Are barbies age appropriate for 8 1/2 to 10 year olds?

They’re at the right age for it. I’d say once they hit late middle school it’s too old but get them the dream house. My 4 yr old got it for Xmas last year and loves it so if she was their age asking for one then Santa would be finding a way to get her one

My daughter is almost 9 and still plays with Barbies. I find it completely age and developmentally appropriate. It’s sweet. Meanwhile her peers in third grade have their own cell phones :woman_facepalming:

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My daughter is 13 and will still play barbies with her younger cousins.

If your kid wants to play with barbies being then they aren’t “too old” my daughter who is 8 is still obsessed with my little pony. No rush to grow up kids these days grow up too fast as it is.

My daughter is 10 and still plays with hers. Kids grow up too fast, so I dont mind these parts of her childhood that she hangs onto

I would say they are only young once, let’s not them through it

I’d be glad the kid wants to play with toys rather than video games:)

People are in such a hurry to make their children grow up. Let them be kids while they are still kids mamma, the world with tell them to grow up let them feel comfortable being who they are at home.

I know that times have changed and kids are different… they are growing up faster and it’s things like this, that are the reasons why! I remember still playing with barbies at 13! No phones, no computer. Playing outside and spending actual “play time” with friends. It was cool and fun to still hang out at the playground at 15/16 with friends lol even those of us that had a car would still walk down the street to meet up with friends… for me, that was only 15yrs ago and it saddens me that kids don’t do this anymore at all. It’s “not cool”
My daughter is 19, and I’m so thankful she loves being outside and playing with dolls and crafts, and sports! But I know that won’t last :weary:
Let those kids be KIDS for as loooong as you can. Tell your friend to mind her own (in the nicest way possible ) there’s nothing wrong with them.

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There are adults that play with barbies. Your kid can 14 and play with barbies it stems creativity. They may start designing clothes when they get a barbie.

Why would anyone stop a child from playing with barbies? Let kids be kids.

Get rid of the friend. The rest is self explanatory I feel like, of course it’s age appropriate. They are children and that is a children’s toy.

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I played with my barbies and dream house till i was 12…i see nothing wrong with stuff that encourages use of imagination

You’re the mum.
You decide

I was still playing barbies at 12 years old! That’s what’s wrong these days is parents are trying to make their kids grow up too fast. Let your girl be a child and enjoy her barbie dreamhouse!

Rather them play with Barbie’s and off the internet or game systems.

No rushing my kids to drive up. They have their whole life to be more mature. That shouldn’t be pushed on kids

O.o thats age appropriate dunno what that person talking abt. Bear in mind some ppl just like to give advice even when it wasnt asked for or even when it makes no sense so dont listen to them

my niece is 8 she loves barbies

My daughter is 10 and still plays with baby dolls and barbies! I say let her continue to play with them they’re only kids once no need to rush them!

My daughter still plays w Barbie’s, horses dolls she’s 9

At the age of 12 I still played with barbies! Get rid of your friend. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life!!

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That is totally the age girls should love Barbies!!!

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Perfectly fine, kids are growing up too fast anymore which is why some may see them as too old.

I’m 31 and would freak out if my Mom got me a Barbie Dream House for Christmas this year. Always wished for one, never got it growing up. :rofl::rofl:🤦🤷:tada:


Let Santa bring you he Barbie Dream House! They are the perfect age for it.

Not at all. Barbies are perfect for age 8-10 or beyond

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Yes that’s very appropriate we let our little girls grow up too fast

Let yor kids stay kids as long as possible…


Its normal. Smh some ppls children are too grown at such young ages

No. Definitely not. Thats age appropriate.

Hell ya they are age appropriate. That’s the problem we are making kids grow up too fast. Shit I played with them till I was like 13. And now I play with them with my daughter.

Im 24 and i want barbies lol wish i had a daughter so it wouldnt be weird :rofl:


I had barbies til i was 12, let them be kids and enjoy toys while they can and want to.

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Kids grow up way too fast in today’s world, let your kids be kids as long as they want to be. There are worse things they could be playing with instead of Barbie dolls

Definitely too old
At that age they need unlimited cell phone plans, contouring kits, and vibrators…(this is obviously sarcasm)
Of course Barbies are ok at any age, they’re toys


I’m like 30 next year and still play with barbies haha :rofl::rofl::rofl: I love it when my girls play them to lol.

They are kids and they are girls let them play with barbies if they want to. If she wants barbies then get her some. Your friend that you got that from ain’t your kid she might do that in her house but that dosent mean you have to do it in yours.

If your girls like it then it is fine. Do not let others decide what they think is age appropriate

No. Not too old at all!

Every child is different. If she likes Barbies then get her some :slight_smile:

I played with them till I was 13-14 lol. Rather let my kids play with toys and let them be kids instead of them wanting electronics and makeup and skimpy clothes.


I didn’t stop playing with Barbies till I was around 13 almost 14 really just depends on your child

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if you want them to have it get it for them.

I loved Barbie’s till I was in my early teens. I think it’s lovely they aren’t demanding all the latest smart phones and other high technology items. Some parents are actively encouraging they kids to grow up far too quick…so sad.


