Are barbies age appropriate for 8 1/2 to 10 year olds?

Do you Mom’s think that girls ages 8 1/2 and 10 are too old to play with Barbies? I mentioned that my girls wanted a Barbie dream house for Christmas, and I was told by a friend that I should find more age appropriate gifts. I really thought that was age appropriate? Feedback please?


My 8yr old loves Barbies and baby dolls. I will let her be little for as long as she wants.

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If that’s what the girls want then get them it. It’s a toy, theres no reason they can’t have it. Better Barbie dolls then cell phones in my opinion


let those little girls be little girls as long as they can be! My 14 year old daughter still plays with Barbie dolls.


I think barbies is age appropriate for 8 to 10 years old! Do what you think is right, after all they are your kids!


Don’t rush their childhood they’ll eventually grow out of things in my opinion


If that’s what they like why should someone else’s opinion matter ?


My 10 year old niece still plays with them. Let them stay innocent and play with toys. Before ya know it they have cell phones and all sit next to each other not talking lol I don’t see anything wrong with it.

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I played with Barbies until I was 12 there is no age limit. Let them be children and innocent for as long as possible. Get your girls that dream house.:heart:


Totally age appropriate in my opinion. :blush:

I dont see how its not. I was playing with barbies up until i was about 12. They’re still little girls .

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She doesn’t have long to truly enjoy her childhood. If she wants Barbie’s then she should have Barbie’s.

Let her be little for as long as possible. Kids grow up way too fast these days

You’re never too old to play with Barbies


Barbies are fine.
Great for boys and girls to play with.


I played with barbies and bratz dolls til I was 12. It depends on the kid, but if your daughters likes dolls then she will love that gift.

I think you should get it for her, fuck what other people think. Your baby likes what she likes :woman_shrugging:t3:

I played with Barbies until I was 15 years old. In fact I still have them and bring them out and play with my neice with then.
Let then enjoy them. Good fun creativity.

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I played with Barbie’s until I was 11

If that’s what they like go for it so many people are pushing kids to grow up to fast let em be a kid

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I didn’t know there was an age limit on barbie dolls :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’d tell her where to get off.


All kids are different I think I didnt get rid of my barbies until I was 13, but my own daughter never played with them and was never interested

I played with barbies till I was 13. Turned out fine. If that’s what your girls want then that’s what you should get.

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Omg of course its fine. Wtf. If thats what they still want who cares what anyone else says

Keep those babies young as long as you possibly can

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Yo buy them that doll house and F your friend… if your kids still play with barbies it is a perfect gift to get them

Never too old for dolls

Completely appropriate. My daughter is 10 and still loves them. Some kids enjoy simpler things and it lets them explore their imagination as we did as kids.

I am 40 and love playing barbies with my daughter and niece!

Your friends a bitch for saying that. Tell them that your child is a child and children play with barbies. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I played with my barbie’s until 11 so I think its perfectly fine.

Christmas is about kids …not adults opinions

Seriously? My son is 12 and still plays with army men from the damn dollar tree.

If they are not age appropriate for 8-10 yr olds then what age are the appropriate for? My 6 yr old can’t put the barbies items on something’s without help.

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I would say yes anyway but would absolutely say yes since they asked for it!

I played with barbie until I was 13

My granddaughters are 11 12 still play with barbies let them been little girls as long as they want they grow up too fast as it is this isnt wrong

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No!!! 1. I say keep em young as last ng as you can… And 2. I still want barbies. 🤷

My 7 year old plays with them the ONLY thing she plays with i think its awesome im against phones and tablets for them just to sit and be potatoes listening to mine play with barbies and just the things she comes up with i think is good for their imagination let them stay playing with barbies or toys at that matter :revolving_hearts:

My 6 yr old and 10 yr old girls LOVE their barbies!

I played with babies, dolls and cars until I started highschool

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It is def age appropriate, too many people trying to grow their kids up too fast

I played with barbies till I was 20 and baby dolls nothing wrong with me and I’m not ashamed to admit

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I played with barbies until I was 10 or 11 :woman_shrugging:

Keep them “young” for as long as you can!!! Buy the Barbie house. Better than staring at an iPad or phone (like I currently am :flushed:


I played with Barbies till 14 then stoped and started dating

If that’s what they want, then get it for them. They need to be able to enjoy being a kid and it’s not hurting a thing for them to want to play with toys.

Girl I’m 22 and still love barbies :woman_shrugging:

Sadly a lot of girls aren’t playing with babies anymore my daughter is 7 (almost eight) and loves them! But she says she “doesn’t want her friends at school to know because they say barbies are for babies”
I encourage imaginative play at all ages!!!

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No they are little girls. Let them play

If they want barbies then get them barbies. Kids aren’t allowed to be kids anymore because adults are trying to make them grow up sooner than expected.

My almost 7 year old loves barbies still and my 8 year old will play with them but prefers Lol dolls

Let those babies have it and shame on the one who said that!!! Let them be happy and play with dolls and such for as long as they can! :heart:

In all honesty there’s not an age limit when it comes to Barbies

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if that’s what they’re into and asking for - go for it! if it’s not “age appropriate”, at least it’s in the right direction. you’re not buying a lego set for a 1 year old.

