That’s not gonna work if ya’ll don’t communicate and compromise.
You’re being gaslit. You’re not being prioritized. You and your daughter (who is clearly not a priority to her at all) deserve so much more love, grace and care. From one young, single mama to another, get out now before emotional damage takes it’s toll and your child is affected by it. You’ve done your fighting, now it’s time to take care of what should matter most to you, your daughters well being. You’ll be better off.
Hate to say it but I’d leave.
Your daughter is your priority over a 2 year relationship.
She doesn’t seem to respect your duty as a mother and sounds like a typical abusive relationship circle.
Good luck and I hope you make the right decision for you and your daughter whichever way
Definitely a red flag! Leave her ass before it gets worse. You shouldn’t need to choose your daughter over your gf if she really loved you she wouldn’t be making you feel guilty as well.
Bye bye Felicia… Obviously she hates kids. Does she know that the both of you could have gotten arrested for child endangerment among other charges to leave a two year old abandoned in a car? Read your post- you just described a full blown child abuser.
Yes, red flags everywhere… Get out now, you can’t change her mindset… You’re right to not leave your 2 year old in a car, you’re right to stay with your sick child, if she had to work the next day she should have went slept on the couch or you should have, either way she’s wrong on so many levels. Your child should come first in any relationship & if she can’t understand that then you should leave. She shouldn’t be putting her hands on your daughter no matter what & she can put her in time out. But she’s 2 not too much she can understand at that age unless you keep talking to them so they will understand. I hope that you do the right thing. For you & your child
Pack your bags grab your daughter and leave. …
Run don’t look back. if she does all that in your face imagine what she does to your daughter when they are alone. Leave leave now
First time commenting on one of these because I have to say WALK AWAY! Just imagine if she treats your daughter like this when you’re there how does she treat her when you’re not home? Leave and don’t look back.
Turn around an run…do it for your daughter if nothing else
Respectfully, you already seem to know the answers to your questions or you wouldn’t even have to ask them. My son’s father and I decided early on that we would literally push each other into traffic if it meant keeping our son safe. (Dramatic but you get the point…) There’s NO way that she views your child as hers and still does and says these things. It also sounds like she resents your baby. You shouldn’t have to actually say that your kid comes first (should be on obvious), but you definitely should in this case! Something that your child will surely pick up on if she hasn’t already. Serious question, if you weren’t dating, would you let someone like her babysit? That’s a good indicator on whether to stay or go.
I definitely would leave this relationship! #1…if she’s ok with leaving that baby in the car alone, idc what time of day it is…that would make me wonder if she done it already and would definitely do again (10 red flags), especially just so YOU are with her in the store, that’s called possessive! —#2…Not concerned about baby girl being sick and complaining about it…wanting her needs met before your sick child…there again: jealousy and obsessive! You both deserve better! You can make decisions for yourself but your daughter can’t! Choose HER and put HER first, protect her momma! Best of luck! You got this!
Not a single one of these mamas are going to tell you to stay with something like that love her from a far don’t destroy your self and children because you love her that will eventually turn into your fault you mean well but your health and child’s health is more important run bro
You need to move on with you n your daughter …she seems to be very toxic, self centered, and jealous of your daughter…I don’t think it is a safe environment for you both
The person you just described is someone I would never even think about leaving my children with! Don’t walk, run! She sounds jealous of a child and that can often lead to bad consequences!
Spanking a child is cruel…find a kinder partner. You are young it would be easy!
Shes gaslighting you it seems if you wanna life like you’ve been living stay with her if you don’t like what you’ve seen so far I’d go … most people don’t change shes prob set in her ways if you disagree then she should be willing to compromise and meet you half way always I would move on now b 4 it’s even harder in long run good luck I think your feelings are valid and these all sound like red flags
Then highway it would be for me I’m afraid.
If she needed the quiet then she should put herself on the sofa, why should u of gone with her.
As for leaving ur child locked in the car… HELLLLL NOOO.
I think deep down u know this will get worse as the relationship goes on.
No matter she is with ur child, she should not force u to bring her up the way she sees fit. Parenting is about communicating and agreeing to work together…
Good luck. Xxx
I just got out of a relationship like this one. It was the best decision I ever made. Do it for yourself, and take care of your daughter. It will affect her mental health if you don’t. Be strong.
Get out now! Do not pass go!