Playing with barbies is better than them being on the internet and wanting to become “influencers”


My brother played with barbie’s until we were 11 or 12

That’s so ridiculous.that’s all my daughter wanted for Christmas up until she was 13 nothing wrong with that keep them young at heart as long as you can, nothing wrong with that have a happy life

Of course it’s not too old. :roll_eyes:

At least they still want to play with dolls & don’t want a X Box or iPhone like alit of kids these days do. Get them a dream house if that’s what they want. And they’re your kids not your friends jus sayin.:heart:

If it’s what your child wants then don’t let others put you off! My 5 year old still enjoys toddler toys designed for babies, he also loves LOL dolls and I get the whole’there for girls’ :roll_eyes:
It’s whatever makes your child happy if she wants a barbie house let her. There only children once x

Yes it’s appropriate. People try to rush kids in growing up to fast. Let them play as long as they like.


It is age appropriate. Let them be kids. They grow up too fast.

I played with barbies up until I was 13.y best friend actually had some in her shed, we went one day and pulled em out and sat and played with them for HOURS, we were 18. :woman_shrugging:

What is “age appropriate” toys for a 8-10 year old?! Why do some people want to have their kids grow up too fast and not enjoy being a child? I don’t get it

My goodness i was playing with barbies until i was about 11 or 12, then i gave them all away which i regretted later on.

Hope your “friend” is reading these comments and realizes theirs is an unpopular opinion.

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Iam 71 and i still play Barbies with my Great Grand Daughter.Never to old

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My niece was 9 when me, my sister and her father spent roughly $350 getting Monster High dolls and clothes and sets for her.
Let the kids play with what they want.
You know your kid better then anyone else. No one elses opinion matters

Make the most of them wanting kids toys let them be kids as long as possible

My daughter still has barbie mermaids. Monster high dolls and she’s 14

I played and collected dolls till I was 15

Is your friend the doll police?

Let them be kids, if Barbie’s are what they want to play with God Bless them. We are forcing children to grow up to fast.


You let them be babies

I am 45 yr old and still play with dolls married with 3 grown boys I guess you going to tell me I am to old. You never to old to be a kid. Momma you have fun with with your girls

Not at all we played till we were 12

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who’s the parent? you know your child better than anyone else, so you should be the one to make that judgment. i see nothing wrong with it

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My daughters is 11 going to be 12 and 9 years old and I still let them play with toys I still play with toys with them. Your never to old to want to play. Let them be young as long as possible. Because when they get to be teens and in high school. U will want them to little kids again.


I think they are appropriate, however I just think girls today have no interest at that age anymore :frowning:

Get them the Barbie house!! Along with a car and anything else that they would enjoy. They are only little for a short time. And your friend needs to but out

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Oh good grief…take a good look at your friend and her kids…is their life style what you aspire yours to be? She’s a little girl…that’s nice

Perfectly fine in my book. Kids need to be kids as long as they can.

That is a perfect age…let kids be kids

Lol get your babies a Barbie dream house man. If they ain’t paying for the gifts, it honestly isn’t any of their business.

“Let girls be girls as long as they like”

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Absolutely get the Barbie dream house! I see little girls playing with make up and on cell phones and it makes me sad. Why are we pushing them to grow up so quickly?


Let them be little as long as possible.

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If you kids like it buy it! Dont worry what other people think is appropriate . Your the mama not them! Make your kids happy. It’s just dolls

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Definitely age appropriate! Keep them young before they end up like the 12 year olds now

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I played w barbies at 16 so i mean.

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I played with them till I was 11-12! Let your kids be kids, you never want them to grow up too fast!!

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Yes age appropriate.

They can still play with Barbie’s when niece want me to play I do

Like your comment Katelyn!

Let them be kids they grow up to fast

WHAT!!! What right did the FRIEND have to say that. Appreciate that they still want to be children!!!

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Will it make your children happy? If yes than dont worry about what anyone else says

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Sounds like you need a new friend. Get them kids that Barbie dream house.


I think they are. Kids grow up too fast these days. Keep her a little girl as long as you can and enjoy her.

They are kids its just fine at any age. I play with my son. I played with them til i was 12

Get her a doll house, she has spendy of time to grow up, i liked my kids being little.

Get her what she wants. Don’t make her grow up to soon

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I love this mama s uncut. Its a new generation. My daughter lexi didnt go to the end of the street on her bike till 13 and now she s 16, still she may not walk without friends to the end of the street. I was 9 blocks away at 9.
Any age is the right age for barbies but you gotta be the right kinda mom with the right kind of bearing. I would think 10 to 12 just before puberty. But I didnt buy mine barbies you really have to be a lady. Ive always been a tomboy gave up my plate. Their is always the possibility of 8 and a half.

My daughter choose the littlest pet shop and now is in nursing.

At 8 1/2 yes .these people are trying to make these kids grow up before their time… don’t let them …let them girls play with Barbies as long as they want …

I remember playing barbies at that age and it was the norm
That’s the problem this day of age parents are also pushing there children to grow up quicker than they need to. Her kids probs suggest toys they like and she probs just hands them a phone or a tablet and leave them to it. It happens to often now.

Perfect age for Barbie Dolls

GREAT age for dolls, instead of make up, cell phones and boyfriends.

Well your friend isn’t the one playing with it so her opinion is not valid 🤷 I have 4 girl 7m,5,10,11 the older 3 play with barbies and all kinds of dolls

Huh?! I still played with Barbies at 8 and 10.