Are pacifiers ok to use when baby is teething?

Yes, I recommend checking it very closely everytime you give it and have extra new ones on hand once my son started gett teeth I was replacing his sucky weekly cause they wear down easily and have heard stories of the ends breaking off and killing babies

My sons teething at the minute and sometimes sucking on his bottle he crys out in pain so possibly.he won’t have a dummy so not sure on that one

I think a pacifier’s ability to comfort outweighs any discomfort it could cause, if your child is already used to one.

I used one for my little man, even had one for teething he loved it.

Dont listen to her. Shes not been there herself. Yes a pacifier is fine, but once his teeth get where theyre coming thru hell chew on it. And some pacifiers have a jell inside them make sure he dont make hole it. My daughter was only 3 months old when she got her front bottom teeth. And the baby orajel my pediatrician said not to use it cuz it toughens up the gums. And causes more pain as the teeth try to come through… my mom had me put my finger in brandy or whiskey and rub onto her gums. And my pediatrician agreed it wouldnt hurt her and there was nothing in either one ti toughen the gums. But when the baby has enough teeth upper and lowers take away the pacifier cuz my daughter made her have a over bite which later she had to have braces… so start weening him off the pacifier as soon as hes able to chew his food well. My Daughter is now 40 yrs old. And im hearing now that she hated having braces. But not every baby wants a pacifier. My son never used one and frankly never wanted one. It deoends on the kid. But i can only tell you what my kids did and what i did for them. But dont listen to any woman thats not had their own children, cuz they havent had the first hand experiences… so they are only repeating some they heard or read somewhere…

My youngest who is now 17 months never took a dummy until she was 5 months old i only use the mam dummies & they’ve never broken or split, my oldest daughter used a dummy as well until she was 3, it definitely helps/helped with teething pain i put teething gel on the dummy & i find that helps too

The paci saves my nipples a lot of trouble during teething, if not the paci he’d still suck on boob so I don’t see how it’s supposed to cause more pain

The baby isn’t going to do something that causes pain and keep doing it. Sucking is calming to babies, give them a paci!

There is a pacifier that can be filled with numbing gel releases when bitten hard, they’re a must to during the hardest part of teething

They do help a lot when they’re teething cuz my granddaughter is going through this it’s only really when she has it is when she’s teething a lot but when she’s teething she doesn’t just get one tooth coming in at a time

You soothe your baby with whatever works for them. Some babies like to chew cold things, some like rubbery teethers, each kid is different.

Babies are born knowing 1 thing. How to suck! That’s how they get food or self sooth.

It will help a lot. When the child bites on the dummy’s teat, it makes the pain less.

It’s the only time my son would use them… I would put water in them and then freeze them

Try teethers put them in the freezer for teething but no a pacifier isn’t gonna make it worse you can even make it cold by putting it in the fridge it will also help

If it really makes it that much worse your baby won’t use a pacifier. My daughter will turn hers sideways and chew on it lol

If it made the pain worse the child wouldn’t want it lol

I personally wouldn’t take parenting advice from a non-parent. Just saying.

Um then why do we give them teething rings etc? Or rusks to chew on…

Babies aren’t stupid. If something makes them uncomfortable they will let you know. Same with if something helps. :thinking:

My kids both had them and it didn’t hurt a thing.

I always put them in the freezer and it seemed to help (mom of 3 boys)

It’s fine but if you’re worried Ryan and Rose has teethers that are similar to pacifiers

1st rule of thumb.
-Never take advice seriously from someone without kids.

Pediatric dentist said that they are fine up to age 2

I don’t think so. The pressure from the sucking probably feels soothing.

What’s her degree in? What does his doctor think? What do you think?
This is YOUR child, not hers.

Mine used a frozen wash rag to teeth on.

Not true haha they even make pacifiers for teething…

Tie a knot into a washcloth, rough side visible, wet the knot until it’s damp, freeze it for about an hour. It makes a good soothing teething toy. The ends of the washcloth are dry, so it won’t be cold on his hands. Also a green onion. Yes, an onion. Cut the roots off the onion part. Trim the green stems down until it’s about 5 inches long. Let him chew on the white onion part. He will have dragon breath for a while, but it soothes aching gums

I never listen to anyone who doesn’t have multiple children, no matter their profession

My daughter’s teething and loves her paci so much

Put it in the freezer it helps with teething

I never knew my daughter was teething. She used pacifiers. So I’d say it helped her.

When teeth are popping through a pacifier can be very dangerous .the baby can bite the nipple off and choke ! Trust me !

My kids did… 10 5 and 1.5… and all are fine… also… I used the teething rings and I dipped the corner of a baby washcloth in water and froze it so they could chew/suck on it…

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I kept them in the fridge when they were teething.


When I have a tummy ache, king crab isn’t on most lists to make that better. But do I eat it because it’s comforting? Yes. Does the comfort make the ache more tolerable? Yes.

Am I now super fat? Also, yes.

I have a 20 year old 17 and 3 and have been en educator for 17 years never have I heard of this . Try it if they don’t like or want it they won’t use it no harm in trying

I really don’t suggest it cause my kiddo started biting through them getting off chunks… frozen teethers, I used pureed foods and put them in like lil circles to freeze if it was messing with her appetite

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Passy soothes my son during teething, also the netted passy and put frozen peas or carrots in it

Also they make baby teething gel - just make sure not to give regular orajel, it’s not safe for babies!

Never take the advice of someone who has no children of their own in what’s best for your child. You’re the mama and you know your babe. If babe finds comfort in the pacifier, let them have it. Just make sure to check for holes and if you see one get rid of it. I found that with a few of mine (I have 4) giving them the pacifier straight out of the freezer was the best relief.

They actually make a mesh bag pacifier type thing for teething. You put an icecube in it and they chew on it … but she’s crazy lol

“She has no kids”
there is your answer.

Pacifiers give comfort to a lot of babies while they’re teething. They even make ones like these specifically for it - these are more for chewing than sucking but they’re the best!! Helped my little so much.

This is a good alternative if your kid chews the tips off of his paci like mine did

pacifier is literally a great thing when they’re teething!!! :roll_eyes: don’t take anymore advice from her :joy:

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PACIFIERS are ok If used the right way …I hate when I see little ones crawling on floors with the dummy very dirty .and kids walking around shopping centres with a dummy .
Sleep time only …

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