Are barbies age appropriate for 8 1/2 to 10 year olds?

It IS age appropriate.

My 9 yo LOVES her babies and Barbies and her dream house. I’d tell your “friend” sorry my CHILD is still a CHILD. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Yes that is the right age. Both my daughter’s played with their Barbie house and babies till 13 then it slowed down nothing wrong with age I still like my dolls and am 69

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If it’s what they want, then it’s age appropriate.

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You Get your girls the dream house and They’ll love it!

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Buy them if that is what she wants. I don’t think there is an age limit. Some older people even collect them!

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You are never to old to play with barbies I still play with them with my daughter lol

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Pffft im 30 and still play with my daughter and get excited when she wants this crap. She needs to grow up and mimd her own. Stop trying to get kids to grow up so fast jesus.


It depends, do your kids still behave and act like kids, or are they wearing crop tops and heels? YOU decide what’s age appropriate. Not your friends. If my girl wants a Barbie at ten, I’m buying her a Barbie at ten. I’ll take Barbie over boyfriends.

My oldest will be 9 this month and still plays with Barbies ALL the time!

5-10 or 11 seems like the typical range for Barbie play.

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They are not too old! Let them be little girls as long as you can!

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I played with brats forever I was like 13 still playing with barbies and brats you go momma the longer they stay kids the better


That IS age appropriate. Also, I kept my kids kids for as long as possible. However, my 15 year old towers over me and wants a dirt bike more than LEGO’s this year darn it.


I would be happy at that age they still want one. So many girls are trying to be all grown up way too fast these days.

There’s nothing wrong with a girl any age to want to play pretend with a doll. :heart::pray:

Hell all those years ago when my girls were younger than that they had barbies absolutely loved them dont listen to anyone just let them be little girls

Seriously? Let them be kids.


I have a daughter who loves her kitchen and Barbie play house, she’s 7 and I won’t get rid of it anytime soon because I loved that stuff when I was a kid and never had much of it. I played with my only doll I had until I was 13 and the only real Barbie I got I received when I was 10, it’s still in the box and I’m 38!

Barbies are totally acceptable don’t take her imagination away

I played with barbies until I was like 13. Your kids are still young let them be kids.

Never too old to play with barbies

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I would rather my child play with dolls instead of growing up too fast.


If they like barbies, they can play with barbies imo

The recommended age starts at 8 for Barbie’s. I’ve always given them younger but 8 is the age it says on the box.

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My daughters 10 and still plays with her dream house n barbies :slight_smile:

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I played with barbies until i was 14 :woman_shrugging:

🤦. Let kids be kids. And let them be little for as long as possible. Cause we all know that growing up sucks and once they do grow up they don’t have that same imagination as they do when little.


There’s nothing wrong with them wanting to play with Barbies. They’ll be the ones to decide when to stop playing with them.

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Let children play with toys age doesnt matter!

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What! Keep them young!!! My 8 year old plays with barbies!!:two_hearts: if she asked for a baby doll for Christmas for sure Santa would bring it!

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nothing wrong with it

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Kids grow up way too fast. Let them continue being kids as long as they want! Unless they are in their 30’s living in their parents basement! :rofl::rofl::rofl: (The last part was a joke!)

Just yesterday my baby made her list and she is 11. Barbies and American girl dolls both made the listDont make our kids grow up faster than they should.

omg whomever said that is old n sour! i still love barbies n my 11 year old too lol! ur so darn lucky u have an 8 n 10 year old that want to play w toys n not be on electronics all day!

I think they encourage girls to grow up to fast but I am a old grandmother.

No my 12 year old still plays with barbies

That is totally appropriate in my book.

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Heck…I told my kids I wanted a Barbie dream house for Christmas! I always wanted one growing up😂

I’m nearing my 30s but I still play with it. I enjoyyy dressing up and making tiny crafts for Barbie dolls. Check out “myfroggystuff”… Youtube gold. :grin:

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I played with Barbies until I was 12.

It’s very age appropriate and they’re your kids. Who gives a shit what anybody else thinks. Don’t make them grow up too fast.

My daughter is 8 1/2 and she loves her barbies

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Age appropriate? Like what? They’re still little girls! I loved my Bratz dolls when I was their age! I think it’s perfectly fine!

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I loved playing with Barbies at that age. I even made clothes for them with my older sisters help.

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That is age appropriate.

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Let kids be kids for how ever long they want. And for your friend shame on the friend. They grow up fast enough who cares how old children keep playing for.


My granddaughter liked dolls until she was 11.

What does your friend find appropriate? A phone? Stripper pole?? I mean these are little girls. I about cried when my oldest daughter gave up barbies and bratz dolls. Please allow them to be children as long as they choose… and tell your friend to mind her own business!!


I played with barbies until 12 or 13. My daughter is 10 and played with her barbies and dream house this weekend. Fuck her! If your girls said that’s what they wanted, then get them what they want! Tell that bitch to shove it up her ass! She’s not the fucking barbie police.
My daughter upon hearing this: “Yeah. No one is the barbie police. Not even the real police.”