The major red flag was the part where she suggested that you leave your child in a locked car. Pack yours & little one’s things & leave before something bad happens
Run don’t walk away. Doesnt sound like she’s a keeper. Think about YOUR daughter and you!
Leave!!! That’s not fair to you nor your daughter. For the fact that she was willing to leave your daughter locked up in a car speaks a lot. I won’t even talk about a sick child who was sick at night and her not wanting to ensure she was good!!!She doesn’t care. Anyhow, you will live to regret it if you don’t handle it now. It’s only what you allow though!! All the best…
Go while you can. … never gonna get better. And for God’s sake thankfully you didn’t agree to leave the child in car to go shopping. She should know better.!
Hello!!! I think you know the answer! Leave that relationship now!!!
Your girlfriend is disposable, your daughter is not! YOU are your child’s only advocate in this world, and it should be known (and she should understand) that your daughter DOES come first. How are you going to feel if one day she does cross that line and cps gets called and YOU loose your daughter. That baby should be your only choice.
Don’t walk away, RUN as fast as possible, your child should always be #1
Walk away ASAP, sounds like your not compatible at all. Go.
She is a narcissist and it will only get worse. If she is worried about sleep her ass could sleep somewhere else, but it’s your job to keep a close eye on that baby especially if she is sick. I say run girl. All she is trying to do is control you and your life. She is totally wrong by everything I’ve read
If she’s willing to leave your child in a car alone in front of you imagine what she does without you around. If this isn’t a person you can trust alone with your kid, this isn’t a person you should trust at all! You are the advocate for your child and as such it’s your job to make sure your child is safe and loved. Saying she loves your child and showing it are two different things and she’s waving those red flags up high
Those are textbook narcissistic behaviors. Let’s start with It’s illegal to leave a child in a car. Do you want to lose your child to CPS? Second, it’s far more important to sleep near your sick child than a grown a** (yet immature) woman. This is a sad situation. But you have the power to change that. You simply state how thing WILL be and if she cannot handle it, show her the door. It’s that simple. I was a single mom when I met my husband who was childless. He had ALL SORTS of ideas on how to raise a child. Then we had one together and low and behold, he finally had to admit he had no clue what he was doing! Imagine that. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but expect your girlfriend to walk rather than change. Someday you’ll reflect and be thankful the garbage took itself out.
Oh my God! These are MAJOR red flags. Get your daughter out of there! NOW! The car thing alone is absolutely outrageously careless and dangerous!!! You need to leave!!! 1000%
Girl leave. Seriously. Major major red flags. You seem like such a gentle loving person and she is walking all over you. I wouldn’t put it past her that one day she would do one of the horrible things she deems okay to your daughter. Don’t fight more and wait around for her to change, she won’t. And she sounds like she’s a narcissist and she might try and win you back with sweet lies and what you want to hear but i promise you nothing good will come from this. She will never change, she doesn’t think she needs to and never will. I’m sorry that’s hard to hear, but get out for you and your
Definitely time to either have a serious conversation or time to leave. But none of that is on behavior.
Time for you and baby to go. That girlfriend is not what you need.
The fact that you even have to ask that is a no Brainer. How the fuck you let some other person discipline your daughter asking you to side with her? NO MAAM get the fuck away from her now. Do you love your daughter cause it sounds to me ur more afraid of losing your gf over the love of your daughter. Man listen this shit made me tight.
Why are you still there. Time to go!
Wow girl. I’m not sure how this is even a question.
If anyone mistreated my child id be running for the hills. She has no issue spanking your child infront of you. What happens behind closed doors? Leave her in the car to go shopping? You’re kidding right…
Regardless of your feelings towards this woman… your child comes first. She is clearly immature and needs some anger management. Your baby girl doesn’t deserve to mistreated.
Your young and clearly have a good heart. Move on momma, save you and your baby.
Remove the child from around her. These are all red flags!.
Red Flags. Run. Things will only get worse.
Dude I wish someone would tell me to leave my son in the car ALONE so I can tell them how stupid they are. Uh no sounds like your girl needs to grow up. And sounds like you need to get her away from your baby.
Leave for your baby. It’s not about you right now.
