She’s a loser… why is it even a question? She is basically begging you to be an unfit parent… seems like she treats you like a child in its own. Your to young to sit around and let some treat you and your daughter so poorly… LEAVE!
omg i didnt read all of this but you need to leave with your child
If my husband told me I come before our children… Bye! I’d never be wkrh someone who doesn’t love his babies more then a woman. If she can’t reason with you, listen to your concerns… That there is a red flag!
Red flags, red flags, RED FLAGS!!! I’ve dated women and they are the worst! YOUR child, YOUR rules ma’am. You should look into moving and getting out of the relationship. She’s not going to change and she obviously expects to be put before your own child which is mot fair to you or your child. Save yourself what sanity you have left and leave!
Leave her. It will be hard at first but it will be the best decision for you and your child.
Leave. That’s all I’ma say
Sorry but leave
She says she loves your child like her own but her actions and words literally say otherwise. Or if that’s how she would do her own child that’s pretty fuqked up. You and your child deserve better. I would not trust my daughter alone with her. After all she has shown you that is a disaster waiting to happen. Please think long and hard and listen to your body you already know you should leave otherwise you wouldn’t be here asking for help. You are not the bad guy for leaving you are the exact opposite. You said you will always choose your child then prove it because things typically get worse not better. Leaving can be hard but it’s the right thing to do for your baby.
If you have to ask if this is a red flag, your instincts are already telling you. Your girlfriend is giving control vibes. Children cannot fend for themselves yet, so your daughter depends on you totally. The child comes first. If your girl can’t understand that, she has to go.
Happiness is Mandatory
Your daughter is you only priority an she should understand that
Your child should always be your first priority. If she cannot accept that and also do it then you don’t need her in your life. Honestly all I see are red flags! Leave now!
The fact that youre asking, means you already know what you need to do. Get out before your daughter can really understand whats going on and be manipulated and gaslit the same way.
Hi sweety I am so sorry to tell you this but you are in very toxic relationship. You and your daughter should feel safe and loving and both parents always shoud consider child safety First.
I now how hard its finish relationship even if we still loving that person but for your and your daughter safety physically and mentally you must be strong for both of you and leave.Trust me your child growing up with that toxic relations will need a lot of support in the future and you are responsible for her future right now.
Soon you will be able to find kind,loving,Smart and beautiful soul like you to growing child together .Wishing you all the Best.
Wtf, you really have to ask Facebook ??? Choose you baby and walk away !!! Swear people stay in relationships thinking of picking love u til their significant other hurts their child… for DUMBBBB
Leave…she is too controlling and you and ur baby need to be in a better/safe environment
This person is not good for you or your child. I don’t care what they say to you, their actions prove they do not care for your child the same way as you do, like, just no. Make yourself a plan for you and baby. Grab bags, have all the important papers(birth certificates, social security cards, etc) need to be in a separate area, Ibwas able to sneak my son’s and mine out to my mother’s on a very rare occasion I was allowed to leave with minimal argument. It’s rough but it can be done as it has been for millennia.
I’ll always pick my kids over anyone!! And anybody that expects you to do different can go to hell!
Na put ur kiddo safety first. Run fast
My God! You need to use your mind or if you have one! Show her the door and give her the boot. This way or the highway hyperbolic phrase does not go very far in my mind. She needs to grow up and get her priorities straight.
Leave!! Your daughter deserves better.
She’s going to end up hurting your child. Better leave now.
Pack your things and your daughters and leave. The fact she is willing to leave a child in a car alone while they sleep tells me she don’t really care no matter how you look at it. There is so much wrong with what you have said. Being a parent is hard as hell even if you have someone. Asking you to leave ur child alone when sick so she could sleep in peace is wrong on so many levels as well. Your daughter needs you and you to be happy. You may think your happy with her but if your asking about red flags you know what you need to do. Leave her. If you have family close ask to stay with them til u can save enough money to get your own place. Being a single parent will be hard at first til you find the balance but in the end you and child will be better off. You don’t want your child growing up in that situation as she will think it’s ok to control there s/o the way she did you.
Ever considered how your girlfriend treats your baby girl when you are not around?? Scary RUN
Leave her she’s toxic and abusive. Your daughter first always and you should tell her and no it’s your daughter not Hers! And she should not ever lay a hand on your daughter regar of your relationship status
Girl ~ you have To Stand You Ground, when it comes to your little girl There’s only one of her! Your young you can move on and find someone else!
Put that baby first. IDC about the rest.
You will severely regret your decision in the future if you don’t leave now!!! And I say that by experience! That child will have psychological problems in the future and all thanks to u because u didn’t do what parents are supposed too which is protect our children. PLEASE don’t keep wasting your time. Go and go now before it is too late!!! That is YOUR child and no one else has a right to lay their hands on her!!!