I played with barbies til I was 12

That’s because we live in a society of parents who would rather have their children glued to a smart phone. Parents FYI Snapchat is not age appropriate at that age! I played with barbies at that age, let her enjoy her innocence for as long as she can. Social media is destroying youth while parents stand by and find it acceptable.

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I played with Barbies until I was 13. That is stupid.

My girls are 7 and 10. They don’t play with babies anymore but if they did I’d buy them some! That’s like the perfect age!

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Never to old to play with Barbies

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barbies are for whomever wants to play with them no matter the age😉 pay no mind to your friends opinion.
you got this

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NO, Barbie’s are cool. The dream house sounds like a wonderful gift to me.

My sisters played with bratz and monster high dolls until they were 12 and 13 years old. The younger one still has all of her monster high dolls at 16 years old.

Imo…this is why kids don’t know how to play , interact, and just try to be a kid! LET KIDS BE KIDS!!!


My daughter is 9 and still plays and my friend’s daughter is 11 and she plays with them as well.

Of course they are age appropriate…your friend must be on crack :thinking:


I still have my barbies and I am 51 years old. And I still dressing them. And remember how much fun I had with them.

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Let them play with dolls, stuffed animals & Barbies as long as they want.

I was still playing with them at 16, i just enjoyed doing their hair and fashion :joy: but they’re just small dolls. Girls like dolls, nothing wrong with it at all.

Let kids be kids as long as they want.


You asked them what they wanted, get it for them. Who cares what other people think, You make the choices for your loved ones,


Im 33 and if i had a barbie oh yeah game on.

I’d ask the friend when her daughter turns 15 or 16 and is pregnant if she’s glad her daughter was “too old” to play with barbies. Or, “isn’t she too young to be playing with boys?”


People need to let kids be kids!..probably the same parent who pushes their kid to have a “boyfriend” and wear inappropriate clothing.

Let them just be kids get them the doll house before you know it they will be gone To college

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If they WANT to play with barbies then they can play with barbies. Its not her business


I played with barbies til I was 12 then started with boys… BUY HER THE DREAM HOUSE :joy:


What??? Age appropriate?? I’m sorry but Is your friend dumb?? Let her play with barbies!!


If they are interested and want that then what’s the problem?


Find a more appropriate friend-


Yes it is. Let them be little for as long as you can

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They are kids. Let them be young. Good on you if your kids are still finding joy out of that kind of thing.

Omg! Please!!! Please keep playing with barbies! Man!! What does she think a tablet or Xbox or PHONE is more age appropriate! I played with barbies until I was like 13 and still do with my 8 year old and 9 year old niece!

Let them play with dolls as long as they want too!! That means your kids have spectacular imagination!! And that’s amazing! :raised_hands:t4::heart:

Let them be kids don’t make them grow up
So fast

If your daughters still want to play barbies let them. I remember I did till 13/14 with my friends. Keep their imagination going!

I played with them til I was like 11 or 12 I think

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I still like Barbies to this day & I’m I would be doing cartwheels knowing my girls want Barbies & a Dreamhouse. What a great way to use their imaginations & Christmas gifts are already figured out. Happy holidays!

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Lol I still played with barbies in high school :see_no_evil:

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Smh ignore unsolicited advice. If your child wants to play with something as innocent as a barbie then by all means encourage it. Would they rather get them makeup and high heels? Stfu and let children be CHILDREN! You’re fine, Mama, don’t worry.


I got my 1st and only barbie at 9. We didn’t have much money and I was thrilled to have such an amazing gift!

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I played with barbies till I was 12 or 13. Let them play with barbies till they are rrady to stop

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Yes its age appropriate, i played with barbies and polly pockets until i was almost 13. I mean let them be kids be happy they are choosing barbie over make up still

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I am an artist. Unfortunately thats because i was told i was too old to play and my brain was full of imagination. I “played” until about 13-14. I had younger siblings.

My ten yr old asked for one 🤷

Your children, your choices. If that’s what they want, why not? Especially if they have younger cousins or younger neighbors to come over and play, the more the merrier. My girls are that age and still play with their cousins and big doll houses

Too old would be upwards of 12-13 years old. Barbies are perfect for 8-10!

I think girls that age still like Barbie’s.

Tell your friend you want your children to grow up in their own time, before long they’ll be jumping out the car with out a goodbye to go catch up with their friends who they only saw a few hours ago.

My daughter is 9 and still plays with.

I just got my nieces Barbies for there 8th and 10th birthday( there birthdays are two days apart) it’s was a big hit,there favorite gifts out of everything.

Not at all. Let kids be kids as long as they can. Being a teenager sucks.

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Barbies are appropriate for any age as long as they want to play with them. What the hell does your friends kids play with that is more age appropriate?


I did till 13, let em play and use their imagination…better then a tablet in my eye.


That’s perfectly fine, my daughter just turned 14, and just gave her babies away to a couple girls at church. Barbies, brat and dolls. Nothing wrong with it. I was happy she waited so long to give them up.