She clearly isn’t arsed about your daughter she wants her needs met even tho she’s a grown ass woman but expects you to put your child’s needs second or not at all nah fu k that get out now before things get worse and you get trapped
Spanking! Oooh mama that’s a big no right there!! A lioness always protects her young from danger even if that person is your lover. Bite that bish and take yr little girl and leave
The age difference alone is the problem but she’s gaslight you. You better run
Your not crazy just a mom… you are her only protector if something feels off then it is… if she can’t change now while she is 2 how will she treat her when she is older…
You need to get out my littlest ones dad was like this. Its starts off the same its little comments and then it’s fighting. The next thing is they put their hands in you. This is typical narcissistic behavior and if it continues you will not be able to get out without a severe trauma bond
When it comes to our babies we as parents will protect and fight for them to the end! Say it with me girl! To the end!!
Leave!!! That is all…
The fact you’re writing this in a post you already know what you need to do…
Talk to a lawyer and prepare to leave. Maybe record some of the cruel and mean crap she does or says so it’s easier to get custody. That “mom” you are describing is NOT a mother
Why don’t you leave before something bad happens. You don’t need to live like that. Unless you don’t have no money, family and nowhere to go. But there is help out there for you.
Listen to your intuition. If something does not feel right then listen to your gut. There are lots of red flags in this situation and you need to protect your daughter. You are all she has ! And if your gf doesn’t realize that your daughter comes first then move on and find someone that does. Your mama instincts are kicking in so get you and your daughter out of there before it’s too late.
Got to love a bunch of fucked up people who can’t control the shit in their own lives giving advice to another person. That always goes well. Sweetheart you want good sound advice go see a professional, not these fucked up couch doctors who’s lives require more service and attention than your own. Do yourself a favor and ignore all that shit and go talk with a professional if you need sound advice
Oh sweet girl get out while you can! Everything you just mentioned clearly describes narcissistic tendencies.
Run!!! I was in a relationship with a guy for 7 years… I was just like you… my son was the devil and could do nothing right… now my son has PTSD and flinches even when I go to hug him…
It kills me and I regret the 7 years of hell… but all I can do is do my best to show my son he is ok
U need to protect your daughter she’s abusive to you and you little one she’s 2 yrs old and there will come a point where she can tell she’s being smacked an abused social will become involved and u could loose her I was in a situation with my ex he got removed for such behaviours take your child and get out u no it’s wrong to stay
There are so many red flags that a blind person can see them! Open your eyes & get away from her!
I mean this is why you should wait and fully know someone before bringing them around your child…but I would definitely talk to a counselor or therapist I wouldn’t be asking Facebook. You know your situation and yourself best. No one on here has a clue who you or your girlfriend are.
Shes not cut out to be a mom. You can and need to do better for your child. SO many red flags:triangular_flag_on_post:
If you’re child comes first then you already know what to do. Not that anyone’s truly ready to be a parent but she really really isn’t. And it’s not even that the part of her mindset being she’s always right it’s the part that her mindset doesn’t seem to have the best interest of your daughter.
Girl, are you serious? This woman is resentful and jealous of your child. Wake up. She isn’t going to change. You allowing this to continue is choosing her over your child.
Red Flags everywhere.
Like you said, you’d choose your daughter every day, choose her. She will get older and hear and see what’s going and start to think that that behavior in a relationship is normal. Do not create a cycle with your baby.
Choose your babies mental health, choose your mental health.
I promise you’ll find someone who love you and your daughter and will both give you the respect and compassion you both deserve.
A break up will only hurt you temporarily but if you continue to let this woman mess with your mental health, the long term affects are worse than the temporary heart ache you may feel when you leave.
Put your foot down and walk away. Your baby always comes first and is she out of her mind its ok to leave her in car by herself? That is never ever ok especially now a days. Child traffickers are everywhere. You and your daughter should move on and let this woman be.
You know what you need to do so just do it. You don’t need the internet telling you what you already know
R U N…and Don’t look back!
Are you joking pack your bags and get your daughter out of there
These are HUGE RED FLAGS. RUN. And don’t look back. I’m sorry but if she saw that baby as her she would not treat her like she does!!! And it’s not right to treat you and your daughter the way she does. There’s no compromise in your relationship it’s always her way. This is gonna get worse way way worse. She is belittling you with everything you do as a mother and person. I would NEVER IN MY LIFE LEAVE MY CHILD IN THE CAR. Ever. No real parent would want to leave their child in the car by themself. You have mothers instinct and you need to listen to it. The fact that you posted this , means you’re already worried and wanting to leave. Just understand it’s going to keep getting worse, and even more dangerous. From the way it sounds, she doesn’t really seem to care about that baby in my opinion. If my child is sick, I’m going to want to sleep in the same room as her. And I’m sorry but spanking doesn’t always work. I always used spanking as the very last**** resort. It’s not something you should just used 24/7 as punishment. And if she says “your” daughter instead of “our” then she doesn’t even look at her as her own. To me I think it’ll just get worse and she’ll end up taking everything out on that baby. Like your relationship is going to end up being dangerous for you and your daughter. I really hope you read this comment, bc if you don’t leave her it will get way way worse.
