I think frozen teethers help
Pacify the baby it’s okay. They want to bite on EVERYTHING when teething.
No it doesn’t I have a teething baby right now an I have 6 kids all together and they love their binky’s they also make ones that you can fill up with water in put them in a freezer to help with the teething. Baby’s love to chew on things when they are teething chewing on the binky helps brake the teeth threw the gums. Don’t listen to her. It’s clear she don’t know what she is talking about
Put some water in the pacifiers and freeze it and they’ll love it!
Teething ring/pacifier…just be careful if they bite it they don’t bite it off and swallow it.
When my daughter is teething all she wants is her pacifier
If a baby is in pain they will let you know. Neither of my kids were interested in a pacifier tho.
Ok…use your brains for a second yall. They make baby teethers to help with teething. You know those little toys babies CHEW on… tell her to mind her business
Just get the kid some orajel or some type of pain medication
My bad their not a strawberry but my kiddo had so many of these. They were a life saver
It’s up to you but my kids loved these for teething!
My kids really didn’t/don’t take a binkie but we do have a binkie upstairs in her bed and downstairs in her bed. We also have this teether pictured below in her bed. I got it at walmart with her soothing gel. It’s perfectly fine to have a binkie while teething. She likes when i take the binkie and rub her gums with it.
My daughter had a pacifier til she was 3. Never needed braces and at 24 her teeth are just fine.
No, it doesn’t make sense he pain worse…it can actually help teething just like a teething ring. You can place in the fridge ( NEVER the freezer ) to help numb. Also a pacifier is better then them sucking on their thumb
Binkies were the only thing to pacify my 2 year old when she was teething
Not good if they chew on it choking hazard
My best friends son is almost a year
No pacifiers ever
If it hurts, he won’t use it.
Sucking can make it hurt more, definitely!
step mother is wrong.
Get a baby’s first tooth brush(picture of it in comment below)
NatureBond Baby Food Feeder/Fruit Feeder Pacifier (2 Pack) - Infant Teething Toy Teether | Includes Additional Silicone Sacs Amazon.com
I’ve heard good things about these
I used to fill the dummies with water and freeze them.
IMO, it helps a lot!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are pacifiers ok to use when baby is teething?
Lmfao she has no kids of her own, answers it for you. Children find relief in sucking on their pacifiers, but if a hole appears on their pacifier, get rid of it. Take a face cloth, wet it, put in freezer, or under cold cold water, then give it to babe, it will help soothe the swelling in their gums.
Both my kids used them and found comfort in them. They never chewed them
When teething they chew on things so having a pacifier isn’t going to hurt all 3 of my kids had them and didn’t hurt them
The pacifier is the only thing that provided my children comfort when teething, especially if i put it in the freezer before I gave it to them. A cold dummy helps with teething.
My “only” concern with pacifiers and teething is the possibility of it becoming a choking hazard.
My daughter takes one 24 7 and has always been such a "cry baby " especially during teething, and I’ve often wondered if the paci was the reason!!
If she has no kids of her own than she has nothing to base this on. My son used a pacifier and it is a comfort thing and is soft so good to chew on.
I never heard such a thing. Babies will use pacis, fingers, teether, even you to get comfort. I wonder where she learned that from. If it hurt the baby, baby will spit it out.
As long as baby isn’t biting it its ok. You just want to check it often to make sure cause you don’t want baby to swallow any of the pieces
I wouldn’t take the binkies away just yet. All babies are different and if its what your baby wants right now let him have it.
My youngest is 11 mths and teething. He chews on his and by the sound he makes it gives him comfort. If it’s hurting your baby they will spit it out. My 2 yr old also sucked one and her dentist said it’s ok until 3 yrs old as long as it’s not over sized and interrupting her speech. Your the mom do what you think is best for your child.
Tell her to mind her business and give the baby his paci.
It helps because they also chew on it and it also comforts them… If it caused her that much pain I wouldn’t think the baby would take it.