Yes! You can play with barbies for as long as your interested in barbies there’s no age limit we try and push kids to grow up too fast these days I played with barbies until probably 13!

No I played with mine till I was 16

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Whatttt?? That’s the perfect age group for barbies…tell her to mind her buisness…

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I’ve played with barbies until I was 13 or 14. As long as they asked for it I don’t see a problem with it. At least you know what they want instead of guessing what they want and won’t be playing with it. With barbies they will be playing with them.

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Let lil girls be lil girls

Listen your children know what they want there is no age limit on Barbie’s that I’m aware of. All children grow and mature at different times so who can say it is or not age appropriate. Let children be children.

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Good grief if they want to play with Barbies you’re winning!!! Kids now are glued with their faces in video games. Get them Barbies Mama!! Tell those idiot friends to shut up!


When did you stop playing with them? I played with mine until I was like 14!

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Heck fire l played with barbies up until l was fifteen years old. After that when l had children l help make clothes for their barbies.


I dtill asked for dolls and colouring books till i was like 15 nothing wrong with it id still accept a colouring book now :woman_shrugging::rofl: tbf

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I think it’s lovely they want Barbies, l would let your friend go fly her kite but thats probably not age appropriate either :laughing:


Buy the house and let them be kids for as long as possible and fill it with Barbies

I think it’s great that they still wanna play with dolls. Let them be little and ignore anyone who says different. IDK why people want little girls to grow up so damn fast.

If they want to then let them! Better than them wanting iPods and iPads and cell phones!


My kids got a dream house for Christmas this past year along with more barbies and they love it still!!! My oldest is 9 and plays with it more than her younger sister.

Who cares what anyone else says???

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I played with Barbie’s until I was 12yrs.

Sounds like you may need a new friend

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Totally age appropriate!

Here is what’s not appropriate…
Your friend telling you what’s appropriate for your kids.
If they want it…get it.
Better than spending money on something they don’t want because your friend thought they at the wrong age. We are in a generation of kids who all mature at different levels based on many circumstances. Get your kids what they enjoy. That’s what matters


I really want to know what she thinks is age appropriate :roll_eyes:…An iphone?


If that’s what they want get it. Sounds like you need better friends


I would rather them ask for that versus the latest electronic :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

If that’s what they want then great. It’s good that they still want to play with Barbies let them be kids for as long as you can and don’t worry about what others think.


I think I played with them till I was like 13. Get the kids what they want at least u know they will use it

Never to old to injoying something you like😊

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Let them be little girls as long as possible they grow up so fast.


you’re the one willing to pay $200 for the dream house… I can’t imagine you’d be willing to spend that if your kids didn’t want it… Listen to your kids, not your “friend”

It is absolutely ok for.them to still play with Barbie’s! Much better than video games! They use their imagination with the barbies! There is no set age! Let them be kids and enjoy!

Barbies are forever no matter how old you are!!!

I played baby dolls and barbies until I was 12. Do whatever your kids interested in

Barbies are wonderful for that age!

What did your friend think they need?

Other toys my friend’s 10 year old loves are Littlest Pet Shop and Fingerlings and FurReal pets

My kids are 9 and 11 and they still play with barbies. I say if that’s what they want then awesome! Kids are growing up to fast now . I played with them until I was 12/13


You are the parent. Listen to your childs wants as regards to gifts. She may grow up wanting to make dolls like I did. Still a dream of mine. Dont tell her any of what this lady told you. It might break her heart and make her self conscious about liking them


Barbies - and toys in general - are great ways for children to hang on to their creativity, and work through challenging situations through role play.

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Dude…I can STILL ay a mean game of barbies. Lol :rofl:
Ok…let me just say, it’s totally fine. If that’s what they want and they love it…cool. screw whatever ur “friends” say. Let kids be little for as long as possible. Kids grow up so fast. Dude, I played barbies til I was almost 13…sooo…yeah. get that house for them, and toss in a new barbie car too. Dont let what others think ruin the fun for ur kids.

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The thing is… if The Kids are asking for it then obviously that is what They Want!!! I think Christmas gifts should be what They want!! :sparkling_heart:

Trisha Yearwood had a cooking show episode with her sister…They had their Barbie’s and made foods Barbie size…made me wish I still had mine…blow up furniture and all😅

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You need to get rid of that friend smh

Just my opinion but I feel like There’s no age limit on toys as long as you’re not giving harmful toys to babies and etc. If she wants Barbies get that babygirl barbies. Shame shame shame on whoever said that to you. They are only little once and that’s what’s wrong today society pushes our children to grow up way too fast all because of close minded ppl! They need to be kids while they can Lord knows this life is hard enough once you lose that innocence. Send me your address I would love to send her something for Christmas!

Oh heck yes it is age appropriate…they are little girls! Get them a Barbie dream house! Im sorry but your friend appears a little clueless…

I played with Barbies until I was like 11

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There still old enough for Barbie’s

I don’t think there’s a thing wrong with it. I think it encourages creativity. I used to take my fold-up Barbie house outside, set it up in the sand, and use branches and flowers to landscape around it. And I enjoyed playing dolls with my younger cousins and kids that I baby-sat.

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