Put all the time and feelings for this woman aside…Think about your child and yourself…she nor you deserve that treatment. It has definitely been time for you to go. Red flags is an understatement she blatantly does not respect you and if you chose to deal that would be your right, but you should have no right to allow anyone to ever mistreat your baby girl. You are her only protection and she should be your only thought. GET YOUR BABY AWAY FROM HER NOW!!
Get out…Love does not hurt in any form
Get rid, my ex gf was the same, she seen my kids as a Inconvenience, she would say and do alot of the things you’ve mentioned bar smacking my children as she knew from day dot that’s not how I teach my children but even at one time trying to turn my own kids against me, she would be nice to my older lads and utter horrible to my youngest daughter, in the end before we split she admitted the life I had with my kids wasn’t for her, she sounds like a narcissist and controlling and wants you to herself and the baby is a hindrance to her life, be very careful who you let bring up your baby with you, the mental scars will stay with them
I think they are very big red flags!! I don’t think she sounds like the right person for you and your daughter I feel like eventually it will blow up and she will be spiteful and try to hurt you both because she will thinking her head that somehow she is Justified. I didn’t like some of the things you said but when she said leave your daughter in the car that is actually a crime!
Uh…just leave? Also feel free to teach her with her own mind set. I’d slap the shit out of her if she ever touched my child.
You need to leave for your mental health and for your daughter. You don’t need your daughter seeing how she is and treats you because then she will grow up and treat other that same way. Leave before it’s to late.
1st your child comes 1st. 2nd your girlfriend needs a reality check. 3rd yall should be on the same page as parenting. 4th mever ever leave your kid in the car whether its for a less than a minute or more. So many kids have died that way or police comes and takes your child away. Forget everything i said. Leave the girlfriend bc no one should suggest that you leave your child in the car. Sounds like the girlfriend is not in her right mind.
Yeah, no. You don’t have to always agree on everything, you’re different people with different perspectives and that’s ok, helpful even to have access to different points of view (2 heads are better than 1). That said, to be partners in life, you do have to be on the same page as far as big life decisions. Things like where you want to live, perhaps career paths, and definately how many and how you raise your children.
I’m with you 100% on spanking, I never have, mine are 10 and 14 and on god we don’t argue, don’t fight over bedtimes, they understand why the rules are what they are and choose to follow them bc they understand undesirable consequences. Hitting only teaches that violence is an acceptable solution to others not behaving as we want. I think it’s lazy, and only for those who lack the intellectual fortitude to explain to a child why they shouldn’t want to engage in a particular activity or behavior. I personally never had an issue.
Sounds like your partner values the satisfaction of feeling vindicated more than the health of your relationship. It’s immature, rooted from not wanting to feel the percieved/ self inflicted embarrassment of being wrong. You can trust it will continue on the child as they age. It will harm their confidence. Kids need to see their parents admit when they’re wrong to learn it’s ok.
Everyone has a list of acceptable behaviors, their moral code, and your character is reflected by it. If leaving a 2yo in the car made her list, what else is on there that shouldn’t be?
Leave this is gaslighting its a form of emotinal abuse and its the reason you feel crazy when your totally not. Yoir compleatly right in everything you’re saying put you and your baby first xx
The fact that she is should jealousy and resentment towards your child should be all the more reason to leave and not even have to think to ask peoples opinions. If your Child comes first then you should already know the answer. There is so many red flags and the fact of the matter is regardless if she is mad or not that doesn’t call for her to be the way she is towards your daughter and you.
I’m sure you love your daughter, but so far this IS you choosing your girlfriend over her. Even if she’s “good with her” when she’s in a good mood the shitty moods are going to slowly chip away at your daughter in ways you may not even see until it’s too late, not to mention that you’re showing her this is how an adult relationship is supposed to work. If you want to avoid irreparable damage (or at least not repairable without some serious therapy) and the possibility of your daughter ending up in a similar relationship when she’s an adult, you need to leave. Not talk, not fight, not “stick it out”; leave and don’t look back.
