Are barbies age appropriate for 8 1/2 to 10 year olds?

I had barbies until I was 11 but that’s cause I loved barbies

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Let her play with dolls for as long as she wants. Grown men play with action figures

I’m curious to what she thinks an age appropriate gift would be… :thinking:

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Dont listen to other people!!! If someone told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? You parent how you want to if your kids like it then let them don’t let someone whose judgemental control what you give your child

Lol i played with them til I was 13 years old & who is she/he to tell you what your baby can or cannot play with your her momma.

If your girls want a doll house instead of a cell phone or makeup and skimpy clothes then heck yea dream house it is 10 or 25 merry Christmas girls lol

Tell Karen to hush and mind her own little turds. :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


Let your daughters play with barbie as long as they want! My sister out grow them earlier than I did. I remember playing till 13/14 years old. There no age limit! If that’s what they like and want then let them. No need into pushing our children to grow up any faster than they already do.

Well I pray my daughter plays with Barbie’s at 10 lol I think little girls now days are so rushed into being grown up I was 10 and playing Barbie’s and I really wish my daughter keeps playing with barbies and keep her innocence as long as she can


If the kids want to play with Barbies let them play with Barbies. Let them be kids as long as they can! My daughter played with her Barbies till she was 12!

Ummm my 11 and 10yr olds play with them 🤷🤷

You need better friends


Barbies age target is 3-12! Even if a child likes to play with it earlier or later…who cares?! Let those kids be kids!

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Does this friend pay you child support

I had barbies til I was almost 12! If that’s what they ask for then what’s the problem?! Let them live. Your friend should keep her rude comments about it to herself!

I was playing with barbies and bratz until 12ish. And who cares if it isn’t “age appropriate” if they enjoy it??

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Girl if that’s what they want get it. My 3 yr old SON asked for a baby doll and guess who is getting a baby doll and baby accessories for Christmas 🤷


My daughter is 9 and sometimes plays with barbies but not alot if they still want to let them their kids

If that’s what your girls asked for I’d say get them for tell your friend to f*** off! Let kids be kids, they’re not always gonna want to play with toys

Absolutely it’s age appropriate. Let them play with Barbies and toys for as long as you can Mama

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What should they want, then? Ipads and cellphones? Let them enjoy being children while they still can. Get the dreamhouse.

I played with Barbies up until I was at least 12. And honestly, it’s not anyone’s business what your kids want. If they want it and it makes them happy, buy it.


I was 13-14 still playing with Barbie’s, but times have changed. I was really innocent until my 30’s compared to people these days. I say go for whatever makes your children happy!! No one is ever too old to use their imagination and play. I got to the park almost every day with my 3 kids and play tag… I’m 40.

I believe I played with barbies until I was about 12 years old so yes they are!

My 13, 11, and twin 10 year olds still play barbies!

My 7 and 10 year old have a dream house
They got it last year and haven’t skipped a day playing with it. They also have baby dolls.

If they like it , its age appropriate.

I say if the girls want it then that is ok. I played with barbies til is was around 15 years old. I used to play with my baby brother and it is ok. The longer they still young in mind the better it is.

I’m buying my almost 3yr old Barbie’s for Christmas, though I’m taking the shoes and jewellery off and out of the sets until she is 5, but my 8 and a half yr old is excited that she is getting Barbie’s with her sister to share from mum and dad,

Um i just bought my 8 year old a really nice barbie dream house and my 9 year old plays with it with her… Id say let your child be a child for as long as they can… Hell my 8 and 9 year old still believe in santa lol

I played with barbies till likr 12/13?

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When we have a world where people actually question whether kids are “too old” for toys that says a lot about society. Someone has been drinking the koolaid.


I played with barbies until I was like 13. My own daughter stopped when she was probably 11

Let kids be kids. They will be too old one day but as long as they want dolls let them have dolla

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Yes they are age appropriate…my 1st Barbie, Skipper,

Yes right age .ill buy my grandbabies dolls for as long as they like and such.

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So what is age appropriate for 8-10 year olds? Who decides that?

I played w Barbies up to 13 so i think it’s age appropriate.


Um if they like to play with barbies let them! That means they still have their innocence! That friend should’ve kept her comment to herself! Better them be playing with barbies than be twerking for likes… Js 🤷


Uh yes totally age appropriate

I played with barbies until I was 12. I grew out of my toys by the time I turned 13 and wanted videogames

Please let your children play with dolls. We are in a world where our choldren are growing uo entirely too fast.

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If your girl wants to p lo ay with Barbies then allow it. Kids are being forced to grow up way too fast. Let them grow up at their own speed.

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Whatever they’re interested in is appropriate. Fuck unsolicited advice.

Tell Karen to mind her business.


I was 14-15 who says there is an age limited anyhow?.

Absolutely age appropriate. I would encourage it honestly. If they hold on to every bit of childhood, let them!

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Why do people second guess what their kids wants because an outside source says something? Come on man we can’t be that dense now

I am78 and I still play with barbies. You are wrong

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If thats what you kid likes then let them! keep them a kid as long as possible! don’t let people push you into pushing her to grow up!

Who is your friend to dictate what is and isn’t age appropriate? Let your children enjoy their barbies for as long as they like them and tell whatshername to back off!