Your little girl should be the priority in this relationship and if the stupid girlfriend of yours can’t understand that what are you waiting for for her to hurt your little girl run as fast as you can throw her to the curve
You’re wanting to stay with someone who clearly can’t parent and suggested leaving your daughter alone in the car to shop… if you don’t leave, you’re putting your daughter in danger by having someone around her like that. She sounds like psychotic, if you do choose your daughter over this woman, then it’s time to do it for real and kick her ass to the curb.
I’m extremely against physical discipline, in my opinion it’s the only way an impatient irresponsible person would react to a child. Stop trying to fix things that aren’t fixable, a person will not change, they will always remain the same. Do yourself and your daughter a favor, especially for her safety.
It sounds like the ages should be reversed, you are way more mature than her and she isn’t ready to be a parent, your daughters safety comes first. If she acts that way with you there, what would she do without you there?
Leave now … it will only get worse
You shouldn’t have to ask this question! Your child comes FIRST!!!
I usually would say counseling, but real shit leave! I am 32 and I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND TO LEAVE A 2YR ALONE IN A CAR NO MATTER IF LOCKED OR NOT! THE GETTING MAD BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO BE BY YOUR DAUGHTER WHO WAS CLEARLY SICK IN SOME WAY IS HORRIBLE!! I was with my son last week because of a cold he had. He is 10! I would never leave him in a car alone! He has asked me to and I have said no. You are doing things right, but she is making dangerous choices which show she doesnt care about your daughter. Take your daughter and go! It may be tough but after time you will see how better things get. Your daughter is number 1!
She wants you to pick her over your child it sounds like it run for the hills if I were you my kids come before anyone period
Move on. Save your money and get your own place
She is very immature and doesn’t have you or your Daughters interest at heart she sounds selfish at her age there is no room for change and pretty soon you will feel obligated to bend to her will and then you will be like her !!! Move on for the sake of your Daughter !!!
Leave it will only get worse
Seems like she doesn’t really care for you child! Anyone who did wouldn’t make those comments ever especially leaving her in the car alone at 2! That’s just crazy! And they especially wouldn’t say your child was annoying when she was coughing because obviously that’s not something she can control. I’d leave… or at least sit her down and tell her it needs to change instantly or you’ll move on because no one should mistreat your child! That child comes before both of you and she needs to see that!
Your child always comes first. Yes major red flags, especially wanting to leave in car, that’s illegal, and having no sympathy for a sick 2 yr old she could sleep on couch alone someone has to take care of baby. I would dump her ass and get a sane partner.
She is gaslighting you.
The biggest flag was to leave your daughter in a car unattended!
That can get you arrested and your daughter put in foster care for neglect.
And, run now!
Girl, LEAVE! She isn’t going to change and is showing some major abusive behavior. Don’t stick around and let it get worse. It might hurt to leave, but it is the right decision. Your heart and feelings will heal in time.
I would leave, you can and will find someone who will treat you and your daughter better. I would NEVER consider leaving my sleeping child or any young child in a car alone while I went shopping… I feel your gf is stuck in a life of being a single woman with no children, if she can’t change for you and your daughter it’s time to tell her to hit the road.
Leave your child comes first Your gf Is insane for suggesting to keep your daughter in the car while the both of you do shopping alone. It’s only 1 kid you guys can wake her up or do shopping another day.
i would suggest that she gets help,for self,and leaving a two old in a locked caris a nono ,someone see her in there welfare would be there so quick,she be put in to foster care quicker then yu winking a eye.
It’s time for you to LEAVE! Do say just go. Make a plan. If you don’t have anywhere to go you can go to a shelter for abused women and children. They will help you get on your feet. PLEASE GO BEFORE YOUR DAUGHTER GETS SERIOUSLY HURT.
No girl,
Run run run
I was in this situation. I could only do it for a month, when we were dating everything was fine but once we moved in my son wasn’t even allowed on our bed as if he were an animal.( he was 3)
I’m telling you girl,
It seems hard now but once you make your decision to walk away it is going to be one your most proud of. You will see how much your baby advances without all that negative toxic shit.
One, that’s a controlling narcissist in its finest. Two, your daughter is priority in any relationship. Three, don’t be push over. Now is the time to stand your ground. Tell her like it is and if she can’t accept that, then maybe it’s time to live separately or just move on. Your partner is important yes. But as an adult she needs to be just as much of a supporting compassionate patent as you are. She’s showing jealousy and wants you to herself. So put your foot down. If she can’t accept it then move on.
Leave. The fact she was ok leaving your kid alone in the car said enough.
We can still love people that are abusive to us. Especially young children and animals. I’m not anti spanking. To each their own in that department. It does sound like your gf isn’t good for you or your daughter and you should get counseling together or break it off.
