know that you are no better. Just fortunate.


As a child I was sent to Florida ever summer with my mom and dad family until I graduated high school. So now I send my son so he can be with his cousin we all have kids so he get moved from family to family he able to have a close relationship with his out of state family. They take turns having him over and he love it just like I did. Love my 941 family.


Would no questions asked, I wish I had that option especially over the summer for at least 2 weeks so I could work more. The kids win two ways, they are able to build stronger bonds with grandparents and when they return the storm would be over. Win win!!!


I had one of my grandkids stay with me for 4 years as her father worked shifts that he couldn’t have her in before and after school care, he picked her up every Friday night after work and dropped her off Sunday night and no decision was made without his consultation. By the way her mother wanted nothing to do with her. Now she’s in high school and her father is settled with a new partner she is back with them


My mom did this when she was when I was three and then it lasted my rest of my childhood because she realized she didn’t like being a mom anymore and that drugs were the better choice…