Are there actually benefits to consuming your placenta?

Are there actually benefits to encapsulating your placenta after birth? my sister wants do this and i am so grossed about the whole thing and feel like its weird to do this…but she insists…someone help me convince her now to consume her own placenta…



Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are there actually benefits to consuming your placenta?

Yes, you lose weight by vomiting afterwards!


Her business. If she wants to do it, leave her to it.


No scientific known benefits, and it has a lot of really bad bacteria that can be harmful to your health!


No. There’s no benefits.


I mean let her do it if she wants to, but it’s really gross lol the placenta literally collects all your toxins from your body while you’re pregnant so you’re eating your own toxins…


I bought the hype 6 years ago and had mine encapsulated- dumb

Just pure crazy… She dont need kids

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Is your sister a cat? I’ve seen them do that before


I did it with my 4th didn’t see a difference

I don’t see any reason

I don’t see anything wrong with it :woman_shrugging:t3: there is some evidence that it can help reduce blood loss, increase milk supply and oxytocin, which in turn can help regulate mood and help mama sleep and eat better. Personally I won’t pay the money to get to encapsulated but if I could afford it I would probably do it. Every other species of mammal eats their placenta :woman_shrugging:t3:


It’s literally eating a filter…I wouldn’t eat the filter for my furnace, water jug, humidifier, coffee…nothing…why would you wanna eat the filter your baby used for 9 mos?? :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


i never understands why any women would want to eat their own placenta . wtf?? :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


I read that there is bacteria that is harmful to the baby and you in the placenta. So I’ll continue onto 8 passes.

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One of the main jobs of the placenta is to discard harmful wastes. I don’t understand why anybody would want to eat a placenta. Wouldn’t recommend it… crazy people.


:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:wtf is wrong with this world


there’s no evidence that eating the placenta provides health benefits, and its full of different bacteria


There is 0 actual science that it helps with anything. However not my body or business


The benefits arent exactly scientifically proven due to lack of study but they have been coming mainstream derived from vietnamese culture. I would say if she is looking for benefits then to look up delayed cord clamping.

I’m scared for your sister to be a mom with a crazy mind like that. F*CKING GROSSSS :face_vomiting:.


An old friend of mine had her placenta turned into pills she took for 30 days and it ended up messing her body up bad, hormones crazy, constantly sick, ended up with a stomach infection etc.


I donated mine to research. I know a lot of moms who were interested in this sort of thing, but the idea just grossed me out.

Why not just let her do what she wants with her own body?


I’ve heard there is. I’d ask a doctor though. I had a friend who wanted to do this. I’m not going to lie. I thought about it too. She at first wanted to go hard core with it and put it in her food. I was thinking more along the lines of having it dehydrated, crushed up, and put into capsules. I ended up not doing it though. Like I said, ask a doctor. There’s a lot of claims about there being benefits. I don’t know if there is any truth to them. But honestly……I mean other animals eat their placenta. It’s not unnatural. I mean is it really going to hurt her trying it? If the answer ends up being no. Then I would say just let her. I know some may think that’s really gross. But in my opinion, if it’s not going to hurt anything. Then just let people do what they want and think what is best for them/their families. This whole parenting journey is kind of odd and difficult as it is sometimes. I think as long as everyone is healthy and happy. Then just be supportive even if it’s not your cup of tea. You don’t have to be all for it. But I wouldn’t discourage it if it’s actually harmless and someone really wants to do it.

I’ve heard that in other countries the father has to eat the placenta. Never researched it to see if it’s actually a thing or not. I however couldn’t imagine eating it or having it put it capsules :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


The placenta is sent to the lab after birth unless she delivered at home. Totally gross. Don’t know how it can be digested due to it being full of blood. Some third country stuff here.

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Offer her a kidney for dessert :pie:? After all, it filters the body too so it must be full of nutrition. :wink::face_with_peeking_eye::nauseated_face:


Dumb question…

Why does she want to eat her placenta?

Millions of people do this. It’s totally normal and helps produce milk when breastfeeding also helps with PND.


Eating the placenta: A good idea? - Mayo Clinic.