Sounds like gaslighting to me… this behavior sounds like it’s on the path to becoming worse… just be mindful and stay present about it so you can have clarity when the time comes when her behavior is no longer tolerable and you do finally leave
Buuuuuuuuh bye.
Your gf is a horrible person. MAJOR red flags. Definitely an abusive nature, both towards you and your daughter. Don’t become another Gabby- get you and your daughter out of that situation NOW. This person sounds like a pot about to boil over. Please be safe
Sweetheart RED FLAG RUN,IMMEDIATELY, DISSAPEAR(You owe her nothing,not even an explanation)You have to leave & have no further contact(she would only make you/guilt trip you/coerce you into staying, when no matter how much you might love her (or she says she loves you), you & your precious daughter are being abused,RED FLAG,This abuse WILL continue & get worse RED FLAG, PLEASE,Believe me when I say, nothing will ever change,RED FLAG I’m sorry,but it can’t change,RED FLAG she can’t change RED FLAG, YOU will have to be strong,but you can do this,you will be alone RED FLAG & feel lonely REDFLAG,but that will be good for you & your baby girl to bond together without any interference/advice/opinions from anybody, you know it is wrong to leave your child alone in a car,RED FLAG or anywhere else RED FLAG,You know it’s your job to be with &care for your baby,always,but especially when they are unwell,RED FLAG anyone who disagrees, RED FLAG,is a child abuserRED FLAG,Anyone who makes you choose between them &your child is an abuser,RED FLAG,ANYONE who chooses ANYONE over their own child or anyone else’s CHILDRESS FLAG ,IS AN ABUSER, RED FLAG,You know what you have to do,I hope &pray you will do the right thing,I am sending you lots of love,light & strength to get through this difficult time & the times ahead of you,make you’re daughter lucky to have you for her mum, she probably won’t remember or ever be thankful,but if you do what you have to do, you will both be happy & safe,there is somebody out there, who will love & respect you both & would never dream of making you choose between them and your girl because they wouldn’t want to be with a woman who would allow someone to disrespect them or their child that way.GOOD LUCK,BE STRONG:purple_heart:
Just leave sounds like your girlfriend is a narcissistic jerk you are walking your relationship into a abusive relationship your baby dont need to see you go thru that get out before it gets worse So yourself your worth and be gone
WALK AWAY NOW! You are being emotionally abused & manipulated. Do not leave your daughter alone with her!
At the end of the day, yes you are both “raising” your daughter, but that is YOUR daughter. You allowing the arguments and going back and forth not only shows that you may be giving into certain things but also shows your daughter that this type of relationship is okay to have. You need to take YOUR daughter and leave. From what you’ve given us, cuz let’s face it, this is only one sided and your feelings, which are COMPLETELY valid, things will not change and it will get worse as your daughter ages. Be that girls mother and give both of you a better life than this other woman is willing to give you both.
Get the hell out! Just because you are two women does not mean that that is not domestic violence heading that way.
First I would move out. Find a place for yourself and your daughter. My mom always kept our home our safe place no one that she was dating. Then you can give her am ultimatum seek counseling or the relationship is over. Protect the child first. Our children depend on us 100% and nothing is worth risking there life for. Relationships come and go but our children are our future and that must be protected 100%!
Why is she spanking your daughter? You don’t want that so why it is being done. Stop allowing her to do what she wants to your child… your child your rules.
Get out while your baby is young children are resilient and she will be fine and so will you, she clearly isn’t the right one, when it’s right you don’t have any issues
Leave!! Leave and NEVER go back!! It’s gonna get so much worse, you may end up with no child please LEAVE!!
As a mom to a child whom my now wife is about to adopt my advice simply is: if anyone thinks for one second they come before your child. You politely tell them to fuck right off and leave. My wife tells everyone my daughter comes first before everyone and everything to both of us. Not healthy for you or your child. You’re young find someone who treats you BOTH right!
please leave and seek help❤️
Put your foot down and walk away… you and your daughter deserve better and 2 years is to long of the same repeated actions
LEAVE NOW! Your girlfriend sounds like a total narcissist she’s trying to make you feel guilty for making YOUR daughter a priority her behavior is showing you she does not love nor care for your child the way she says she does don’t forget you are your little ones biggest advocate.
Leave, she is a 31 year old woman who is stuck in her ways and will not change. Get our now or suffer. She will not change!
Huge red flags. She is gaslighting you and trying to convince you to neglect your child, and then making you feel guilty for saying no.
Tell her you pick your child over her and watch her reaction and let that be your answer…
Leave her your daughter should come first your daughter deserves a happy home and so do you.
Get out! I just left a 13 yr marriage for similar behavior.