I think it’s fine! If they still want to play with them let them. They grow up too fast these days

Yes age appropriate. I gave them away right before my 13th birthday

I would let my girls play with barbies as long as they want to. It’s not my choice to tell them to grow up. They’ll do that fast enough on their own… my girls are 4, 9, 10 & 12 and my younger girls play with Barbies still and occasionally catch my 12 year old playing with them.

What’s more age appropriate? Chokers and iPhones? Get the kid a Barbie!


I think its up to your daughter.

Seriously? My daughter is 10 and still loves barbies. That’s all she wants for Christmas.

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That’s what’s wrong with the world today making kids grow up too fast! Yes enjoy watching your babies play barbies!!! :woman_facepalming:


Girl’s at my daughter’s school tell her she’s too old for Barbie’s (she’s 8). I told her you’re never too old for Barbie’s. 🤷Let them use that imagination as long as they want momma. :heart::heart:

I’m 26 I play Barbie’s with my daughter and niece I was a teen when I got rid of mine

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I played with my Barbies until I was 13. She is the perfect age for Barbies!

I played with Barbie’s till I was like 16 17 lmao I still have a tote full of Barbie stuff

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I was still playing with Barbie at that age and even past that age. Each kid has different interest at different ages. If she likes them get them

I would let my child play with dolls till they were 20 if they wanted to,they are young for only a short time, I have a couple of granddaughters that love playing with them but don’t want friends to know because they will be teased about it.Thats shameful .

rubbish your girls are at a great age to have fun with barbies etc

I would buy wht they asked for if not cost prohibitive

You should be thankful they’re playing w barbies instead of being curious about age appropriation. If that’s what makes them happy so be it! They’re only young once.

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Its a barbie whats the deal? My 8,11,5 play w em

Wrong, your kids are still babies in my opinion. 8 and 10 isn’t. Too old . Let them play, childhood is already too short.

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Barbies are better than phones and boys!

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Yes they are age appropriate wtf they are CHILDREN

Mine is 8 and loves barbies let them stay young! She can play with barbies when shes 14 for all i care

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Never too old to play with Barbies at least they’re not wanting the next new video game like most these kids today no imaginations no real playing!:woman_facepalming:t3::cry:

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I was 13 when I stopped playing barbies! Let em still be kids. There are enough trying to be too grown up these days


This is the age where she can actually play with them, fashion wise. Dress them up. Do their hair… yes younger girls can play too but this age is perfect. Most 10 yr olds have phones now. Enjoy the time.


I played with barbies until I was in middle school. My daughter never really played with her barbies, but she loves her barbie dream house and uses it for her little toy animals. :rofl::rofl::rofl: oh and she’s almost 9.

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It is age appropriate if that’s what they’re in to. Don’t let anyone else tell you how to make your kids happy.


I would find myself some new friends :woman_shrugging:t2:


Your children are none of your friends business. Tell her to mind her own business


Let children be children. Too many so called parents forcing their kids to grow up too soon. You’re only a child for a very short while

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Your friend sounds… kinda dumb tbh :woman_shrugging:t2:. My sister and I were playing Barbies wayy before that age and even a little after.


Barbies are always an appropriate gift for any age
any gender
What the !!! ???
Kids grow up So fast
Them wanting babies and houses is commendable AF :heart:

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If that’s what your kids like, then that’s what they like! Don’t worry about what other moms are worried about when it comes to toys. Let them enjoy it :slight_smile:

The toys you give your kids really aren’t someone else’s business lol she sounds kinda iffy

Keep them little. Buy the toys

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I am 31yrs old… I have and STILL DO play with Barbies to this day! I don’t have a daughter to pass them along to but I have a niece who would just die to have the massive like 10,000 barbies I have acquired and collected over the years… Whomever said that Barbie is not appropriate at that age is completly nuts! If those babies want a Barbie Dream House for Christmas then it’s a Barbie Dream House they should have!!! Good luck Mama!


Yes!!! I played with barbies until I was around 12. If your kids like them be grateful and get the dream house!!

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My daughter is 26 and still likes to pull out the Barbies and play even if it is just to dress them up and do their hair.

Let em stay young as long as you can!! There is nothing wrong with playing with Barbies at that age & even older!

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Those who are telling you that your daughters are too old, are telling you that they don’t buy toys that aren’t going to be played with for at least 5-6 years. My parents did the same to me as I approached the transition stage of wanting to play with my dolls and wanting to play records on my “HiFi.” If they want Barbie and her accessories, let the girls enjoy them, if only for a short time. You know your girls best. Follow your own instincts! It’s been 60+ years since I was told I was too old for dolls and I still remember the disappointment of that Christmas morning.

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I played with barbie till I was 13.

Sorry to put this bluntly but your friends sound like assholes, what do they want your girls to play with boys.

Nope I still wanted to play with barbies. My mom wouldn’t buy them anymore so :woman_shrugging:t2:

I played with barbies until I was 14

Something is wrong with your friends. I played with barbies till I was 12

Let them be kids. If they want barbies buy barbies.

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I think it’s more than appropriate. Their innocence and child shouldn’t be rushed, they’re only kids once


People are ridiculous. Let kids be kids.


uhm… barbies are FOR that age range… a little older in fact… what else would they play with at that age? your friends clearly don’t know how to let kids be kids, which i feel is why i have to watch who my daughter hangs out with so closely cuz these kids walk around at 11 years old talking about sex and very adult things, so… barbies are good. they’re crazy


I played with Barbies until I was 14 and still have my Barbies at age 28, I just have them put away. What were they thinking, Wow.

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