Mother animals in the wild eat it so that predators don’t track her and her babies, not for health benefits. Her body, her choice right? I think its absolutely disgusting and not necessary.
But each to their own, Lol it seems more like cannibalism to me


Encapsulating it and taking it daily helps with post partum depression


Sounds nasty, I’ve never heard of anyone who’s done this


Other animals eat their placenta to hide the fact they gave birth from predators. Eating something that spent 10 months collecting waste isn’t healthy in my opinion


We all survived without consuming it :joy:


My initial thought was that it seemed animalistic. The practice of eating placenta, or “placentophagy,” is common in the animal kingdom. It is believed that most non-human mammals with a placenta consume their “afterbirth” — as the placenta is otherwise known — as a way of eradicating the scent of their newborn and protecting them against predators. I would not risk becoming ill from a health fad or “claim” without real evidence of it’s benefits especially when I need to be caring for a newborn. Take a multi vitamin and get some sun instead, it works. I feel if it were truly beneficial, everyone would do it. If it were good and natural, we would all have a strong instinct to do it and wouldn’t consider not doing it.


A littl but of oil onions tomato cilantro 2 jalapeño peppers deseeded and she’s good to go!!! :joy::joy::joy:


There’s zero scientific data to support the idea that it’s beneficial. If anything, there’s a risk of viral or bacterial infection for a breastfeeding baby or mom.


Yes big benefits. You can also have them convert your placenta into pill form


It is actually good for you and helps to balance out your hormones you can google it and read about it.


I ate mine. Cooked half of it up like a steak and it was delicious, best meat I’ve had in my life. Buried the other half of it under an aspen tree.


That’s very weird and disgusting. She probably needs to get away from that nonsense.


Did you google before asking this page because you would’ve found the answer.

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We’re past the point of giving birth in the wild where we have to conceal the fact that a birth has taken place at a particular location. Also, there are other ways to get the benefits of consuming organ meat without eating your placenta. I would suggest fixing up a batch of chicken livers. The iron is what you’re after I believe. I’ve given birth twice. There’s nothing especially appetizing about a placenta. Skip it and go for fried chicken livers, potato wedges, and corn on the cob.


Capsule them, freeze them and use them during menopause stage.


You can have them converted into pill form

No. But you’re never going to convince her, she has gone to the crunchy side. I’m guessing the child’s name will be something like Sativa Rex Wylde lol


Serve it up with a nice plate of liver and some fava beans… also pass. Hard pass.


Theirs no studies done that show any health benefits! it is a filter organ that filters bacteria and stuff from the baby while pregnant it houses those and it can actually cause problems!

Sounds like she is trying to keep yup with the Kardashian


This is so disgusting

Depends how stupid you are. Most know better but here you are confessing that you don’t.Raise your right hand, now slap yourself with it. I think the government should pay you to remain a virgin.

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Why must you convince her? Does it affect your life? No then mind your business. Imagine being bothered about someone’s life choices that you must make a post about it :sweat_smile::rofl::rofl:


I’ve got mine in the freezer . Although it’s part of my heritage to bury it on a mountain. Just waiting for the right time . Also to put the baby’s belly button in something you wish for him to become . Example a doctor , you put his belly button in a medical book .


ive seen some crazy videos of women making chocolate outta them and dehydrating the placenta for a later date of eating
its wild

The thought of it makes me want to heave !

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…so, yes and no?
The whole thing is silly both ways.

On the one hand placenta eaters make you feel like there are magic nutrients you can’t get any other way and you’ll be worse off permanently if you miss out.
They’re wrong, obviously.

On the other hand, my dog ate her placenta (we didn’t think to get it away from her because we were busy with the puppies). It seemed totally natural and kinda makes sense that you wouldn’t want a bloody, rotting mass attracting predators near your young.

Plus, of course it has nutritional value, it’s meaty and although the consistency grosses me out it shouldn’t be gross in an unsafe way. It was evidently a common practice before modern ideas of sanitation, and shouldn’t be covered in germs or anything since the uterus was a sanitary environment. (It’s a closed system up until birth; there shouldn’t be any more germs than you’d get on your food.)

SO, all that is to say that you’re welcome to ask her not to involve you or offer you any, but it’s silly to attack the idea or try to stop her.

I didn’t eat mine. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting::nauseated_face:

ETA - I didn’t realize it was a waste filter point.
It really may be that the instinct in animals to eat it is a maternal sacrifice to protect the babies from predators and not about conservation of nutrients invested in it at all…that said, we live in a world of plenty and don’t need the nutrients anyway…


If it doesn’t directly effect you then who really cares what she does


Who cares, animals have been eating their placenta since the beginning of time, it’s not going into your body so why try convince her not to do it? While it’s not my cup of tea. Who cares if your sister wants to do it. She obviously feels it’s going’s to benefit her, so support her.