Uhhhhhh, say whaaaaat??? Lmao that’s ridiculous. Give that baby his paci!
They make pacifier shaped teethers
Both of my boys had them until they were 1 years old never had a problem.
I used one of these for my little one, and i also put a little tiny tiny bit of vanilla extract on her gums😊
I used Nippii when my daughter was teething, I also took a mesh feeder and put frozen fruit in it. Both of these were amazing and made teething so much easier.
so not accurate , give the baby the pacifier lol
Tell her to mind her business. Ask her how shes going to tell you to parent when she is not a parent. My kids chewed on pacifiers when they were teething. Each child is different. If it brings them comfort let it be.
Not true smh don’t listen to her! They need help cutting tooth through the gum! Pacific is soft an helps relieve the feelings. You see dogs chew alot also when teething. Toothache is different an does cause pain to worsen specially if any infection. Believe it or not teething is different! Some Parents freeze teething toys cuz even the cool helps relieve pain.
I can’t possibly believe it makes it worse.
My now 19 month old has really never used a pacifier, we still have one on hand though because when he’s teething, he likes to chomp and suck on it.
Pacifiers were a lifesaver when my older 3 were teething. They would chew them, I would sometimes freeze them using water. I wish my little one would have kept hers, she sucked her thumb.
Your stepmom is 1 of those people who know nothing but act like they know everything. Ask her for unbias research to back up her claim. When she can’t produce anything you know she’s making it up.
Not true . It would probably feel great . When my kids were teething they chewed on them for comfort
How can she know everything when she doesn’t have children of her own?
And I don’t think it will make the pain worse.
Generally speaking pacifiers are ok unless/until they start chewing them (“gumming” is a little different)
Then they need to be taken away for the child’s safety, because of the choking hazard.
One thing I did find helpful with my youngest was dunking a babyspoon in ice water and letting him chew on that.
She’s so wrong definitely not true. Teething babies love chewing on things especially pacifier/dummies.
I think a binky is great for teething, it’s recommended to cut off binky after 3, decrease down after 2.
You’re your child’s mother and you know what’s best for the baby not anybody else. If it soothes your baby give it to them.
My daughter never had a pacifier the first year of her life. Well her teething became very painful for her so I gave it to her. It definitely helped but now she going on 2 and is addicted to it
If your baby didn’t want it he wouldn’t take it.
3 of my kids loved using pacifiers for teething. They a life saver sometimes. Your step mom think she knows it all especially for someone who has no kids. Don’t listen to her do what you feel your child likes most
My daughter chews hers for comfort
Soooo not true … They even have teething rings that are same material as passie soooo idk what she’s talking about … Keep letting that baby do it
Babies need to chew when they are teething, it helps push the teeth through and lessens the pain
Yes! That’s what got us through it besides meds and non medicated baby orajel.
Frozen waffles help to if they already have a few teeth in it nums there gums and they get a little snack at same time
Mine teething now n he chews his dummy so must help him
It’s his comfort why would you take that away when he is pain that’s ludicrous… they also chew on it to relieve their gums… that woman needs to get a clue before she opens her pie hole
They are perfectly fine until you decide to take them away permanently if you want to freeze them that’s all you
Sucking for a baby actually releases serotonin and serotonin is actually great for soothing and relieving pain and also as previously stated if the baby didn’t want it and it didn’t make them feel better they wouldn’t take it. I would also like to know who tf sucks on lollipops when they have a toothache?
Shes very very wrong …the actual action of sucking helps with teething pain
Not to chew on its to dangerous. Teething rings or one’s made to chew on help the pain alot by helping break the tooth in.