Bro that’s your kid. The kid always comes first. But don’t listen to people on Facebook. Do what YOU think is right
Go to couples therapy if you want to fix it or leave. It’s your choice
I would say she probably doesn’t care for your child. I would really think about everything. And how she treats your baby.
You should never be worried about saying that your child comes first. You need to have boundaries with how she acts and treats your baby. If not than she thinks she can do whatever she wants. If you’re having a hard time communicating than get some counseling and see where that takes you.
Get out now!! She should know your daughter comes first!! ALWAYS!!
Leave her before is to late and she hurts your daughter when you are not there to protect her. I wouldn’t trust her with my kids.
Your daughter deserves better. The fact that she got so mad/annoyed because your child was sick and you didn’t want to leave her, to me red flag. My babies come first always. I will tell you that to your face. If she wanted her undisturbed sleep so bad she’s grown enough to go sleep by herself. Who the heck suggests leaving your child in the car? I can’t even wrap my head around that stupidity.
You need out of that relationship. For your sake and your daughters. Do you want her to grow up and think that’s the kind of relationships she should have?
This is abusive and she isn’t the right person to handle your child. You tell her ‘this is my child, she is number one, and if you can’t agree with MY parenting, you don’t need to Parent MY CHILD.’ My husband is a step dad and he fully understands my POV and works hard to understand it
Mama. Your baby always comes first. Always! She and you deserves someone that respects and loves her just as much as they do you.
She isn’t going to change. If anything she will get worse. Only terrible people suggest leaving 2 year olds in the car alone. Get out of that situation. Your daughter deserves better.
Leave. Your daughter is who’s most important and first priority.
How on earth are you going to coparent with a person you define ‘her way or the high way’?
The fact she wanted to leave a 2-year-old baby in a car by herself and got mad because you wouldn’t go along with it wasn’t a deal-breaker for you??? Girl, you better get yo’ life and get the hell on… F*ck her you’ll meet someone else
I think you know the answer
Ok first of all your daughter needs you in her life . No one should spank her accept you if you feel the need to spank. You are human as well and deserve to get rest and sleep comfortably as well. People say they love your child as their own, but action speaks louder than words. You’re young and you have to look out for yourself and your baby always!! There is the age difference of course it shouldn’t matter but it seems like y’all have a different opinion of her wanting to spank your child. Truthfully you are being emotionally abused by the gf she’s questioning your parental skills. So that’s another form of abuse mental abuse. If you don’t get out of that relationship it could be toxic to you and your child! Mental and physical abuse leads to so much more! There are so many red flags already! I’m my eyes and heart no one deserves to be treated that way! Prayers stay positive and move forward with your life without all that drama!
You know as well as we do you dont.need an answer. You already have one you are just chosen to look over it. Please get away from this woman she isnt good for your child and it is your responsibility to protect your child.
If she hits the child she deserves to be charged with child abuse, your causing some damage to ur daughter ffs, who cares what your gf wants, u need to get your child in a safe place
Keep your daughter safe & leave …
Ma’am I think you already know what to do. These are major red flags. I think that you need to leave or be in a relationship we’re the other person knows that you and your daughter are a package deal. You are your child’s advocate to stick up for her when she can’t for herself. The leaving her in the car was a major NO NO, you know that and the fact that she would even suggest something like that is crazy. I understand this was at night but anything can happen not to mention you could go to jail or possible loose your daughter, you should ask yourself are you willing to risk her just to be with this girl. If She’s willing to suggest that to you then imagine what she might be doing with or too your daughter when your not around. Smh, I personally think you need to make those threats a reality and move on with your life. She doesn’t seem to have you and your daughter’s best interest at heart. Please don’t settle in a relationship just to be with someone. A person needs to be compatible to you and your daughter and loving. I don’t mean to seem harsh but I have a 2 year old daughter and that relationship would have been ended for me. Know you and your daughters worth, her behavior is unacceptable to me.
Get rid if her and leave! Kids always come first
Your daughter should be the MOST IMPORTANT thing in your life…leaving her in the car alone would have need the deal breaker for me! I think uk what u need to do…there shouldn’t even be a question about it