This became a huge thing when the Kardashians done it although it had been done before that in other cultures as well… let her do it if she wants, her body her choice right? :woman_shrugging:t2:

So first you said you are grossed by it. But then you say help me convince her to eat it. So either I am too sleepy. Or which way are you for?


It’s a placebo effect there’s no actual scientific study saying it has any benefits

There’s absolutely no nutritional value or effects from consuming the placenta I think you’re just looking for justification for the fact that you’re just curious and you just want to because you’re interested lol just say that And Bon appétit… It’s not that big of a deal after all there’s no nutritional value in eating ass but people eat ass every day :woman_shrugging:t2:

I have never understood why some mothers do this. It just seems revolting to me.

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I mean just check the box for chicken instead of placenta at that meal and go on with your day.


I had a patient who suffered from severe post partum depression with her first child. She learned ingesting the placenta had helped others with PPD. Had it professionally finely ground and put into capsules. She said after baby #2 she was great. Normal newborn stressors, no PPD. So she kept the placenta and was doing the same baby #3! We put it on ice in a cooler for her!


The placenta is a filtration system for all bad things going into and out of the baby. It is not a good idea to eat a filter from the body. Its stupid uneducated Kardashian that have no medical background of any sort. They are only banking on people stupidity to make money. Tell her if she’s mother, time to learn how to do research from a source medical site vs celebrity 90210. They are nothing more but brainless idiots running around town trying to make a buck off of anything.


There are studies from 2018 (that are located on the National Library of Medicine) that show there is not enough evidence to support that it offers health benefits. Many people believe it does. I would honestly mind your business as it does not directly impact you.


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Go to This.

Just a massive waste of money and effort.
Animals consume it to hide their babies.
There’s no true backing that it ever gives nutrients or pacifies PPD. However, if people wanna believe it and have the placebo, have at it lol. Personally, no thanks. It’s being dumped. I’ll take a multivitamin.

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Support her choice, it’s her body.
Don’t like it stay out of it.


Is it cannibalism if you eat your own body part? Sorry I think it’s gross


Her choice I suppose, it’s not up to you to tell her what to do she’s a grown woman. However it’s definitely not for me, I remember my midwife asked me if I wanted to eat mine raw like straight after birthing it :nauseated_face:


Lol, gross. It’s basically a filter… imagine eating a dirty filter.

Either way, it’s her choice so I’d either support it or erase it from your mind completely

Every other animal in the world eats their placenta after birth​:face_with_spiral_eyes: If she wants to let her do it, ypu dont have to eat it :joy: I know tons of people who have although I didn’t myself.

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I know nobody that’s done this & have never heard of this.Disgusting, just as much as liver is :face_vomiting: seek help for your sister


Yes placenta has lots of iron and very good for you, you can boil it from what I’ve heard , if she can do it , do it. Might be good for her long term .

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Are you eating it? No? Leave her be and mind your business!


Sounds like you just need to mind your own business


If you are not eating it mind your business


There are possibly benefits. It’s one of those things that doesn’t get a lot of research obviously lol. Imo it’s not anymore gross than the crap they put in some medicines. You’re not the one eating it, so you don’t have a right to try to convince her not to just because u think it’s gross.

You should mind your own business.


I mean there’s not enough evidence in research to support the idea that it might have health benefits but it is her body so if she wants to eat her own placenta let her do it

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Didn’t one of the Kardashians cook and eat their planceta? I’m sorry for me it’s so :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face: but it’s also your sisters choice so I would mind my business

I’ve known many many women who have encapsulated their placenta. Every single one of them has said it helps avoid the PPD and they didn’t have issues with iron or anything afterwards. There is no down side to it. With it being encapsulated it’s literally just taking a pill. It’s a very common thing to do Now days for humans and has shown several benefits from it. If you aren’t the one ingesting it, maybe just stay out of it. Or be supportive of whatever decision is made because again, you are not the one ingesting it so who cares what someone else chooses to do.

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I would ask her who is encapsulating it for her and what is their cleaning process between placentas… lol— it might make her think twice.

There are a lot of things in the placenta that a little dawn and hot water isn’t going to kill, so she will most likely be consuming leftover bits from someone else’s placenta too.

Also, if she is strep B positive and has a vaginal birth, she can pass the strep B onto the placenta and then pass it to her baby when she breastfeeds once she consumes it.

I agree it’s her body her choice- doesn’t make it less gross or dangerous, but yeah.

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