They’re great for teething, put them in the fridge in a baggie to get them cool before you give them, it helps reduce the swelling too, the pressure on the gums from chewing helps the tooth break through the gums faster too and it does help relieve some pain by chewing on them. All babies are different though, my oldest preferred cold, my youngest hated it so I got him a vibrating teether, it was shaped like a giant strawberry lol when they put pressure on it it would vibrate, that stimulates blood flow to the area and helps the swelling, there’s so many advances today for babies! See what works best for yours and forget any nay sayers, if you’re still concerned i would just ask your pediatrician😊
Whatever you feel, helps your child, will be best.
My son chews on his pacifier when he’s teething. It’s almost the only time he will take it
Pacifiers can actually help. When some teeth come in it causes increased pressure in the inner ear. The sucking of the pacifier helps relieve the pressure. This in turn helps reduce pain.
I always had two pacifiers and always kept one in the freezer if switch between the every hour or two
Nothing better than the kidless parents trying to parent.
I have my daughter frozen bananas… I don’t think this is true… I’d think sucking would be a comfort cause they literally make things for teething
I personally never used them for my kids at all. But what you decide is all that matters!
So my kids pediatrician told me that the pacifiers hit a spot on the roof of their mouth that releases natural endorphins so it’s the bodies own pain relief. Which is why kids find comfort in them. If that’s the babies conform I wouldn’t take it away. My son had his till he was 3 and gave it up himself, my daughter stopped at 1 and a half.
I had a pacifier that was shaped like a raspberry and solid instead of hollow for my kids it was amazing.
I got the ones with the bumps on them that you freeze to cool the gums but help the teeth thru easier… I also used the wet cold wash clothes & they gummed it…
Both of my children kinda chewed on them a little when they were teething. Just make sure they don’t bite a hole in the nipple & if they do, toss it & get them another one.
Although, I would highly recommend also checking into Baltic Amber teething necklaces or bracelets. They’re phenomenal!
I used a wet frozen baby washcloth. They got wet but it dudn’t seem to bother them. Those tiny washcloths were never used at bathr time so I had to find a use for them. Switched out when they thawed. It seemed to help. I had a pacifier but only used them if needed.
It’s fine while teething. She needs to read more.
Especially if it’s cold.
My Peds dentist said by age 1 to stop bc it can shift teeth. Other than that, I’d put them in the fridge or freezer. Both mine liked the cold.
I think that lady is talking about dry sockets from teeth being pulled, not teething. It doesn’t cause excess pain when the tooth is cutting, only when the tooth has been pulled and the wound is still opened.
They never bothered my kids
I personally let them use them and we also use these but always check the pacifier we also used cold clothes to ease the pain as well
Is your mother a doctor or dentist?
My daughter used a binkie until she was 1 year and 7 months and she gave it up on her own. She had no problems using it when she was teething
Baby wouldn’t use it if it was hurting them
I think she’s talking about dry socket, from a tooth being pulled. I’m sure she means well.
I’ve always used a half of a frozen waffle. Cold and a sponge
It’s perfectly fine. As long as they aren’t actually biting the nipple off. Ask your pediatrician and they will tell you the same
I froze blueberries and let my daughter chew on those when she when she was teething.
She is crazy there’s not a tooth with a hole in it its not even broken threw
It’s none of her business
My son likes chewing on his it doesn’t hurt him. Definitely make sure you’re using the one piece pacifiers though my son pulled the end of one of his off while teething. (Personally I like Avent pacifiers because they don’t come apart.)
They need to chew it helps. Wet a wash rag wring it out grab in the middle slide hand down put in sandwiche bag and freeze let baby chew on it the terry cloth ruff to gums to help cut teeth cold feels good on gums
My 5 month old had a dummy and he’s teething atm, he’s been using it to hold and chew on to massage his gums. I think it’s each to their own whether they like it or not
I think that I don’t take advice from anyone I don’t trust. Also my girls used pacifiers all through teething and loved them.
Pacifiers are soothing. Babies find comfort in the suckling motion. Some pacifiers…like the ones that can be chilled or open to hold fruit can even help as the pressure on the area helps lessen the pain.
If it caused them additional pain they wouldn’t take them at all.