You need to leave hun she sounds like a narrisst. She sounds like she now is wanting to harm your daughter. Get out now, the fact that she’s wanting to leave your girl in the car and say that’s fine is BS. Kids die that way. Get your daughter out of there before she does something to really hurt her
You’re not wrong at all she is raising some huge red flags. If you don’t want to leave right away, I think you two should try family counseling. I say family because this also included your daughter. Of that doesn’t work out THEN RUN. You are doing what a good mama is supposed to do but don’t ignore these flags girl because it’s only going to get worse as she gets older.
I think you already know the answer hun…it’s time to go…
Leave her! Especially if she’s willing to put your kid in danger. She sounds very rude. Why are you even with her? What keeps you with her.
Major red flags! If she acts this way when ur around how do she act when your not there to say no?!?
Leave. It’s going to get worse. She might even hurt your daughter
Kick her ass to the curb it will only get worse at your baby girls expense & yours . You are to young to be tied down to someone like that . Best wishes Hun .
Any one who would suggest leaving a 2yr old unattended for any reason should not be anywhere near a child and the fact that shes trying to make you feel guilty about not doing that is disturbing. Think about how terrible you would feel if God forbid something happened to your daughter because you listened to your girlfriend. The pain from that would be far worse than the heartbreak from a bad relationship. You and your daughter deserve better!!!
Go back and read your own post. Then imagine someone else wrote it. There’s your answer. The fact that you even question should be the answer. Just leave and take time to be with YOUR daughter.
Please don’t leave your daughter alone with her! Im sure She’s nice to your daughter in front of you but you don’t know what happens when you’re not there. The fact that she sees your daughter as a competitor for your love is a major red flag. Pack your stuff and choose your daughter please
She not going to change. Your child needs you and to be safe.
Time to go especially after the whole leave her in the car while we shop. That is ridiculous and nothing will change her mind of it’s my way or the highway so it will just get worse and more fighting will happen so just leave while you can.
It’s just the beginning. She will NOT CHANGE
Take your babygirl and go.
Maybe try counseling but after you leave.
Show yourself how you would raise your daughter
You don’t know what she’s like when your not there😔
Walk away honey. It’s YOUR daughter. There are so many red flags with this. I’m sorry but it’s time to move on. Your kid always comes before your S/O. It’ll hurt but you will strive without her.
Your going to do what you want which is your choice but don’t be in a habit of collecting flags.
Manipulation, gaslighting, all mentally abusive tactics. Get. Out. Now.
That’s a recipe for disaster…you and your baby should leave ASAP…the car scenario alone is enough for me to tell you honey take your baby and leave
Take it from someone recently out of a similar situation…walk away! She will never change and your and your baby deserve better then that!
I know there’s an age difference but honestly that shouldn’t matter - speak up and let her know you will always choose your daughter first. That is your priority commitment . Secondly, she is very controlling and manipulative and these are all red flags. You and your daughter deserve better
The well being of your child comes first. That’s it. You need to leave. She sounds like she wants all your attention on her and for your daughter to be put on the back burner. It sounds very narcissistic.
One more thing if she feels like your choosing your child over her grown ass " as you should" her narcissistic behavior is only going to get worst by the week and next she is going to want you too abandon your baby.
You can meet some amazing people on that highway she refers to.
Your child is top number 1 ALWAYS. You need to leave her. Nobody should be putting hands on someone else’s child period. I wouldn’t put up with it.
Leave her. If not you are only betraying your little girl. Eventually your girlfriend will go off on your 2 year old. Please get out
Your child should always come first before any spouse
You know what you need to do… Before it’s too late…
RUN!!! MAJOR RED FLAGS. If you have to question it, you already know your answer!!
Major Get out while you can. This is narcissistic, manipulative, and controlling behavior. Please leave for the sake of your baby girl, and your sanity!
She sounds like a narcissist and you need to exit before it gets worse.
Your partner should consider your feelings not just disregard them and say you’re too sensitive. When it comes to your daughter she’s going to remember how mean your girlfriend is and it’s going to hurt her heart and she will be better off if it’s just you and her. Kids need reassurance and talking to her kindly (like you do) is going to help her a whole lot more that getting yelled at and spanked. If there is no compromise and it’s always her way or the Highway so how is your opinion going to be valid if you’re “always wrong” it’s not healthy and I bet you could love your daughter better without your girlfriend being hateful and negative because you love your child more than anything in the world and she’s jealous. She’s doesn’t need to be in your daughters life if she wants you to love her more than you love your kid.
Walk, run because two people are being destroyed emotionally and that’s you and your daughter. When you are with a healthy person these things don’t go on. A person who loves you and your daughter wouldn’t behave this way. You’re are living in a very Toxic environment which really bad. No more excuses. Go get help so you will not end up with another person like her. You daughter deserves to be in a loving home. You will not regret your decision.
You want to be treated like that then stay but if not leave
Ur kid ur rules. U birthed her u keep her. Fuck ur girlfriend she belongs in the trash. So get ur shit together and save ya money and leave that B in the dust. Ur kids are ALWAYS #1